• Published 30th Sep 2018
  • 5,218 Views, 153 Comments

An Alagaësia Dragon - Silverwolfdemon

I was at work one day, cleaning up to go home when I found this plushy, now I'm a Dragon in a magical land. Wonder how my boss is going to like this?

  • ...


Dragon Story Ch.2

Stopping in the station the thought of me being Saphira came to mind, I mean am I Saphira, a dragon that looks like the one in the books? And then which Saphira? One or two? Bah, what is up with my brain, is it because I’m smaller, an Infant? Why am I an Infant? Couldn’t I have been I don’t know an adult?

Well, a two-year-old dragoness would be fun, but then I would have to learn how an adult body works. Gah, so much thinking?! I was a cook, I work with food...well chemical reaction and mathematical formulas do count as higher learning, and I did have a Bachelors in the Culinary Arts. Fuck, I miss college, and I was planning on moving on to getting my Masters when I had the money to try to go for it, sure it would have taken me out of work for a bit, but my boss agreed with the decision! FUCK! I can’t cook now, five years of my life and skill are useless now!

“You sure she’s an animal?” Celestia asked Starswirl.

“She hasn’t spoken.” He said.

“I’m an Infant you boob!” I snarled at him.

When did Saphira start talking with her mind? How do I do that? More questions, great I’m going to be asking a lot those in the next few hours, aren’t I?

“Okay, let’s deal with, am I Saphira or just an Alastaesian Dragon? I look like the Movie version and the Swedish cover version, so in turn, yes and no, I’m Saphira, but not. I believe I was turned into an Alastaesian Dragon, sure, but being a true Saphira no. I mean the movie was fucking crap so I will not accept that like her and also the original Cover would trump all other versions as the author dictated it. But then all the other covers from him had similar dragons with different colors.” I huffed in thought as the Train stopped.

“Sister, I’m glad you found our mentor and…” I heard before there was a squee and I was picked up in blue hands. “Have you brought home a pet!”

“She wouldn’t leave Starswirl.” Celestia chuckled at the offending mare as she interrupted my thoughts.

“I found her on mount Canterhorn.” The old man told her I looked upon a blue mare with stary hair and green eyes. She had a younger look to Celestia, who had a curvy body, while she was a slim and athletic body.

“Put me down!” I snarled at her snapping my jaw. She chuckled at me as she cradles me in her arms.

“Does she have a name yet?” The mare asked.

“No Luna, we just found her mere hours ago,” Celestia told her as I wiggled in her surprisingly strong arms.

“Oooh, can I name her!” Luna said bouncing about making me feel dizzy.

“I’m Anthony!” I yelled out

“Hmm, Ember? Or Cynder?” She suggested. Well, it’s not a direct copy of the Saphira then, but quite kinda names to recommend for a dragon.

“Those seem like straightforward names Sister.” Celestia chuckled as I was carried into the town by the blue mare as the three walked me into the medieval-like town. Thatched roofs, stone walls, little-advanced engineering. The most advanced building was the Keep and Fortress. Most of the colors in the place were gray and yellow, with the rare white build that had plaster on it, which seemed like a feat for the owners.

Luna was still babbling on about me, which I couldn’t care less now that she stopped swinging me about like some toy. I figure I must at least be an Alastaesian Dragon if nothing else. I’m not calling myself Saphira at least.

So am an Alastaesian Dragon, one the looks like Saphira, but may or may not be her. I mean well I didn’t give Star Swirl a Gedwey Ignasia on his hand which tells me I’m a wild Alastaesian Dragon or it’s the simple fact that there is no pact made with horse people. Maybe if I met a human or elf...maybe, but these ponies wouldn’t be in the Pact, and unless I find an Urgal and Dwarf here. Well not likely to happen, but hey, there’s anthro ponies so who knows!

“Cynder then!” Luna exclaimed as I was thrust into the air like a puppy. “You’re Cynder!”

“Greeeeaaaat,” I said trying to give her a flat look. Can’t wait to figure out the mind talking thing, don’t know how they’ll react to me talking with my mind by touching there’s though. Thoughts for later, need to pee. “Put me down!” I yelped out.

“I think she likes it!” Luna squeed hugging me close as I tried getting out of her grasp to heed the call of nature as we entered the Keep of the fortress. “Oh this is just marvelous a new pet, and she’s one of a kind!”

“Luna, she’s not a pet.” Star Swirl huffed at her. “Try not to spoil her.”

“We would never,” Luna said sounding offended as she wrangled with my wiggling body.

“Remember fluffies?” Celestia commented with a raised brow. “He was overweight in a week.”

“Indeed.” Star Swirl nodded before taking me out of Luna’s grasp. “Sorry, but I rather not leave her with you.” He told her snidely, narrowing his eyes at her in skepticism.

“I won’t overfeed her! Dragons age slowly anyways!” She huffed as I decided just to let my bladder go.

“What...dammit.” He grumbled before teleporting us somewhere.

I looked around seeing we were in a garden in the Keep. It had trees similar to those in the forest and a few birds flying about, but no other animals. I could smell another Garden just a few areas away full of animals but didn’t have a reference where.

“The Enchanted Garden should do, good thinking mentor, she won’t be able to harm the others we have brought under our care!” Luna said with a smile.

Great, a gilded cage.

“Luna.” Celestia scolded. “Those animals are injured, and we will send them back out when they have healed and ready to return to the wild, they are not pets.”

“And why did you both bring her?” Luna asked looking a bit miffed at her sister.

“Because she wouldn’t let Star Swirl go, and she was alone on a cold mountaintop,” Celestia explained.

“Not to mention, you would lock her up in a cage.” Star Swirl remarked. “I only brought her out here to do her business.” He said, putting me down as I ran into the bushes.“After that I’m taking her to the bathroom, to clean her up and wash my robes.”

“Ew,” Luna said with a look of disgust as I rushed into a bush to well heed nature.

“I thought she looked uncomfortable in Luna’s arms.” Celestia sighed.

“Yes, and I probably should’ve left her with Luna at that time.” Star Swirl snorted.

“Mentor!” Luna cried out in anger.

I ignored them as I finished and noticed a mouse scurrying about looking for food. I felt my belly growl as I tried to stalk it. Creeping as quietly as I could I walked around the mouse to get at it’s back, feeling sick I was thinking about this, but something in my head said I needed meat. I was compelled to follow it was looked the small brown animal over, noticing my sight had much more colors in it than humans, ultraviolet and infrared, along with the visible light spectrum. Humans had.

The mouse itself was glowing faintly red with light bouncing off it fur giving it a blue-purple hue. I blinked as I figured out I could mentally lessen how much I saw. One blink my vision shifted utterly Infrared, another ultraviolet, and the last would be plan visible light, what I was used to. The other light spectrums would be useful for hunting from the air, along with the more exceptional detail I had.

“She’s taking a bit. Should we check on her?” Luna asked making the mouse go on alert and scurry away. I huffed before giving chase out from under the bush and through their feet.

“Looks like she’s hungry again.” Star Swirl said as they watched me.

“She didn’t eat the gems in the train?” Luna asked.

“She doesn’t seem to eat Gems. She bit on one in the train, and I was about to rip her off it. She gave a disgusted look and just looked out the window. I think she’s barely days old, but she is not like Draco-kin we’ve encountered before.” Celestia explained.

“That is strange?” Luna said looking confused.

“I think she might be a new breed of dragon?” Star Swirl theorized.

“Truly?” Luna said as I lost the mouse to a hole in the wall.

“Get back here!” I huffed trying to get my head or claws into the hole as the mouse disappeared into walls.

“Maybe.” Star Swirl said before picking me back up. “For now, though, we’ll wait and see. Come on, you. Let’s wash up.” He told me.

I huffed and snarled, angry I couldn’t get my prey. “I’m hungry!” I huffed.

He sighed as he teleported us into a bathroom, one that was probably his own.

“She’s upset now.” Celestia chuckled as she used magic to help him get me into the bathtub. The room itself looks almost modern if it wasn’t for the bucket for a loo, and bucket for a sink. The water in the metal tub was nice and hot as they scrubbed me with soap. The soap smelled of vanilla as they rubbed it all over me.

“ACH!” I gagged as they rubbed it all over my face.

“Hold still little one, you need to be clean,” Celestia told me.

“I don’t need soap in my mouth!” I yelled out to them as scrubbed me off.

“Remember to get behind her horns. I know dragons at least get fungus back there if they don’t clean there.” Starswirl said as he back up to take some note.

“My Saliva could clean me too! Did I just think that?!” I gagged as splashed in the water, trying to do the doggy paddling in Celestia magic.

“She is just so Adorable!” Luna squeed, ‘helping’ out bypass over more scented soap. “I wonder how big she’ll get!”

“The size of mountains and your dreadful soap bath will be the first crushed under my mighty feet, you tormentors!” I yelled as I got my head back over the water after Celestia dunked me to rinse the soap off.

I huffed as I was dried off and then taken into a library above the bathroom. Starswirl started muttering about needing to learn what I ate and all though, and how long my life was. He was mainly concerned about how big I could get. I chuckled him thinking I would be a small mount.

I jumped up a table in the room using my wings to aid me as I browsed the books. Finding one with a simple light spell was easy enough, taking note Starswirl was using it to help explain Celestia connection to the sun. Looking over the pages, I got a conventional understanding of the spell that was written over them.

Inhaling to try and feel for that strange power from the train car again, I grabbed ahold of it and invoked the Light spell. Starswirl spotted me and rushed to me, thinking I was going to try eating the book, till a ball of light formed between my horns stunning him and the two mares. I swiveled my head to try and see the spell as I was pleased to have been able to cast it.

“She learned a spell? Mentor...how intelligent is she?” Luna said blinking in shocked as moved the ball of light around, playing with it and barely feeling the drain on my life like the books had. I mean I felt a drain from using the spell to start with, but the world itself kept it going, once cast I didn’t need to exert much more power for a simple spell.

Scurrying over to a more complex spellbook, I noted harder to cast spells in these books for it would take much more of a toll on me. Spell that would let me cast destructive powers would simple and cost-effective it I just cast basics, but more complex spells such as pillars of fire would drain me fast.

“Far more than an animal should be. Cynder might not be a feral Draco-kin like we thought.” Celestia muttered as she looked at me in interest as I turned off the light spell feeling another drain on me. So the initial cast and the shut off draws power from my being. Good to keep in mind.

“My thoughts exactly.” Star Swirl nodded with a hum.

I jumped to another table to see if I could find another spellbook as Luna blinked, still in shock. I tried giving a happy sound as I saw a spell that allowed me to levitate objects. Focusing on a feather pen I tried casting the spell knowing it would have a constant drain on me, Get the spell to start was easy, but I quickly had to drop the pen as the spell drained my magic and energy quickly.

“She doesn’t seem to have much regarding magical reserves though. But she is an infant.” Celestia commented.

“Hmmm, yes, training her would be best. Celestia, Luna, I think you have your first student.” The Old Man told them. I blinked in shock at what he said as I felt very drained now, even sleepy. “For now, this youngling need sleep. I’ll let her sleep here till we find better accommodation for her.”

“But Mentor!” Luna said in shocked at the decision they would be teaching me magic as I yawned on the book showing off my tiny sharp teeth.

“You both wanted to prove to me you didn’t need to have my teachings anymore. Best way to show me, teach someone else,” he told them as I started dozing off. “Now go prepare your curriculum. And don’t start with the advanced stuff. Go light and pace her teachings. If I don’t approve you’re back to studying, and I’ll take over her teaching.”

“I’ll make you proud Starswirl,” Celestia said with a bow as Luna still tried wrapping her mind around this. I didn’t pay attention further as I dozed off in a basket Starswirl put me in.