• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 9,249 Views, 149 Comments

Eternal Bonds - Slictz

Twilight goes down with Hornflu a week before Winter wrap up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy.

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Chapter 1.

Eternal Bonds.

By Slictz

It was a calm, yet cold day in Ponyville. The weather team had done a fine job with weather conditions lately. The week had been filled with the warm sun shining over the snow covered landscape; making it glitter in the sunlight. In the distance, Canterlot could be seen shimmering in the sunlight as if it was frozen in time and space. The sight was one to behold as the white marble walls of the royal castle appeared like a second sun on the horizon.

Ponyville was just a couple of days away from the traditional Winter Wrap Up. Everyone was busy preparing their homes and tools for the job. Applejack spent the last couple of days fixing the damages the plows had sustained during the last Winter Wrap Up, but was struggling to get it done. The equipment was much more totaled than originally thought. Rainbow Dash, on her vacation day, even joined in on Applejack’s endeavors by keeping the sky clear of clouds so that the work could be finished faster.

Both mares envisioned the coming event with uneasy minds. It had looked like it was going to be the best one so far had it not been for their friend’s, Twilight, sudden illness earlier that week. It had shaken them all since Twilight wasn’t the type of pony to get ill. Nevertheless, she had fallen to the disease that Nurse Redheart simply labeled Hornflu. It, apparently, removed any ability a unicorn had to perform magic, with the additional ordeals of a normal flu. Twilight was ordered to rest in bed for a little over a week. The task was only made easier due to her damaged left rear leg, caused by a mishap with the library’s stairs because of fatigue brought on by her illness. Thankfully, Fluttershy took command and cared for the fragile mare during such harsh times. Their other friends had offered to help Fluttershy, but she had just turned down their offers in her typical calm and caring manner. Rarity had offered to make something for Twilight as a gift, but Fluttershy would not allow it. Rarity had protested and complained, begged, even, but Fluttershy stood steadfast at her word. Fluttershy was persistent in her efforts to get Twilight better as quickly as possible, hopefully before Winter Wrap Up, but her friends constant interruptions didn’t make it easy for her. But, after a while, she allowed Pinkie Pie to at least bring some of her fantastic baked treats. Perhaps they may cheer Twilight up.

The vivacious pink mare made her usual rounds, with cupcakes, to Fluttershy’s cottage. When she arrived, Fluttershy would always take the basket of goods at her door, and then slowly closed it with nothing more than a quick “thank you.” When closed proper, and no signs of the lively mare present, she cantered into the kitchen to fetch a plate to put the cupcakes on. Her traditional steamy, hot tea only complimented the festive dish. Carrying a cupcake on a place with a cup of tea on a saucer, the pegasus pony slowly and carefully flew her way up the stairs towards her bedroom where Twilight was resting. After the short flight, she arrived at her bedroom door, flushing her ear against to listen for any signs of life on the other side. She initially heard silence, only to be interrupted by the sounds of slow breathing.

The drawn out reverberation of the creaking hinges make Fluttershy grit her teeth sharply as the door opened. The interior was dark and messy, though she managed to find a lantern and nosed at it to light it. The flame quickly illuminated the room in warm and cozy glow. In the new light source, Fluttershy found Twilight lying across her bed, snuggled warmly under the blankets as she slept. Fluttershy cleared her throat, trying to wake the serene mare. Twilight only turned over in bed and snuggled one of Fluttershy’s teddy bears closer between her front legs. Fluttershy could only smile at the adorable show Twilight unconsciously put on. She then spoke up, in her usual calm voice, to try and get Twilight’s attention.

“Um… Twilight,” She started slowly. There was no response. “How are you feeling?” Yet again, she was met with silence. Fluttershy placed the items on the nightstand beside the bed before continuing her efforts.

“Twilight, are you doing ok?” She began nudging the unicorn’s shoulder with a hoof. Her actions were met with Twilight shifting again in the bed, only to roll back over in slumber. Fluttershy decided on a more assertive method and shook Twilight lightly. When she didn’t budge, Fluttershy started getting worried and her mind began racing for ways to try and solve the situation. She was pulled from her thoughts when Twilight finally began stirring.

“Ugh… Where am I?” Twilight asked in a hazy drawl. Her tone was sore and deep, paining the pegasus pony to even hear it.

“You’re at my cottage. You fell ill earlier this week,” Fluttershy calmly replied.

“I can’t remember anything from the last time I woke up to today,” Twilight stated, her voice now becoming more pronounced as her mind began to piece the events together.

“Well, you apparently caught something called Hornflu during your visit to Canterlot during the week,” Fluttershy said before Twilight cut in.

“Hornflu?! No! No! No!” Twilight exclaimed, tossing her head and mane side to side. “This can’t be happening! I can’t get ill this close to Winter Wrap Up!”

“Calm down now. Nurse Redheart said that you needed rest. So, lay back down now,” Fluttershy firmly assured.

“But, what about Winter Wrap Up? What if-” Twilight pleaded, scared and stressed.

“Twilight, relax,” Fluttershy interjected before Twilight began another one of her rambles.


“Twilight, trust me. Things will go fine, just wait and see,” Fluttershy smiled. “All your friends need you to get better. So, please, have some tea and maybe just a tiny bite of this cupcake?” Fluttershy looked over to the nightstand beside them.

“Oh… All right” Twilight admitted the defeat, and took the tea cup Fluttershy was holding and took a sip.

As always, the tea was just perfect. The scent was that of roses mixed with a hint of cinnamon, just as Twilight loved it. Fluttershy knew her better than she gave her credit for.

Sadly, she also felt a rather large hole in her chest, which felt like it grew the more time she spent with the mare in front of her. It had begun during the trip with her friends to get the dragon to take its nap somewhere else. It was the way Fluttershy stood up for her and their other friends that had sparked it.

She just felt so empty when she was near Fluttershy, so she had done her best to try and keep a comfortable distance, but it wasn’t easy. She constantly found herself drawn to the canary-yellow mare. But, a nagging thought running constant in her mind made her believe Fluttershy wouldn’t return her feelings, making matters that much worse. Curious about these feelings, towards a mare no less, she embarked on a journey to the capitol city of Canterlot requesting an audience with her life mentor, Princess Celestia. Of course, she may have been able to do without the princess’ advice, but she had always been there for her; for better and worse.

Sadly, Twilight wasn’t the most liked filly when she was at the school. The other fillies often made fun of her and called her names: “The Princess’ Puppet,” “Bookula,” “Bookworm,” and other hurtful names. This still affected her life even out of school. She found it hard making friends when she was older before coming to Ponyville. Her past events made it hard for her to trust anyone. But, she had felt so welcome and alive the night her and the fellow bearers of the Elements defeated Night Mare Moon. She remembered it as if it were yesterday. It was, more specifically, the moment when she heard her friends calling out to her, actually sounding concerned.

That moment made her feel happier than she had in years. At last, someone else than the princess and her parents that cared about her well-being, instead of just mocking her. Just thinking about it made her forget all the worries and questions she had. She gazed up at Fluttershy and thought about saying the magic sentence, but she just couldn’t work up the courage to say it. She just stared at Fluttershy as she admired the details of her mane. Her elegant, pink curly mane. Folding like a river down over Fluttershy’s face. Then you had the eyes, those cyan eyes with a genuine look of care over them. Just looking at them made Twilight calm down further. Until she remembered that she was still looking at Fluttershy and moved her eyes to the cupcake on the nightstand.

“Did Pinkie make this one for me?” She asked slowly

“Yes. She came by with it a couple of minutes ago, is there something wrong with it?” Fluttershy said, with a noticeable growing anxiety.

“No, No. It’s just so big… It’s as big as a cake.” Twilight replied gazing at the quite large cupcake with what appeared to be a type of purplish cake frosting on top, with a handmade image of Twilight on top. She knew there was no way she would be able to eat it all by herself.

“Would you like to share it?” She asked Fluttershy, which responded with a yelp. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” she quickly replied.

“It’s okay. I was just thinking about something else. Of course we can share it, just let me get another plate for myself.” Fluttershy replied, trying to hide what she had really been thinking about.
Fluttershy quickly left the room, heading downstairs towards the kitchen. As she walked, her mind began to wander.

I should stop thinking about her in that way. It’s not appropriate to do so when it comes to friends, she chastised firmly to herself in thought. But, on the other hoof, I know I have special feelings for her and only her, she pondered over the sentence. Right, special feelings for her, and only her…

I wonder if she feels the same way about me, her gait came to a sudden halt at the notion, feeling a sharp pull on her heart. No, she probably likes stallions like most of the other girls I know, her gaze fell to the floor, lowering her ears in distress. With a shaky breath, she gathered herself and continued onward. She arrived to the kitchen and opened the wood cabinet door, taking out a plate, closed the door, and returned up the stairs with a sense of self-doubt.

What if these thoughts damage her perception of me? Maybe she’ll feel insecure around me and avoid me for as long as she can, she continued with her thoughts. The conclusions pained her, but they were plausible according to her consciousness. Or, maybe she has the same feelings for me as well? No, if she has any feelings for me in that way, she paused, approaching the door, I’ll let her take the time she needs. She put a hoof to the door and slowly opened it and walked inside. Twilight had already gotten up and had stacked the pillows behind her back so that she could sit up straight. She looked up to Fluttershy and spoke.

“What took you so long?” the unicorn questioned.

“Oh, well, there were no clean plates left, so I had to wash one before I came up,” Fluttershy quickly replied, trying her best not to raise Twilight’s suspicion. “So, how are you feeling?” She quickly followed up to avoid any further questions.

“Much better now, all thanks to you,” Twilight returned with a warm smile.

“It was nothing, really. I just kept you warm and looked in on you while you slept. That was all.”

“You’re too kind. Though, I’ll have to repay you sometime,” Twilight answered, feeling grateful for what Fluttershy had done for her so far. Twilight immediately thought about taking her out to a fancy dinner, perhaps a date?

“Fluttershy, what about if I take you out to a nice dinner when all this is over? You and I, at a fancy restaurant?” Twilight offered, hoping for a positive reply. Fluttershy was stunned. Did Twilight just ask her out to dinner, at a fancy restaurant no less? She felt pressured to think of a reply, but she just stood there dumbfounded until Twilight spoke up again.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?”

“Oh, sorry my bad, it was just such a surprising proposition,” Fluttershy quickly answered, hiding the blush that had sprung on her face behind her mane. “Are you sure you have the money for it?” She asked, frightened that she might get her friend into trouble.

“It’s no problem at all. I have a stable income thanks to my job at the library, and the allowance I get from the princess every week, so don’t worry about it,” Twilight said calmly.

“Oh, okay then. I’m sorry if it was inappropriate to ask,” Fluttershy spoke, hoping she hadn’t embarrassed, or annoyed, Twilight.

“It’s not a problem. I’m glad you’re concerned about me though. So, does this mean you say yes or no?” Twilight asked, oblivious to the now blushing pegasus pony.

“Sorry, of course it’s a yes,” Fluttershy replied with a deep contact with the lavender mare’s flawless eyes. She just couldn’t help it. They were so perfect in all ways possible. Their form, color and size were just right, making it nearly impossible for Fluttershy to break her gaze.

“So, should we try to taste this cupcake Pinkie brought, then?” Twilight said, trying to break the now slightly awkward silence.

“Yes, let’s try that,” Fluttershy answered as she snapped back to reality. She placed her plate next to Twilight’s and cut a piece for the both of them. Twilight dove into her share in earnest.

“This is really good!” Twilight spoke between mouthfuls of the cupcake.

“Yes, it’s really good. We have to remember to thank Pinkie for this.” Fluttershy returned in agreement.

“In a couple of days; first, I need to get better,” Twilight said calmly. “Wait… Fluttershy, why can’t I feel my left rear leg?” Twilight asked, her placid tone now replaced with panic.

“Well, promise me you won’t freak out,” Fluttershy began, attempting to calm the now scared unicorn.

“I need to see it,” Twilight stated before ripping the bed sheets of her. She almost jumped in surprise when she saw her whole leg was covered in a cast from the bottom, all the way up to her cutie mark.

“How did this happen?!” Twilight exclaimed in urgency.

“Calm down, I’ll explain. Just, calm down,” Fluttershy asserted firmly. “It was yesterday morning-”

Author’s Notes:
That’s it for this time Folks. If you like it, then please for the love of god! Point out my typos and bad language! I need to improve! I’m also informing that this fan fic if I finish it will be quite long. (I’d say about the length of Two’s a company Three’s a crowd, about 20-30 chapter containing from 1000-2300 words) so keep on with me. And as an added little plot preview:
Just kidding ;) You’ll have to wait and see.
On top of that, I’d like to say that this story will with a 95% secure guarantee never turn sad. I really don’t like sad stories personally. So it will most probably not turn sad. That is all Folks!
Due thanks:
My proofreader for helping me improve it. (Cheers all around to you Kodiak)
You for reading it
And the fan-fic writers for giving me the push I needed to do this.