• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 17,283 Views, 369 Comments

Dragon Your Hooves - Twinkletail

A lab mishap turns Spike into a pony.

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Chapter 2

It was precisely 8:23 AM. Hardly a time for baby dragons to be awake, especially on a Sunday morning. Of course, had he been permitted to choose his own wakeup time today, Spike very well might have spent the entire day in bed, and there wasn't a snowball's chance in Tartarus that Twilight would have allowed that. Luckily for the baby dragon, Twilight's opinion of his daily schedule wouldn't be an issue for the next few days. Perhaps one early Sunday wakeup wasn't so bad with that fact kept in mind. The fatigue from his interrupted sleep would fade in the next few hours; such a period of time was nothing compared to all the free time coming to him.

"Spike! Spiiiiiiike!" came the call from downstairs. Twilight was already awake. Of course Twilight was already awake; with a scheduled departure time of 8:28 AM, she'd likely been awake for at least three or four hours. Spike grumbled as he rolled out of bed, just barely awake enough to keep from faceplanting.

"C'mon, Spike!" Twilight sang from downstairs. "It's almost time to go!" The unicorn's voice was impossibly cheery for this time of morning. Spike reflected on this, wondering if, perhaps, it had something to do with that gross brown stuff he'd often see left over in a pot in the kitchen each morning, with the peculiar smell that would often match up with the scent of her breath as she'd inform him of the day's activities. Surely it had to be one of the most powerful potions she was capable of brewing, if it granted the logic-defying ability to be perky at 8:26 AM.

"Spiiiiike! It's 8:26 AM!" Twilight shouted, urgency beginning to peek its head through her cheery demeanor. Spike summoned all the energy his tired little body would muster and made his way downstairs, nearly tripping over the giant bag of books that would be his burden as he accompanied Twilight to the train station. For one truncated moment, he wondered why one pony would need this many books for a three-day trip. After admitting to himself that this was Twilight he was dealing with, he found himself surprised that there was only one bag. Showing off his amazing dragon strength, Spike grabbed the bag by the ends and hoisted it over his shoulder, promptly toppling over.

"Spike, we have no time for games!" Twilight said, her tone dripping with impatience. "The library is precisely 5 minutes and 37 seconds from the train station, so if we don't leave right now, blah blah blah..." Spike quickly tuned out. He was nowhere near awake enough for a lecture. The baby dragon rose to his feet, dusted himself off, and lifted the bag in a far less showy way, letting the weight settle handily over his shoulder.

"Are you even listening, Spike?" Twilight asked, starting to get irritated.

"Of course!" Spike lied.

"Then what did I say?" Twilight shot back, an eyebrow raised. Spike blinked, unsure.

"Uh...blah blah blah?" Spike offered, a weak smile crossing his face.

"Very good, Spike," came Twilight's response as she returned to her cheery disposition. "I just wanted to see if you were listening. Now let's go!" Twilight led the way, the encumbered baby dragon following close behind.


"Now Spike," Twilight said, the train looming into view. "You remember everything I told you, right?" Spike rolled his eyes. She'd only gone over it about 20 times last night, and that wasn't even taking into consideration the myriad times she'd gone over it prior. He took a breath and went over the list he'd heard so many times.

"Make sure to put any books I use back in their place on the shelf. If a pony takes out a book, take their information down and put it in the files. Feed Owloysius twice a day and leave the window open for him at night, and DO NOT GO INTO YOUR LAB." He made sure to put the emphasis exactly where Twilight had; her specificity likely stretched beyond the actual words and to their presentation. The unicorn could sense her protege's frustration and gave him a warm, sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Spike," Twilight said. "I'm just worried, is all. It's not every day that the Princesses call me to the palace for an extended stay, and I just want to make sure everything at home is going to be just fine." She reached a hoof over and gave her protege's head a playful rub. "I know I can trust you." Spike puffed with pride, returning her smile. Twilight could be a bit frustrating at times, with her obsessive need for order and her insistence on making sure there wasn't even a slight chance of anything going wrong. It was these qualities, however, that made her approval and vote of confidence mean that much more.

"There's the train!" Twilight exclaimed, overflowing with anticipation. "Now you behave while I'm gone, alright? And who knows? There just might be a few bonus gems in it for you if everything goes well!" Those were the words Spike wanted to hear. Twilight offered a hoof, and he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her for a goodbye hug.

"And good luck with whatever the Princesses need you for!" Spike replied. The unicorn smiled and gave him a little nuzzle before releasing. Spike gave her a wave as she stepped onto the train, running back on the platform to watch her from the window of the seat she chose. The train eventually lurched forward, and the dragon, despite his fatigue, ran along with the train until he couldn't keep up anymore. Twilight returned his waving as long as she could see him, although they continued long after, until the train was but a speck on the horizon.

"Wow," Spike said, to nopony in particular. "An entire three days with the whole library to myself!" He could barely contain his excitement, bouncing on his toes. "I'm gonna make the most of this! I've got so many things I've always wanted to do, but haven't had the chance!" With that, he began his trip back to the library, determined to make the most of his newfound free time.


It was 9:04 AM, and Spike had already nearly run out of things to do. The youngster was positively baffled; he knew there were a lot of things that he'd always thought about doing while Twilight was home, but had no time to do because she always had one job or another for him to take care of. Why was it, then, that when he finally had time to do those things, he couldn't for the life of him remember what they were? There he sat, on a chair in the library, dangling his feet off the side. Boring. This was fun earlier, when he'd checked "feet dangling" off of the short list of things he'd been able to come up with, but by this point, it was old hat. There was no way he could possibly spend an entire three days like this. He'd surely go mad from boredom first, and then Twilight would come home and see that he'd gone mad, and she'd get all worried. They'd have to call a psychiatrist in, and he would be diagnosed with "severe boredom disorder." The prognosis would be bleak; no fun idea that Twilight or anypony else came up with would be able to knock him out of a madness so intense. He would surely have to live out the rest of his life as a dull, non-responsive lump, never again capable of experiencing the joy of fun.

Spike looked at his list and checked off "daydreaming." NOW his list was complete...and it was only 9:06! The dragon sighed as he slid off of the chair and headed towards the window.

"Here lies Spike," he said, taking on a melodramatic tone. "Taken before his time. A victim of acute bored-itis." Spending so much time around Rarity did wonders for the young dragon's ability to wax dramatic. He gazed out the window, watching the other ponies pass by. Lyra and Bon-Bon were trotting together, as they always did, headed towards the town square. He considered joining them, but he didn't really know them all that well, and given that they were together, it was likely that they weren't looking for more company. Along trotted June Bug, her baskets filled with flowers. It only took a moment for Spike to pass on the idea of joining her. She'd been a little awkward around him ever since the birthday incident, and it wasn't very likely that anything would come of him accompanying her.

It was then that Spike noticed three familiar young fillies playing a short distance away from the library. He watched Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and especially Sweetie Belle as they laughed and played together. Bloom and Sweetie had cotton balls pasted all over them, and they were running from Scootaloo, who was pursuing them in what could only be described as a large paper mask making an honest attempt at trying to resemble a wolf's face. Surely this was yet another attempt by the three to get their cutie marks, although Spike, for the life of him, couldn't figure out how such an activity could possibly be a special talent. It sure did look fun, though. A smile crossed Spike's lips as he watched them, remembering the fun times he'd had with the three about a week ago. He never had gone to tell Rarity the truth about the incident that day. Actually, that was a lie; he HAD gone to tell her, but he'd chickened out at the last moment due to Sweetie suddenly entering the room. He supposed he could just tell her another time. After all, it wasn't like Sparkstar was coming back.

Spike's eyes lit up. He quickly turned from the window, excited over his sudden idea. There was no chance that he'd remain bored now, not with this gem of an idea. The word "gem" made him stop in his tracks, though. Twilight had implied that she'd have some gems for him when she came home, but with the condition that everything went well. This meant him following her rules to a T, and blatantly breaking the fourth and most-accentuated rule was certainly not following her rules to a T. He let out a small sigh. It had been such a good idea, too. He looked back out the window, watching the fillies play. Scootawolf had just pounced on Sheepie Belle and was trying to pretend to gobble her up, but Baa-pple Bloom was now arguing this, insisting that there was no way SHE could get her cutie mark in being prey if Scootaloo was only preying on Sweetie. Spike watched and smiled as the three entered a tussle cloud. Twilight would probably never notice two little bottles missing from her lab.

Oh, who was he kidding? Of course she'd notice. She noticed EVERYTHING. But hay, he had three days to come up with a good excuse. The baby dragon ran towards the basement, excitement practically leaking from his pores. Even his excitement, however, was not enough to keep him from hesitating as his claw reached for the laboratory doorknob. He felt a twang of guilt in the pit of his stomach; he wanted so badly to go out and have fun, and being Sparkstar again would be a ton of fun, but Twilight trusted him. Twilight's trust was something worth having, and he wasn't quite sure if he was ready to lose it. His longest finger danced around the circumference of the doorknob as he considered his options. Twilight was a very forgiving pony when it came to those whom she cared for. He could probably get away with this one indiscretion if he apologized profusely. Whether or not it was worth Twilight's disappointment, though, no matter how brief it was, remained to be answered. Spike's fingers kept playing with the doorknob as he pondered, and continued to do so until, to his surprise, the doorknob clattered to the floor. Twilight was usually on top of things in the library that needed to be repaired, but apparently there had been a bit of an oversight. Spike reached down to pick the broken doorknob up, but then a devilish grin crossed his face. With a quick motion, he tapped the doorknob with his foot, allowing physics to do the rest as it rolled into the lab. Surely he couldn't be faulted for going into the lab if it was necessary to retrieve the broken hardware, right? An excuse would still be needed for the missing concoctions, but that could be taken care of in time. The main moral issue at hand had been solved, albeit in a less-than-honest manner. It was honest enough for the baby dragon, though, as he entered the forbidden lab.

Spike browsed the shelves as he walked through the laboratory. He wished his memory was better as he tried desperately to find the powder that had led to his transformation. He'd been in the lab a number of times, all of those accompanying Twilight, but never before did it look as large and imposing as it did this time. Spike took a deep breath, preparing for a long, tedious search. Hopefully he'd be able to find it before the fillies outside got too far away. Of course, considering the magnitude of this search, his greater concern was if he'd still be searching when Twilight came home in three days. It felt like a very real source of disquiet as the young dragon's eyes scanned each of the many shelves that stood in front of him, leading to him being overjoyed when, after only 10 minutes of investigation, he found a number of vials of the powder on a shelf that looked like it had been around since the time of Discord's original reign. Further investigation revealed a vial of the antidote right next to it. Success! Spike's hand was trembling as he reached for the transformation powder, and he could hardly contain himself as he opened the vial and poured the powder all over himself. Spike stood there, waiting for the transformation to take effect. After a minute or two, though, his impatience began to show through.

"Why am I not a pony yet?" Spike grunted, his foot tapping anxiously on the stone floor. It took him a moment to remember that the previous transformation had taken place overnight. He supposed he could wait for the transformation to occur, but his need to be entertained wouldn't allow it. He eyed the other vials on the shelf. Maybe another dose would speed the process up? Explaining three missing vials would be harder than two, but just thinking of the fillies having fun and of the chance to spend time with Sweetie again was enough to sway him. Maybe he'd get to hold her hoof again...maybe she'd give him another kiss...

Spike shook his head out. This was no time to sit and daydream. After all, he'd already checked that off the list. His claw reached out for a second vial, and he dumped its contents all over himself as well. It took a moment, but he soon felt an odd tingling sensation all over his scales. A white light illuminated the dank basement lab, and he cringed as he felt his body changing, one of the most bizarre feelings he'd ever experienced. Some parts of his body stretched out; others vanished completely. After a few moments of discomfort, the light faded, and Spike landed back on the ground on his hooves. He leapt into the air, letting out a joyous yell, before charging up the stairs.


"Yuck! Whose bright idea was this anyway?"

Apple Bloom grumbled as she tried in vain to clean mud off of the cotton balls that had been glued all over her body. She knew it was Sweetie Belle who'd posited the idea to the group, but asking that question just felt like something one would do in a situation like this. To be honest, she herself had approved of the idea, as had Scootaloo, but forethought wasn't exactly a talent of theirs. If it were, they'd probably have their cutie marks in it already, and they had no clue what a cutie mark in forethought would look like, so maybe it was for the best.

"It's gonna take like thirty forevers to get the dirt off!" Sweetie moaned. It wasn't her fault things had gone so disastrously wrong. She'd originally wanted to try and get her cutie mark in roleplay, but then Scootaloo thought being a sheep wasn't...what was the word she used? Awesome-tastic? She wasn't even sure awesome-tastic was a word, but then again, she wasn't a dictionary or anything.

"That's probably the least of your worries!" Scootaloo said, pulling her wolf mask off. "Just think how hard it's gonna be to get the glue off of your coats!" Scootaloo knew she was the smart one of the group. Her wolf mask was just that; a mask. A rubber band held it over her face, and as she'd just displayed, removing that was nice and simple. Also, Bloom and Sweetie had used up all the glue by the time she'd finished making the mask.

"Scootaloo!" Bloom exclaimed. "Ya knew this whole time that the glue was a bad idea, didn't ya?" Scootaloo began to giggle, but then decided that giggling wasn't awesome enough and opted for a snicker instead.

"Putting glue all over your coat when you know you're gonna have to pull it off eventually?" Scootaloo asked. "No way, not silly at all. That was sarcasm, by the way."

"Ah know what sarcasm is!" Bloom shot back. "But you don't seem ta know what warnin' yer friends 'bout a bad idea is! But Ah guess Ah don't either, since Ah didn't tell ya how bad yer wolf idea was! How d'ya get a cutie mark in bein' attacked by a wolf anyway?"

"Hey, it was a great idea!" Scootaloo retorted. "You're just jealous that you didn't come up with it first!"

Sweetie sighed as she watched Bloom and Scootaloo argue. She could understand if it was an argument for the sake of trying to get a cutie mark in arguing, but they'd tried that ages ago and already decided that it was a bad idea. This was a real argument, and she wanted no part of it, because then they'd likely turn on her for having the initial idea of gluing cotton balls to themselves. She had thrown it out there as a silly little idea, not expecting the others to listen, and had been pleasantly surprised when they had. She figured that they'd find it way too silly and girly, but they'd gone with it...well, up until Scootaloo inserted her own idea into the mix that had once again made it into more of a physical competition than she'd have liked. It was times like this that she really wished Sparkstar would come visit again. He'd listen to her ideas and not make her feel silly for them. Plus, holding his hoof felt really nice. She'd been thinking about him a lot since that day, and it would be so nice to hear his voice again.

"Hi Sweetie!" Spike said, trotting up alongside her. "What's going on?"

Sweetie smiled a vacant smile; her memory of him was so strong that she could hear his voice as if he was standing right next to her. She closed her eyes and sighed a happy sigh.

"Oh! Howdy Sparkstar!" Bloom said cheerfully. She and Scootaloo had stopped arguing a moment ago, having come to a compromise that both of them were equally wrong, and since this meant that they were also both equally right, this was the way that they would refer to it. Sweetie, lost in happy thoughts, smiled dreamily.

"Yeah...that would be great if Sparkstar was here..." she mused. Spike raised a brow and looked to Bloom and Scootaloo, who just shrugged. Spike couldn't help but blush as he realized how excited Sweetie was at the idea of seeing him again; he felt much the same way, even though he had been seeing her the whole time in his regular form. He grinned and unfurled a wing, gently poking Sweetie on the back. The white filly leapt about a foot into the air, spinning in Spike's direction. Her look of apprehension quickly transformed into a wide smile.

"Sparkstar!!" Sweetie shouted. Before Spike knew what was happening, the filly had wrapped her forelegs around him in a tight hug. It only took a moment of hesitation before he hugged back. The two enjoyed a nice moment, until they noticed Bloom and Scootaloo staring at them. Both ponies quickly let go and whistled innocently, fooling absolutely nopony.

"Ewwwww," Scootaloo said sticking her tongue out in disgust. "You two are weird."

"Well Ah think it's sweet!" Bloom said.

"You would think that," Scootaloo scoffed. "You and your sister probably hug all the time."

"W-we do not!" Bloom said, suddenly feeling a need to defend herself, even though she and Applejack did hug pretty often.

"You probably hug everypony!" Scootaloo laughed, sensing a weak point. "You're like a hug monster or something! And that's not even a cool kind of monster!"

"Am not!" Bloom retorted. "An' if Ah was, Ah'd prolly get mah cutie mark in it, an' then you'd be all jealous!"

"Who would be jealous of a boring special talent like hugging?" Scootaloo snarked. Sweetie just sighed as she watched her friends start to argue yet again. Her worries were practically forgotten as her eyes met Spike's.

"So Sparkstar, what brings you back to Ponyville so soon?" the white filly asked. Spike blinked, realizing that he hadn't even come up with a story.

"Uhh..." Spike stammered. "Well...you see..." His mind raced, trying to piece together a legitimate-sounding excuse. Quick thinking wasn't his specialty, or else he'd have a cutie mark in it...if dragons-turned-ponies could get cutie marks, that is.

"Oh, you're probably here because Twilight is away and she wants you to watch the library!" Sweetie said, proud of herself for having deduced something.

"Eeeeeeexactly!" Spike replied, thrilled that the tough job had been done for him. "But everything in the library seems to be in great shape, so I'm totally available to hang out if you want!"

"That would be great!" Sweetie said, giggling and bouncing into the air. She dashed over to Bloom and Scootaloo, sticking her head between them as they continued to argue. "Let's hang out with Sparkstar, girls!" The two fillies quieted down and looked at their friend, then to Sparkstar. They then gave each other a look.

"We'll continue this argument later, alright?" Bloom said, offering a hoof of friendship. Scootaloo smiled and gave her a hoof bump.

"You got it!" The orange filly said. "For now, we've got some crusading to do!"

"Yeah!" the three exclaimed, jumping into the air and high-hoofing each other. "Cutie Mark Crusaders, go!" Spike, beaming, galloped over and joined in the show of unity.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, go!" he added in enthusiastically. With that, Bloom and Scootaloo galloped off in a random direction. Spike tried to follow them, but he was stopped by Sweetie.

"Thanks for coming back," Sweetie said, a shy smile on her face. Just the sight of her smile was enough for Spike to return it, as he felt a warm, happy feeling in his chest.

"Heh...no problem, Sweetie," he replied, scuffing a hoof in the dirt.

"The others stopped fighting as soon as they saw you," Sweetie continued. "It normally takes a LOT to get them to stop once they've started up."

"Well, I don't know what I did, but I'm glad I did it!" Spike replied, grinning. Sweetie smiled and gave him another hug.

"I hope you keep doing it," Sweetie said. "You're the best pony ever." Spike beamed as he heard this, so happy about it that he didn't even notice the odd feeling he got in his belly from it. Had he been near a mirror, or if Sweetie's head wasn't behind his, one of them may have noticed the brief moment in which his eyes had turned purple, but such an opportunity was denied by pure happenstance.

"Hay!" Bloom called to the two. "Ain't y'all comin'?" Spike and Sweetie let go of each other, blushing.

"On our way!" Spike shouted. He and Sweetie gave each other another warm look and matching smile before running off to catch up with their friends.