• Published 5th Dec 2018
  • 2,588 Views, 69 Comments

The Magic Smith - Arceaion

There once lived a Pony could forge magic, not magic items but but Magic itself. But what happened to this great mare and what does Twilight have to do with her?

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The Magicless Filly

She had no name nor did her world, she was a rough, a sketch, an attempt.
A failed one and so was her world.
Her creator gave up, after trying again they grew tired of them and she was forced to watch powerless as she was thrown away, screaming and pleading, into the void of oblivion.
It was a Prison, her unfinished home of nothing.
The Ponies around her were the same. All failed attempts, either emotionless or having given into their fate. They were all attempts sent to wander the realms of nothing, unappreciated concepts of nothing.

No matter her attempts to make this blank world she lived in better she was the only one who had feelings. No matter her attempt she never got any answer, she was alone, and the pain was unbearable. The feeling of loneliness grew on her more and more as the white void consumed her. She was desperate and in her desperation she called out for help, but nobody came. Over time she grew to hate of those other characters, they couldn't care, they couldn't feel, they didn't even have emotion! So why, why was she forced to suffer these things that they didn't have? Slowly, even with the quiet call of the people who cared, she grew insane.

In a final attempt she cried out her voice begging, pleading. "I don’t want to be forgotten. I don’t want to be left alone! I JUST WANT TO BE SOMEONE!" And in that moment when she was at the brink, too deep in her sadness to remain, someone heard and she was broke free.

They gave her a new start, a new purpose, they completed what their creator did not and so they were given a name. It was a simple name but one that suited her and her task; they were called The Magic Smith. For a time she was happy as she did what she was created to do, she made magic and shaped the Magic Cores of those who came to her. Each task was a mighty undertaking and at times she had to give up what she was to help. But that was ok, she had a purpose, a reason, she was no longer a nothing she was a something!

One day she found a young filly, they had no magic for they were like her, a failed attempt. The Magic Smith took them in and gave them purpose and when the time came she gave them what they deserved, she made them a something from nothing. But in doing so The Magic Smith once again became nothing. This time she was taken away forever, the oblivion from which she came didn't want her anymore and so it ripped her apart in an attempt to destroy her. But this was not what fate had in mind for her, she still had a part to play and so once again she was given a brand new start, a brand new chance. Once again she appeared in the world of somethings though this time she was a simple monochrome filly in a meadow of black and white but she had no memory of her actions; she didn’t remember what she’d done, or even who she was. She was simply there without soul, magic, or purpose and so she sat there and didn’t do a thing as time, if it even existed to the filly, went on.

What was she supposed to do? Why was she here? What was she? Despair, fear, without soul, without color or even magic she felt…nothing. She waited and waited and waited, but she had yet to know that her life was going to finally be given its turn. She was finally being given her chance. When the light finally reached her eyes she was suddenly flooded color. Before her stood a creature far taller than her, it felt warm, reassuring… no more than that. It was powerful, light, but overwhelming all at once and then it became something else the colors on the creature changed disgust, rage, pain, but mostly the creature felt sadness, overwhelming sadness.

The Creature picked her up and took her to a mountain that reached as tall as the heavens, atop it sat a castle surrounded by a city. The city had many creatures in it all the same as the Rainbow one, each creature had their own color and feel, quickly she realized that each of the colors represented the life of the creature she saw. Time moved forward and the filly learned, she learned that she was what many called a pony, that the big creatures were ponies too and that one day she might be like the big ponies but the biggest of the big ponies was always the Rainbow.

Soon the Rainbow gave her a name, something she felt she had never had before, Twilight Sparkle. It was a lovely name and the she loved it. The Rainbow also had a name; she was Celestia or as others called her Princess Celestia. Twilight wondered if Princess was the Rainbows name too. Twilight didn’t truly care either way, Celestia would always be the Rainbow to her no matter what others called her.

One day the Rainbow brought six strange stones to Twilight. The first was red; it felt unyielding and strong as if it was ready to protect what it saw as a friend.
The second was Green, it felt as if it was a hammer blunt and powerful, but no matter what it struck it would always stay true.
The third was pink and it felt like the Rainbow did, happy but always with a hint of sadness as if it were looking at a lost friend.
Forth was a blue stone that felt jittery and excited, as if all the joy in the world was bottled up in it.
Fifth was indigo and it felt as if it was overflowing, as if it wanted to give all it had to those who needed it.
The last one was violet and shaped differently. This stone looked like a star and from it she felt something she never had.

Carefully Twilight reached out and poked the stones that the Rainbow had set on the floor in front to her. As her hoof touched stone the world exploded around her, a light shot out of each stone and surrounded her in a full rainbow that filled her, suddenly she felt happy, suddenly she felt! This was the first time Twilight had ever experienced emotion, she had heard of them and seen the effect they had on ponies but never had she ever felt any of these things. Now however she felt it, it was a sensation that one could not put into words simply because no pony had ever had reason to create such words.

With these new found emotions and feelings she began to created and built, she loved to draw and read, to learn and experiment, along with emotion came what Celestia called Magic and with such a powerful tool in her hooves her abilities soared. She loved to paint and draw but with this desire and love also came a hate, she started to avoid places that were empty or were there was a lot of white that she couldn't draw on. This didn't cause any real problems but neither Celestia nor Twilight could come up with an explanation.

After several years Celestia enlisted her into a school to learn about things and interact with other ponies however first she needed to pass an entrance exam. When the day came Celest-Princess Celestia hired two ponies to take her with them. She explained that she couldn't be there and Twilight felt an emotion she had yet to experience, Sadness. However experiencing something new only caused her to return to joy and she went with the ponies that she learned were named Nightlight and Twilight Velvet.

Nightlight and Twilight Velvet were nice but as the day wore on Twilight began to feel odd, as if she had a hole in her and she was being drained. When her turn came she went before several other ponies, Twilight Velvet and Nightlight standing behind her as she tried the test. The instructor told her to hatch a dragon egg and so Twilight did or at least she tried. She tried and tried but no matter what she couldn't, it was as if she was drained of her magic and soon her emotions began to fade as well. Twilight sighed and apologized to the instructors who were looking at her confused, suddenly an explosion went off and she turned to see a rainbow come at her. As the rainbow hit her Twilight felt her emotions and magic return and then the world went white.

As Twilight floated in this white void she began to feel afraid, there was nothing around and this nothing made Twilight afraid. She didn't like this nothing ,it hurt, it was wrong. Twilight curled up in to a ball and closed her eyes as she began to shake in fear. When Twilight reopened her eyes Celestia was standing over her holding her. Her face showed an emotion, one that she had never shown before, concern or perhaps fears? Twilight couldn't exactly tell what it was but she didn’t care she quickly latched onto Celestia and hugged her fear slowly fading and after a moment Celestia pulled her away and went to talk to the instructors.

The instructors and Celestia talked for a while as Twilight tried to understand what she had done, with a shudder she thought back to the void and the emptiness. Twilight decided she didn't like nothing, she didn't like blank things or white spaces either but mostly she didn't like nothing. It was then that a white glow covered her and everypony in the room turned and gasped at her. Twilight looked around in confusion at what they were looking at until she looked at herself, she had wings like the Rainbow however some of the feathers seemed as if they had been colored differently almost as if paint was spattered on her. The splatters were also on her hooves and on her flank was an odd picture.

Twilight remembered that Celestia had called the little pictures on pony’s flanks Cutie-Marks and that they were very important to a pony. Her Mark was of a star in front of many different paint splatters. Twilight was happy, she had gotten her cutie mark and she jumped around excitedly. Shortly after she got her cutie mark she and Celestia left and returned to the palace that they lived in. Celestia carried her all the way back and Twilight being exhausted from the day fell asleep on her back.

After the entrance exam day Celestia trained Twilight herself, she learned that she was a type of pony called an Alicorn and that she was extremely powerful, she learned to fly and about magic but after a while she began to feel drained. When she did Celestia brought her the stones and each time she was flooded with a new wave of color and magic, each time she was flooded she took the opportunity to create her own and experiment But over time a problem began to form, the colors never stayed for very long and without them she always found himself fading, becoming monochrome once again.

When this happened she lost all the personality she had built and simply lost her will to do anything but sit and wait till she was given the stones where everything would came back. To keep this from happening Twilight began to experiment and after many tries came up with a solution, each time the stones flooded her with color she would direct some of it to her mouth as a liquid. Once the flow ended she took the liquid and filled a bottle so that she could keep feeding on the emotions they held whenever she needed. With this she no longer needed the gems as she now had a source always on her. She did this so that she could feel normal, so she could feel on her own, so that she could at least pretend to have a soul.

Once she learned how to control her colors she was finally able to access her Alicorn powers. Twilight learned that she could create anything she wanted, even living creatures, from paint. She could make anything and while they were still paint they were alive, with this new found power she began to push herself with a passion. Of course she had her ups and downs, her experiments, failings, successes, but she found herself enjoying every moment of it.

But she wasn’t done with her discoveries, not at all! Twilight knew that being gifted with this ability was useless as long as she remained alone and perhaps… she would have to think bigger. And it seemed as though she was willing to open her eyes a second time.

Far away in a relm of white dot sat two creatures. One was a Alicorn with a white coat and red main and tail, the other was a man dresses in blue flannel pants and a red flannel long sleeve shirt. The two sat at a table and the smiled as he took a sip of the tea set before him. "Now that we we've gotten all the particulars out of the way, allow me to begin this story properly." The man said with a smile as he set down the cup and cleared his throat. "Once upon a time in the Magical Land of Equestria..."

Author's Note:

Brought Back by popular demand Here is the next chapter and the true beginning of The Magic Smith, both for the story and the character. Twilight was inspired by Ink Sans so there will be similarities because Twilight and Ink are already so similar, and because they're both Soulless.