• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 4,626 Views, 875 Comments

Little Memories - Skijarama

When Twilight Sparkle awoke from a coma with amnesia, the first pony to greet her back to the world of the living was Rainbow Dash. They were close, once, and Twilight knows that she can trust Rainbow Dash to help her through her life in Ponyville.

  • ...

Times to Always Remember

Twilight Sparkle awoke with a sharp intake of breath, a cold sweat blanketing her body and matting down her fur. Her own voice echoed in her ears, laughing ominously and filling her blood with ice. It only took a moment for the chilling cackles to fade into silence, and Twilight slowly began to calm down.

She looked around for a moment, unsure of where exactly she was. Thankfully, it didn’t take her long to relax as the familiar sights of the loft of the Golden Oaks library came into view. The sun hadn’t come up yet, but it would soon. Probably in the next hour or two, the more she thought about it.

Curious, Twilight rolled over and looked over to the bed that had been pushed right up against hers. She smiled when, sure enough, she saw Rainbow Dash sprawled out on her back, her mouth wide open as she let out a series of loud, guttural snores.

Quietly sighing, Twilight realized with a degree of disgruntlement that she would not be getting back to sleep tonight. She groggily extracted herself from her blankets and quietly made her way for the door that would take her out to the balcony, not wanting to disturb Rainbow Dash. The pegasus had had a rough few days and arguably needed her rest more than Twilight did.

Not like Twilight could sleep very well. She’d been trying, but there was just far too much going on in her head to make a full night's rest possible. Suddenly having nineteen years worth of memories back in her head after two years without them was more than a little overwhelming, and combined with the anxiety she felt over the prospect of Midnight lurking in the depths of her subconscious...

Her worries were alleviated for the moment when she stepped out onto the balcony, closing the door behind her. A small smile graced her lips as a cool summer night’s breeze washed over her, making her mane drift a little. She closed her eyes and took in a slow, deep breath, allowing the air to fill her lungs and rejuvenate her system.

How long had it been since she came home after getting her memories back? Three days? Four? It was hard to tell. The events of the past few had flown by in something of a hectic blur. Between a tearful reunion with all of her friends, a fair amount of scolding from Applejack before they hugged it out and made up, a predictably spontaneous party put together by Pinkie, the flurry of activity that was the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville yesterday, and then a very long talk with Spike before going to bed last night, she’d had her hooves full.

In truth, this was probably the first genuinely quiet moment she'd had since returning the stolen memories, and she was determined to make the most of it. She rested her forelegs on the guardrail, rested her chin on them, and opened her eyes to look out over Ponville again.

The longer she looked, the more she realized just how strange it was to stare at it with her old memories finally restored. When combined with the memories she had made here as an amnesiac, it was as if she was peering into two different lives viewed from the same pair of eyes. Now those lives had joined together, and Twilight wasn’t entirely sure what the result was going to be.

The days ahead were going to be crazy, that much was for sure.

Letting out a tired sigh, Twilight let her eyes flutter closed, allowing her mind to aimlessly wander wherever it wanted. Her thoughts meandered from topic to topic, not really delving too deeply into any of them for quite some time. She was too tired for that just then.

She must have been out there for a while. A few hours, at least. She was jarred from her thoughts when the sound of the balcony door opening up behind her reached her ears.

“Twilight?” Rainbow’s voice asked quietly.

Twilight put on a small smile and turned to face the pegasus as she came out. “Good morning, Rainbow.”

“Yeah, hey. What are you doing up? It’s early,” Rainbow pointed out, rubbing a hoof over her eyes. “Like, really early.”

Twilight sighed and looked out over Ponyville again, noting that she could see the first hints of the sunrise imminent on the horizon. “...I couldn’t sleep very well,” she admitted sheepishly. “There’s just so much going on in my head… I’m still trying to sort through it all. You know, make sure everything’s still there.”

“Hm. Can’t blame ya,” Rainbow admitted, sitting down on her haunches and folding her forelegs up on the balcony’s guard rail, much like Twilight had. “We’ve had a pretty crazy week… you’re holding up okay, right?”

“Yeah, I am. It’s still just… a lot to take in...” Twilight agreed. She shifted on her haunches to get more comfortable. “Discord’s Plundervines, our little… disagreement in Canterlot, Midnight, the Tree… my punishment…”

“Crazy seems to be par for the course for us, doesn’t it?” Rainbow pointed out with an indignant pout. She was quiet for a second before her ears stood up and her eyes snapped open, seemingly catching up with what Twilight had said. “Wait. Discord’s Plundervines?

“Oh, right, they didn’t know about that,” Twilight thought, a little bit of shame creeping up on her as she realized that she had neglected to speak up about that. She nodded and looked away guiltily. “Er, yeah… those vines that attacked the Tree. Discord made them before Luna and Celestia turned him to stone a thousand years ago. They were meant to kill the Tree back then but never got to until now. The Tree’s magic was too strong, and kept them at bay.”

Rainbow was silent for a moment. “How… how do you know that?” she asked cautiously, her tone like a knife to Twilight’s already-fragile self-confidence.

Twilight closed her eyes. “When the vines gassed me and knocked me out, Discord was able to talk to me in my mind. Since he made the vines, they were made of his magic, and he can talk to any of us if we’re close enough to him. I guess the same applies to his magic. Anyways, he told me all about his vines; that he was letting them run rampant to get back at you for not letting him out of his statue, and… well… he told me some other things that set me up for my fall.”

“Like what?”

Twilight shuddered, the air suddenly feeling a lot colder. “He told me about how you refused his offer… and he hinted pretty heavily about everything else you hadn’t told me, too. Although, he made it sound a lot worse than it really was… I think he was trying to egg me on, get me angry so that I’d lash out when the truth came out.”

A heavy silence hovered between them before Rainbow placed a comforting hoof on Twilight’s back. “Well, whatever that stupid draconequus said, his vines are gone, and he’s still stone. We won. Again. Just like I said we would.”

Twilight managed a small smile at that. “Yes, I suppose…” she admitted before closing her eyes.

The two fell into a companionable silence after that, merely enjoying one another’s company as the light of dawn slowly grew brighter and brighter in the distance.

“So, uh…” Rainbow suddenly spoke up, her voice timid.

Twilight gave a short, curious hum, turning her head to look at the pegasus at her side.

Rainbow wasn’t quite able to meet her gaze, an uneasy look on her face. “There’s uh… there’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, now,” she admitted before looking away. “But it’s kinda… sensitive. I get it if you don’t wanna say anything.”

Twilight was momentarily surprised by this, but quickly smiled and reached out to pat Rainbow on the shoulder. “It’s fine, Rainbow. You can say it. I’m listening.”

Rainbow nodded slowly, seemingly hunting for the words. Eventually, she got the look of a mare saying ‘screw it’ and chucking caution to the wind. She turned to face Twilight directly. “...What was it like when you died?”

Twilight’s smile disappeared in a heartbeat. That was… not a question she had been expecting to have to answer. Swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, she looked ahead as she tried to gather her thoughts. “It’s… kind of fuzzy, to be honest,” she admitted after a moment, closing her eyes. “I remember taking the blast Stinger shot at you. There was a lot of pain, and then I felt really cold, and then… there was nothing. I don’t remember anything after that until Celestia pulled my soul back from the brink of dissolution and turned me into an alicorn.”

Rainbow was quiet for a moment, almost looking disappointed by that answer. She looked away and let out a sigh. “So… you don’t know if there’s, you know… a life after death?” she eventually asked.

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know… If there is, I didn’t get that far.”

“Hmm… go figure,” Rainbow grumbled, resting her chin on her hooves on the rail and staring emptily out into the distance.

Twilight hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether or not to ask the question that was on her mind, but after a moment she decided to go for it. Rainbow had spoken her mind, after all. It was only fair that Twilight do the same.

“Why do you ask?”

Rainbow let out a puff of air and looked down at the ground below the balcony. “...I dunno. I guess I was just curious. I mean, who else is there in all of Equestria who can claim to have literally died and been resurrected? I can only think of one, and she’s my girlfriend,” she said after a second before closing her eyes. “But, if I’m being really honest… I guess I wanted to know if I’ll ever get to see my birth parents again. Or, you know, anypony I care about when I’m gone.”


“I’m not dumb, Twilight. Well, okay,” Rainbow sat upright with a snort of self-deprecating amusement, “I am dumb, but not that dumb. I know that I’m gonna die someday… I just thought that, maybe, since you’ve done it once already, maybe you knew what came next, if anything. So that I wouldn’t have to go into it so scared whenever it’s my turn, you know…?”

Twilight stared at Rainbow for a moment, slack-jawed. She hadn’t realized that Rainbow had really given much thought to her own mortality before. It made sense, though, given the life she had led so far. After a moment, Twilight closed her mouth and put a reassuring hoof on Rainbow’s back. “Well, then I guess we should make the most of our time here while we have it, huh?” she suggested with a cheerful tone in her voice.

Rainbow smirked at that. “Oh trust me, I plan to.”

Twilight grinned, pleased with that answer, and draped her foreleg and wing over Rainbow’s back in a full-on side-hug. The pegasus leaned into her, giving off a content, grateful hum.

The two were quiet again for a few minutes before Rainbow shifted and glanced at Twilight again, her smirk falling away. “...Are you gonna be okay? You’ve been through a lot lately,” she eventually asked, the concern in her words unmistakable.

Twilight looked to Rainbow and frowned. “I think so…” she said after a moment, starting to smile again. “I have my memories back, I have my friends…”

She pulled Rainbow closer and gave her a very quick, feather-light kiss. When she pulled back, she was pleased to see the other mare blushing like a tomato, having gone cross-eyed from the rapid movement. Twilight giggled and pulled Rainbow closer against her. “And I have you. I’ll be fine.”

Rainbow quickly regained her senses and rolled her eyes. “D’aaw, c’mon, it’s too early for the sap,” she dismissed with a chuckle. Nevertheless, she reached out to return the side hug with her own wing and foreleg.

Twilight giggled and closed her eyes for a little while, the two of them lapsing into yet another long, comfortable silence.

“So… what happens now?” Rainbow eventually asked, hitting a subject Twilight had been reluctant to talk about.

“We should talk about it, though,” She admitted to herself, however hesitantly. With a sigh, she sat upright and looked ahead. “Well… I’m not sure. We need to figure out how to open that chest back in the cave and get my Element back. I just… don’t know where to start…”

Rainbow snuggled closer to her, imparting some strength and courage through physical contact. “We’ll figure it out,” she whispered encouragingly, nuzzling into Twilight’s shoulder. “We always do…”

Twilight giggled from the motion before resting her chin on Rainbow’s head. She let out a long, happy sigh from the pillow, and given Rainbow’s lack of protests, she imagined the pegasus enjoyed the position as well.

“...I don’t want to forget this,” Twilight eventually whispered, looking up at the sky. “Not again…”

After a moment, Twilight looked back down to Rainbow and saw the most loving look she had ever seen on the pegasus’ face. Rainbow leaned up until their muzzles were touching, her smile growing wider. “You won’t forget… I won’t let you…” she whispered.


Rainbow waggled her brow in a playful manner. “By being so awesome you couldn’t possibly forget me. Duh.”

Twilight snorted down an incredulous laugh before closing the distance and kissing Rainbow on the lips. The pegasus’ wings snapped open for a moment, but she was quick to return the kiss, wrapping both of her wings around Twilight in a tender, feathery embrace.

“This…” Twilight thought to herself when the kiss ended. She rested her chin on Rainbow’s head again and closed her eyes, basking in the other mare’s warmth. “This is what I’ve missed so much… the small, happy moments like this...”

In the distance, the sun finally rose into view, marking not only the beginning of a new day for Equestria... but also the beginning of a new chapter in Twilight and Rainbow’s lives.

“...And the beautiful little memories they make.”

Author's Note:

And To Be Continued In...

Well hot darn, yet another entry in this hectic series I started in 2017 comes to a close! It's been a fun ride, and we're now moving into somewhat more unknown territory. I haven't actually nailed down a lot of the specifics for what comes after this. I got some broad-strokes figured out, and I know the overall principles of the coming stories in the Flashesverse, but I am gonna need some time for planning to nail down all of the details for Little Keys.

What that means is that I will be starting work on a new story to fill the slot in my rotation that Memories has been filling for a while. If any of you read The Bug in The Basement, I think you might like what I have in store. ;) Once I wrap up work on my other big story, Scarlet, I'll sit down and start working full-force on Keys. That should give me plenty of time to stretch my creative muscles in other directions and get a requisite breather.

Comments ( 49 )

Well Tirek won't have help this time around

Wouldn't fit. Tragedy implies that the heroes ultimately die or fail. This ain't that.

Considering you gave us that beautiful reunion and now that Twidash is pretty much here for good now, I think you have EARNED a break from this series. I’m satisfied on that for a while. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

It won't be so simple as just finding keys.

After all, she's still out there. I'm quite certain that she is busy planning her next move as we speak.

Heh heh... see, the best and worst part is that I know exactly what she's up to, and all of you don't.

But I still can't talk about it, which is torture for a talkative munchkin like me.

TwiDash is back in full force!!

It seems in the next story Rainbow Dash will be like Sunset Shimmer when it comes to Twilight dealing with her corrupt self.

For the Little Fragments Story (if that’s still going on), are you going to insert the parts where Rainbow and Twilight reuniting with their friends after her memories returned since you’ve briefly mentioned those parts?

Also, another great story! Congrats! Here’s to more in the future and maybe Alicorn Rainbow Dash, fingers crossed! Again, congrats! Thank You!

Quoting Pabbie in Frozen II, never a dull moment with you two.

Absolutely LOVED Rainbow and Twilight's chat in this final chapter of this story. Yeah, they BOTH made REALLY good points. And, yeah, I could see Rainbow being genuinely curious about whether there was life after death considering what happened to her birth parents and being fully aware that she is going to meet her own end sometime down the road (though probably/hopefully not for several decades).

And, yeah, I can completely understand taking a break from this series for a while considering how hard you worked on THIS ONE.

And so the ultimate waiting time begins, slowly clawing upon our collective sanity.

Jokes aside though, this was anamazing experience, full of emotional turmoil and consequences hinted at years ago. I really can't wait for the Little Keys, knowing that you will certainly amaze me again.

I'm SURE nothing will go wrong next time.


Bravo. A great story with exceeding good character-driven moments. Thank you for sharing this masterwork with us. A lovely ending. I am really glad that Luna did not have to kill or try to kill Twilight which was what I was fearing. Luna

“...And the beautiful little memories they make.”


Another story to add to my favorites. This series just keeps getting better and better. And it doesn't look like it's going anywhere any time soon. Looking forward to Little Keys, as well as more Scarlet.

What a ride!

Great story! :twilightsmile:



I promise.

*Shifty eyes*

Sweet ending. Good that Luna realized how horrible she's been. Twilight did nothing wrong!


Twilight did nothing wrong!

That was true up until she turned into Midnight. Then she did a lot of things wrong in rapid succession.

It could be argued that she was temporarily insane, caused by a series of traumatic events. She has not been psychologically okay this entire book. Honestly, I'm surprised the princesses didn't ensure she had professional help. After all, Twilight was (is?) one of the most important defences to the country / world / reality.

I still want to slap Luna around a bit. She was being a right butt.

Yeah. Point well taken. I have a hunch that the next story (after the author is finished with the well-earned break) is only going to have TWO major arcs- Rainbow's key and Twilight's key with the OTHER keys only PASSINGLY mentioned (since I don't see Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack's "key stories" changing THAT much from canon, if at all, but, as YOU pointed out, Rainbow and Twilight's "key stories" would require definite alterations [Rainbow's because, as Celestia's adopted daughter, she already technically outranks Spitfire and Twilight for the reasons YOU already mentioned]. But that's all I'm going to guess in order to avoid possible spoilers).

Ha. Haha.

Two keys, he said.


No. I just mean that Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack's key stories would, realistically, all be so similar to canon (as their lives are still just close enough to the tracks they were on in the previous timeline where the events that lead up to them getting THEIR keys wouldn't alter much), that, at most, they would only be passing mentions which means Rarity would still get her key from the fashion show in Manehattan, Pinkie would still get HERS from Cheese Sandwich, Fluttershy would still get hers from the Breezies and Applejack would still get hers exposing one of the Flim-Flam Brothers' scams). .

You misunderstand.

Twilight is the only one getting keys, as she is the one who has to regain her use of the Elements. She's the one the chest grew for. Nobody else. That means, more than two keys.

Okay. Thanks for the correction. Yeah. I DID misunderstand.


Well, Twilight is not a Princess at all in this timeline. This is a punishment now. This is a way to regain the Princesses' trust after becoming Midnight and attacking the citizens of Canterlot. I don't think the goal is the same at all, and the quest will certainly be much different. Scrolling through the comments, I noticed Skijarama saying only Twilight will be gathering keys, as opposed to all 6 Bearers. Perhaps if she succeeds, her banishment from Canterlot could be overturned, but Twilight has a lot to prove herself again.


Thank you for writing this.

The last few chapters felt a tad rush but still a great read. Looking forward to the next book.

Was wishing for more twidash fluff at the end. Oh well just have to wait for next time I suppose. Amazing story as usual some big goose bumps moments. Thank you for the fantastic writing cannot wait for whats next in the little... Series

Little Flashes series. :)


Problem is there would be no guarantee it actually fall on Rainbow and Twilight. Plus, I don't think Stinger would risk going to Ponyville. It's too obvious and dangerous. Or that she knows Twilight is even alive for that matter. We can't exactly tell one way or the other about that. I really thing we're just overthinking it here. The accident itself wasn't really important; just Twilight and Luna's reactions.


Personally, I suspect that Stringer has gone back to the Hive... and took advantage of the power vacuum to secure herself a following of Changelings loyal to the Queen before breaking off to effectively create her own swarm dedicated to releasing their tree bound monarch and taking revenge on those who defeated her.

She might even have evolved into a Queen herself in order to fill in the missing leadership gap and support her swarm... which would make their success interesting to say the least, because while I'm sure that Stringer would still be absolutely loyal to Chrysalis, Chrysalis herself would never accept a second queen in the swarm. It would be a challenge to her authority and power, even if Stringer was willingly subservient.

What a fantastic conclusion! After so many wonderful chapters, the saga comes full circle with about as epic and joyful an ending as anyone could hope for.

If I have a critique, it’s that the animosity Twilight had towards Rainbow Dash which precipitated her fall was unjustified. The story relied on the twin grievances of Rainbow not telling Twilight the full truth about what had happened to her in the Crystal Empire, and Rainbow not telling Twilight about Discord’s offer to restore her memory. I think the narrative could have been improved by a third really compelling reason to justify Twilight flying off the handle at Rainbow Dash.

But then, this wasn’t really Twilight, was it? All this time, it’s been an incomplete caricature of her—some scribbles on a flimsy sheet of paper trying to live up to the full-bodied portrait of who she used to be. The story all but confirms it with Rainbow and Twilight’s tearful reunion. “I missed you,” Rainbow says, greeting someone she hasn’t seen in over two years. To be returned by Twilight’s heartfelt rejoinder: “I missed you, too.”

Then, everything that comes after Twilight’s fall! So much genius! So many themes brought ’round again, twisted and turned on their heads to such satisfying effect! I REALLY love Twilight’s doomed quest to forcibly steal the memories of others, to complete the portrait of herself and become more than just a sketch. I love how it comes at the cost of everyone forgetting her—it’s so perfect, so tragic. I love Rainbow’s sacrifice. I love the moment when the dam bursts, and Twilight’s mind is flooded by the tide of her own memories. The moment of clarity, of horrified realization when she realizes her love for the pony she’s holding in her arms; when it dawns on her exactly what she’s done.

The interaction between Twilight and Celestia/Luna on the desolate city streets as she cradles Rainbow in her arms, weeping over her. So tragic, so poignant, and so wonderful. Of course she refuses to give up and whisks Rainbow Dash away to the Everfree Forest to try something, anything, to fix the damage she’s caused. One has to wonder, though—with Twilight’s soul twisted into Midnight, if she hadn’t stumbled back upon the Tree of Harmony, what would have become of her and Rainbow? Would she have continued to wander the wilderness for an age, holding Rainbow Dash her prisoner, or perhaps keeping her under magical sedation, toiling away at her research, trying to figure out a way to restore Rainbow’s memory of her for weeks… months… years? And how dramatic would have been the damage to Rainbow’s mind, to her sanity and her sense of reality, caused by Twilight’s excision from her past? Could she even have coped with so many holes punctured in so many memories; in practically every day of her life since she was eight years old? It’s a dark path to let your mind wander down.

What a relief, then, to see a happy ending. Rainbow and Twilight, together again at last!

I still wonder a bit at Celestia’s standoffish attitude towards Twilight. Luna’s reservations about Twilight, I wholly understand. But Twilight was Celestia’s faithful student, and Celestia was Twilight’s mentor and teacher all her life. Since the end of Little Consequences, it’s struck me as strange the distance Celestia has kept from her; ever since the meet-up at Twilight’s parents’ house, their interactions have been far-between and mostly incidental. A holiday play… A passing idea to reform Discord… I expected Celestia would be much more involved in helping along Twilight’s recovery, yet she wasn’t really. Is the bureaucracy in Canterlot really so demanding that she can’t clear her schedule for a few days each month to come to Ponyville and lend her support to Rainbow and her amnesia-stricken student? Even at the very end, she seems oddly distant from Twilight. The decision to ban Twilight from Canterlot seems wrongheaded, considering Twilight is basically a different person now than she was when she committed those crimes. No hugs or tears, either, when Twilight is returned to her with memories intact. Just a small smile and a reprimand. Eh, I don’t know—maybe I have a false impression of how meaningful the bond between Celestia and Twilight is in this timeline, or maybe my concept of that bond has been biased by exposure to too much mushy fanfiction.

In any case, what a stellar conclusion. Just Rainbow and Twilight on a porch together, gazing out on the morning, on the future.

I look forward to Little Keys, if indeed you decide to continue this ’verse! You’ve done an amazing job, Skijarama. Even though I pop in with criticism every now and again, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t gotten a ton of enjoyment out of reading these wonderful stories. It will be interesting to see what the future holds in store as the story moves beyond the point when the original timeline was diverted. I only hope, if there’s more of this series to come, that we’ll continue to see these characters grow, thrive, and overcome. :twilightsmile:

As for Little Fragments… I cast my vote for Rainbow and Celestia being a family. What can I say, that’s always been my fascination and my weird headcanon, since way back in 2011 when season 1 first aired. I wish you all the best with Little Changes and The Bug in the Cave. I’ll be reading!


I look forward to Little Keys, if indeed you decide to continue this ’verse!

Considering I am using the completion of this series as my personal test to see if I have what it takes on a personal level to write actual novels? Yeah, I plan on continuing this verse. I have too many loose plot threads I gotta wrap up! I have plans for, like, three more main stories, and I also have a smaller eighth one lined up as a conclusion to wrap it all up.

You're looking at an 8 story epic, and I ain't stoppin' till it's done, small breaks notwithstanding.

I remember you saying that this was the last one and someone foretold that this wasn't it.

I see that this has become the first half of the story and IDK how to feel about it.

Good story though.

I never once said that Memories was the last one...


Oh, I suppose I got the comment confused with Tom's "Change" series.

My apologies.

I can view it just fine. Which country are you in right now?


“...What was it like when you died?”

Smooth-talking, RD. :ajbemused:

“...And the beautiful little memories they make.”

Annnnd done!

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know… If there is, I didn’t get that far.”

If I had to guess based on the events from the last book... there isn't. It was written very much like her very soul was dissolving into the aether, rather than moving on to an afterlife. I could see reincarnation being possible.

“...And the beautiful little memories they make.”

Rolllll credi-

Wait it's actually over.


Looking forward to Little Keys!

Oh yeah, I get that, it's just... Jesus Luna come on.

I really hope that in little keys 'something specific' will happen to rainbow. or if not in this one then in the 'mayby' one after that. I mean, it was already hinted at in, I think, the first books.

been reading little changes. only today do i read the sequel to this 'summary' and it clicks... this is where the amnesia twi comes from. i feel so slow now... (what i get for not reading this from the start i guess?)

Thanks so much for this wild ride! I've been reading this for the past week, and I absolutely love it. I still have Little Keys to catch up on before I'm done, but hey, that just means I get to stick in this awesome universe for longer :rainbowkiss:
And yeah...you still have my full attention. And I doubt it's going away anytime soon...

Well, sure, I know this now.

You can tell me anything... :raritywink:

An alicorn that has advanced past an alicorn? Hm...

Let's call it an Alicorn 2, and then watch for the day when someone goes even further beyond.

hey i'm wondering if you could do a Twipie version if that's ok LOL :pinkiehappy:

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