• Published 5th Dec 2018
  • 2,579 Views, 69 Comments

The Magic Smith - Arceaion

There once lived a Pony could forge magic, not magic items but but Magic itself. But what happened to this great mare and what does Twilight have to do with her?

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The Truth of the Alicorn of Creation

Twilight watched as Celestia paced back and forth in a panicked way. "I mean she just returned from banishment, why would the council wish to see her!" Celestia asked as she turned to Twilight who sighed as she tapped the pepper shaker over the cup she had before slamming the contents back and shuddering.

"Celestia, I am just now mentally capable of understanding what is going on so please repeat what the problem is and for the love of all that is color please stop pacing, the floor can't take much more." She said as she looked at the taller Alicorn, her blood shot eyes showing her irritation.

Celestia sighed as she moved over and sat next to Twilight. "The other members of the Counsel of Rulers have called a gathering and requested Luna come." Celestia said as Twilight nodded. "Given that Luna just returned and is unaware of what has occurred the last thousand years I do not want her involved with any politics till she is caught up." She explained.

Twilight nodded and closed her eyes in thought. "I agree that Luna is not ready to retake the responsibilities of ruling yet, she needs time to recover and as you said, catch up on the current world." She said with a nod. "As such I think I'll come along and do as I always do during those meetings." She said as she looked at Celestia who paled. "I'll play the fool." She said with a smile.

"Twilight, as much as I wish you to be your overly enthusiastic self who derails all topics, this is one of the few moments I need the serious, calm and collected Twilight!" She said in a panic. "You're now the bearer of all six elements of harmony and they will pull every trick they have to restrain you!" She said in fear however Twilight smiled as her eyes, which had been normal ponies eyes, suddenly changed; the left pupil turning into a Diamond while the right was a spade.

"Oh silly Celly, you can't restrain me~" She replied in a sing-song tone. "They can try whatever tricks they have but most of them seem to forget that I'm a lot older than I look." She said as she stood up and walked off.

Celestia sighed. "Maybe if you ever acted your age then they would remember." She said as she looked up at the ceiling. "Help us all if they push her." Celestia muttered as she stood up and followed Twilight out of the kitchen.

The following hours were filled with preparations on Celestia's part as they prepared to depart for the Counsel meeting, Luna was sitting next to a stack of law books that dated back to when she was banished a thousand years ago and panickly reading through the most modern law book she could find as fast as possible. Twilight had seemed to find great interest in painting the tiled floor in a checkerboard pattern, not the most helpful thing to be doing but it kept her out of the way so Celestia let her be till the chariot pulled up and the three princesses boarded allowing it to take off.

As Twilight got situated in the chariot she seemed to ignore everything else to watch the scenery around them. "She seems to be much calmer than I've seen her since I was freed." Luna said to Celestia as she watched Twilight simply sit in silence watching the scenery.

"She gets like this whenever she is in the sky, it makes her calm down and go in a trance of sorts." Celestia said as she took a sip of tea causing Luna to look at her in confusion . "Of course the real question you should ask is, how I got a cup of tea when we're 200 feet in the air?" She asked as she took another sip.

Luna sighed. "I know you're trying to make me feel better sister but please let me focus." She asked as she pulled out the law book she had been reading.

Celestias' smile wavered as she sipped her tea. "Don't worry about it Luna, everything will work out." She said in a mysterious way causing Luna to look at Celestia who was looking at Twilight. "After all it always does in the end." She said with a sigh. "Most of the council sees Twilight as a child but they forget that she is far older than even me in some aspects and if they push her then those aspects will rise to the surface. I've never seen it personally but the rumors about her are... enough proof." She finished.

Luna tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean sister? From what I've seen Twilight is far from the being you claim her to be, in fact she is more of a child than anything else."

Celestia chuckled as this and looked at Luna her eyes dark. "Oh dear sister, you know nothing of Twilight." She said darkly. "Believe it or not she actually didn't always look like this, when I found her she was... broken. She appeared like those we found that were under Discords influence but that was her natural state. In that form she had to be contained as her very presence drained the world of color, emotion and even creativity from around her. Once, after I found her, she was kidnapped as a means to try and get to me however they did not know what her aura did; as a result, by the time I was able to locate them and send in a team her aura had infected the area around them and drained it of all color and emotion. The kidnappers were nothing but brain dead husks and the surrounding area became unlivable to any living being, those that enter the area are consumed by the lingering aura and are forever trapped inside." Celestia explained as she sipped her tea casually causing Luna to look at the unaware Alicorn who was watching the scenery outside.

"To say that Twilight is creation made manifest is no small understatement as she seems to be bound the her domain of influence far more than either of us." Celestia continued to explain. "However I feel that might be the only thing that makes sense about her." She said, earning a confused look from her sister.
"Twilight is hollow, her current state with a soul is but a temporary existence bestowed by the Elements but like all temporary things it fades. Her domain, creation, had more room to latch onto and grow within her; like a tree it set its roots deep into her and ingrained itself in her soul. Where the sun and moon are parts of us they are not bound to us in the way that creation is bound to Twilight, if we so chose we could relinquish our power but the same can't be said for Twilight for she and creation are one and the same.

However such a deep connection is not a blessing any more than a curse as while it's why she is so powerful it's also why when she returns to a soulless being she is so dangerous. Imagine the very manifestation of creation, art and life being turned on itself, that is what Twilight becomes when she is soulless. When in this form she is like an orb of infinite magical energy, excitable and always moving, full of joy and emotion; but when she enters her soulless state then she becomes lethargic and unmoving, she grows apathetic and cares for nothing preferring to simply sit and wait rather than move and act." Celestia said and lna nodded.

"BUt sister, she bears the elements now and they reside within her so does that not mean she is free of this curse?" She asked, receiving a sigh and shake of the head from Celestia. "Like I said her current state with a soul is but a temporary existence bestowed by the Elements but all temporary things fades, it is the way it must be. I've been searching for centuries for a means to free her of this burden but I've not found any way to save her yet. Ponies and all other races have a finite amount of magic in their souls and as time goes on they age because that magic, that power, runs out till eventually they will pass away. However the problem for Twilight is that normal pony containers ware out too much due to her being a Nothing. She requires a source of infinite power and such a thing does not exist any longer-if any existed at all." Celestia explained.

"Returning to the subject that started this discussion, sister." Luna said as she tried to divert the conversation. "But what does this have to do with Twilight and the rumors you heard about from the Council?"

Celestia sighed. "The way Magic Smith performed her craft was in essence the first form of Creativity, it even became known as the Art of Soul Forging. Because it is an art, and an ancient one then it holds greater influence than one might think. Art holds the fragment of the past, of cultures lost and of beings forgotten and these leave an impression. Normally these impressions are just that, impressions but we aren't talking about some random pony who was inspired by another's art or some abstract or lost means of art but rather the creator of an art that only they could do reborn. Fragments of the magic smith linger inside of Twilight and when in the presence of certain artifacts these fragments can rise to the surface, their presence merging with who Twilight is to create the Magic Smith once more.

"What artifacts could bring forth the Magic smith then and why do you not keep it close?" Luna asked.

Celestia looked out the window to show a snow covered vista. "The Council found itself at the ruins of where the Magic Smiths' Workshop stood. Her anvil and hammer are enshrined there and it is only in their presence does nshe awaken and step forward and even then it is rare she chooses to come forward." Celestia replied as the chariot began to descend and a massive stone building with the appearance of a fortress came into view. "The Council awaits Luna, and we are not prepared.

Author's Note:

So... someone asked when the next chapter was and made me look at my story files to see how much work I needed to do on this chapter and I found I had like 90% of this written and all I needed to do was finish it and edit it. To be honest I've been slowly plugging away at most of my stories and just not posting anything because they are not finished but this one was super close so I finished it up, slapped it in an editor and called it done. There may be some editing needed still and if you find a error please let me know but other than that I got nothing else to say.

Thank you all for reading my stories, being patient, and sticking with me even though I don't post as often anymore. 2020 and 2021 really did a number on me and I have to work in real life for that money which cuts my time down a lot.

Any way thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Comments ( 10 )

Take your time your health it worth more then the story

To say "oh my Celestia, ITS BACK!!!!" is the understatement of 2 years. Man I missed this, but creativity is not something that can be rushed. I tell this to all authors, don't rush for it only leads to internal disappointment, at something you don't feel is worthy to put out. I patiently look forward to the next installment.

Yeah great update thanks for that happy this is not dead

Its nice to see this story back from the grave.

Thanks,this story is great, I love it!

Love this story hope it updates again soon

im keeping an eye on this story ... love the read so far

I like the idea, so this is in my 'waiting to read till finished list'.

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