• Published 19th Nov 2018
  • 3,023 Views, 153 Comments

Love for all - Thestoryteller

This is the story of how those who have only known death and despair are able to love and forgive, all while a sinister plot gets in their way

  • ...

Chapter eleven

"Discord!!!!" Luna's voice boomed as she bursted through the doors to the infirmary, nearly blowing them off of their hinges.

Once more, Nurse Redheart was taken by surprise and fell out of her chair. She cursed under her breath as she got back up. "Go work in Chaosville, they said, you'll make a fortune, they said."

Discord appeared from the room with beds and approached Luna with a scowl. "Could you please refrain from using the royal Canterlot voice in here?!" Discord barked. "The last thing my daughter needs is your voice shattering glass."

"Well if you didn't treat me like a child then I wouldn't have to shout!" Luna snapped back.

Both Discord and Luna glared at each other with murderous intent, so much so that Nurse Redheart decided it would be best to duck down behind her desk. Discord clapped his hooves and Nurse Redheart vanished in a flash of white light. Once the two were alone, Discord, after taking a deep breath and calming down, said, "you're right, I'm sorry, but I would suggest that we act like the rulers we are and not let our emotions govern us."

"I am not being emotional!!!!" Luna declared in the royal voice. Luna then cleared her throat, a slight tint of red on her cheeks as a sign of embaressment, before speaking in a softer manner. "I am acting in the way a ruler should be. You need to explain to me right now what has happened. Because from what I've seen, I do not beleive that any of my daughters should spend another second in this cursed kingdom."

Discord's eyes widened in horror upon hearing that, as much as he disliked the idea of Luna being here, he needed the daughters of her kingdom to remain for his plan to succeed. He had to think of a way to make her and her daughters stay, and fast. He could tell her the truth, but that would only make her send her daughters away, but if he could tell her part of the truth, the part that would make her understand, then she would allow her duaghters to stay. But he had to phrase it perfectly or else all would be lost.

"You can't do that." Discord protested to Luna's declaration.

"Why not?" Luna demanded. "Why do you need my daughters to participate in this ball of yours when it's clear that it's only a danger to them?"

"Listen...the truth is..." Discord began as he explained to Luna why it was important that she allowed her daughters to stay.

One long explaination later...

Once more the doors to the Infirmary bursted open as both Cheese and Pinkie entered carrying a tray of cupcakes

"We..." Both Cheese and Pinkie declared, "are coming through the door like a normal pony."

The two earth pony's came to a halt when they noticed both Discord and Luna in the middle of the room.

"Oh, whoops, sorry." Pinkie rubbed the back of her neck in guilt. "Were we interrupting something?"

Luna turned around to face both Cheese and Pinkie with a smile, which would've fooled most ponies but both Pinkie and Cheese could tell that the smile she was showing was plastic. "No, there is nothing to worry about here."

Entering behind Pinkie and Cheese was Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy. "Um, hello." Fluttershy meekly greeted, hiding behind Rainbow.

"Um, sorry but what are the five of you doing here?" Discord asked.

"Your majesty," Twilight started, "I thought that I might be able to help with my knowledge in the medical field of magic. If that would be okay."

"I...I came for the same reason." Fluttershy spoke up before ducking back down. "Uh...your highness." She quickly added.

"We baked cupcakes with healing powers." Both Cheese and Pinkie said, showing off the cupcakes they made.

"And I'm here to help out Fluttershy." Rainbow lied.

"Look, I'm grateful, really, that you want to help but I have everything under control right now." Discord said, lying to himself.

"King Discord, no offense, but I don't think crystals and candles are gonna make Sunset's injuries go away." Cheese stated.

"And the Griffons injuries too." Rainbow added.

"Right yeah, those guys too." Cheese half-heartedly agreed.

Discord was against the idea and was about to send all of five of them away with his magic until Luna spoke up and stopped him. "Surely there shouldn't be any problem with them lending their aid, is there, Discord?" Luna asked with a smug look.

Discord released an irritated and defeated sigh as he opened the doors which lead to the room with those who were injuried. Before they all proceeded, Discord stopped them and said, "Cheese Sandwhich goes first, if his thing works then the rest of you can proceed."

When Discord was sure that they all understood he allowed them all to enter. Cheese and Pinkie approached Sunset, walking around the scattered crystals and candles that were all over the place. Once they were in reach, Cheese took one of the cupcakes and held it in front of Sunset.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Discord asked as Cheese continued to hold the cupcake in front of Sunset.

"Well...we need her to eat the cupcake in order for it to work, but I'm not too sure how we're gonna make her eat when she's unconsious." Cheese said. "I mean I guess I could..." Cheese trailed off as he opened Sunset's mouth and tried to force the cupcake in.

"I think you're murdering her." Pinkie said with a confused look.

"Hold on, I've almost got it." Cheese said, trying to manuever the cupcake around.

"Stop, stop." Discord waived and Cheese removed the cupcake, leaving Sunset's face to be covered in a mess of crumbs and frosting. "Cheese, now is not the time for one of your jokes." Discord stated flatly.

"I'm not being silly," Cheese defended himself, thowing away the cupcake he had and grabbing a new one, "she has to eat it or else it won't work."

"Your majesty?" Twilight spoke up.

"What?" Discord groaned, turning his attention to Twilight.

"If I may, I think I can use my magic to make Sunset eat the cupcake." Twilight suggested, causing Discord to give her an incredulous expression. "Uh...with your permission, of course."

"That could work." Cheese said, supporting Twilight's request.

"Fine." Discord sighed, he had run out of alternatives and was willing to try anything.

With Discord's permission, Twilight's horn became alit with a lavender glow which covered Sunset's entire body. She arose form her bed like a zombie and her mouth became unhindged.

"This feels wrong." Rainbow crindged, everyone else in the room gave an uncomfortable nod in agreement.

Cheese placed the cupcake in Sunset's mouth and Twilight used her magic to make Sunset close her mouth and chew up the cupcake. Once the cupcake was finished being chewed, Twilight used her magic to make her swallow the cupcake before laying her back down. A shiver went down her spine upon realization of what she just did, feeling very uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Oh come on you big babies." Cheese rolled his eyes at the sight of everyone's uncomfortableness. "It could've been worse."

"How could it've possibly been worse?!" Discord demanded.

"The cupcake could've been a suppository." Cheese said, causing Pinkie to chuckle a bit from the joke. "And yes, that was a joke."

"I'm not laughing, Cheese." Discord glared.

"And maybe that's the problem." Cheese said. "You guys are acting all depressing when their's nothing to worry about. Keep a positive attitude and everything will work out just fine." Cheese stated as Sunset's wounds began to fade from her body. "Case in point." Cheese said as the injuries faded away.

Everyone besides Cheese and Pinkie watched in astonishment as Sunset looked good as new, as if nothing had ever happened to her. Rainbow dashed over to Cheese and snatched one of the cupcakes and flew over to the injuried Griffon, Gilda. "Hey, magical princess pony," Rainbow pointed to Twilight, who pointed to herself with a confused expression as if saying 'who, me?', "yeah you, could you do that same zombie magic on Gilda?"

"I...guess so." Twilight agreed as she used her magic to make Gilda eat the cupcake similiar to what she did with Sunset. She then did the same with the other three Griffons and just like with Sunset, their wounds magically disapeared.

Fluttershy approached Sunset to medically diagnosis her, with Discord's permission of course, "She's perfectly fine." Fluttershy stated after finishing her observation. "Maybe even better than before."

"Thank goodness." Discord sighed in relief. 'Now with this whole mess over we can get back to the ball.'

"I think she's waking up." Fluttershy stated, indicating to Sunset as she was slightly moving in her bed.

Everyone gathered around Sunset as she was beginning to awaken, her eyes fluttered open and squinted as they started to adjust to the sudden bright lights. She straightened herself, despite her groggy state, and looked in surprise to see all of the faces around her bed. They all looked to her with eager faces, as if expecting her to say something.

"Uh...hi.."Sunset spoke, clutching her blanket because it made her feel safe.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!!" Discord cheered as he embraced Sunset with a hug.

"You had us worried for a second there, sis." Cheese admitted.

Sunset looked to both Discord and Cheese with a very perplexed expression, she looked to the other faces and when her eyes fell on Twilight Sparkle, they shrunk to the size of pinpricks. "P-P-Princess Twilight Sparkle?!" She asked in disbelief and shock.

"Uh...yes?" Twilight responded, thinking she was answering a question.

"Sunset," Discord interjected, regaining his serious tone as he addressed Sunset, "this is very important, do you remember what attacked you?"

Sunset blinked twice, confused by the question Discord had asked. "What..." She said.

"What gave you all of those injuries?" Cheese added. "You know, during the whole game and everything."

"The what now?" Sunset asked, more confused then before.

Discord and Cheese exchained a worried look, neither of them understood what was happenning but Luna knew all too well what was going on. Luna was an expert in the fields of the mind and she had dealt with cases like Sunset before, she knew the signs and Sunset was showing all of them. However, just to be sure, she approached Sunset and asked, "Sunset, how old do you think you are?"

"What?" Sunset asked, taken off guard by Luna's question. "Why do you want to know?"

"Just, humor me." Luna answered.

Sunset was hesitant at first but she gave an answer nonetheless, "I'm 15 years old." She answered.

"I see." Luna nodded, her suspicions being confirmed she told Sunset. "Sunset, I know that this will come as a shock to you, but you're suffering from Selective Amnesia, and it appears as though you have forgotten the last 6 years of your life."

"W-what?" Sunset, shocked, asked.

"Now hold on a minute, Luna." Discord butted in. "You can't just go saying things like that all willy-nilly."

Luna addressed Discord, "I am the best known expert when it comes to matters of the mind, and I know for certain that Sunset is suffering from Selective Amnesia, by about 6 years, I'm assuming that she is 21 years old." Luna explained. "If you don't beleive me then why don't we test her." Luna suggested before asking Sunset some questions. "Sunset, do you recognize anyone in those room?"

"I uh...I know about you and Princess Twilight Sparkle, but I've never met any of the rest of you." Sunset admitted.

"Sis," Cheese spoke up with his ears flat and a nervous smile across his face, "come on, if this is suppoused to be a joke it's not funny. Trust me, I know funny."

"I'm not joking," Sunset reaffirmed, "I really don't know any of you."

"Sunset," Luna continued with her questions, "what is the last thing you can remember?"

Sunset rubbed her head as she tried to think back to her last memory, "I was...sitting at home, reading with a book while waiting for Flash." Sunset's eyes widened in realization. "Flash! Where is he?! He was going on an errand and then he didn't come home! Is he here?! I have to find him!" Sunset ranted as she began hyperventilating.

"Woah, woah," Discord said, trying to calm Sunset down, "Flash's still here, he's just out right now. He'll be back in no time, I promise."

Despite Discord's attempt at reasuring Sunset, she continued to hyperventilate and tried to leave her bed. With no choice, Discord clapped his hooves and Sunset was put to sleep. "Sorry about that, but it's for your own good." Discord stated before turning to Luna and demanding, "okay, miss I-know-everything-about-the-mind, how do we get her memories back?"

Luna looked to Discord with a somber expression, "We can't." She stated sadly.

Meanwhile, back at the beach forest, our four poines were still facing their crisis. The battle went along a little something like this, the Timberwolves attacked the four poines but were unable to do any damage as both Johnny and Applejack, thanks to their strength from being hard workers, were able to bust a Timberwolf to pieces with one kick. Flash and Soarin both took out Timberwolves by flying high into the air and dive bombing into them with their hindlegs, breaking them apart. However, this was to no avail as the broken Timberwolves simply reassembled themselves back together.

"There's no way we can win this through brute force." Flash stated the obvious. "We have to somehow put the angered spirits to rest." Flash said as the other three poines readied themselves for another attack. "You can't punch a spirit." Flash stated with a deadpan expression.

"Well then how do we beat these guys?" Soarin demanded.

Flash thought of how to beat Timberwolves, he did what he always did whenever he was faced with a dilehma; he thought back to his history books. Whenever Flash began to think back to his books, he closed his eyes and sat down as he began to reminise. As Flash did this, Johnny and Applejack were confused as to what he was doing.

"Is he holding in a crap or something?" Johnny asked bluntly.

"No," Soarin sighed, facepalming because he knew what Flash was doing, "he's doing that stupid memory trick of his, where he remembers something he read in one of his history books."

"So now we have to defend him or else he'll get his head bitten off?" Applejack assumed.

"Yep," Soarin confirmed, "thank Flash for finding a way to make this ten times more difficult."

As Soarin, Johnny, and Applejack fought off the Timberwolves, Flash went through all of the known history books he had read and tried to see if he could remember anything on Timberwolves. After a couple of minutes went by, Flash finally remembered important information and Timberwolves. "Brain-Blast!" He declared.

"IF YOU'RE GONNA DO SOMETHING FLASH, PLEASE DO IT NOW!!" Soarin shouted as he tried to prevent one of the Timberwolve's jaws from crushing him.

Flash looked around before he found a rock that was as big as both of his hooves. He picked up the rock and gave a sharp whistle, gaining the attention of all the Timberwolves. He showed off the rock to all of the Timberwolves, "Who wants the rock?! Who wants the rock?!" Flash said playfully, like how a person talks to their dog. All of the Timberwolves began to wag their tails as Flash moved the rock around, their gaze following its location. Flash arched his hoof back before throwing the rock off into the forest. All of the Timberwolves gave chase after the flying rock with great speed before disappearing.

"What...just happened?" Johnny asked, in desperate need of an explanation from Flash.

Flash couldn't help but grin as he gave his explanation, "Timberwolves are a lot more like dogs than actual wolves. They like to rough house and guard their territory, but they're only hostile if someone forces them to awaken. No doubt the game Discord had must've made them appear and wanted to play with us."

"You call that, 'playing'?!" Soarin cried out.

"In their eyes, yes." Flash continued his explanation, "remember, their bodies can't break apart, so they think the same goes for us. We just have to play with them for a bit and then they'll return back into spirits."

"Okay, easy enough." Soarin said as he walked up to Flash and grabbed him. As Soarin was doing this, the pack of Timberwolves came running back. Soarin picked Flash up and said, "Go fetch the nerd!" He declared in an excited fashion as he threw Flash.

Flash let out a yell as he soared through the air before, thanks to being a pegasus he had experience with manuvering his body while in the air, he slid across the sand before coming to a stop on all four of his legs. He let out a sigh of releif and turned to give Soarin a piece of his mind before his eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks and his ears fell flat upon seeing every Timberwolf about to tackle him. Flash screamed as he was dogpiled by all of the Timberwolves, Soarin, meanwhile, was on his back, clutching his sides, laughing hysterically at the sight.

One of the Timberwolve's, one carrying Flash by gently holding him in his teeth, walked up to Soarin and dropped Flash in front of him. As if the Timberwolf was asking Soarin to throw him again. Flash, his mane and fur now messy, shot Soarin a very annoyed and very upset expression. Unfortunatly, when Soarin saw Flash in his messy state he couldn't help but burst out laughing once again. Flash looked up to the Timberwolves and pointed at Soarin, "He's a cat person." Flash stated and the Timberwolves excited expression vanished, replaced by an angry low growl.

The Timberwolves fused together into one large Timberwolf, the new very large Timberwolf released a low growl as its green eyes glared at Soarin, who's laughter was starting to calm down. The next thing Soarin knew, the Timberwolf grabbed Soarin's legs, raised its head, and began violently shaking it. The Timberwolf treated Soarin like a chew toy as it slung Soarin all over the place.

"Okay, I think he's had enough." Flash said, causing the Timberwolf to stop moving. "Drop," Flash ordered and the Timberwolf released Soarin from its jaw, "good wolf." Flash gleamed, patting the Timberwolf as a sign of affection, to which the Timberwolf greatly enjoyed.

"Could someone tell the world to stop spinning? I'd like to get off now." Soarin pleaded with a cross-eyed expression while stumbling around as he tried to gain some solid ground.

Afterwards, Johnny, Applejack, and Flash spent the rest of their time playing with the Timberwolf by playing fetch with it, taking it for a walk, grooming it, and loving it. As they did all of these things, the Timberwolf's size became smaller and smaller until it was the size of a puppy.

"How come it ain't goin' away?" Applejack asked.

"I guess it's grown attached to me." Flash guessed. "I'm sure everything will be alright if I keep him. I've always wanted a pet." Flash stated as he nuzzled the little critter. Unfortunatly for him, the Timberwolf's green glow vanished and the Timberwolf returned to being a pile of logs and sticks. "Aw." Flash let out a disapointed whine at his new friend leaving.

"There, there, Flash." Johnny comforted his brother by patting him on the shoulder. "He's happier this way."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Flash sighed, before standing up. "Let's head back to castle to tell Father that we've handled the situation."

"Yep, you guys have fun with that." Johnny said as he began walking in the other direction, motioning Applejack to do the same.

"Oh no you don't." Soarin declared, moving in front of both Johnny and Applejack. In doing so, his cheeks bulged and his skin turned a shade of green as he swallowed down what he almost threw up. A side affect of him still being nauseous after his time with the Timberwolf. "King Discord's gonna wanna have a talk with both you."

"Oh come on." Johnny rolled his eyes. "Are you two seriously gonna tattle on me?"

"It's more than that, Johnny," Flash began to explain, "Father threw this whole ball so that we would forge alliences with other nations. By attempting a relationship with someone outside of the event is out of the question."

"Well, did King Discord even consider my feelings on the matter before the ball?" Johnny asked.

"Can I have a say in this?" Applejack spoke up, not liking the fact that the three of them were speaking on behalf of them.

"Uh...right, sorry." Flash apologized, "I suppose you also have a say in this matter."

"Well, if I'm being honest, I'd say that we should all go to King Discord and tell him the truth. Nothing good will come of us lying or avoiding it." Applejack stated.

"But Applejack-" Johnny was about to protest.

"No 'buts'." Applejack cut Johnny off. "Look, I agreed to do this whole thing because you beat me fair and square in our bet, now that it's over, and my debt repayed, you gotta deal with the consequences."

Johnny's eyes went wide. "Wait, no, this wasn't the date. This doesn't count, I had a whole thing planned and it was gonna be great and everything."

"Sorry Sugarcube, but I've had my fill for today. Now we're gonna go to King Discord and you're gonna explain to him everything or else." Applejack threatened.

"Or else, what?" Johnny asked, slightly afraid of the possible answer. Applejack leaned in on Johnny and whispered something to Johnny, the only signs of what she was saying could only be described by the expressions Johnny was making. Once Applejack was finished, Johnny said, "Come on boys, let's go back to the castle." Johnny declared as he began his march.

Both Soarin and Flash shared a confused glance.

"Is...is this what date's look like?" Flash asked Soarin.

"I guess so..." Soarin assumed.

Both Flash and Soarin had no experience with dating and upon seeing one up close they both came to the same conclusion,

"Relationships are weird." They both thought before following after Johnny and Applejack.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, a creatue was following them. It looked like a kind of bunny but it's body was larger than a bunny and it didn't move like one either.

Once the four of them returned to the castle, they all went their seperate ways, Applejack and Johnny made their way towards Discord's throne room, Soarin went towards his room, deciding to turn in early thanks to the rough day he's been having, and Flash made his way to the infirmary to check up on Sunset. Every now and then, however, he kept getting the feeling like he was being followed, but when he looked behind him there was nothing there. He would shrug it off and continue towards the Infirmary.

Upon entering he was greeted by Nurse Redheart who was engrossed in her book. He continued into the beds where he was surprised to see Twilight beside Sunset's bedside. "Princess Twilight?" Flash asked.

Twilight moved her attention to Flash and was also surprised to see him there. "Prince Flash Sentry." She exclaimed in surprise.

"Please, Princess, you can just call me, Flash." Flash said, lightly grinning.

"Likewise." Twilight added.

Flash approached Sunset's bedside, "She looks better." Flash stated, noticing Sunset's wounds were gone.

Twilight's tone turned somber as she corrected Flash. "Actually...I'm sorry to say but she's suffering from amnesia." Twilight stated.

"WHAT?!" Flash yelled, quickly covering his mouth in embaressment from his outburst. Twilight winced, deciding she could've phrased her point less bluntly. "Are you sure?" Flash asked.

"I'm afraid so," Twilight confirmed, "Princess Luna was the one to give her her diagnosis."

Flash couldn't deny or argue with the point from the Princess whose dominion was over the mind itself. "How much as she forgotten?" Flash asked.

"Princess Luna thinks she has forgotten about 6 years of her life." Twilight answered.

"Oh." Flash exclaimed, some optimism returning to him. "That might be a good thing. Considering her history with Blueblood and the whole situation that happened, this might be a blessing in disguise."

"If you say so," Twilight grinned along with Flash, finding his smile comforting.

"However, it's gonna be difficult explaining her anxiety disorder to her." Flash sighed.

Twilight's ears perked up when she heard about Sunset's disorder. "Princess Sunset has an anxiety disorder?"

"Afraid so," Flash nodded, "I know she doesn't act like it, mainly it's thanks to her medication, but she always had a habit of having a panic attack over the simplest of things."

"I know how she feels." Twilight muttered under her breath.

"Did you say something, Princess?" Flash asked, thinking he heard Twilight say something.

"Uh, no, nothing at all." Twilight lied. "And anyways, I thought I told you to call me 'Twilight'?

"My sincerest apologies," Flash bowed, "Princess Twilight Sparkle of Canterlot, daughter of Princess Celestia, bringer of friendship, master of magic, and the fourth Alicorn of the world."

Twilight couldn't help but laugh at Flash's statement, she held a hoof over her mouth to stiffle her laugh but it was to no avail. Flash joined in, chuckling with Twilight, until there was a scream and a loud crash from outside. Both Flash and Twilight rushed outside to see Nurse Redheart once again on the floor with her chair flipped over.

"I hate this job." She muttered to herself.

"Nurse Redheart," Flash started to ask as he helped the nurse up, "what happened?"

"That thing scared the daylights out of me." Nurse Redheart pointed an accusing hoof.

Both Flash and Twilight looked to where Nurse Redheart was pointing to see the culprit of the mess. Before them stood a feline creature with brown fur all over its body and a fluff of light cream brown fur around its neck and the point of it's tail. It stood on four legs and had long pointy ears like that of a rabbit. The creature wore a bright smile as it spoke, "Eevee!"

Meanwhile, Rainbow sat in her room waiting patiently for Gilda to awaken. The female Griffon laid on her bed after Rainbow moved her to her room. As the seconds ticked by, Rainbow thought of what she would say and how she would say it when Gilda woke up. Sure enough, Gilda began to stir slightly before her eyes opened. She repositioned herself to where her back was up against the bedframe and she observed her surroundings. Despite being frightened by the new surroundings, her fear melted away when she saw Rainbow.

"Oh it's you." Gilda let out a sigh of relief. "Where are we?" She asked.

"My room." Rainbow answered bluntly, crossing her forelegs.

"Wow, it's an upgrade from the shack that's for certain." Gilda smiled.

Rainbow clenched upon hearing that, it would appear that it wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.

"Well, I'm not complaining." Gilda said as she got out of the bed. "Come on, I'll cook us up some breakfast, babe."

The word 'babe' was what sent Rainbow off the edge, without any hesitation and completely out of the blue, she punched Gilda in the face. Gilda realed back, taken off-guard by Rainbow's sudden outburst. "Ow! What the...ow!" Gilda winced in pain, rubbing the red mark on her cheek. "What was that for, babe?"

There was that word again, that word that made Rainbow furious. "Don't call me your babe!" Rainbow yelled, pushing Gidla. "I'm not your, babe, and I told you that! Why do you never listen?!"

"Woah, woah, woah." Gilda raised her claws to block her face. "Just calm down, babe."

Once again, Rainbow punched Gilda. "Say 'babe' again," Rainbow dared, "I dare you, I double-dog dare you, say 'babe' one more time!"

"Okay, okay." Gilda defended, stating that she was hearing what Rainbow was saying. "You got it, no more B-word."

"It's not just the B-word, Gilda," Rainbow growled, "it's the fact that you won't accept that we broke up."

Those words sunk in for Gilda, those were words that no one in a decent relationship ever wanted to hear. "B-broke up?" She asked in disbeleif.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" Rainbow snarled. "I ended our relationship, we are not a thing anymore, and yet, despite the fact that I said that, here you are. What? Did you want to ruin my second-chance at happiness?"

Gilda's mind was spinning, in a mere matter of moments her whole world was crumbling before her and she had no idea why. "I don't understand." Gilda said in disbeleif. "Why is this happening?"

"You're really gonna make me say it, aren't you?" Rainbow groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You were an abusive girlfriend, Gilda, and I left you."

"A-abusive?" Gilda was now in even more disbeleif.

Rainbow punched the floor in anger. "You know what, no, no I'm not doing this." She stated firmly, getting right in Gilda's face. "I don't want to see you ever again, if you so much as try to talk to I swear I'll...I'll..." Rainbow trailed off as she tried to think of a good threat but was too angry to thing of one. "I'll do something really bad." Rainbow said as she stormed out of the room.

"Rainbow, wait!" Gilda cried out, but it was to no avail as the door slammed shut behind her.

"Make sure she doesn't leave her room." Rainbow ordered to the two hallow suits of armor standing in front of her room. The two suits gave a salute as Rainbow walked away.

Once she was sure that no one was around, Rainbow became envoloped in a green flash. For it was not Rainbow but instead it was Lightning Dust, who had disguised herself as Rainbow Dash. Lightning couldn't help but smile at her handy-work as she made her way down the hall. Once more she became envolped in a green flash as she changed her form.

Soarin was beat, after a day of the game with everyone, Sunset's injuries, and getting thrown around like a chew-toy, he practically melted into his bed. It was sill awhile before the sun would set and night would fall but Soarin didn't care. He was ready to fall fast asleep. Unfortunatly, his wishes would be unfulfilled as a bright light entered his room. He let out a groan as he covered his head under a pillow to block out the light.

"Soarin." A ghostly voice spoke, one that Soarin recognized.

Soarin removed the pillow and looked to where the voice was coming from. There he saw a tall pegasus with white fur, bright blue eyes, a short dark blue mane with a braided tail on the back of it that sparkled, broad white feathered wings with the tips of the wings bright blue. Soarin recognized the unknown figure right away, his eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"Dad?" Soarin asked in disbeleif.

The tall pegasus gave Soarin a gentle smile, "In the flesh." He answered.

Soarin was moved to tears as he jumped from his bed and embraced the tall pegasus. "I'm so glad you're alive!" He proclaimed, before realization struck him. "Wait, how are you alive? I was at your funeral, King Discord buried you."

"All faked." Soarin's father answered. "That's actually why I'm here, son. I'm here to warn you."

"Warn me?" Soarin asked in disbeleif, removing himself from his dad's embrace.

"Yes, I brought you to Chaosville because Discord told me that you would be safe, but now I know that he was lying." Soarin's father said. "Listen to me, you must leave here and return to Cloudsdale at once, before it's too late."

"What?" Soarin asked incredulously. "I can't just leave, I have family and friends here."

"Soarin, I don't have much time." Soarin's father said as he began to vanish via teleportation. "Just remember, you can't trust Discord."

"Dad, wait!" Soarin cried out as his father vanished.

He sat there, dumbfounded, before there was a knock at the door. "Kiddo." Discord's voice could be heard from the other side of the door. "I'm coming in." He said as the door swung open and entered. "Sorry for the intrusion, but there's something I need to check on."

"Like...what?" Soarin asked.

"It's probably nothing, but I got one of my signs that someone was spreading chaos and it was coming from your room." Discord answered, causing Soarin to be more worried. "You didn't happen to see anything...chaoticy in here, did you?"

"...no." Soarin lied, something that Discord was able to pick up on but decided to leave it be.

"Alright, well holler at me if you need something." Discord said as he made his way back to the door.

"King Discord," Soarin said, causing Discord to halt. "Tell me again why my father died."

King Discord gave Soarin a very perplexed look. "That's a strange conversation starter, kiddo."

"Humor me." Soarin said, sitting on his bed.

Discord let out a sad sigh as he told Soarin the story of his father. "Your father was what many would call a Celestial, a creature made of light and magic. He was one of my most trusted and loyal friends, of course he was honor-bound to Cloudsdale so that's where he spent most of his days. He watched over you until he knew that he was dying due to a sickness. As a result, he came to me and begged me to take you in until he got better. But..." Discord trailed off, the pain all too visible in his eyes. "But he didn't beat the sickness, even my magic could not save him. He passed away and was buried, I still miss him but I know he's in a better place now." Discord said. "Anything else you need, kiddo?" Discord asked.

"No." Soarin shook his head, "that's all I needed, thank you." Soarin said, hugging Discord.

Discord smiled at Soarin, "Anytime, kiddo." He replied, returning Soarin's hug.

As Discord got up to leave, he took one last look at Soarin before closing the door shut. Soarin sat on his bed, pondering everything that had happened. Then, all of the sudden, a piece of paper appeared next to Soarin, he grabbed the paper and looked at it, noticing that there was writing on it.

No matter what, you cannot trust Discord.

Soarin reread the note over and over but still he received no answer to his many questions. It wasn't until exhaustion got the better of him as his eyes became heavy and his muscles became loose. In no time at all Soarin fell onto his bed and was fast asleep in no time. Whatever would happen next, would have to wait until tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Whew, that was fun to write. Welp, as I'm sure many of you are happy to hear, the whole situation has ended. Now we can get back to all of the fun romance stuff now. As always, thank you for your time