• Published 19th Nov 2018
  • 3,024 Views, 153 Comments

Love for all - Thestoryteller

This is the story of how those who have only known death and despair are able to love and forgive, all while a sinister plot gets in their way

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Chapter seven

Rainbow Dash was held within a prison cell in the castle dungeons, two hollow guards stood at her door to keep watch. Soarin entered the dungeon and came up to the cell to see Rainbow.

Rainbow rubbed her head with a guilty expression, “talk about an awkward reunion.”

“Yeah,” Soaring chuckled with a sheepish grin.

The two had a moment of awkward silence before Rainbow spoke to break the tension, “So… how’ve ya been?”

“Me? Oh, I’ve been good, being forced into a marriage to ensure the whole world doesn’t fall apart. Other than that, just been training harder everyday to beat you.” Soarin summarized. “How’re you?”

“I’m good to, just finished up with a boring mission. Sky says hi by the way, are you getting her letters?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, we still write every now and then.” Soarin answered

Silence resumed.

“So… any chance you could break me outta here?” Rainbow asked sheepishly.

Soarin shook his head, “Sorry, nothing I can do. King Discord is actually planning on sending you back.”

That got Rainbow’s fullest attention, “WHAT?! No, why?!” Rainbow demanded.

“According to him, there are already two representatives from the Lunar Empire; Spitfire, and Lightning,” Soarin explained.

“Uggggh!” Rainbow groaned, covering her eyes as she fell on her back. “I knew I shouldn’t have taken that mission from Lightning!”

As Rainbow was complaining about the situation, a guard entered the dungeon and unlocked the cell door. “Rainbow Dash, come with us.” They ordered, as the two hollow guards picked Rainbow up and escorted her out of her cell. Rainbow looked to Soarin as if asking him what was going on but Soarin just shrugged as an answer. They walked down the hallways before entering the throne room, where King Discord sat on his throne.

“King Discord,” Soarin began to speak, “please don’t banish Rainbow, it was an accident-“

“Banishment will not be necessary.” A new voice stated.

All attention was directed to the pony standing at the wall, facing the window. She turned around to reveal herself to be taller than the average pony, with deep navy blue fur, a flowing blue mane, and tail with sparkles in it, and matching blue eyes. This pony was a mare with the horn of a unicorn and wings of a pegasus, she was an Alicorn, Ruler of the Lunum Empire, Princess Luna.

“Your majesty!” Soarin said surprised but still bowed to show his respect.

“Rise, Prince Soarin, there is no need to bow.” Princess Luna stated. “I have come to clear my daughter’s name. If you would be so kind, Discord.”

Discord snapped his claw and the shackles around Rainbow vanished. “Rainbow, please gather your sisters in your room as I need to have a talk with all of you all,” Luna ordered and Rainbow left to do so with Soarin leaving as well. Discord gave his guards a look and they saluted in response before exiting. Even though the hollow guards were under the full control of Discord and their memories could be removed with the simple snap of the finger, Luna wanted to make sure both she and Discord were completely alone. "You don't have to keep up appearances for me, you know," Luna stated to Discord, turning to face him. "We've met on more than one occasion, specifically before your relocation."

Discord sighed as he undid his magical concealment, returning to his Draconequus form. He stretched his whole body and twisted it like a person twists a dish rag to squeeze out of all the water. "Ahhhhh, it feels nice to move freely once again." Discord stated.

"Why do you keep using the concealment spell?" Luna asked. "You know that's only going to drain your power."

"Pffft," Discord waived, "I'm the spirit of chaos, I've got plenty of-"

Without warning or hesitation, Luna's horn glowed as it instantly charged up an attack spell which she shot at Discord. The spell wasn't that struck but it was solid enough to strike Discord in the gut and send him flying back. Discord groaned, clutching his gut, before rising. "What was that for?!" Discord demanded.

"That was for not informing me that my daughters came here," Luna stated, "and for lying to me when you said you have plenty of power."

Discord let out a sigh as he hoisted himself up. "Fine, so my power may be waning a tad bit, but it's nothing to worry about, everything is under control-"

"Is Sombra returning?"

The name 'Sombra' made Discord flinch, he looked to Luna and saw a mixture of murderous intent and sadness in her eyes. Discord's eyes landed on the floor as he thought of how to explain the situation to Luna. Luna, however, upon seeing Discord being unable to meet her gaze, was already given her answer thanks to Discord's actions. "So...he is returning after all."

Discord looked up to meet Luna's eye line, a look of serious in his eyes to match Luna's, "I don't know for sure just yet. For a while now I've been having this...feeling, similar to the shakes and shutters I get whenever there's chaos but these ones are different. They're more violent and intense, it's like every fiber of my being is having a reaction to something bad coming my way." Discord explained. "However, I checked the seal on Sombra and there was no sign that it was damaged or breaking apart," Luna opened her mouth to protest but Discord beat her to it, "and yes, I've checked the seals on Ammonius, Estora, and on Tirek , and all of them seemed fine."

"So if it isn't Sombra, and it isn't the sins, then what is it?" Luna asked.

"Again, I don't know a whole lot but whatever it is, it's somehow slowly draining my power." Discord explained. "Which should be impossible since there's no one that can absorb my magic."

"And that's all you know?" Luna inquired, raising a brow.

"Yes." Discord answered, waiting for Luna's judgment on his response.

Luna let out a sigh before continuing, "Fine, I believe you." Luna said and Discord sighed in relief. "However, what does any of that have to do with this ball of yours? Why end the war?"

"Originally I thought it was the war that was giving me all of those violent shakes so I ended it." Discord answered. "Now enough of your questions, don't you have three daughters to get back to?"

Luna glared at Discord for a while before taking her leave. She would be sure to keep a close eye on Discord and to be aware of all of his actions. Discord knew of Luna's abilities, the two had fought before a long long time ago. Luna was notorious for scoping out the truth but Discord was able to lie to her this time. Discord knew he would be unable, to tell the truth to her, especially with her hatred towards Sombra. No matter what, he must keep it all a secret.

There was a knock on the door, Discord was startled for a moment but quickly transformed back into his deer form before telling the person to enter. The doors opened and a new face entered, one that Discord was familiar with.

"Um...g-g-gr-greetings your Highness." Fluttershy trembled, the silver dish with two cups on it that she held in teeth slightly shaking.

"What are you doing here?" Discord asked, furrowing his brow in annoyance.

"W-w-well...you looked kinda stressed so I thought I should bring you some coffee." Fluttershy offered.

Discord raised a brow, wondering the reason as to why someone would give someone coffee to calm them down. "How did you know that food and drinks have the opposite effect on me?"

"Soar-...Prince Soarin told me." Fluttershy said, setting the dish on the table.

Discord took hold of the cup and brought it to his lips, he took a sip of hot liquid, smacking his lips after he was done taking his sip. "hmmm, this is very good." Discord complimented.

"Thank you..." Fluttershy hid behind her mane to hide her soft blush. Discord continued to take sips of his coffee, then Fluttershy asked, "King Discord, can I ask you something?"

"No, you may not." Discord answered bluntly, shutting the mare down without hesitation.

"Oh...okay," Fluttershy said with defeat.

Discord looked to the yellow-maned pegasus and felt a bit guilty for hurting her feelings, he sat down his cup, "what is it you wanted to ask me?"

"It's nothing, ignore what I said," Fluttershy said with the saddest puppy dog eyes someone could ever witness.

Those eyes shot through Discord like an arrow through a sheet of paper. "I'm sorry, you may ask me anything and I promise that I won't get offended."

Fluttershy looked to Discord and saw the sincerity in both his face and words, she raised her head and asked. "Could you turn into that other form? The one with the mixture of creatures?... If you don't mind that is."

Discord blinked in confusion, generally perplexed by Fluttershy's request. "You...want to see my true form?" Discord asked and Fluttershy nodded. "To make fun of it?"

"NO!" Fluttershy yelled, blushing in embarrassment at the tone of her voice. "I...I think your true form is amazing."

Those words echoed in Discord's mind, in all his years he never showed anyone his true form, not even his own sons and daughter knew what he looked like. For centuries Discord was at the mercy of creatures...less than nice opinions of him. Yet this mare wanted to see him, the real him, and it was not to make fun of him. Discord undid his spell and his true form was revealed, Fluttershy looked at him in awe, she was staring so much that Discord was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable under the pegasus' gaze.

"Amazing," Fluttershy said in astonishment. "How are you like this?"

"What do mean?" Discord inquired.

"Like, everything," Fluttershy answered. "Tell me everything about you that made you...well you. You're parents, your past, maybe any siblings you have, I really would like to know." Fluttershy smiled, but her smile dropped when she saw that her questions had made Discord a bit sad as he blankly stared at his cup of coffee. "I-...I'm sorry," Fluttershy apologized quickly remembering the king and servant relationship the two had, "please forgive me for asking you of such things, King Discord, I have no right to know about your past."

Discord placed his paw on Fluttershy's head, gently rubbing it to give her reassurance. "It's quite alright." Discord responded. "No one's ever shown any interest in me before, I'm quite flattered, so, as a reward, I will happily answer any question you ask me." Discord said, Fluttershy opened her mouth to answer but Discord quickly shut her mouth before specifying his words, "one question at a time, if you please."

Fluttershy nodded in understanding and Discord released his grip to allow Fluttershy to speak. "Could you tell me about your parents? What were they like?"

"Unfortunately I don't know that much about my parents," Discord answered, “I just appeared one day out of thin air."

"Oh...I'm sorry." Fluttershy apologized.

"It's quite alright," Discord waived, "While I don't know if they even exist or not, I wasn’t completely alone. I had a couple father figures that gave me a helping hand."

"I see, you must be glad to walk in their footsteps." Fluttershy assumed.

"What do you mean by that?" Discord asked.

"Well, you're a father, King Discord," Fluttershy said, "not just to your six children, but to the citizens of your kingdom and to all of the creatures on it," Fluttershy said, referring to the amount of effort Discord had put into making sure that all life would be preserved.

"Ah yes, I see." Discord smiled, realizing that he was indeed a father. His mind went back in time, remembering all the times he spent while raising his children. Reading history books to Flash when he was a colt, being there when Sunset was able to cast her first spell, racing with Soarin to make him faster, teaching Fancy proper table manners and eating etiquette, working with Johnny to help with chores, and helping Cheese Sandwich plan his first welcome party in Chaosville. "I wouldn't say that I'm fully responsible for how they are now, but I'm glad that I could be there to be a part of their lives."

"I'm sure they feel the same way." Fluttershy smiled. "Say...um, King Discord, pardon me if this might be rude of me to ask but why did you decide to father six children?"

"Hmmm..." Discord rubbed his chin, thinking of a clever lie, "I suppose I just wanted something to do." Discord shrugged.

The two continued to chat, talking with each other about themselves and their past. However, unbeknownst to Discord, Fluttershy had a hidden intention to her visit.

Night fell, and the crescent moon shone brightly in the sky, illuminating the vast sea of darkness that was the sky above. This bedazzlement of the sky was woven by the masterful magic of Princess Luna, who stood in a room which had been provided to her. While everyone slept, Luna used her powers to enter into the dreams of ponies and creatures alike to give them restful sleep. However, Luna could also use this power to peek into the mind and memories of whomever she dream-walks into, unfortunately, she could not do this with either Discord or his children due to a powerful enchantment. However, this enchantment had not been placed on Fluttershy. Luna felt bad giving Fluttershy mild suggestions to spend time with Discord and to chat with him, but in reality, she really did want to spend time with him she just lacked the confidence to do so.

Luna looked into Fluttershy's mind and saw the conversations she had between herself and Discord. Even though Discord hadn't revealed anything important, she knew that he was starting to form a relationship with Fluttershy, in time he would reveal his secrets to her and at that moment Luna would be able to know the truth.

Luna turned around to face her three daughters, who had their eyes glued to the floor.

"So," Luna began, slowly walking over to her three daughters with a gaze as hot as a ray of sunshine, "would any of you like to tell me why you thought you could keep this from me?"

The daughters were all silent.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice? That it wouldn't seem strange that all three of you went missing?" Luna asked and received no response. "To be honest, I was well aware of the ball and Discord's offer, in fact, I was going to accept it," Luna admitted.

All three of her daughters looked up at Luna in shock. "Wait...really?" Rainbow asked.

Luna nodded, "Of course, I was hoping that we would all go together, but it seems Lightning Dust had other plans." Luna stated, glaring at Lightning. "Nonetheless, you're all here now and unharmed. While you are here I expect you all to be on your best behavior, and to make sure that you do I will be staying here to keep an eye on all of you."

Lightning was the first to respond, "you can't do that." She protested, Luna raised a brow at her daughter and she corrected herself. "I meant...surely you're needed back in the Empire to oversee the repairs?"

"No, I've left the council in charge of that, they have everything under control," Luna stated.


"No 'buts', this is my decision and it is final," Luna ordered.

Lightning Dust punched the nearby tree in frustration. All of her plans were being ruined by her sister and now her mother. She stormed out of the castle and into the forest that was nearby to meet with someone very important, and that someone was late and now Lightning was becoming more irritated by the minute. She had put on a saddle-bag which she filled with the necessary objects needed for her meeting.

"Good evening, your Highness."

Lightning spun around to see none other than *Malt Cetio*, the same unicorn stallion that led Twilight to the library. Beside him was a rather tall sack with something large inside of it.

"Where have you been *Malt Cetio*?" Lightning demanded. "I've been out here for hours."

*Malt Cetio* rolled his eyes, "please, someone as weak as you couldn't spend mere hours out here." *Malt Cetio* insulted. "Now enough of your complaining, we have work to do." *Malt Cetio* said, removing the rope that kept the top of the sack sealed the sack fell to the ground to reveal its contents. A bound and gagged Garble stood before them, his eyes wide with terror. "Have you already sent one of your spies to replace him while we do this?" *Malt Cetio* asked.

"Yes," Lightning answered, "now let's begin before my mother notices I'm gone."

*Malt Cetio* grinned, using his magic he opened a portal which he reached into and pulled out a sheathed katana. The portal vanished and *Malt Cetio* unsheathed the sword. Its hilt was black and wrapped in black bandages, with a drawing of a long serpent with its head opened wide at the end of the red colored blade. Without warning or hesitation, *Malt Cetio* drove the blade through Garble's heart. Once the blade was driven through, there was no blood nor were any organs pierced nor punctured. However, at the end of the blade was a glowing white orb that had been pierced by the blade. The eyes of the snake drawing glowed red as the white orb was sucked into the drawing's mouth before vanishing completely. Once the orb was gone, *Malt Cetio* removed the blade and Garble's body fell to its knees, his eyes completely white and his mouth hung open.

Lightning then reached into her saddle-bag and pulled out a necklace with a crystal on it. Lightning placed the crystal on the ground, she hovered her hoof over the crystal and from her hoof, a long and sharp hoof-nail grew. She used this nail to carve a symbol on the crystal, once the symbol was done Lightning picked the crystal back up and placed it in Garble's mouth. She tilted his head back and the necklace fell into his body, a soft orange glowed from Garble's eyes and his mouth closed.

Garble stood up and inspected his body, he then turned to *Malt Cetio* and asked, "Was this really the best you could do?"

"Watch yourself, Greed." *Malt Cetio* smirked. "You're lucky that we're giving you this body."

Garble opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed it as he had no room to argue, "FIne, do you at least have a plan?"

"We do," Lightning said, "but we're having to change as we go since there are some obstacles appearing."

"What kind of obstacles?" Garble asked.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with," *Malt Cetio* answered, "do you remember the necessary requirements?"

"I believe so..." Garble scratched his chin. "We need a betrayal of friends, a betrayal of love, and a betrayal of family, right?"

"Yes," *Malt Cetio* answered, "however, all three must occur to three different creatures. I have planted some seeds for us to use, we just need to wait for the harvest." *Malt Cetio* smiled like a vile villain.

"So long as we follow the plan, we should be able to free Sombra and the other Sins." Lightning Dust stated.

While their plan shared all other interests, all of them had their own goal in mind.

"Soon...soon I will be able to have my legendary battle." *Malt Cetio* thought to himself.

"Soon...soon he will be mine and mine alone." Lightning Dust thought to herself.

"Soon...soon I will be free to take what is rightfully mine." The spirit that now possessed Garble thought to himself.

These three were villains whose evil plan was hidden under the darkness of the night sky. A plan that would be the first of many soon to be dominos that would create a chain reaction that leads to demise. Soon, evil will rise and all of Chaosville, no, the whole world will be threatened, and the fate of the world will soon rest on the shoulders on those who will be considered heroes in a fight against evil.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Cheese yelled as he threw a pillow at Sunset Shimmer as she entered her room.

The pillow hit Sunset square in the face, it slowly slid down to reveal a very angry Sunset Shimmer.

"What do you all think you're doing in my room?!" Sunset demanded from her siblings, Flash, Soarin, Fancy, Johnny, and Cheese.

Cheese sandwich had made a fort out of the furniture and other objects in Sunset's room, blankets were used as the roof which they all were under that had pillows to sit and lay on. There was also snacks in the center which everyone was happily digging in to.

"Cheese wanted us all to meet up to talk about how our dates went," Soarin answered, munching on a cookie.

"Come sit with us, Sunset," Flash offered, "we were just talking about Johnny's date."

Sunset was about to protest but decided against it, with reluctance she took her seat next to Flash. "Very well, I'm too tired to argue." Sunset sated.

With that, all eyes went to Johnny. "I don't see why it's that big of a deal," Johnny said, "Gabby and I didn't exactly do much, we just toured around the city and I pointed out some key locations that she wanted to know about." Johnny shrugged. "That's about it."

"Really?" Fancy inquired. "Nothing else happened?"

Johnny glared at Fancy, "You're one to talk, you didn't technically go on a date since all you did was let Spike talk with Ember."

All eyes looked to Fancy, "Explain." Flashed demanded, narrowing his gaze.

Despite the pressure Fancy was receiving he made sure to keep his cool, "Ember and I had our chat, she talked about her father and the Dragon Kingdom. What was most appealing about her was her honesty." Fancy admitted. "She told me that she had no interest in marriage and that she was only here to have support for her kingdom. Which I explained to her that Chaosville would be more than willing to provide assistance even if all of us," Fancy said, 'us' was referring to his siblings, "ended up not marrying, all kingdoms would receive aid. Then Spike came in and both he and Ember talked about the dragon empire and the history behind it. I decided to give them some space and so I left."

Cheese bounced in excitement, "What a coincidence, I said the same thing to Yona during my date."

"Speaking of which," Johnny looked to Cheese, "how old is Yona?"

Cheese chuckled awkwardly, "let's just say that she's at an age that if I were to marry her it would be illegal."

The others had a shocked look on their faces when Cheese said that, even though he said that with the intention of it being a joke nobody was laughing.

"Tough crowd." Cheese muttered, but his smile never faltered. "Anyways, I promised Yona that once this whole situation was over that Chaosville would provide support to her kingdom even if she didn't marry one of us."

A lightbulb went off in Sunset's mind, "Cheese and Fancy have a point, we don't have to marry anyone just so long as we can provide their kingdoms with aid."

Sunset did have an excellent point, however, Fancy and Soarin disagreed. "Unfortunately that rule won't apply to Fleur since she's no doubt here to try and claim me again."

"The same can be said for Lightning Dust," Soarin added, "since she'll find some way to get back together with me."

"And the same can be said for Blueblood," Flash added which sent a shiver down Sunset's spine.

"I think we're getting a bit off topic right now," Cheese said, looking to Soarin, "Soarin, you're up."

"Well..." Soarin trailed off, "My date with Spitfire went okay, we wrestled with an Acklay to keep it exercised. Then Rainbow shot out of the sky and practically crippled the poor thing, and then she got arrested." Soarin said, his tone getting more and more depressed before becoming uplifting. "But, Princess Luna arrived and she cleared Rainbow Dash's sentence and now she's a participant."

"Wait," Flash paused, "Princess Luna is here in the castle? Right now?" Flash asked and Soarin nodded. "Well then...that can't end well."

"Flash you're up." Cheese interjected, preventing them all from getting off-topic again.

"My date with Princess Twilight Sparkle went great," Flash grinned before his confidence faltered, "or at least...I think it went great, she seemed very excited when it began and looked forward to the next one."

Sunset chocked on her cookie, after she drank some milk to wash it down she whipped her head to Flash, "What?!" She demanded, her question pertaining to the mention of a second date. "What exactly did you two do together?"

"Well, she and I were working on the Stoned Assistant, we actually made some progress today and we plan on doing some more experiments tomorrow," Flash explained.

Sunset just sighed, "Not that again." Sunset groaned, knowing all too well about the Stoned Assistant. "Flash, we've been over this, there is no key to the Stoned Assistant, and if there is then no one is capable of cracking it. Some of the most brilliant and powerful unicorns tried to unlock it and failed. Do I need to remind you of the times that you and I worked on that statue?"

Flash grimace at the recollection of times both he and Sunset tried to free the Stoned Assistant. "That is...very true," Flash admitted, "however, things are different this time since Twilight is an Alicorn and she's...well...better than you at magic." Flash muttered his words by speaking and loudly crunching a cookie.

"What was that?" Sunset glared at Flash.

"What is with us and getting off-topic?" Cheese asked, unintentionally coming to Flash's rescue. "Sunset, you're the only one who hasn't told us about your date yet. Tell us and then we can talk about other stuff."

"Fine," Sunset huffed, "my date with Vox wasn't all that special either, we just toured around the castle and I pointed out some things that he wanted to know about. Such as the history of the place and some of its statues. That's about it."

"There," Cheese threw his hooves in the air, "now we can talk about whatever since everyone's gone."

Sunset opened her mouth to have Flash explain what he had said earlier but Johnny cut her off, "Sunset," Johnny began, "by any chance did Vox want to know about some magical artifacts? Or maybe about past evil rulers?"

"Yes..." Sunset answered, "why do you ask?"

The siblings all shared the same look of concern. "Out of all the kingdoms, the Griffon Empire was the one the profited the most from the war and was the only one to come out unscathed after the war was over," Johnny explained. "My fear is that they may plan an attack on Chaosville since our offer to provide aid to everyone could be a threat to them."

"That would explain why they were interested in the layout of the kingdom, and their interest in our history," Fancy said.

"Although we shouldn't make any assumptions just yet," Flash began his counterclaim, "It'd be disastrous if we made any harsh actions and our assumptions were wrong."

"I agree with Flash," Cheese nodded, "but I say we should all keep an eye on the griffons, just to be sure."

All of the siblings nodded in agreement.