• Published 19th Nov 2018
  • 3,023 Views, 153 Comments

Love for all - Thestoryteller

This is the story of how those who have only known death and despair are able to love and forgive, all while a sinister plot gets in their way

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Chapter eight

It was a new day, the sun rose over the horizon and shone down onto the kingdom for all of its happy citizens. Chaosville had several forests and mountain ranges that were preserved and untouched, one of these forests, the oldest one to be precise, was one that sat on the edge of Chaosville right next to the beach. The trees that grew here were very important and symbolic to Chaosville as they were very sturdy trees whose roots were able to dig deep into the sand and draw water from the ocean and filter it by absorbing the water and expelling the salt into the wood, making them strong and sturdy. These trees were known as Salt Roots and they were symbolic because to Chaosville it meant that any life could survive even in the harshest of conditions if they had grit enough to overcome any obstacle.

It was here, on the beach, that Discord sat in his throne that sat on a wooden podium, and across from him, in the sand, were the banners of each kingdom that had arrived including the banner of his own kingdom. Discord had created a new activity for everyone which would determine who would go out on a second date with who as well as an additional prize. However, Discord had not told anyone of this new activity that he had come up with and decided that he was going to surprise everyone.

Once it was exactly noon, Discord clapped his hooves and in a flash of magic, everyone appeared next to their respected banner. Sunset, Flash, Soarin, Fancy, Cheese, and Johnny all appeared next to the Chaosville banner. Twilight, Blueblood, Fleur, Pinkie, Rarity, and Starlight appeared under the Canterlot banner. Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust, Spitfire, and Fluttershy under the Lunum banner. Gilda, Gabby, Vox, and Gallus appeared under the Griffon banner. Ember, Garble, and Spike appeared under the Dragon banner. Yona appeared under the Yak banner. In another flash of magic, Princess Luna appeared next to Discord with a toothbrush in her mouth and a bewildered look on her face that turned into an expression of annoyance when she realized that it was Discord who had teleported her.

Everyone had confused looks on their faces and before anyone could speak or protest, Discord stood up from his throne and announced, "Welcome everyone to the next activity, which I like to call 'Professional Team Tag'." With a clap of his hooves a bunch of bows and arrows appeared, one for everyone, except Luna, with the arrows head being a piece of foam in the shape of a cylinder instead of a sharp arrowhead as well as some foam swords were given to the teams. "This game will determine two things, the first is that it will decide who will go on a date with one of my children and before I tell you the second please allow me to explain the rules of this activity," Discord offered before explaining the rules. "Before you are either a bow and arrows or a foam sword, these tools have been enchanted so that they correspond to each others team. If you were to have contact with someone with the sword or arrow then the creature that you hit will join your team and do exactly as you say. To ensure that this rule is followed, both the arrows and swords have been enchanted with an obedience enchantment that will cause an obedience mark to appear on whoever was hit." Discord stated. "Now then, for the second thing-"

"Hold on a second, Discord," Luna interjected, "do you truly think I'll just sit back and do nothing while anyone could force my daughters to do something against their will?!"

Luna was referring to the idea that even if one of her daughters were to be caught under the enchantment then they could be used as a slave. To which Discord waived away such thoughts by stating,

"I understand your worrying, which is why I have countless members of my guard hidden in the forest to ensure that no one does anything naughty," Discord explained, "and these aren't the hollow guards, these are the Thistle Operatives, my most loyal and highly trained guards who will intervene, should anything go wrong." Despite the reasurance in his voice, Luna was still not convinced. To which Discord rolled his eyes and clapped his hooves and in a bright flash of magic, several bat-ponies appeared adorned in royal dark blue armor. "There, now you have some of your own guard to keep a watch over the game, happy?"

When Luna was satisfied with the conditions of her daughters safety, Discord continued his explaination. "Now then, as for the second thing, I offer a reward to anyone who can shoot me, this reward will be one, and only one wish. This wish can be anything, anything at all, like a mountain of riches," Discord clapped his hooves and a mountain of solid gold erupted upwards from underneath him, "or a never before seen history book," Discord clapped and the mountain disappeared and a dusty and worn-out book appeared in his hooves which he showed off to everyone, and which both Flash and Twilight showed much interest in, "or perhaps you would like indomitable power," Discord clapped and storm clouds gathered above him which spewed lightning, "this wish could be anything," Discord said as the storm clouds dispersed, "and it does not apply just to the royals, but to my children and servants as well. Whoever can strike me with an arrow or sword will win this wish. However," Discord pointed out, looking to Luna with a narrow gaze, "there is to be no lethal, brainwashing, or boosting spells during this event," Discord said, turning back to the others, "any other kind of magic is allowed, and no one is allowed to fly above the tree line."

"Lastly," Discord started, "keep in mind that you are standing on the very beach that the first settlers of Choasville set hoof onto. Please do not break or damage any of the trees as it would be very disrespectful and also annoying to fix. With that," Discord clapped his hooves, "let the games begin!"

In a flash of white light, all of the teams and their participants vanished, leaving both Discord and Luna alone. "Are you serious about giving however wins any wish of their choosing?" Luna inquired, having known Discord for a long time she knew full well of the trickster he is.

"There's no need to be a worry-wart Lulu dear," Discord waived, "There's obviously going to be some guidlines to the wish, but I will be true to my word and give whoever wins a wish of their desire. However," Discord clapped his hooves and the statue of the Stoned Mare appeared next to him, "I never said I was gonna make it easy."

In the woods, a bright flash emerged and from it the prince's and princess of Chaosville appeared. In front of them were several tools such as foam swords, foam spears, plastic shields, and bows and arrows but the tip of the arrow was a cylindrical foam block. There was also plastic armor that would cover the legs and armor for covering the eyes, there was enough sets for all of them.

Flash couldn't help but smile at the assortment of childish weaponry. "Hey Soarin, remember when you and I used to play nerf war with each other?" Flash reminiced as he picked up a shield and began putting on some of the armor.

"How could I forget?" Soarin stated, as he too began strapping on some of the plastic armor. "If I remember correctly, I would always beat you."

Flash couldn't help but smile at how funny Soarin's joke was. "I'll admit you got me out more times than I'd like, but this time we're all on a team."

"About that," Fancy butted in, fully adorned in plastic armor and eyewear, "I feel that we should spilt up and each of us act as our own team."

The group pondered over the idea for a moment before Johnny spoke up in agreeance, "I'm with Fancy, all of us against everyone else would be unfair since we know these woods like the back of our hooves."

Everyone agreed, Sunset was reluctant at first but then realized the advantage of being alone.

"So then," Soarin grinned, "let the hunt begin." He stated as everyone went their seperate ways.

In another part of the woods there was another bright flash and the pegasi of the Lunar Empire appeared. Just like with all the places everyone appeared at there was an asortment of plastic and foam weapons along with plastic armor.

"Sick! Dibs on the sword!" Rainbow exclaimed, moving so fast that she could only be seen as a multicolored blur.

Lightning Dust approached the foam spear, picked it up and examined it closely. "Is this a joke?" She asked not being retorhical. "How on earth are we supposed to attack the enemy with these... children's play things?" She looked over to her sister Rainbow Dash to see her hopping on one leg as she tried to put on a piece of the armor that attached to her leg.

"Woah!" Rainbow yelped as she lost her balance and fell over, landing square on her belly and chin. "Ow." She hissed.

As Fluttershy went to help Rainbow put on her armor, an idea popped in Lightning's head. She walked over to Rainbow and jabbed her with the foam spear. Although it didn't hurt Rainbow, Lightning did jab it hard enough to annoy her. "Hey! What's the big idea?" Rainbow demanded.

"Rainbow, stand up." Lightning ordered.

Despite Rainbow Dash being a rebelious spirit she somehow found her body compelled to stand up, only for it to fall back down again due to her lack of balance. "Ow," Rainbow hissed once more in pain but also, this time, confusion, "what the...why did I do that?"

"It works." Lightning Dust stated, amazed that the spear did indeed give her control over Rainbow Dash.

Once Rainbow Dash had untangled herself and the plastic armor was fully on, she stood up and was ready to begin the game. But her excitement was cut short as Lightning gave another order, "Rainbow Dash, sit down." To which Rainbow found herself compelled to sit on her rear. "You are to sit here until the game is over." Lightning ordered.

When Rainbow finally figured out what was going on she immediately protested. "WHAT?! No fair!" She yelled. "You can't keep me in timeout!"

"Actually I can." Lightning stated, and her point was proven further as Rainbow Dash, despite her many attempts to sit up, could not remove herself from her time out. "This is for your own good Rainbow." Lightning began to explain. "Knowing you, if we let you participate you'll rush into the enemy headfirst and get captured right off the bat. It'd be better to just keep you here."

"Come on, Lightning!" Rainbow whined, looking to Fluttershy and Spitfire for support. "Come on Spits, back me up here."

Spitfire rubbed the back of her neck guiltily, "Sorry, Dash, but I'm gonna have to go with Lightning on this one."

Rainbow glared at Lightning, "Very well then, you leave me no other choice." Rainbow stated with a murderous and serious tone. "Fluttershy, attack!" Rainbow ordered Fluttershy to which Fluttershy only blinked and stuttered in confusion.

"Fluttershy, ignore Rainbow Dash." Lightning Dust ordered.

"No Fluttershy," Rainbow protested, "disobey your mistress and overthrow her to help out me, your good buddy Rainbow Dash."

"Fluttershy, I am your princess," Lightning stated, "you are honor-bound to server and obey me."

Unable to make a decision between her friend and Lightning Dust, Fluttershy let out a hushed yell before running off into the forest.

"Wha-Fluttershy, come back!" Spitfire called out before running after the pegasus mare.

Lightning rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance, glaring at Rainbow Dash she ordered, "Don't move until the game is over." Before heading off to go find Fluttershy.

In yet another part of the woods there was another flash of light, and Ember, Garble, and Spike appeared. As with all locations there was an assortment of plastic and foam tools as well as plastic armor. Surpisingly there was even a third, smaller, pair of armor and tools just for Spike.

Garble looked down at the smaller dragon with a glare, "Why are you here?" He questioned.

Spike took a big nervous gulp, sweat beading down his head. "I um...don't really know." Spike admitted, laughing nervously. "I was organizing some of the books in the library when all of the sudden I was teleported here." Garble's glare intensified. "I swear, that's the truth." Spike stated, putting his claws up to possibly defend himself. "Please don't eat me."

Garble inched closer but was halted by a hit on the head from the foam sword which Ember held. "Knock it off, Garble." Ember ordered as she was putting on pieces of her armor. "Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth, perhaps Spike could be of some use to us." Ember said, giving Spike a reasuring smile that no harm would come to him.

Spike's fear diminished upon seeing Ember's reasurance, and Garble ceased his glare at Spike with a huff of annoyance. "Fine, but I'm keeping my eye on you." Garble declared pointing an accusing talon at Spike. "He could be a spy from Discord sent to destroy us." Garble said, to which Ember simply rolled her eyes.

"Please, look at him," Ember pointed to Spike, more spefically to how small we was compared to both her and to Garble, "how could he possibly be a threat?"

That statement was a hard blow to dear ol' Spike's confiedence, however it was enough to convince Garble to halt his accusations. "You have a fair point, Discord would never trust the task of a spy to someone as pathetic as this shrimp." Garble let out a loud laugh as he walked away to go put on his armor.

Spike clenched his claw and balled it into a fist, his anger wasn't because of the insult Garble had given him but that he had the nerve to call King Discord by his name instead of his royal title. However, Spike calmed himself down and made sure that he kept his cool. His attention was drawn to the grunting Ember who was on her back and trying, yet failing, to put on one of the plastic guards that went on her knee.

"Here, let me help you." Spike offered, walking up to Ember. He waited until she stopped struggling to allow him to work with the guard. He reached beind it and undid the velcro strap, with the plastic guard now loose he moved it onto Ember's knee and reattached the velcro. "Is that a good fit?" He asked to confirm that the guard was placed on correctly.

Ember moved her knee to make sure the guard wasn't being a hindrance in any way. "Nice, thanks Spike." Ember thanked.

"It's really not a problem." Spike waived, then his attention was drawn to Garble as he too was struggling with the plastic armor. "Um...can I-"

"No!" Garble yelled, cutting Spike off. "I can do this."

Spike let out a sigh in annoyance, Ember, fully adorned in plastic armor with a foam sword on her belt and a plastic shield in her claw, stood up next to Spike. "Don't waste your time worrying about Garble," Ember patted Spike on the back.

"Is he always this grumpy?" Spike asked in a voice low enough to make sure that Garble couldn't hear him.

"Honestly," Ember started, also speaking in an equally hushed tone, "I know that Garble isn't the friendliest of dragons, but recently he's been more aggressive than usual."

"Oh?" Spike, now intrigued, raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

"Recently he's been more viloent and hostile. Not to mention that he's been eating more than usual and being more rude to the servents." Ember explained. "I've been doing my best to keep him down but I can't control him forever."

"I see." Spike said, looking back at Garble who threw his elbow gaurd at a tree, only for it to bounce off of the tree and hit Garble square in the nose. Spike thought back to yesterday, for you see, Spike's appearance on the dragon's team was by no accident.


Back inside the castle, during the night, Spike walked along a torch-lit hallway towards the royal chambers which belonged to King Discord. Despite the anxiety Spike felt, he mustered his courage and knocked on the door. The door opened slightly, only allowing a sliver of the door to be seen.

"Were you followed?" A voice from behind the door asked.

"No, sir." Spike answered.

The door opened slightly further, the figure behind it observed the hallway just to be sure that Spike was indeed not followed. The door opened just enough to allow Spike to squeeze through, "Inside, quickly!" The figure ordered and Spike quickly rushed in, the door closing shut behind him.

Spike entered into a dark room devoid of any source of light, he waved his arms in front of him to get his bearings but was suddenly embraced by feeling of fabric as something grabbed him. He gave a yelp of surprise before he was sitting in a, surprisingly comfortable, chair.

"Sorry about the darkness," the figure's voice came from in front of Spike and it was now recognizable as King Discord himself, "my room is strickly off limits to the staff and my children because...of how chaotic it is." Discord said.

"I'm honored that you let me enter." Spike said as the chair massaged his back.

"I'll be brief," Discord said, "I've noticed an unusual disturbance within my kingdom. I believe that the dragon known as Garble might be possessed by some kind of...something bad. During the event tommorow, i need you to keep an eye on Garble and report back anything that might appear...evil." Discord said.

"Your majesty, it would be my honor." Spike said, accepting the job.

"Absolutly not." Fleur refused, pointing her head high in the hair. "I refuse to take part in this...ridiculous game. Rarity, you shall participait for me and when you win you shall give the wish to me." Fleur ordered.

Rarity sighed, cringing at the unholy and unfashionable armor she would be forced to wear.

"Rarity, you will do no such thing." Twilight ordered, she and Starlight were wearing every piece of their plastic armor. "Fleur, at least participate a little. Even Blueblood is willing to participate in this." Twilight exclaimed, indicating to Blueblood who was also fully clothed in the plastic armor

"Don't drag me into this, Twilight." Blueblood said, not looking at Twilight because he was walking off with Pinkie Pie, who was bouncing as she walked.

"Fleur, please don't do this to me right now." Twilight groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"Vith all due respect, Princess Fleur, it vould seem very rude to father if you vere to not participate in his activities." Flash said, holding the hilt of the foam sword in his teeth.

"Exactly." Twilight agreed, before her eyes shrinked into pinpricks and her ears folded down as realization shruck her like a truck.

Beside her was none other than Flash Sentry himself, clad in plastic armor and a foam sword in his mouth. He looked to Twilight and gave her the most sincere and innocent smile, which she was only able to see for a brief moment before Flash, with lightning speed, poked Twilight on the head with the foam sword. Twilight could only stand there dumbfounded as all of the plans she had thought up in the few minutes she had were dashed away in an instant.

"Princess, look out!" Starlight yelled.

"Yeah, thanks so much for the warning Starlight." Twilight said sarcastically, but it was too late as she realized that Starlight was warning her to duck as she used her magic to levitate a sword and shoot it at Flash.

Flash, seeing the attack coming a mile away, skillfully dodged the levitating foam blade and rolled towards Starlight. "It wasn't too smart of you to throw away your only tool for defense." Flash stated when he was close enough, he swept his foam blade at Starlight but the only contact it made was with air as Starlight vanished in a bright light.

Starlight reappeared next to her sword and without any hesitation, ran towards Twilight. Realizing that Starlight was trying to convert Twilight back under their team, he dropped his shield and kicked it towards Starlight. The shield slid under Starlight's hoof and she tripped on it, causing her to crash her chin and neck and sending her sword flying as she lost her concentration on her levitation spell.

"Princess Twilight, would you be so kind as create an anti-teleportation field around us?" Flash asked, and Twilight, unable to protest, did so as a lavender glow erupted from her horn and grew outwards into a bubble that surrounded everyone. "Much abliged." Flash thanked as he causually walked up to Starlight and tagged her, converting her to Flash's team.

Once that was done, Flash easily tagged both Rarity and Fleur, gaining two more members. Once all four of the unicorns had been tagged he ordered all four of them to line up, once they did he took a deep breath before speaking. "I am so sorry!" Flash declared, bowing to all four of the, now confused, unicorns. "I know that I must seem like a terrible pony right now, espicially for how I have behaved and what I have done, but please understand that I have a specific wish that I need to be granted." Flash pleaded.

"How dare you." A furious Fleur cried out. "You dare order me around like some...some...servant. Release me at once!"

Flash's eyes fell to the ground, shame gripping tightly on his heart. "I understand your uncomfortableness with the situation, therefore I will not force any of you to do anything you do not wish. If you want, I know of a place where you can stay that no one will be able to tag you, so you can sit out for the rest of the activity."

Fleur opened her mouth once again to speak but was silenced by a foam sword bonking her on the nose. "Fleur, I order you to be quiet." Twilight ordered, to which Fleur's mouth shut tight and the only sound that came out from it was a couple of muffled noises. "As for you, Prince Flash Sentry." Twilight directed her gaze to Flash as she levitated the foam blade to float by her side. "You have beaten us fair and square," Twilight began to say as she approached Flash, "therefore, you don't have to worry about ordering us around. Order how you see fit, honestly I will be more than helpful to assist you in any way I can." Twilight said with the same innocent and sincere smile that Flash wore when he had suddenly arrived.

By now, Twilight was only a few feet away from Flash, who was more than happy to hear Twilight was willing to coropurate. "Princess, it means the world to me that you are compassionate and understanding to this situation, I-" before Flash could finish he was cut off by the foam sword, that Twilight was holding with her magic, tapping him on the nose. A magical surge washed over his body and Flash knew exacly what that meant. It was his turn to be dumbfounded, his eyes shrank into pinpricks and his ears folded down as realization dawned on him.

Before Flash could even say a word, Twilight's sword sprung to life and flew towards Starlight and Rarity and once it tapped both of them they were both converted to Twilight's team. Flash stood there, slackjawed for a moment, before he figured out what had happened. He gave a half hearted chuckled upon the discovery. "When Starlight's sword went flying, you picked it up and tagged yourself with it, converting yourself back to your own team." Flash began to guess what Twilight had done. "And since I never directly ordered you, you had full freedom to grab the sword and use it on me while my guard was down. Am I right, Princess?"

"Yep," Twilight answered, "I figured there was only so much these tools can do, so I quickly found a way to exploit it and use it to my advantage." She said, returning the foam sword back to her side so that she could admire its craftsmanship. "The magic used on it is oddly fascinating, also..." Twilight blushed while rubbing the back of her neck in embarressment. "I'm terribly sorry for playing dirty like that, but I too have a wish that I need to be granted and I can't let anyone take it from me."

"Say no more." Flash bowed before Twilight. "Per the rules of the game, you have been able to convert me to your team. I shall act as you see fit and do as you command. Whatever the order may be, I will gladly follow it." Flash stated.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that." Twilight turned around as she didn't want Flash to see the blush on her cheeks growing. "Now then, it's time for a battle plan." Twilight stated, grinning in both excitement and anticipation.

Author's Note:

Hello and greetings. I know it has been a while since I've updated this story and it may seem that this chapter was rushed, hence the reason as to why I'm cutting this segment of the story into 2 chapters, but I want you to know that I do plan to continue this story. I have some ideas in mind for the future and I hope that you will stick around to see them. As always, thank you for your time for reading my story.