• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 17,290 Views, 369 Comments

Dragon Your Hooves - Twinkletail

A lab mishap turns Spike into a pony.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Sparkstar had never been to a slumber party before. Or had he? For some reason, he couldn't quite remember, a fact which he found quite odd. With how much fun he'd been having so far at this slumber party, he was sure that he would have remembered if he'd been to another one. The pegasus was forced to deduce, based on this evidence, that he had not, in fact, ever been to a slumber party. With this question out of the way, he started to wonder why he hadn't. Surely his friends in Canterlot would have invited him if they'd had one. He'd never be left out by his good friends...whose names and faces he was having trouble remembering. He was positive he had friends back home in Canterlot. All ponies his age did. So why couldn't he remember even having any? He found his memory to be very foggy, and attributed it to exhaustion from all the fun he'd been having with the Cutie Mark Crusaders today. Sparkstar decided not to worry about it for now. He'd worry about it when Twilight returned and he went back home.

"It's your turn, Sparkstar!" Sweetie Belle sang, shaking him and releasing him from his thoughts. He glanced around, first at the eager face of the filly in front of him. Sweetie was practically overflowing with excitement, wearing the same pretty little smile that she had been for most of the day. He returned the smile, then turned his attention to the other two fillies. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were staring at him, and he had no clue why. Bloom looked confused, while Scootaloo's expression was a mix of boredom and annoyance.

"My turn for what?" Sparkstar asked, tilting his head. Sweetie giggled, while Bloom sighed and Scoots slapped a hoof to her forehead.

"Ah said, truth or dare?" Bloom said evenly, as if she'd been over this numerous times. In fact, she HAD been over this numerous times.

"Ohhhh!" Sparkstar said, chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry, I kinda spaced there for a moment."

"We noticed," came Scootaloo's flat reply. Sparkstar chuckled nervously, aware of how annoyed the others, save for Sweetie, were getting with him.

"Uhh..." Sparkstar mused, weighing the options in his head. Truth or dare was an intense, intimidating game. At least it seemed like it. He couldn't remember if he'd played it before tonight.

"Truth? Or dare?" Bloom repeated, emphasizing both choices.

"Truth!" Sparkstar finally said. Bloom tapped a hoof to her chin, trying to come up with the perfect question. Her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Do ya have a fillyfriend back home in Canterlot?" Bloom asked. Sweetie's eyes grew wide, while Scootaloo's rolled.

"Eww. What a lame question," Scoots said. "You couldn't have asked him something like 'have you ever eaten a bug' or 'what's your favorite kind of explosion' or something?"

"Now cut that out, Scootaloo!" Bloom responded. "It's mah question, an' that's what Ah wanna ask!" She then turned her attention back to Sparkstar. "So? Do ya have a fillyfriend back home in Canterlot?" Sparkstar tilted his head. He tried to think back, but for some reason he was drawing a complete blank.

"I'm not sure," he finally answered meekly.

"What?" Scootaloo interjected. "How can you not know if you have a fillyfriend? Isn't that the kinda thing you'd remember?" The pegasus colt chuckled nervously.

"I...guess not?" was his reply. Scootaloo groaned.

"Well, Ah guess that works..." Bloom said, looking unsure. Sweetie started to say something, but Scootaloo, however, was not convinced.

"No way!" Scoots shouted, hopping into the air, her wings flapping rapidly. "He can't get away with an I don't know! He's gotta do a dare!" Sparkstar began to protest, but Bloom seemed convinced.

"Yeh, alright!" Bloom said, grinning. "Ya gotta do a dare now!" Sweetie giggled, Scootaloo smirked proudly, and Sparkstar sighed.

"Alright, fine," the colt said. "So what's the dare?" A wicked smile crossed Bloom's face.

"Ah dare ya," Bloom said, "Ta kiss Sweetie on the lips!" Both Sparkstar and Sweetie turned brilliant shades of crimson, suddenly finding very interesting things to look at on the library floor. Bloom smirked triumphantly, and even Scootaloo seemed intrigued. A deafening silence filled the library, broken only by a hoot.

"...Oh!" Sparkstar exclaimed. "I need to feed Owloysius!" He began to get up, but yellow and orange hooves held him down.

"Nuh uh!" Bloom taunted. "Not till ya do the dare!"

"But..." Sparkstar started. Then he looked at Sweetie. He figured he must have looked like he was trying way too hard to get out of the dare, because the look of sadness and rejection in Sweetie's eyes was too much for him to bear.

"Alright," Sparkstar said, noticing Sweetie's change in demeanor as he voiced his consent. He tried to get up and head over to Sweetie, but such measures would prove to be unnecessary, as the two found themselves pushed right up to each other by their friends. Both ponies stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, blushing profusely. It was the colt that made the first move, leaning forward slightly. Sweetie hesitated before mirroring his movements. Two sets of lips discovered each other, in an awkward encounter that only lasted about a second. Sparkstar felt his cheeks burning as both Bloom and Scoots giggled. He looked back towards Sweetie, whose cheeks were even redder than his. The two shared a short moment, smiling at each other.

"Okay, c'mon now!" Bloom said, unceremoniously breaking the moment. "Yer turn ta ask, Sparky!" Sparkstar blinked, snapping out of his stupor.

"R-right!" the colt stammered. His voice had risen about an octave, eliciting another round of giggles from the fillies. The game continued, but Sparkstar found it harder to concentrate, as Sweetie made sure to move up right next to him. Her leaning on him was a giant distraction, but not one that garnered any complaints from either party (although Scootaloo did offer the occasional "bleh" or "eww" here and there). The game didn't last too much longer, as the lack of attention paid to it by half of the participants made it difficult to continue.

The rest of the night consisted of various other typical slumber party activities. Throughout all of this, Sparkstar and Sweetie were practically inseparable. The two made sure to team together for the pillow fight, and it was thanks to Sparkstar holding Sweetie's hoof that she was able to make it through a particularly scary ghost story from Scootaloo. The four young ponies eventually found themselves too sleepy to go on, and they retired to their sleeping bags. Sparkstar and Sweetie waited until their friends were sound asleep, then shared one more very quick peck before each slipping into their own sleeping bags. Sparkstar closed his eyes and sighed a content sigh. He couldn't remember a time where he had been quite this happy. Then again, he couldn't really remember all that much at all. But that wasn't important now. He needed sleep.


Twilight Sparkle had to admit that she was kind of hoping for Monday not to come so quickly. Sure, she missed Spike, Owloysius, and her friends, but it was nice to be in Canterlot again, and so exciting to play such an important role in meeting with the ambassadors from Zebrica. Never in her life had she expected to be given such an important task, but then again, had she been asked to predict her future when she was a filly, it was a safe bet to say she never would have expected the majority of the events that had happened in her life. Her studies had been very handy in delegates with the Zebrican ambassadors, as had the presence of Zecora to aid her. With Zecora's help, she had managed to work up a perfect facsimile of the traditional Zebrican headdresses used for grand occasions such as this, and the ambassadors had been very pleased with their efforts. A good first impression was crucial in situations like this, and judging from the reactions the ambassadors gave, this first impression was quite positive. Talks went very well, and it didn't take long before a new Equestria-Zebrica trade agreement had been signed into action. Everything about it was so exciting that Twilight did not want it to end, but it did, as all things must. As disappointed as she was to see it end, though, Twilight was excited to see her friends again.

As happy as Twilight was for the success in the weekend's delegations, she couldn't match Zecora's joy. The zebra hadn't seen another zebra in ages, and she was overjoyed to not only deal with others from her homeland, but to be doing so on official business, having been specially selected by the Princess. It was an unbelievable honor for the humble zebra, and one that she accepted with grace (although no one could miss the look of pride on her face when she was recognized by one of the delegates). Zecora's bliss was a great relief for Twilight. Besides being happy to see her friend so elated, it took some of the pressure off of her and her situation with Spike. Zecora had been quite vocal about her disapproval of Twilight's alchemical abuse as a means of revenge, but the distraction provided by the delegations saved her from any more stern talking-to from Zecora. Of course, this did not save her from hearing about it on the train ride home.

"I must confess, my dear Twilight," the zebra said, shifting in her seat to get more comfortable. "I do not think what you did was right." The unicorn sighed, trying not to sound too exasperated.

"I understand your concern, Zecora," Twilight responded. "But I can assure you that I did my research on this powder before putting this plan into effect. I made sure that there was no harm from prolonged exposure, nor from having the dummy antidote applied while its effects persisted. The worst thing I could think of that could possibly happen is some of the powder accidentally getting on a pony, and the worst thing that could possibly happen from that is a mild rash." She smiled proudly, sure that Zecora would be impressed with her thoroughness, and was surprised to have her smile met with a look of uncertainty.

"The tools of an alchemist are not meant for play," Zecora said sagely. "I hope you do not find this out the hard way."

"I'm sure that everything will be just fine, Zecora," Twilight told her. She had to admit to herself, though, that her friend's warnings were starting to get to her. Little specks of doubt were starting to invade her mind, jabbing relentlessly at her. Had she perhaps missed a bit of information somewhere? Could she have accidentally forgotten some possibility? No. No, she couldn't have. She had gone as far as to look up each individual component of the powder. When it came to studying, there was nopony more thorough than Twilight Sparkle, and she had brought this thoroughness to this task in full force, as the safety of her number one assistant was at stake. She had researched every single possible factor of that powder, of what a dose would do to him, of what lasting effects it would have...everything. Absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent, no-doubts-whatsoever-even-though-her-brain-might-be-entertaining-other-possibilities...everything.

"But I must insist..." Zecora started.

"There's nothing I missed!" Twilight interrupted, a bit loudly. Her face flushed as the looks not only from Zecora, but from most of the other passengers on their car, forced her to realize just how loud she'd gotten. She smiled awkwardly before continuing. "Would you like to come back to the library with me and see for yourself, Zecora?"

"Perhaps I shall, my cacophonous pal," Zecora responded with a smirk, causing the already-flustered unicorn to sink deeper into her seat.


Twilight's departure from the train was a strange one. Sometimes all it took to judge the mood a pony was in was to examine their manner of trotting, but even the most empathetic pony might have had difficulty discerning the motivation behind her confused gait. It held a peculiar combination of confidence and uncertainty, as its owner's mind raced with both emotions. Her face was a portrait of calmness, displaying the exact emotion that she wished could be the only one racing about her mind. Competing with it was her sense of doubt. As sure as she was that she had taken care of everything and researched every possible outcome of the powder, something about her obsessive nature would not allow her to rest on her laurels, and unclear images which never defined themselves past "something might be wrong" tormented her. She couldn't let Zecora know that, though. Not after her staunch passion that told otherwise. Twilight would glance back every once in a while to see the zebra's face, and each time she would silently chastise herself for doing it, then put on a confident smile that she knew had to be triggering suspicion. If it was, though, Zecora wasn't telling.

Twilight opened the library door, taking a few steps in before setting her bags down. She glanced around the library, and as expected, it was nice and clean. She had expected Spike to disobey her as far as the lab and the powder went, but she had never once questioned whether or not he would fulfill her expectations of order and cleanliness. He was her number one assistant for good reason, after all.

"Spiiiike! I'm home!" Twilight called out, stepping aside to allow Zecora entry. As expected, her call was not answered. She led the zebra down to her lab, hesitating momentarily as she found the doorknob to have fallen off of the lab door. she had been meaning to fix that for ages, and resolved to get right to it as soon as she proved herself right about the Spike situation. Twilight intended to lead Zecora right to the shelf where the vials would presumably be missing, but such measures proved unnecessary, as the discovery of a discarded vial on the floor was all she needed. She gave a smirk back to Zecora, but the zebra's stoic gaze stopped her before she could point out that all signs were pointing towards her being right about Spike disobeying her. Instead, she simply headed upstairs, motioning with her head for Zecora to follow.

It didn't take long to figure out where Spike would be, or at least who he would be with. Twilight vividly remembered the happy look on Spike's face when she found him with Sweetie Belle, as well as his stories of how much fun he'd had with her, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. There was no doubt in her mind that she'd find him with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The only question remaining was where she would have to look to find them. Luckily for her and Zecora, the search would not prove to be a long one.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Ornithological Enthusiasts! Yay!" came a cry from down the road. Twilight and Zecora watched with bemusement as the CMC, with a ponified Spike in tow, charged down the dirt path, chasing a gaggle of very agitated geese. Twilight shook her head as she watched them. As proud as she was of Spike for using the word "ornithological," her disappointment in him for disobeying her direct order outweighed it. Even more painful for her was the fact that he seemed perfectly fine with doing what he was doing. She had expected him to be in a more worried state due to the antidote not working, but it was evident that he had no qualms about being found like this. She lit up her horn, lifting the dragon-turned-pony off the ground.

"H-hey! What gives?" Sparkstar exclaimed, hooves flailing in the air. His attention turned to the annoyed purple unicorn and her zebra friend off to the side, and he paled. "Uhh...h-hi, Twilight! Hey Zecora! Uhh...sorry I wasn't there to meet you at the train station and carry your bags, Twilight! But I promise I did all of the chores you wanted me to do!"

"Yes, the house was left as neat as I'd expected," Twilight conceded. "But you still explicitly disobeyed my rules, Spike."

"Spike...?" Sweetie asked, raising a brow.

"Uhh, Twilight?" Scootaloo spoke up. "This is Sparkstar. Did you not sleep enough this weekend or something?"

"Yeah, I'm not Spike!" Sparkstar said, looking just as confused as the girls. "I'm your cousin Sparkstar, remember?" Twilight simply shook her head.

"That's enough of this game, Spike," Twilight said sternly, going into full-on caretaker mode. "We are going home and changing you back right now. Say goodbye to your friends; I'll let you come and explain everything to them once I've changed you back." Sparkstar, confused as anything, gave a wave to the equally-baffled Cutie Mark Crusaders before being levitated off.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Spike," Twilight said evenly as the group reached the library. "I told you specifically not to go into my lab, and what did you do?"

"Twilight, you're not making sense..." Sparkstar said timidly. Even though he knew he hadn't done anything wrong, Twilight's stern mode was still intimidating. Even though he couldn't remember a specific instance, he was sure that he'd been on the receiving end of it before, and it wasn't a fun place to be, probably.

"I'm not going to punish you for this, Spike," Twilight continued, leasing him and Zecora inside. "I think feeling bad about disobeying me is punishment enough."

"I'm not Spike!" Sparkstar said, unable to keep his voice down. "I'm Sparkstar!"

"Very funny, Spike," Twilight said, approaching the lab. "Now, did you even bother trying the antidote, or did you decide to just stay like this?"

"Antidote for what?" the poor, confused colt asked.

"You don't have to keep the act up any longer, Spike," Twilight told him, entering the lab. "Zecora knows what's going on, and your friends aren't here right now." She turned to him to look him in the eyes, and was taken aback. She didn't remember his eyes being purple, not even when he'd last become a pony. It wasn't just that, though. She'd dealt with Spike when he was trying to blatantly lie to her, and he'd never pulled it off this convincingly before. From the look he was giving her, it looked almost as if he completely believed what he was saying, and he was doing a very convincing job of pretending to be bewildered. She gave a glance to Zecora, who opted to remain silent and see how things would play out. That bit of doubt was beginning to creep its way into her head again, and she tried her hardest to ignore it as they approached the shelf where the powder and its antidote rested. She sighed lightly as she noticed that the dummy antidote's vial had not even been touched.

"You didn't even try to hide it from me," Twilight said softly, placing the dummy on a counter. "That hurts, Spike. That really hurts."

"I wouldn't want to hurt you, Twilight!" Sparkstar said, a desperate tone in his voice. "I don't even know what that is, but I'm sorry either way!" Twilight raised a brow. Spike was not this good of an actor. Again, she gave a concerned look to Zecora, and again, Zecora said nothing. She began to reach for the next vial of the antidote, but she couldn't help but notice that not one, but two of the vials of powder were missing.

"...Spike?" the unicorn asked, unable to keep her growing nervousness from invading her voice. "Did you use two vials of powder instead of one?" Zecora tilted her head, concern growing on her face as well.

"What powder?" he asked in return. "And I'm not Spike..."

The unicorn did not provide a response. Not a word was spoken as she practically flew up the stairs towards her study.