• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 4,627 Views, 875 Comments

Little Memories - Skijarama

When Twilight Sparkle awoke from a coma with amnesia, the first pony to greet her back to the world of the living was Rainbow Dash. They were close, once, and Twilight knows that she can trust Rainbow Dash to help her through her life in Ponyville.

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Return To An Empire

The Following Spring…

Twilight Sparkle,

It warms my heart to know that you and your friends will be coming to the wedding in a few days. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen any of you, and I can’t wait to get caught up. But before all of that, there is a wedding to manage, and I was hoping that you and your friends would be willing to help with some elements of the event.

Princess Celestia will be presiding over the ceremony at Shining Armor’s request and suggested that Rainbow Dash perform a Sonic Rainboom when Shining and I exchange our vows. I know that the Crystal Ponies will love that, given how they’ve come to idolize Rainbow Dash as one of their greatest heroes.

I remember that Fluttershy has a choir of songbirds she can call on, and so I was hoping that she could work with them to provide the music. (I’m sure Thorax would love to see that, seeing as he’s coming along, too.)

Pinkie Pie is the obvious pick for hosting the reception. Her enthusiasm for parties and entertainment, as well as her raw skill at both, make her the perfect choice - something Celestia suggested to me. Additionally, if Applejack and Spike could provide the catering, I know most everypony in attendance will be floored.

As for Rarity, I’ve seen a fair few of her designs over the years, and I think she would be a magnificent pick to help put together the dresses for the bridesmaids and me.

And that just leaves you, Twilight. Shining Armor has a specific role he would like you to fill, but he wants to tell you in person when you get here.

I look forward to seeing you all very soon. I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourself, Twilight.

-Your old foalsitter and soon to be sister-in-law,

Princess Cadance.

Twilight lowered the letter from her eyes after reading through it for the umpteenth time since they had all piled onto the train. She was seated with Rainbow and Spike aboard the Friendship Express, with the rest of their friends scattered about and eagerly chattering with one another. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were all huddled in one of the booths while Fluttershy and Thorax occupied another.

Twilight glanced over at the latter group, watching them curiously. She briefly recalled how Fluttershy had all but insisted when their individual invitations came that Thorax come with her. She had said that it was because he had been instrumental in helping them save the Crystal Empire almost two years ago, and so it was only fitting that he come along. He was as much a hero to the city as the rest of them.

The rest of them had all been rather excited to hear the news, of course, and one and all had agreed to their assigned roles with eager anticipation. Even Rainbow, who hadn’t been all that interested in playing a part in the proceedings, had done a few backflips with joy once Twilight finally recounted what she had been asked to do.

Any chance to prove she was awesome, she supposed.

Twilight briefly glanced at the letter again before turning and looking out the window. They were well into the frozen north by now, the train chugging along at a decent pace for the Empire. According to everything she had read into, the tracks were brand new, construction having started on them mere weeks after Cadance had assumed the throne. It had been a lengthy and difficult project, too, given the harsh conditions of the tundra. But it was complete, and transport was far easier than it had been before.

But none of that was presently on Twilight’s mind. She watched the flurries of snowflakes with idle interest as they swept by, her thoughts occupied with a mixture of anticipation for the wedding, curiosity for her role in the event… and anxiety at returning to the first place she remembered.

The Empire was where she had woken up with amnesia, after all. It was where she had, according to Rainbow, been badly injured and then turned into an alicorn by Celestia in order to be saved. From everything she had been told, a lot had happened in that city… and she was only aware of it in murky, broad strokes.

“Something up, Twi?” Rainbow’s voice suddenly cut through her uneasy thoughts like a knife through warm butter. Twilight turned to face her and saw her tender, reassuring smile staring back at her.

She hesitated for a moment before shaking her head and leaning her head back. “I’m fine. Just a little nervous, that’s all,” she admitted.

Rainbow tilted her head. “Nervous? About what?”

“Going back to the Empire. It’s where I first got my amnesia, remember? It’s the first place I remember seeing,” Twilight explained before closing her eyes, allowing the memory of those first few days to come seeping back. “I was so scared, back then… I had no idea who I was, who any of you were, or what you were talking about most of the time…”

Spike hummed quietly at that before reaching out and patting her on the shoulder with a smile of his own. “We hear ya, but you’ll be fine. The city’s beautiful, and we’re going there to celebrate something happy. Trust me, by the time we leave, you’ll fall in love with the place.”

Twilight opened her eyes and offered him a small smile in return. “I know. I am excited, don’t get me wrong. Shining’s getting married in a couple days!”

Rainbow smirked from the side, one of her eyebrows shooting up. “Well, that’s a more energetic reaction than when you first learned about it,” she noted before casually leaning back and throwing her forelegs over the backrest. “Guess his visits paid off, huh?”

“I guess,” Twilight agreed with a nod before glancing out the window again. “But still… I can’t it… we’re going where I lost my memory. That’s… a pretty big deal.”

“It is,” Rainbow admitted more solemnly, her own eyes drifting closed. “It was a pretty nasty mess for all of us. And to be frank with ya, most of our time in the Empire last time was spent running from one thing to another, desperately trying to find solutions to a whole host of problems.”

“Sombra, Chrysalis, Canterlot,” Spike listed off on his fingers, his expression souring. “And all of the little problems that came from them.”

“It’ll be nice to explore the city without having to save it or be its ruler for a change,” Rainbow pointed out, her smile returning. “It’s a beautiful place. I just gotta check it out some more.”

Suddenly, Pinkie’s voice piped up from her seat as she pressed her face up against her window. “OOH! OOH! I SEE IT! WE’RE HERE!” she squealed in delight, her tail starting to wag like a particularly happy dog.

Twilight craned her neck over to look, and sure enough, there it was. Through the window, she could see the great central spire of blue crystal in the distance that cast its soothing glow across the local environment. The surrounding hills and plains were clear of snow, instead smothered with lush green grass, bushes, and large patches of flowers. Even surrounded by the darkness of the eternal blizzard of the frozen north, the Crystal Empire gleamed as a magnificent gem.

“Final stop, Crystal Empire station,” a voice suddenly spoke over the intercom. “We will be arriving in ten minutes. Again, this is our final stop. All passengers must disembark upon arrival. Thank you for riding with the Friendship Express!”

“Welp, that’s us,” Rainbow declared before hopping down from her seat and stretching out her back. “Spike, you got our stuff?”

“Every last bit,” Spike responded dutifully, patting the two modest suitcases they had brought along.

Twilight stood up and waited by the mirror, her eyes remaining fixed on the ever-growing presence of the Crystal Empire. A lump formed in her throat, but she was quick to swallow it down and put on a smile. This was a happy occasion, she reminded herself.

She made sure to repeat that sentiment for the rest of the ride.

The air was a lot warmer than she was expecting.

A soothing breeze swept by as Twilight and her friends disembarked from the train, emerging onto the train platform for the Crystal Empire. The station was a short distance away from the outermost edge of the city, and a well-worn dirt path connected the building to the crystalline road. A large number of ponies all stepped off the train as well, no doubt guests or tourists eager to have some part in the coming festivities.

Beyond the sea of faces, however, was the city itself. Twilight winced and shrank back at the sight, her eyes going wide. It occurred to her that she had never actually looked at it up close from the outside before. When she had left the Empire so long ago, she hadn’t looked back, meaning she hadn’t really gotten a good look. Now, though, it looked over her like an angry hydra. The spires of the palace, in particular, were somehow less than welcoming to her.

It was odd. A spot on her back, right between her shoulder blades, began to tingle and itch and, for a brief moment, she thought she could smell something burning.

The phantom sensation was gone as quickly as it came, though. She shook her head and broke into a canter to catch up with the others, who were all eagerly heading for the castle and chattering amongst themselves. Rainbow and Spike lingered in the back of the group, no doubt to wait up for her. They gave her comforting looks as she approached, and Rainbow pat her on the shoulder. “Kinda big, huh?”

Twilight nodded. “To put it mildly… it’s incredible,” she said, looking up at the palace again.

“Well, it won’t seem so daunting once we’re inside,” Spike ventured with a bounce in his step. “Comfy beds, awesome food. What more can a guy ask for?”

“Books,” Twilight replied without even thinking about it. “A lot of books.”

“They got ya covered,” Rainbow assured her with a wink. “They got a library out here that rivals mom’s, and that’s saying something.”

Twilight hummed at that, her mind starting to relax. She’d have to pay that library a visit, later, and read up on whatever she could. They were probably going to be staying for a few days after the wedding anyway, so she would have plenty of time to gorge herself on their words.

The group soon passed from the open grasslands into the city proper. As more and more buildings carved by hoof out of crystal growths began to surround them, Twilight’s trepidation melted even more. Now that she was up close, it was easier to see that it was just a city like any other. A jaw-dropping, almost blinding city, true, but a city nonetheless.

Adding to the easing atmosphere were the decorations. The entire city was coated in a thick layer of decor to celebrate the imminent wedding, and more than a few crystal ponies were darting around, organizing one thing or another. The city was a rush of activity, and all of it was with smiles and happy energy.

But as the group got deeper in, more and more ponies in the crowd began to take notice of who exactly had just come ambling into their city. Twilight’s muscles began to tense up all over again as more and more pairs of eyes became locked onto the group. Specifically, onto her and Rainbow Dash. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the memory of wandering through the streets of Ponyville with a hundred bewildered eyes staring back at her surfaced, and she couldn’t help but shudder.

Rainbow, on the other hoof, did not seem bothered by all of the attention in the slightest. If anything, she was eating it up with a huge grin. That grin only grew in size when a few foals came scampering up to her, much to the chagrin and dismay of their parents not far up the street. The two foals, a filly, and a colt, sat down on their haunches in front of her and stared up with wide eyes.

Rainbow smiled down at them. “Heya, pipsqueaks. Need something?”

“Miss, are you Pwincess Wainbow Dash?” the filly asked, leaning forward with wide eyes.

“The one and only,” Rainbow leaned down to be closer to her eye level. “Why? Ya heard of me?”

“Of course we’ve heard of you!” The colt exclaimed, throwing his forelegs into the air. “We’re your biggest fans! You saved the Empire!”

Rainbow chuckled and sat upright, rubbing a hoof against her chest as if to polish it. “Well, I mean, I don’t wanna brag about it…” she said before leaning back down and speaking in a more hushed voice. “But between you and me, I didn’t do it alone. I totally had a lot of help.”

“What kind of help?” The filly asked, holding her hooves up to her cheeks.

Rainbow gestured towards the others. “My friends, mostly. I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of them. So if you're a fan of mine, you’re a fan of theirs, too,” she stated before rising back to her full height.

The two foals turned to face all of the others and quickly dipped their heads into respectful bows. “Thank you all very much for saving us!” they chanted in unison before finally turning and heeding the calls of their parents.

Applejack whistled under her breath and gave Rainbow a sideways smile. “Well well well, lookit y’all, sharin’ the glory.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and playfully punched Applejack’s shoulder. “Don’t sound so shocked, I might hog it all for myself next time,” she quipped.

A few chuckles went through the group, and even Twilight latched onto the brief moment of levity to force down her anxiety. She drew closer to Rainbow’s side as they went into motion again, the palace looming ahead of them.

Before long, they arrived in the central plaza. Crystal guards were on patrol around the Crystal Heart, which remained peacefully spinning in the absolute heart of the Empire, held in place by two smooth spikes that grew from the ground and underside of the palace. Standing not far away from it and engaged in energetic discussion were Shining Armor and a certain pink alicorn that Twilight hadn’t seen in two years.

Rainbow lifted into the air and raised a hoof in greeting. “Yo! We made it!” she called out to them.

Shining and Cadance both turned to look, their faces splitting with enormous grins. Shining was the first to advance, marching right up to Twilight and scooping her into a warm hug. “Twily! Oh, it’s good to see you, kid. How was the train ride?” he asked, giving her an affectionate nuzzle.

She returned the gesture before answering his question, her tension melting away in his embrace. “Long, but fine. How are things here?” she asked, leaning back to look up at him.

“Pretty much set,” Shining assured before releasing her and stepping aside. “Just waiting for the day to come, really.”

Twilight smiled up at him. “So, what was the role you had in mind for me?” she asked eagerly, shifting on her hooves in anticipation.

Shining’s smile only grew, and he cast a quick glance towards Cadance. “Well, Twilight, I originally thought that having you make sure that everything was well organized and went according to plan would be a good fit, but given your lack of familiarity with the empire and how soon the wedding is, I figured it might be better to give you a simpler role. You know, so you don’t stress out or anything.”

“And? What is it?” Twilight pressed, a small pout starting to form on her cheeks. If Shining was going to tease her and keep her in suspense, she was going to lose it.

Thankfully, he seemed to be in a merciful mood that day. He craned his neck down to be closer to her eye level and smiled. “How’d you like to be my best mare?”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise, and her mouth formed a small ‘o’ shape. For a few seconds, she was quiet. Then the question finally registered in her mind, and her stunned look was replaced with a giant smile. She placed one hoof over her heart and dipped into a bow. “I would be honored, Shining.”

Shining grinned at that before reaching out and pulling her into another hug. “Heh. I thought you might.”

The two remained locked together like that for several seconds before Shining finally backed out of the embrace. “Well, I don’t wanna hog all the hugs. Cadance has been looking forward to seeing you too, you know.”

Twilight’s ear flicked, her eyes drifting past her big brother to focus instead on the pink alicorn that had watched the whole exchange with a charmed smile. The two made eye contact, and Twilight’s self-consciousness immediately came back in full swing. “Right… Cadance. My old foalsitter, right?” she asked tentatively.

Cadance stepped forward with a nod. “That’s right. It’s so good to see you again, Twilight,” she aknowledged before dipping her head somewhat with a hopeful look on her face. “Sunshine, sunshine…?”

Twilight’s mind blanked at the odd posture. It was as if Cadance was prompting her to do something, but whatever it was, she had no clue. She slowly reached a hoof up to rub at the back of her head sheepishly. “I, uh… Uhm… yes, the sun is shining…” she tried, looking around hopefully.

Judging by the withered looks she received from Rainbow, Spike, and Fluttershy, she had done something wrong.

Cadance stood upright, clearly disappointed as well. “Nevermind… It’s just something we used to do when you were little,” she explained before stepping closer and gently enveloping Twilight in a hug of her own.

Twilight awkwardly returned the gesture, her mind reeling and her heart twisting in her chest. Something they used to do when she was little? She opened her mouth to ask, but the words stuck in her throat. She had already spoiled the mood enough with her ignorance. She could find out later.

So she swallowed down her regret and leaned back, smiling at Cadance. “I’m sorry. But can we not worry about my amnesia right now? We’ve got a wedding to prepare, don’t we?” she asked, hoping that the fact she wasn’t wrong would help distract from the solemn reminder of her condition.

Cadance hesitated for a moment, then smiled and straightened her posture. “Yes, we do. Most of it is already prepared, but we still have a few things to arrange,” she confirmed before looking past Twilight to the rest of the group. “But you had a long train ride. Why don’t we get you all to your guest rooms and let you unwind before anything else?”

“Ooh, ooh, yes please!” Pinkie yelped while thrusting her hoof into the air like a filly needing to ask a question in school.

“Then follow me,” Shining told them, speaking loudly enough to be heard by those in the very back. He turned around and made his way for one of the four doorways that led into the palace, and the group fell into step behind him.

“I’ll catch up with you all in a few minutes,” Cadance called after them before turning and trotting in the other direction.

Twilight briefly glanced over her shoulder at her as they went. Sadly, it didn’t take long for them to pass through the doors, blocking the princess from sight. She sighed before focusing her eyes forward. After a few moments, she then glanced sideways at Rainbow Dash. Of her friends, only she and Spike had noticeably reacted to her lack of knowledge about the thing Cadance was trying to do.

The tension in her mind slowly began to ease as an idea came to her, and she slowly drifted a little closer to Rainbow’s side as it took shape. She just needed to wait for them to be alone.