• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 4,626 Views, 875 Comments

Little Memories - Skijarama

When Twilight Sparkle awoke from a coma with amnesia, the first pony to greet her back to the world of the living was Rainbow Dash. They were close, once, and Twilight knows that she can trust Rainbow Dash to help her through her life in Ponyville.

  • ...


In the aftermath of Twilight’s violent departure, Spike was left at a loss for what to do. He eventually settled on trying to comfort Rainbow, but all he could muster was putting his claws on her shoulder and back and being there for her. There wasn’t really anything he could say that would make this situation any better, after all.

It must have been an age before Rainbow, at last, began to calm down. Her hysterical weeps and sobs slowly but surely began to dwindle as her energy was spent. Soon enough, her cries fell still, and she weakly lifted her head from her hooves to stare at the door to the room. “...Sp-Spike,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “What have I done?”

Spike cringed upon hearing that. Slowly, he guided her up into a sitting position before standing in front of her. “I don’t think you want me to answer that,” he said simply, placing a claw over her heart with a small smile. “We both know the answer.”

Rainbow closed her eyes and looked down, more tears running down her cheeks. “...I screwed up.”

Spike sighed and looked away. “Yeah…” he aknowledged before forcing himself to give her an encouraging smile. “But hey, you’ve made mistakes before, and you always came back from them before. This won’t be any different.”

Rainbow shook her head. “No… not this time. I… If I didn’t lose Twilight when she died, then I sure have, now…” she whispered before another, smaller sob slipped out of her.

Spike frowned. “Hey, now, come on,” he tried, gingerly lifting Rainbow’s chin and looking into her bloodshot eyes. “Twilight’s a little upset, yeah, and she does have a right to be. But we know her. She’ll come around soon enough, and you two can start to patch things up.”

Rainbow pushed his claw away and rose to her hooves so she could take a few steps back. “I don’t see how we could… I ruined everything. And she’s right… how can she trust me? Or any of us? We were all quiet about what happened to her…”

Spike sighed and walked up to her again. “I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy. Celestia knows it was hard after the incident on the train,” he pointed out, cringing himself at that unpleasant memory. He shook it off after a moment and put a claw on her shoulder again, trying to impart what strength and optimism he could into one of his oldest friends. “But you two came back from that. Give it time and a lot of effort, and things’ll get better.”

“That was different,” Rainbow shook her head. “That incident only happened because of what Discord put inside my head. I attacked Starlight because he made me hate her. I couldn’t be held fully responsible for that-”

“None of us knew that,” Spike countered without missing a beat, his expression hardening. “None of us knew that there was a spell on you until well after all of that went down. As far as we knew, everything you did on that train was one hundred percent you. But you still swung back and managed to come back and make up for your mistakes. Which, if we’re being honest, makes it even more impressive that you pulled it off.”

Rainbow winced and looked away, and Spike knew he had her argument cornered. He’d gone through the process of breaking down her own self-deprecation enough times in the past to almost have it down to a science. It was a lot like stopping one of Twilight’s long-winded lectures before they could start, really. Although, he hadn’t had to do that since she had gotten amnesia.

Spike guided Rainbow over to the bed and urged her to sit down, which she did. Once Spike was sure she was comfy, he gave her a pat on the back. “Just sit here and cool off for a little while, okay? I’ll go find Twilight and make sure she’s alright.”

“She said she wanted to be left alone,” Rainbow reminded him as he turned for the door. “She isn’t gonna be happy to see you.”

Spike paused, his claws hovering a few inches from the doorknob. He sighed and looked back at her. “I know… but whether or not she’s angry at me, I gotta be there for her. I’m her number one assistant, and she’s my friend,” he resolved before pulling open the door and offering up one more small smile. “We’ll figure this out. I promise. We always do.”

Rainbow was quiet for a moment before looking down. “...I hope you’re right, Spike,” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the dark room. “I really, really do.”

Spike’s smile faded. “You and me both, Rainbow.”

Without another word, Spike stepped out and shut the door behind him, leaving Rainbow to her own devices for the time being.

Twilight wasn’t paying any attention to where she was going. Her mind was far too clouded with thoughts and feelings to give her any room to even care. She occasionally passed by members of the lunar guard, who would try to stop her and ask if she was alright, but one and all were left behind as she pressed on.

“She lied to me.”

Those four words rang out over and over in Twilight’s mind, drowning out almost anything else. With every repetition, her teeth ground together more and more behind her lips, and the freezing fire in her heart burned and froze her even more. How much of what she knew was a lie? How much had been omitted? How much had been changed to try and make her behave a certain way?

“She lied to me. She lied to me. She lied to me.”

Twilight growled angrily as another door put itself in her path. Why did so many things insist on getting in her way?! Why couldn’t she just walk in peace?! With a frustrated grunt, she blew the doors open with her magic and strode through without a care for the alarmed gasps of the two thestrals who stood watch outside.

A chilly breeze washed over her, and the sound of crickets chirping brought Twilight to the conclusion that she had wandered outside. For a brief moment, she looked around to get her bearings and figure out where she was.

She recognized the courtyard, and her eyes soon landed on the observatory that overlooked it all. The same observatory she had slept in when she first came to Canterlot for the celebration this year. The same observatory that she had been told was once her home before she moved to Ponyville.

With a huff, she pressed on for the tall structure, disregarding the questioning call from one of the thestrals. The mantra was starting up in her mind, again.

“She lied to me. She lied to me. She lied to me.”

Soon enough, Twilight found herself stepping into the tower’s entrance lobby. The moment the door closed behind her, shutting out the sounds of the wind and the crickets, the mantra in her mind ground to a halt. She was left in total silence, with only herself and her thoughts for company.

Twilight looked down, her chest starting to convulse as sobs tried to force themselves out of her. “...How could she…?” she choked out.

With slow, sluggish movements, Twilight dragged herself up the stairs to the second floor. The great, bubble-shaped window that sat at the far end of the room allowed moonlight to stream in and afforded her a breathtaking view of the courtyard and the city beyond. She came to a stop in front of it, shaking horribly.

“...I trusted you,” she whispered, a tear finally burning a hot trail down her cheek. “Rainbow Dash… I trusted you. I believed in you… how could you do this to me…?”

She looked up at the moon, her heart wilting in her chest and leaving her feeling cold, hopeless, and so alone. The moon’s near-featureless face stared back at her, mimicking the cold emptiness that was steadily spreading out from her heart.

“...What do I do?” Twilight eventually asked, slumped to her haunches and screwing her eyes shut. “I don’t know who I am, or what to do... Please, somepony… anypony... help me.”

“...But they won’t will they?” she thought, despair gripping her heart. “I’ve been relying on everypony else for so long. But how can I trust them, now? How can I trust any of them?!”

Twilight’s eyes clenched tighter as despair began to swallow her from the inside out. She crumpled to the floor, covering her head with her hooves and crying openly into the floor.

“They knew. They all KNEW!” she continued in her mind, the words echoing louder and louder and washing away everything else. “They all knew that I died! They all know more about me than I did! And none of them told me! None of them! How much more are they hiding from me?! Why are they hiding it?! Why? Why, why, why, WHY, WHY?!”

It was getting hard to breathe. Twilight’s eyes snapped open and she suddenly rose to her hooves. The ice was melting. In its place, a fire began to flood her veins, filling her with a rage she had never felt before. With something between a sob of grief and a scream of anger, she spun on her hooves and unleashed a wave of raw, unfocused magic into the room. Books were sent flying from their shelves, loose papers were scattered to the winds, and a few smaller items fell to break on the floor.

“HOW MUCH?!” She wailed, turning and firing another blast at her bed, reducing it to ashes. “HOW MUCH DONT I KNOW?! HOW MUCH ARE THEY KEEPING FROM ME?!”

Another blast of magic came, this one sent towards the roof, incidentally vaporizing an unlit chandelier that had been rocking back and forth as she brutalized her former home.

As her cries grew in volume, something began to emerge from somewhere inside of her. With every scream, every cry, and every blast of magic she unleashed, it became more and more apparent. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, but whatever it was, it felt… oddly inviting.

Whatever it was, it drove her to greater and greater hysteria. Twilight shrieked at the top of her lungs, making her throat burn. Any further words died before they could reach her lips, however. All that came out of her was a series of incoherent sobs and wails as, piece by piece, she dismantled the inside of the observatory until, soon, she was the only thing left unphased. Her wings had flared out at some point during her rampage, and tears were dripping from her cheeks in excessive amounts.

She stood there, breathing heavily for several seconds. Slowly, her wings began to fold up at her sides. With a sigh, Twilight crumpled to the floor again, burying her face in her hooves and starting to sob again.

Something was wrong.

Spike stood at the door of the observatory, having figured out where Twilight had gone by asking the ponies he passed in the halls. With each one he had spoken to, his confidence in Twilight’s wellbeing wavered. All of them recounted an encounter with an increasingly distressed Twilight. If their words were to be believed, she had rapidly gone from angry to on the verge of tears, never stopping for anypony and all but ripping several doors out of their frames as she stormed her way to the observatory.

And now that he stood here, some primal fight or flight instinct had kicked in in Spike’s chest. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to run, to run away and find help. But no matter how much they screamed at him, he had no choice but to ignore them. He couldn’t go and get help when he was the help, could he?

Swallowing heavily, Spike opened the door. Immediately he wished he hadn’t, as the stench of burning paper and leather reached his nostrils, making him flinch back out of reflex. His eyes widened when he saw a few small plumes of smoke drifting out through the gap in the doorway, rising up to disperse into the air.

“...Twilight?” he whispered anxiously before forcing himself to step inside.

The observatory was an absolute mess. Spike’s heart fell into the pits of his stomach when he saw scorch marks marring almost every single surface, and most of the furniture was gone, reduced to ashen smears that smothered the walls, floors, and even the ceiling.

But that was far from the worst part. Even more unnerving and chilling than the sight of his former home reduced to such a sorry state were the quiet whimpers coming from the upper level. In all of his years, Spike had only ever heard such a heart-wrenching sound a few times.

Spike froze at the base of the stairs for several seconds before forcing himself to advance. Chills danced up and down his spine like an army of millipedes as he went, that darned fight-or-flight response going into a frenzy at his continued refusal to acknowledge it.

When he came to the top of the stairs, he saw that most of the second level had been completely cleared of just about everything; the furniture, the diagrams, the notes. Even the bookcases and all of their contents were gone, seemingly reduced to dust. The only part of the entire room that wasn’t stained with ash and char marks was in front of the window that overlooked the city. In the heart of that clearing was the prone form of Twilight Sparkle, weeping quietly into her hooves.

Spike didn’t move an inch. How in the world was he supposed to approach this? He’d been expecting Twilight to be upset, sure, but to walk in and find that she had completely obliterated everything they had once had here? “She must be feeling worse than I thought…” he said to himself before timidly taking a step forward. “But that just means she needs me more.”

“Spike…” Twilight suddenly said, her cries coming to an abrupt end.

Spike stopped in his tracks, his claws anxiously tapping together over his chest. “Uh… h-hey, Twilight. Um…” he looked around, her spines flattening back uneasily. “Are you feeling… okay?”

“That’s a stupid question,” he thought to himself.

But to his surprise, Twilight actually let out a quiet little laugh. The alicorn slowly and lazily rose to her hooves, her back to the baby dragon and her head hung low. “Am I feeling okay?” she echoed after a few seconds before throwing back her head and laughing even louder. When they died down, she lowered her head again and fell utterly silent.

Spike took a tentative step forward. “Twi… I’m really worried about you,” he tried, gingerly, to speak, but flinched when his foot brushed through a notably tall pile of ashes. Had that once been his bed?

Twilight didn’t say anything for several seconds. Then she lifted her head to look out at Canterlot. When she spoke again, her voice was calm and on the verge of emotionless. “...Memories are funny things, aren’t they?”

Spike froze, his heart skipping a beat in dread. “Wha… w-what do you mean?”

Twilight didn’t move an inch as she spoke. “Our memories shape us into who we are. Every lesson, every moment, every feeling. Over our entire lives, we absorb so much information, and all of that information makes us who we are. So… what happens, then, when you take those memories away?”

Spike didn’t dare answer, his heart starting to hammer wildly in his chest.

Twilight slowly, ever so slowly, began to turn in place. “Take me for an example,” she went on. “When I was killed in the Empire, I lost all of my memories. I became an empty shell, a clean slate. All I had left of myself was a body, a voice, and the friends and family who claimed to know and love me oh so much.

Spike gasped when Twilight’s eyes came into view. Her pupils had narrowed into vertical slits and wisps of ghostly, pale-blue magic were leaking out of the corners of her eyes. She grinned at him, revealing that her teeth were slowly but surely starting to contort into razor-sharp blades. “Tw-Twilight?” Spike asked, his voice trembling.

Twilight took a step forward, her eyes narrowing and her grin disappearing. “I’ve wanted, for so long, to know everything there is to know about myself, Spike. I’ve told myself from the day I woke up that, one day, I’d figure out who I am, and everything could go back to normal for my friends. For the ponies I told myself I loved... But I’ve been a fool.”

Spike fell onto his rump as Twilight advanced, watching with horror as more of that ghostly magic began to seep out of her mane, sending it drifting lazily in an unfelt breeze.

“Because Twilight Sparkle is dead, isn’t she?” she went on, her voice taking on a cold, sinister edge. “Murdered by a vengeful changeling drone in the Crystal Empire. And no matter how hard I wish for it, Twilight cannot come back as long as everypony keeps hiding the truth from me.”

“Twilight, please,” Spike said weakly, knowing full well what it was he was witnessing. “Listen to me. You need to calm down and-”

Twilight threw her head back and laughed again, a dark, sinister laugh filled with equal parts madness and sorrow. She looked back down at him with a giant grin and ghostly tears dripping down her cheeks. “Calm down? Spike, I don’t think you understand… I finally get it. I know what I have to do!she whispered to him before turning back to look at the window. Her expression soured almost immediately. “And it’s well past time that I did it.”


Without warning, Twilight’s horn flared to life, and a beam of pale blue magic was sent into the window. It shattered immediately, any shards unfortunate to fall in its path immediately melting and splattering to the floor to sizzle and pop. With a huff, Twilight advanced on the new exit to the tower before glaring back at Spike.

“I am going to solve the mystery of Twilight Sparkle,” she stated plainly, a malevolent smile spreading on her lips. “Of the mare who gave up her life to save Princess Rainbow Dash. If everypony is so determined to make sure I don’t know the whole truth, then I guess there’s nothing else for me to do but rip the truth out of them.

“WHAT?!” Spike cried out, forcing himself to stand. “Twilight, that’s crazy-”

“DONT CALL ME THAT!” ‘Twilight’ suddenly snapped, whirling on Spike and showing him her teeth. Somehow, she was right in front of him, her fangs mere inches from his face. They were made all the more threatening as ‘Twilight’s’ fur slowly began to darken to a far more menacing shade of purple. “Didn’t I just say that Twilight Sparkle is dead?!”

Spike fell back again, covering his face with his arms and praying to Celestia that he would be alright.

Several seconds passed before Twilight withdrew, staring down her nose at Spike impassively. With a snort, she turned and made her way for the window again, her wings unfolding. “I am going to learn the truth. The whole truth,” she declared. “Nopony is going to hide it from me. Not anymore.”

With a great flap of her wings, Twilight departed through the window, swiftly leaving the courtyard and vanishing into the city beyond.

Spike remained where he was for several seconds, petrified with terror and unbelieving at what he had just seen. Finally, with a lump forming in his throat, he stood up and backed away from the shattered window. “Oh, no…” he choked out, looking back over his shoulder.

“I have to tell Rainbow Dash.”

Author's Note:

“One of the gravest risks of becoming an alicorn is the duality of the mind it creates. Every spark of magic creates a sort of light within the pony that magic belongs to. The brighter that light, the longer and darker the shadow it casts will become. The ascension of an Alicorn brings even more magic into the pony, allowing for truly monstrous shadows to be cast in their wake..."

-Princess Celestia, Little Glimpses.

And so begins the
Midnight Arc