• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 17,290 Views, 369 Comments

Dragon Your Hooves - Twinkletail

A lab mishap turns Spike into a pony.

  • ...

Chapter 6

It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and every single other stereotypical example of what would define a beautiful afternoon was happening as well. It was so stereotypical an afternoon that it almost seemed fabricated. Real or fake, though, one could not deny that it was, quite simply, a beautiful afternoon.

Except for Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle could deny it. To Sweetie Belle, it was a dumb afternoon. The birds were dumb. The clouds were dumb. The young pony playing the Pastorale from the Filliam Tell Overture on his flute outside her window was dumb. Even the sun was dumb, although she didn't dare tell Princess Celestia such a thing. And the thing that was by far the most dumb of all was dumb old Spike. Dumb old Spike and his dumbness, making fun of her for kissing Sparkstar. If there was an award for "Most Dumb Thing in Equestria," Spike would forget to go accept it, on account of his being so dumb. Dumb dumb dumb dumb DUMB.

Sparkstar wasn't dumb. Sparkstar was like...the anti-dumb. Sweetie wanted so badly to see him again. But he was gone, and she didn't know when or if he was coming back. She'd tolerate all of her friends' jokes and all of Rarity's giggling and matchmaking if it meant getting him to come back. Of course, that seemed impossible. It probably wasn't impossible, but with how bad a mood Sweetie was in, she wasn't capable of being very positive right now.

There was a knock at Sweetie's bedroom door. She grumbled, not in the mood to accept any visitors. She picked up the nearest thing she could get her hooves on and threw it in the direction of the door. She watched as the piece of paper she'd thrown fluttered to the ground about two feet away. Perhaps next time she'd hunt down a heavier projectile.

"Sweetie Belle!" she heard her sister call from the other side of the door. "You have a visitor, darling!" The filly sighed.

"There's nopony here!" Sweetie called out. Obviously she didn't expect such a tactic to work, but she hoped that her tone of voice would be enough of a hint to her sister that she was not in the mood for company. Unfortunately for her, she seemed to have no such luck as she watched her doorknob become enveloped in Rarity's magic. Sweetie knew she wouldn't have enough time to dive under the bed before the door was open, but that certainly didn't stop her from trying. Rarity, Twilight, and Spike were greeted by the sight of a pink and purple tail poking out from under the bed, along with two white hind legs trying to push herself further under. Any further attempts to hide herself were nullified, as she felt Rarity's magical grasp gently pull at her tail. She sighed, not bothering to resist.resisting would only lead to stronger pulling.

"Now Sweetie, there's no need to hide," Rarity said, pleased that she didn't have to pull harder. She didn't like hurting her sister, after all. "Spikey-Wikey here would like to speak to you." Sweetie heard the name and whirled around, looking quite displeased. She looked straight past Rarity and Twilight, meeting Spike with a steely gaze that shook him to his core. Happy Sweetie was pretty and fun. Angry Sweetie was positively terrifying. Still pretty, but terrifying.

"Well I don't want to speak to Spikey-Wikey," Sweetie responded, punctuating the name with a mocking tone. Spike drooped, ready to just leave, but Twilight and Rarity each put a foreleg in front of him to impede his progress.

"Sweetie Belle," Twilight said. "It's very important that Spike tells you this, so please let him speak, okay?" The little filly frowned. She could get away with not listening to a direct order from Rarity every once in a while. Such was the benefit of family. Twilight was a different case. Out of politeness to a friendly adult and authority figure, she begrudgingly sat down.

"Okay, let's hear it," Sweetie said, looking none too pleased. Spike looked into those pale green eyes, trying to summon up the courage for this. He'd practiced what he wanted to say on his way over, and it had seemed so easy and simple. Now that Sweetie was right in front of him, though, it wasn't quite as easy. Apparently Twilight had taken his hesitation as an intentional thing rather than nervousness, if the magical nudge she gave Spike was any indication. The dragon took a deep breath.

"Well," Spike said. "First off, I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier."

"Good," Sweetie replied, seeming uninterested.

"I had a good reason though!" Spike quickly followed up, eliciting an eye roll from Sweetie.

"Really?" the little filly shot back. "What kind of reason could you possibly have to mock me about kissing Sparkstar?!" Her cheeks instantly colored as she heard a giggle from Rarity. Now she would NEVER hear the end of this.

"It's a really good reason!" Spike insisted. "I promise!" Sweetie did not look impressed, not one bit. She looked up to her sister, who smiled and gave her a gentle nod. The filly looked back to Spike and let out a hefty sigh.

"Okay, let's hear this," Sweetie said, rolling her eyes. The dragon looked nervously back to Twilight, who gave him the same reaction that Rarity had given Sweetie a moment earlier. He turned his attention back to the pony in front of him and steeled himself.

"So I was in Twilight's lab the other day," he began, launching into a Pinkie-esque string of words. "And I was helping her arrange things when I accidentally dropped a powder on myself and I woke up the next day as a pony and then I went outside and spent the day with you and the girls and I was too nervous to tell you the truth so. I didn't and then when Twilight went out of town I used the powder again but I used two doses to make the transformation. Faster but that made me forget I was a dragon and think I was actually a pony and then Twilight changed me back into a dragon but I thought I was just a pony who was turned into a dragon so I went out to show you girls and then I upset you by accident but I wasn't making fun of you I was just bringing it up because I really liked kissing you!" Both filly and dragon turned bright red once more, hearing Twilight and Rarity share a giggle.

"S-so...you're..." Sweetie began, but then stopped herself. "That's ridiculous...why would I ever believe that?"

"It's completely true, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said, stepping up alongside Spike. "He told me every detail before we came upstairs."

"And I verified all of it," Twilight said, standing at Spike's other side. Sweetie stared at the three, dumbfounded.

"...Sparkstar?" the filly asked, already aware of the answer. The other three nodded. Sweetie just stared at Spike. Moments ago, she was feeling such strong anger towards him, but now it seemed to all be melting away. She opened her mouth to speak, but then stopped, feeling a bit of anger creep back.

"So you weren't thinking right?" Sweetie asked. "And that's why you were acting like you liked me?"

"Nonono!" Spike quickly answered. "That was real! All of it!" He scuffed a foot on the ground, his cheeks coloring. "I really liked spending time with you girls, but I liked spending time with you the most. I really think you're nice, and fun, and pretty. A-and if you're okay with a dragon liking you instead of a pony..." He stepped forward and reached one claw out, taking one of Sweetie's hooves. This triggered an excited squeak from Rarity, but he didn't even bother looking back; his focus was squarely on the pony in front of him. Sweetie looked down at her hoof, then up to Spike's nervous, yet genuine smile. The corners of her mouth slowly turned up, causing Spike's heart to flutter. She briefly thought about the presence of the two adults in the room with them, but it didn't concern her as she leaned forward and gave Spike's lips a gentle kiss.

"I think I could be okay with it," the filly said, smiling to the equally-smiling dragon. Neither of them was concerned with the happy giggling from Rarity and Twilight. All they cared about at that moment was the other in front of them.

"I can't believe you kept that secret, though," Sweetie said. "Why didn't you just tell us from the start?"

"I was nervous at first that you'd all think I was dumb for spilling that powder on myself," Spike explained. "And then by the second time, you girls liked Sparkstar so much that I didn't think you'd be happy if I told you'd been lying."

"Well...yeah, we might have been," Sweetie replied with a giggle. "But it's alright. Now c'mon, it's still light! We can go see the girls for a bit!" Spike nodded happily.

"And maybe you can use that powder again if you wanna try being a pony again with us!" Sweetie laughed.

"NO!" Twilight shrieked. All eyes turned to her, and she blushed.

"Erm...at least not for a while," the purple unicorn added meekly.

"Yeah, what she said," Spike said to Sweetie. "I was somepony else with you for long enough. Right now, I just wanna be me." Sweetie giggled and gave him a nuzzle before leading him outside. Twilight and Rarity watched them go, both beaming.

"My little sister and your assistant," Rarity said with a chuckle.

"Who's like a little brother to me," Twilight added, nuzzling Rarity's cheek. Rarity froze up.

"There isn't some manner of obscure Equestrian law against this, is there?" Rarity asked, beginning to worry.

"I'm sure there isn't," Twilight chuckled before engaging Rarity in a tender kiss. Rarity smiled contentedly. They'd cross that bridge when or if they came to it.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. I intended it to be a quick wrap-up from the beginning.

Thanks for enjoying the story! It was really thanks to all of those who enjoyed it that it continued past the first chapter in the first place, and I hope everyone found it enjoyable! Feel free to check out my other stuff!

Comments ( 55 )

Sweet mother of Celestia. It's finally done. I congratulate thee for completing this fine work. My own thoughts were impeded by such brilliant writing. I hereby award thee all of the mustaches!

I like it. Short, but with MUCH feeling.

...Oh, motherfucker. Twilight/Rarity. As long as there's no AppleDash is any sequels you're alright with me bro.

In hindsight I should've seen it coming.

That was a great ending. I don't care if it was short it was still a good ending. Have you considered making a sequel?

It seemed tad abrupt, but aside from that, good job!

So this takes place Sparkle Kitten universe? Nevermind I recalled a mention to that story in an earlier chapter.

I pretty much had the same reaction as Scootaloo. One time I literally went "ACK, GROSS" out loud. Buuuut, I liked the story :pinkiehappy:

And Rarity's right, there probably is some sort of law against it. If either of the pairs got married, I'm pretty sure it'd make the other's relationship some form of incest. I think. I dunno. :derpytongue2:


That would be correct! Actually, the majority of my stories, save for a few, take place in the same universe. Appleshy, Sparkle Kitten, Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge, Tragic Magic, and this one are all assuredly in the same continuity. The only ones that definitely aren't are the ones where there are ships that contrast with AJ/Flutters, Twilight/Rarity, and Rainbow/Pinkie.

Speaking of that last one, I should really write something with them to fit into this continuity...

D'aww at Spike and Sweetie, but why'd you have to go throw the random Twilight/Rarity thing in the ending? That kind of ruined it. :/

Dragon Your Hooves


"Sweetie Belle!" she heard her sister call from the other side of the door. "You have a visitor, darling!" The filly sighed.
"There's nopony here!" Sweetie called out.

Its sparkstar, gotta be spark. Or spike.

I loved the story, but the thing with Twilight and Rarity at the end kinda ruined it for me :unsuresweetie:


I'm actually quite surprised that the Twilight/Rarity bit is getting this response. Might I ask why? I'd intended it to be there from the start as a callback to Sparkle Kitten, but hadn't wanted to bring it up very much so as to not take away from the stars of the story.

I totally respect this opinion; I'm just curious as to why people didn't like it, in case it's related to a writing element that I can try to avoid in the future :raritywink:

3083883 Anyways, it has been a great read. I do mean that.


I'm not a fan of their ship, plus it was just kinda randomly thrown in there which threw me off. I probably wouldn't have cared as much if I knew you had put that there because of another of your stories involving them. Since you explained it, I guess it makes sense for it to be there, but i think it would be better without it and leaving the story to be Spike and Sweetie's alone without another relationship just thrown in at the end like that.
Does that make sense?

3084358 Because 90% of the fics on this site have a lesbian pony hookup just for the sake of having a lesbian pony hookup and it's EXTREMELY tiresome. :ajbemused:

Not only that, but having what appears to be a random lesbian hookup coming out of nowhere in the last paragraph of the story is just...jarring and unnatural. This story is about Sweetie Belle and Spike, the inclusion of the Rarity/Twilight thing at the very end just feels shoehorned in, forced, and unnecessary, and it kills the sweetness of the ending.

Just take the Twi/Rarity thing out entirely. It isn't necessary to this story, and will improve it by not being there.

3084358 I mean, I don't mind the ship, it's just the way you just threw it in there is what pissed me off. It would have made sense if in every chapter you added a hint to it and THEN put the end, but just randomly shoving it down the reader's throat doesn't work at all.

It's all just a matter of execution, my friend.


3084582 :twilightsheepish: i think it was a good way to introduce it. the story was focusing on Spike at first, then shifted a bit to include Sweetie Bell. throwing in a second ship that wasn't meant to be the focus, or impact the story at large in some way, would have just made it a longer read with no extra meat to it...

:pinkiesmile: besides, there's something to be said for a little extra at the end of a cute story like this that gives the reader something to think about.

:raritywink: and by throwing it in at the end, the author is opening themselves up to the chance of a sequel/prequel to show how THAT relationship got to be where it is.


*shrug* I don't particularly mind Twi/Rare. The only thing that annoys me about is that usually it's the ship people pair up because they're the only two unshipped Mane Six in their Mane Six ships. It seems a little much to just drop it in the ending like that, though.

Twilight x Rarity?:pinkiegasp: Where did that come from?:applejackconfused: Did I miss something?:rainbowhuh:


I'm neutral on Twilight/Rarity as a pairing; don't particularly like it, don't particularly dislike it. And when you just shoehorn it in at the end with (as far as I can recall) absolutely no hinting at the relationship? It kinda ruins it. Hell, even if it had been one of my favorite ships, I probably would feel the same way.

That ending. I'm legitamately shocked. I never saw that coming. There were no context clues, hints, or foreshadowing. You NEED to make a sequel.

You can't just pull a ship like that out of your plot and not make a sequel:ajbemused: I better get an update chapter with a sequel link:unsuresweetie:



This story takes place in the same universe as Sparkle Kitten and Tragic Magic, which is where the Rarilight ship comes from. I envision it as taking place after Sparkle Kitten, but before Tragic Magic.

For those commenting on how it came out of nowhere: I see where you're coming from. It might have done me well to have said in the description that the story takes place in the same universe, so that the ship existing isn't such a surprise. My reasoning for not mentioning it was what some of you said; I didn't want to take away from the stars of the story. Having them both together at the end, though, left me just wanting to have a small reference to it. I totally see your points, though, and I'll make sure to watch that in the future!

I'm gonna add a mention in the story description now to hopefully clear up further issues. Thanks for the criticism, it's always appreciated. And I'm glad those who had a problem with that bit enjoyed the rest of the story!

Wonder what Spike and Sweetie Belle would think when Twilight and Rarity are *whistles*.


I loved this story, nice to see you did the continuation/sequel well, even after you said you cancelled it and broke all our hearts.

*Ending of story*
*Reads last paragraph*



*Preparing to comment about Twilight/Rarity coming out of nowhere*
*Seeing string of comments regarding that exact comment*
*Reading the quick blurbs about another story's universe that explains that couple*
Give a renegade Commander Shepard response.
"Well, all right. But you still hurt my feelings."

D'AAAAWWWWW:rainbowkiss: Awesome story! Awesome ending! I would love to engage in more of your work.

Haha, I loved that ending! Completely unexpected, and yet so, so perfect :rainbowkiss:

There are just no words to express how much I love spikybell shipping. And you do a bloody brilliant job at it. Keep up the good work.

Aw... Why must all good stories have an ending :fluttercry:. It was a really good story, and I'm sad to see it end, but overall very good job. Though as everybody has already mentioned the Raralight ending really threw me off for a minute or two.

Holy papaya, I've finally stumbled upon this story again... and it's actually complete now! I'm gonna enjoy this so much over the weekend, it was one of the first stories I read and I was disappointed when it never finished.

Well.... That last bit was unexpected.....

Felt like giving this story its thousandth like.

Loved it:moustache::heart::unsuresweetie: very perfect OC couple

Sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel!


Wow I totally forgot Rarey and Twi were together in this so that kiss at the end confused me briefly.

Dat tiny sliver of dislikes.

I think their should be a sequel

Aaaahhhh, I... better not read this.
Spikebelle is the reason.
I still want ttoooo
but no

Ooooo, good catch! The intent was to have it take place early on, at a time where Spike wasn't too well-acquainted with the CMC yet, but I must have mindfarted right around there when I saw the opportunity for a callback to an episode. I always thought timelines were wonky with the episodes early on (taking a look at the order of S1 episodes and how Winter Wrap-Up takes place before Fall Weather Friends, for example...) but it's a fair bet that S2 takes place after S1. Good eye!

"My little sister and your assistant," Rarity said with a chuckle.

"Who's like a little brother to me," Twilight added, nuzzling Rarity's cheek. Rarity froze up.

"There isn't some manner of obscure Equestrian law against this, is there?" Rarity asked, beginning to worry.

"I'm sure there isn't," Twilight chuckled before engaging Rarity in a tender kiss. Rarity smiled contentedly. They'd cross that bridge when or if they came to it.

This got me really confused to a point of utter disbelief, until I reread the description and realized that this story is based on another ship story with Rarity and Twilight.

Never the less this could very well stand alone as a story without prequels, as the Rarity and Twily thing in the end can be quite the twist and surprise to the reader.

5495669 glad I could help, maybe just edit the line when he exclaims his surprise of Sweetie Belle being Rarity's sister? Or alternatively you should change that line with junebug and swap it with something else.
The problem really is, for him not knowing Sweetie Belle as Rarity's sister, not even by point and tell, this story would need to take place really early, about shortly after the founding of the cutie mark crusaders, and also before the talent show and the stargazing picnic in 'owl well ends well'.
I can't imagen him never hearing this detail from anyone for so long, especially after the talent show episode, not even from Rarity herself since she likes talking and gossiping so much anyway.
From the talent show episode, the opportunities for spike to catch that sort of information just pile up and it gets more and more impossible for him to miss it.
If he is so much friends with each of the mane six, he definitely should know by season 2, and more possibly somewhere in the midst of season 1.
I mean he's hanging out with Rarity a lot, she must have told him, even if it's none passively or out of gossip, that she has a sister named Sweetie Belle doing this and that with her friends.

PS: "My little sister and your assistant," sounds like the title of a TV-Soap, like "How I met your mother".:pinkiehappy:

Very good, sweet story. Could easily see it going the other way. :heart:

I used two doses to make the transformation. Faster

You must have missed this in editing.

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