• Published 30th Sep 2018
  • 5,218 Views, 153 Comments

An Alagaësia Dragon - Silverwolfdemon

I was at work one day, cleaning up to go home when I found this plushy, now I'm a Dragon in a magical land. Wonder how my boss is going to like this?

  • ...

ch. 3


I yawned as I woke from my sleep, nothing I was a little bigger from my size the day before. I wiggled a bit in the blanket given to me before jumping out of bed in search of something to eat.

Wondering the Castle led me to another garden, this one full of rodents that were none the wiser to my presence in the bushes as I started climbing the tree to get and an advantage. Dropping on them from a higher elevation would lend me better chances.

Just as I was about ready to pounce on one yellow magic grab me and floated me into the arms of Celestia, “Nice to see you playing, but I think the cooks have made a decent meal for you. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

“I was already hunting!” I snarled at her as I was taken miles from the prey I had worked to stalk. Wait why I was thinking like that? I’m trying to eat rodents! That is disgusting! Why am I mad she stopped me from bringing me to cooked food! “What is wrong with my head?” I whined putting my forepaws on my head.

We walked into a dining hall full of pony people, beastfolk? Beastfolk works better for a general term. They stopped in their meals as they watch the white mare carry me to s bowl on the head table full of meat stewing gravy with bits of bone marrow floating in some broth. I was blinking at it unsure what animal it was, but the smell was enough to make a jump from Celestia’s arms and dig in, splashing gravy all over the place.

The other people in the room stood aghast at me as I tore into the food, crunching of bones made them cringe away.

As I was finishing sat back and burped, flames expelling from my mouth, I blinked, Ops, hehe I need to get that under control. Lost in thought I missed half the room fainting dead away from shock. I sighed, “I don’t think I am finding my rider here,” I groused, I blinked, Since when did I care about that? Also, how would that even happen? I already hatched without a bonded rider. I doubt these two tormentors will be my riders, Luna smelled nice but she was far too excitable for my liking, and this “Fluffles are dying,” has me worried.

Before I could ruminate further, I had to be extricated by the white harasser. “And who told you that you could just pick me up, or be more comely than I” I hissed, looking up at Celestia with a glare.

I blinked wondering where all this haughtiness was coming from; I was not like this before. Gods, am I picking up Saphira's personality? I was a nice guy!

“Ugh, I don’t want to be the haughty dragon. Also, what do I know of the dragon rider pact that made the riders?” I muttered as Celestia chattered about something involving magic and trading with light bulbs.

“Okay, here we are, the classroom!” Celestia told me as she set me down. Luna was there with a book full of notes, tabs and looking mostly like a jumbled mess of paper. “Now as I said, we’ll be starting with simple light magic. Your magical reserves are not high enough for more powerful magic.”

“I am an infant, what do you expect?” I replied exasperatedly, Is there a point in me replying they don’t understand me and they won't till I bond with somebody.

“Sister I thought we were going to focus on writing,” Luna said as placed a pen and paper in front of me, with examples of their language. It was weird, but the structure seemed to follow US English. “Well, now what is it commutation or straight I To magic?”

“Ah, writing first,” Celestia said a bit depressed. “I didn’t mean-“

“To fly off the cloud?” Luna finished as she started showing me how to write. “Now this is…”

I had a hard time keeping up with Luna, but Celestia would slow her down. It was hard to write with my claws, and weirder still to do so with my mouth as they showed me.

“No, that’s an I not an L.” Luna groaned at me as I tried again. “No just stop!”

“Luna calm down. She’s just starting.” Celestia scolded her sister. “You can’t rush her!”

“Luna, I may be an infant, but I am not retarded.” was written down on the parchment as I huffed at the two squabbling siblings.

“Ah...hey!” Luna roared at me. “Why you little-!” She snarled about to scold me.

“Luna, She is intelligent, you knew that. Also, you can’t punish her for her syntax with how you talk.” Celestia chided as the two got into a fit of fighting.

“Can you two stop bickering, please?” I wrote

“Fine so that you can write now, sloppily, but you can.” Luna sighed.

“I always could, I could speak too, but you cannot understand me,”

“You growl, and snarl a lot I guess.” Celestia sighed.

“Unfortunately, I won't be able to speak your language until I am bonded with a rider,” I explained.

“What’s a rider?” Luna asked.

“Part of an ancient pact, a dragon rider is akin to a peacekeeper between, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Urgals and Dragons, the dragon when they are an egg choose their riders, then they hatch. The rider gains the ability to use magic, and a mental connection to their dragon and becomes immortal.”

“Wait, What are those beings, and why have you not bonded to one of us?” Luna asked.

“Natives of Alagaesia where my species of dragon hails from, there was a great war between the dragons and the elves, a young elven lad hunted a dragon not knowing we were sophonts in response the dragons killed the hunter and declared war. After a long and terrible war the pact was forged, by the first dragon rider, they had been made because treaties would be useless for keeping peace especially because dragons don’t put meaning in pieces of parchment. Every so often the dragons part with two or three of their eggs casting a spell on them, so they don’t hatch until their rider appears, this way it stopped random people becoming Dragon riders, once the person is recognized. A swirling pattern gets burned into the palm of their hand giving them the nickname a silver hand as they glowed white when applied and glowed when they used magic.

“I am the last female of my species, my name is Saphira II. Each Rider would be trained in combat, magic, and draconic lore, to better aid in peacekeeping between the races, The Dragon Riders were not just the soldier-diplomats between races though, they were also the foremost of scholars, amassing a library larger than any other in an imposing building in the gardens surrounding Moreta's Spire on Vroengard. As peacekeepers, the Dragon riders were above the laws of all lands and had final say in all matters,

“The bond has one fatal flaw for both the Dragon and Rider, while they can overcome it, it is rare for them to do so. You see, when either the rider or dragon die it usually drives the survivor insane. You have to understand the bond between dragon and rider is so strong and is lifelong, that eventually, the bonded pair cease being separate individuals due to the mental link, it’s like having a chunk of your mind cut out. You’ll live, but you’ll never be the same.”

Take a moment to stretch out I continued writing,

“As for why we haven’t bonded the bond is similar to a cutie mark, nothing can or should force it to happen; the results aren’t pretty if anyone should try to do so and succeed. It’s a subconscious thing; I’ll know my rider and hatch, well that is how it is supposed to be, I am an anomaly as I had not like other Rider Dragons. I would sense the connection. Even as an infant it is mostly feelings but when I fully grow old enough to fly, I will fly into the sky and transform into my teen form for lack of a better term. There is one way I could form a pact, but I would need to recreate the spell from whole cloth, as I don’t know it.”

I pondered for a second if I should add more then remembered another question Luna had asked,

“When I fully develop I will be the size of mountains. In answer to your previous question Luna,”

“Mountains?!” Luna exclaimed looking at me.

“I’m skeptical about the magical growth,” Celestia stated. “And this land you speak of, it is unknown to us, and we have general knowledge of the work.”

“Says the magical sisters who move Celestial bodies, who just found a sapient dragon telling them these things, you have no room to be skeptical. Also and I think this is more direct proof I am not lying, wasn’t I tiny yesterday? And now look at me today,” I retorted wagging my foreclaw at them.

“Yes, you look at the size of a medium sized dog now. How are you growing so fast with such little food?” Celestia questioned. “And at this rate, you’ll be the size of a small horse in a season or two.”

“Maybe,” I wrote. Okay, now I’m starting to freak out! I’m acting like Saphira, and most of that information came from that thing Saphira could do about remembering things from her egg days. I know this from the book, but I felt like I had lived too. I looked myself over and wondered how I even knew how to use this body, why did I write down Saphira’s name and not my own?! What is wrong with me!

I started panicking, breathing heavy as Luna and Celestia talked about my land with excitement. I looked myself over feeling strange and unclothed, but I also felt pride and kinship to it. What is wrong with my head, why I’m I so conflicted about this change? What’s wrong with me most people would kill to be a dragon, even more, would kill to be Saphira II….But that also means I am practically the last of my species, a female without a male. And these other dragons don’t seem all that appealing especially if they are the Equestrian variant. Weak pretenders, they aren’t even worthy of touching me let alone mating me…. Gah why brain!? Why am I fighting this!? That human we were was a nobody! A chef in some small time dinky restaurant what worth is there in that? At least now we have a chance to spread human recipes to this world.

Why am I thinking like this?! Most of what I wrote is from a set of books! I’ve never set foot in that land!

Wait what if my life as a human was a lie? No! That can’t be right… can it?

Ugh, I was human, I know that. I have those memories, and I know I read the books as human. Okay, okay, just-just breathe.

What were the rules of mind reading as a dragon? Do I need a rider for it? Some part of me wants one, but I don’t think ponies are part of the pact, but I have a vague understand for it to recreate it maybe. And I don’t think I need a rider to open my mind, but it would help.

How did I hatch? If I’m Saphira II than my rider would have had to have been near my egg, but there was only Starswirl. He doesn’t have the Silver Hand I woke up in the snow. Did I even hatch or was I just dropped into this world already hatched.”

“She so adorable with that face!” Luna gushed at me.

“No I hatched, someone was holding me then dropped me. I fell for a bit than hatched in the snow. MY RIDER DROPPED ME?! Why, did they think I was some opal or other rock?! How? I mean how?! Who’s my rider, why did they drop me like some rock! I’m a Dragon! Not some stone!” I huffed as breathed heavily in indignant anger at the treatment of myself. I know Eragon in the books had done similar, but they hadn’t just dropped me!

“Are you drawing it?” Luna asked as I looked to see her gushing over my angered look and Celestia sketching on paper.

I huffed at them. “So my rider is around here, but not near me..., or the pact isn’t letting the symbol appear on them for them being a different species...argh, but how would that work!?”

I put my claws over my head as I tried to think of who could have had my egg, or how long I may have been here. “Ugh, why is this not a world of humans and I got bonded to someone there.” I groaned as I pawed at my head as a headache coming on. “No, I should have bonded with Starswirl he was the first to touch me...but then I didn’t, did I bond with someone just as I hatched? Yes, I think I did...I remember breaking from the shell to something’s shock, passing out and waking up in the snow, I don’t have enough to go on, but I bonded with someone, and they’re here.”

I groaned at my luck; my rider must have dropped me and fled after they woke, thinking I attacked them, which means I may not see them for a long time. Now that we are bonded, their lifespan is now linked to mine, so unless they die, they will live on for as long as they can. This is a curse and maybe a blessing, if my bond with them is weak, then I would be independent. But that’s if I don’t go insane from a piece of my mind going dark.

“Well that just great, so yes I’m bonded, and looking at the bond, the person went...north...west? Hard to tell, but it away from me. Wonder if they feel me at all? We’re too far apart to talk to each other at all.” I groaned.

“Are you okay Saphira?” Celestia asked as she finished drawing me.

“Yes, just figured a mystery out, but I can’t do anything to fix it yet.” I wrote.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

“I’m bonded to someone here, but well they didn’t stay. So now I have Rider that is absent.” I groaned.

“We could help you find them,” Celestia told me.

“Thanks, but unless I’m close, I don't know who it is until I’m close. And no, I’m not big enough to try and do it.” I wrote with a huff. This is bull, I’m the most beautiful thing in this land, and my Rider stands me up!

“You sure?” Luna asked.

“Yes,” I wrote, “Now what’s the next lesson.” I wrote to them.

“Ah, right light spell,” Celestia said as she shuffled books around. “Alright here’s the book.”

I looked it over before opening it with my claws, careful not to rip the pages. I found the same ball of light spell. I heard Celestia try explaining its background and how to use it properly. It was a spell made for night time exploration back in some long forgot age. It was simple and used a chemical reaction to set off the ball. I’m guessing something like a what a firefly does. It was decent for basic spells.

Casting it again was easy, Celestia nodded as she showed me a few other spells. Luna was giving pointers when she could, but it was clear she was out of her depth. She was mostly talking about how the moon would affect the spell.

So that’s how the rest of my day went, me learning the basics of light magic. Near the end of the day, I think I remembered seeing a mark on my rider. I quickly sketched it, a heart with weird gold embroidery around it. I roar, or squealed, at Celestia. “My Rider has this mark!” My picture read.

“Their Cutie Mark? Hmm, I’ll keep a lookout for this pony.” Celestia told me as she looks at the picture before she cast a spell on it. “That will preserve the picture for us. We’ll find them with this for sure.”