• Published 5th Dec 2018
  • 2,579 Views, 69 Comments

The Magic Smith - Arceaion

There once lived a Pony could forge magic, not magic items but but Magic itself. But what happened to this great mare and what does Twilight have to do with her?

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Party, Party, Party!

Chapter renamed due to rating

It was often seen as a Universal Constant that no pony could out party Pinkie Pie, she is the undisputed party pony of Equestria, however if one were to ask the residence of this world they would not only break that universal constant but they would turn it on its head and tell that it is in fact Twilight that was the party animal. As soon as the group of ponies and princesses exited the Everfree Forest Pinkie and Twilight set to work preparing a party that would go down in history as the most terrifying event to happen on Equestria.

Pinkie became a pink blur as she prepared the baked goods and decorations while Twilight became a prismatic blur as she dashed around sending out invitations and preparing the entertainment. After only an hour the party had begun but every pony saw that this was more than a simple party, it was a showdown between Pinkie and Twilight; pranks were pulled, jokes both appropriate and lewd were made and a show down began. At the center of it all was Celestia and Luna, one watched in terror while the other laughed at the madness.

Twilight smiled as she bounced around the party playing games and dancing however the joy soon came to an end when Pinkie Pie stood at the center of the party, took a deep breath and called her out. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I challenge you to a Party Off!" As soon as she yelled this the party froze even the music stopped. Everypony in the party looked at Pinkie in shock as the hyper princess froze in the air, defying physics for a minute before slowly turning while still in the air and walked to the center.

Every pony watched in shock as she calmly broke physics by simply walking on air till she stood before the pink earth pony, their eyes narrowed as the stared each other down and slowly a smile crossed Twilight face. "Are you sure you want to do this Pinkie?" she asked her voice dark. "You know the price of losing a Party Off right?" She asked.

Pinkie smile matched the same darkness of the Princess as she stared her down. "I do." She said in a serious voice that made every pony shudder. "The Loser pays the winners tab." She said causing a shiver to rundown every ponies back even though they didn't understand what it meant.

"Very well, let the games begin." Twilight said as a bell sounded, it was at this minute that reality shattered, the Party off had begun.

Everypony watched in anticipation as the two stared at each other before they fell to their stomachs, locked forearms and began to arm wrestle, their smiled turning deranged. For a moment they didn't move as they fought against each other however slowly they began to grunt and their eyes narrowed, the ground under them began to crack as a shock wave erupted from them and their smiled widened. The cracks in the ground grew bigger as the pressure on the ground grew till with an explosion the ground began to give way, Pinkie grunted as she began to loose and Twilight smiled however with a grunt Pinkie returned the battle to a stalemate and the earth gave further. With a roar Pinkie closed her eyes and put all her strength into her forearm and slowly forced Twilight arm down. Twilight grunted and grit her teeth but couldn't gain back the advantage and with a final last fight Twilight managed to stop her advance before her arm gave out and was slammed into the ground.

"Round one Winner: Pinkie Pie!" an announcer screamed form somewhere.

Pinkie smiled confidently as she held out her hoof. "Good match, I've never been able to go all out on anypony, not even Applejack." She said with a smile.

Twilight smiled as well. "Same to you Pinkie and I've wrestled dragons." She said with a smile.

Calmly the two leaped out of the 30 ft. hole that they had created, as they returned to the surface the saw the party goers watching in shock however they simply shrugged their shoulders. "I'll grab the ball, you get the cups." Pinkie said with a smirk, Twilight nodded and walked into Sugercube Corner and came back out with a ten cups that she set up into two triangle formation, quickly she pulled out a pencil and drew a ruler that she then picked up to measure the spacing between the cups, as she did this Pinkie returned with a bag of ping pong balls and a scale. Pinkie carefully sat the items down and began to measure the weight of the balls.

All the other ponies around watched in confusion at the turn of events and Rainbow looked at the other four in confusion. "You guys have any idea what's going on?" She asked causing the others to shake their heads.

"Friend Pinkie has challenged Twilight to a Party off, tis a sacred tradition among those who party consisting of five rounds, the first is the honored tradition of strength testing by Arm Wrestling. Next is the challenge of precision performed through the traditional pass time of Beer Pong with evenly spaced cups and a 2.7 gram pong ball. Next is the karaoke showdown, the songs can be anything and any genre, this also is what composes the fourth round however the song must be a different genre than the previous round. Finally is the most sacred of all party acts, the Drink Off." Luna explained as she sat and watched excitedly.

Celestia groaned. "Twilight's going to overdo it again." She said with a groan. "She takes parties and the sacred traditions of partying far too serious."

Applejack chuckled. "Take it from us Princess, Pinkie is the exact same. It was only a matter of time till these two had their showdown." She said with some sympathy. "Better they just get it out'a their system now."

As the conversation ended the returned to watching Pinkie and Twilight who had just shaken hooves and how stood at opposite ends of the table, Pinkie smiled as she threw the ball and it landed in a cup on the back row, Twilight slid the cup over to pinkie who drank the alcohol inside and threw the cup over her shoulder a smirk on her face. Twilight watched her calmly before she threw the ball however it shot past the pink pony before rotating as if caught in a gravitational pull and orbited around Pinkie before landing in the front cup. Pinkie frowned as she slid the cup to Twilight who smirked as she took a shot.

"Looks like the gloves are off." Pinkie said darkly as she threw the ball however as it spun it slowed and floated in the air for a minute as if hovering before dropping into the center cup, Twilight passed her the shot and narrowed her eyes as she threw the ball with a smirk over her shoulder. Every ponies eyes widened as the ball shot backwards and ricocheted off the wall shooting up to the roof and bounced into a cup.

Pinkie frowned as she passed the shot to Twilight who drank it. Pinkie took the ball and pulled back before firing the ball which bounced of several angles around the town square before slamming into a pink filly with a tiara cutie-mark knocking her into the punch bowl before landing in a cup. Twilight chuckled as she passed the shot to Pinkie. "The Cheater Seeker, that's a hard one to pull off." She said calmly.

Pinkie smiled. "It’s all in the wrist. She said with a smile.

Twilight nodded as she picked the ball up and spun it however as it left her hoof it began to look causing everypony to watch in shock as it began to loop in the air like a Pegasus before landing in a cup. Pinkie smiled. "The Barrel Role, impressive." She said with a smirk as she pushed the shot to Twilight.

Pinkie smiled as her hoof glowing and she spun around as she threw it; with a flash the ball exploded from her hoof, a pink aura around it as it shot away from them. The ponies watching looked confused however Twilight smiled as she stood there waiting, after a few seconds a high pitch squeal was heard and Twilight calmly tilted her head to the side as a pink streak shot past her and a plop was heard as one of the cups began to steam. Twilight calmly reached into the cup and pulled out the ball before passing the shot to Pinkie. "Round the world Party, you are a worthy foe." Twilight said with a smirk as she picked up the ball. "Now I can’t exactly beat that but I'm still going to call heads." She said with a smirk as threw it, the ball flew off before bouncing off something and returned, dropped something into her hoof before bouncing away again and dropping into a cup. Twilight smiled and showed it was a gold bit before setting it down. "Landed on heads." She said with a smirk.

Pinkie gulped. "The Fetcher." She said her eyes wide however she quickly shook her head and picked up the ball. There was only one cup left for either side and pinkie narrowed her eyes and threw the ball. Every pony watched in anticipation as the ball shot through the air doing several spins before hitting the rim of the cup, for a moment it seemed as if time froze as the ball wobbled on the rim before falling and landing on the table Everyone gasped as the ball bounced where it handed for a second and Pinkie looked at it in total shock. Twilight smiled as she slowly picked up the ball and calmly tossed it into Pinkies last cup "Good game Pinkie, good game." She said with a smile. The crowd was silent and Pinkie simply stared at the cup where the ball floated idly in the beer.

"Round Two Winner: Twilight Sparkle!" The announcer yelled.

Pinkie nodded and pushed the last cup to Twilight who threw the shot back with a smile.

"Looks like it's time for round three, karaoke." Luna whispered to her sister who nodded.

"I wonder what Twilight will choose." Celestia said muttered as she watched the Alicorn and pink mare walk up to the stage. As the stepped on the stage the magic around them grew and the stage slowly stretched and rose up. Twilight and Pinkie nodded as a coin appeared before them.

"Call your side." The Announcer yelled.

"Heads." Twilight yelled as Pinkie frowned.

"I'll call tails." She said as the coin flipped into the air.

The coin sailed high into the air before falling to the stage and showing the face. "Tails wins!" The Announcer yelled. Pinkie nodded to the DJ who began to play song as she turned to the crowd and smiled.

As the song ended many ponies cheered and Twilight nodded. "Well done." She said quietly as she pulled a record of from under her scarf and threw it to the DJ who caught it and began to play it as she stepped forward.

As the song ended Twilight received a standing ovation and she smiled as she bowed. "Round Three Winner: Twilight Sparkle!" The announcer yelled as the crowed appeared. "Will those with children please leave; this show's about to get a bit more adult!" The announcer yelled casing several ponies to look confused however many parents quickly began to gather their children. As the parents began to leave with their children the Announcer began to yell one more. "With all the little ears out of the way it's time for the fourth round! Pinkie Pie, you next song genre will be Alternative rock! Twilight Sparkle your next song will be Blues, now call!" They yelled as the coin was once more flipped in to the air

"I call Tails" Pinkie yelled as Twilight frowned.

"Heads." She countered as the coin hit the stage and showed Tails once more.

"Tails wins again!" The Announcer yelled, Pinkie walked forward and pulled a record from her main before throwing it to the DJ who began to play song as she turned to the crowd and smiled.

As Pinkie sang Twilight began to frown as the ink inside her seemed to dislike this song for some reason, it was as if she was poking at an old scar. When the song ended many ponies cheered however and they seemed to enjoy it so she let it go however she promised herself to ask Pinkie where she heard that song. Twilight nodded to Pinkie as she took the stage and motioned for the DJ to flop her record as the song began to play many ponies looked confused as she began to sing.

Many of the ponies cheered as the song went on however Celestia frowned as she listened; unlike most of the ponies she understood the underlying message in the song. The song was appropriate for the most ironic of reasons or as Twilight would put it, the best reasons. As the song wound down Twilight received some cheers however they were not as loud as Pinkies and that meant Pinkie won.

"Well that match was close however the round four winner's, Pinkie Pie!" The Announcer yelled as the stage lowered and Twilight and Pinkie took a bow before stepping down and walked back to the table they played the beer pong on. "The Scores are all tied up with both players with two points to their name; this is the tie breaker, the Drink off!" The Announcer yelled. "This is the final match as per tradition the loser shall pay the winners tab, begin!" They yelled as a bottle appeared before both participants.

Celestia groaned. "I hoped that Twilight would win the last round so it didn’t come to the Tie breaker." She said as she rubbed her forehead.

Luna looked curious at her sister. "Is Twilight that bad when drunk?" She asked as Celestia looked at her hesitantly.

"There have only been four occasions when Twilight has been drunk and each one of them has led to more questions than a book can hold." Celestia said. "The first time she used her magic to raise seven cemeteries, raided eight music stores and marched an undead marching band through Canterlot for a week, the second time she became the Goddess of Art, Gambling and Sex in Saddle Arabia the third time she opened a portal to a plain she calls the Doodle Sphere and spawned an army of creatures made of ink, marched on Griffon Stone and stole all their alcohol before going on a global pantie raid that ended with her stealing the Empress of Neighpan's undergarments. She was returned via portal a week later and had a letter attached saying if she ever wanted to have another 'good time' she was free to return." Celestia said getting an amused look for the ponies around her.

"What about last time?" Rainbow asked as she tried to hold in her laughter.

Celestia sighed tiredly. "Last time she was drunk was when an army of dragons moving to invade Equestria, I sent her to deal with them as a form of test. Instead of fighting them she challenged the entire army to a drinking contest and not only out drank every one of them but drank three times more than the entire army combined, the dragon Empire is still paying off the debt they owe Twilight and will be doing so for the next four centuries."

As Celestia finished her explanation Rainbow burst out laughing, Applejack looked at Pinkie in concern while Fluttershy looked on in pity, Rarity was a mix of horror and respect, while Spike sighed and watched the action as his mother slowly began to get drink for the fifth time in his life.

"You know... I've never actually seen Twilight drink before." He said causing the four girls and Luna to look at him in surprise. "I guess you were right Celestia, it's actually something to behold because you can’t believe it till you see it." He said as Twilight downed her second keg/bottle while pinkie was just finishing her first.

Author's Note:

Well this took longer than I thought o get out but I hope it was worth it, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you in the next one.