• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 9,250 Views, 149 Comments

Eternal Bonds - Slictz

Twilight goes down with Hornflu a week before Winter wrap up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A building layered with overgrowth quickly came to sight as Fluttershy neared her dwelling. She walked along its side and parked her wagon there before making her way to the front door. Silently, yet casually, she nosed the door open and trotted on in. Humming a light tune, she cantered on towards the staircase, hoping to see Twilight in a better condition than she left her. As she made her way, her stride and thoughts were suddenly broken by the gentle sound of a page turning. Hooves frozen in place, she quickly turned her head around and saw her patient. . .reading on the couch? She shook herself off and cleared her eyes, taking in the sight once more.

“Twilight? How did y-” she stammered. With a calm sigh, now carrying a more annoyed tone to her voice, she continued, “What are you doing down here?” Twilight ears shot up as she gasped in surprise, tearing her attention from the book to her caretaker.

“O-Oh, hello Fluttershy. Didn’t notice you there,” she replied. An uneasy smile darkened her visage as she saw the Pegasus mare walking closer to her. “I came down here about an hour after you left. I just couldn’t stay in bed,” she continued rambling, “It was a pain getting down those stairs though; felt like it took me all day.” Twilight quickly fell back to her haunches and grabbed her open book as Fluttershy stood before her. She held the novel up, almost as a shield, and she ducked behind it in reflex, “Did I do something wrong?” The sounds of an airy giggle snapped her eyes back open as Twilight felt the book begin to lower. What used to be a broad text explaining how star clusters came to be was now replaced by the loving eyes of a golden mare.

“No no, I was just concerned that you might have hurt yourself again,” Fluttershy replied in a much calmer manner. Twilight blushed more out of embarrassment, if anything, but soon relaxed and leaned against the couch’s back. Fluttershy hopped on across from her, mirroring the unicorn’s position.

“You know, the whole point of recovery is to get better, not worse,” Fluttershy spoke in a “matter-of-factly” manner. Her tease was met with a playful hoof to the shoulder.

“I know I know, but it’s just so boring lying in bed all day without anything to do. It’s kind of funny,” Twilight began, “There was a time where I would have welcomed the solitude. Ever since I got to know you guys, things feel. . .empty without another pony around, you know?” Fluttershy felt her smile grow a bit warmer as she moved her gaze towards the floor.

“I could imagine. But, I have good news,” Twilight eyes instantly lit at Fluttershy’s statement.

“Oh, what is it? Is it a surprise? A gift? Is it something fun?” Twilight spoke as rapidly as her mind was racing.

“Seeing your progress the last few days, I thought I’d get you out the house for a bit tonight to cheer you up,” Fluttershy placed her hooves on the vivacious unicorn’s shoulders in attempt to calm her, “But I see that it’s worked a bit too well.” Twilight folded her ears back and tried to laugh off her childish behavior.

“Y-Yeah, I guess. So, where are we going?”

“I’ll leave that a secret,” Fluttershy replied calmly, closing her eyes and tilting her head with a smile. “You’ll find out later on.”

“Oh. Well, can I at least get a hint?” Twilight giggled. Fluttershy rolled herself off the couch and stood next to the unicorn.

“Oh no, that would be cheating Twilight,” she playfully countered. She moved closer and rested her head under the unicorn’s snout, “I only came back to check up on you; there’s still a few things I have to take care of.” Twilight felt herself involuntarily gasp as her heart seemed to fail her for a moment.

“You’re. . .leaving me again?” Twilight tried her best to keep the undertone of fear and sorrow from seeping into her words, but to no avail.

“Just for a little bit longer. Please don’t be upset; I promise I’ll make it up to you,” Fluttershy vowed as she nuzzled the mare’s neck, “Just stay here and rest for me. I want tonight to be magical.”

Magical, Twilight simply rested her head atop Fluttershy’s silky mane and spoke barely above a whisper, “No problem, Fluttershy. I trust you.”

Fluttershy broke the embrace and made her way to the kitchen, grabbing a basket and filling it with the needed supplies for the evening. She packed some plates, cups, and a blanket to lay on as well as some other small items. Once done, she picked it up and trotted out the front door, trying her best not to make eye contact with the crestfallen unicorn. She left the door behind her sounding off with less than a click, but to Twilight, it echoed back the loneliness and silence of the room. With a sigh, she returned to her book.
“Yeah, I trust you.”

Fluttershy turned towards the sky for an impromptu weather analysis. It seemed to be clear; no signs of impending storms.

Looking great, she cantered over to the stream just outside of her cottage. I should probably hurry; Twilight seemed really upset back there. . . She instantly took flight at the thought and hurried down the water’s trail.

Her short trek ended when she reached a lush, serene riverbank. She landed atop a gentle hillside, rewarded with a beautiful view of the entirety of Ponyville. Things hadn’t changed a bit since her last visit. She looked over the town with all its inhabitants going on with their daily lives. She gazed over to her left and smiled at the vast orchards of Sweet Apple Acres and its apples shimmering in the afternoon sunlight. Exhausted, the mare fell to her back and stretched her wings out wide, taking in the crisp view of the sky.

I hope she likes this place, she looked over to her left, taking in the warm colors of the daffodils and sunflowers that lit the area in a brilliant golden hue against the lowering afternoon sun.

“No, she’ll love it,” she spoke out loud to herself as she rose back to her hooves. She reared up and grabbed the basket off the wagon in her teeth, taking the light cloth and laying it out just before the down slope of the hill.

“She’s not like Rainbow; she’ll appreciate this. . .” Fluttershy gritted her teeth and turned her head downward, pushing aside her memories. I have work to do. Let’s not go there.

She finished unpacking the rest of the supplies and placed them on the blanket meticulously so that she and Twilight would face each other with Ponyville lit in the background. She envisioned the perfect moment.

Now, all we need is a little something to eat. With a giddy laugh, she flew back to the cabin to prepare the food for the evening.

She landed at her cottage rather quickly, grabbing the food supplies from her wagon and bring them back in the house piece by piece. Once finished, she shut the door behind her and flinched at the low sound of snoring. Only imagining who could have made it set her smile a bit wider as she peered around the corner and found Twilight still laying on the couch, asleep with her book under her head. Glad that she had at least followed her orders, Fluttershy walked over to the kitchen table and started arranging the items. She set the treats from Applejack to warm in her oven as she shifted through her desserts. She raised a brow when she found the “Skittles” treat Pinkie stowed away. Fluttershy opened it slightly but decided against it.

Maybe later sometime, but not today, She thought to herself as she put them away.

She continued the preparations through what felt like the rest of the evening. As she place last of their meal on a small trolley, she looked up at the sky and gasped at the moon beginning to rise. She quickly grabbed the cart and dashed over to the venue for their dinner. Once there, she took her time in carefully laying out their meals. As she continued, she stopped shortly and took in the calm scene of Ponyville at night. The small lights of the city still held their brilliance as the moonlight threw shadows across the streets.


Twilight slowly fluttered her eyes open at the sound of Fluttershy’s return. She turned her head up over the couch and smiled back at the beaming canary mare.

“Welcome back Fluttershy,” Twilight yawned, stretching herself out as she looked out the opposite window, “Wow, it must be close to midnight by now. How long have I been asleep?”

“Oh, not too long,” Fluttershy jested. She trotted over to Twilight and helped her to her hooves. “It’s “later on” now, you ready for your surprise?” Twilight giggled as she shook herself off.

“Definitely. But, would you mind if I bathed first? I feel like a mule right now,” Twilight asked. Her question was met with a heavy blush from the Pegasus.

“Y-Yeah, I don’t mind,” Fluttershy replied, slightly hesitant to continue, “You need any help?” Twilight’s blush equally matched the Pegasus’. She smiled and turned towards the hallway, making her way to the washroom.

“That’d be nice. . .”


“Ready?” Fluttershy asked with cheerful hope, nudging the giggling unicorn beside her. Twilight couldn’t help but gaze over Fluttershy’s amazing form; her crisp pink apron on accentuated the color of her ponytailed mane.

“Of course,” Twilight began. “You know, you look very gorgeous in that. You might give Rarity a run for her bits.” Fluttershy gasped at the unicorn’s playful wink.

“T-Thank you. . .” Fluttershy replied as she led the way out the house. The mares continued their path towards their reservations. It wasn’t until they reached the base of the hill when Fluttershy spoke up.

“Twilight, could you close your eyes, please? I want this to be a surprise,” Fluttershy pleaded with adoring eyes. Twilight felt her heart threatening to leap from her chest. She nodded and lowered her eyelids.

“Okay, but how can I walk straight with my eyes closed?” Twilight questioned as she fought to maintain her balance. She stilled herself as she felt the protective wing of a Pegasus cover her back; sudden warmth soon graced her side.

“Trust me; that’s how.”

Fluttershy led Twilight onwards up the hill. She led Twilight over to her arranged spot and quickly dashed to the other side.

“You can open your eyes now, Twilight,” Twilight took to Fluttershy’s command quickly and opened her eyes to what felt like paradise. The unicorn gazed at the clear night sky. Not a cloud to be seen with only the moonlight shimmering across the ground. The light set Twilight’s purple mane aglow, making it shine and sparkle like the stars themselves.

“This is… amazing! It’s just too much. Fluttershy, I don’t know what to say,” Twilight stammered. Fluttershy simply smiled and pawed at the ground with a hoof.

“Oh, it’s ok. It wasn’t too much work. This dinner just meant a lot to me; I wanted you to be as comfortable as possible,” Fluttershy replied with a blushing pride. She secretly enjoyed the unicorn gushing over her planning. Both mares simply gazed into the other’s eyes, losing themselves in their thoughts. Fluttershy stepped closer to Twilight as the unicorn did the same. They met each other over the basket centerpiece Fluttershy had laid down. Barely inches from each other’s nose, Fluttershy lowered her forehead with Twilight following suit.

“Should we start the dinner then?” Fluttershy asked in the smoothest of tones. Twilight seemed to have snapped from her trance at the question.

“Y-Yeah, sure.” Twilight reluctantly broke the contact and lowered herself to her haunches. Fluttershy sat across from her as she arranged their meals onto the plates.

Both mares sat eating their food with Ponyville in the distance. All sorts of light lighted up the town and faint sounds of laughter could be heard. The most prominent appeared to be music coming from Sugarcube corner, most probably caused by one of Pinkie Pie’s parties.

However, neither mare paid any mind to their town. Twilight sat there in silent bliss of different scents and scenes around her as she chewed her food. Fluttershy faired the same; the food Applejack had given her was fantastic. They sat in a haze of different flavors and scents for what felt like hours, until they finished their meal. Twilight let out a short yawn and rolled over to her side, facing Fluttershy’s silhouette in the moonlight.

“That was an amazing dinner Fluttershy; even better than anything in Canterlot,” Twilight practically sighed the compliment in a euphoric manner. Fluttershy smiled and held her wings up in appreciation. Twilight expression widened as the Pegasus’ outline formed akin to the Princess of the Night’s own.

“Twilight, can we talk?” She asked barely above a whisper while looking at Twilight.

“Anything Fluttershy,” Twilight replied, returning her gaze to the canary mare’s glistening eyes.

“There’s…something I’ve been dealing with for the last few months,” she began, “It’s been a bit of a hassle at first, but lately it’s just been getting stronger. Before I say anything, will you…promise you won’t be mad?” Flutter pleaded with begging eyes, nearing the verge of tears.

“I promise I won’t be upset Fluttershy. I’m your friend,” Fluttershy cringed at the word, “You can confide in me,” Twilight replied with heavy tone of concern. She then moved over to Fluttershy for a better chance at hearing. Fluttershy felt her anxiety rise to new heights.

Come on now, just spit it out. You didn’t have this problem with Applejack, she lowered herself a bit closer to Twilight.

Yeah, but she wasn’t the most beautiful unicorn in all of Equestria. . .she replied mentally.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight prodded. Fluttershy returned her attention to the visibly confused unicorn before her. Twilight reached out and rested a hoof on Fluttershy’s neck in attempt at comfort. Fluttershy felt something snap inside her and she quickly grabbed on to Twlight’s foreleg, resting the side of her head against it.

“Twilight Sparkle, I… I love you.”

The unicorn was struck silent. Her mind began racing a mile a minute. Fluttershy’s eyes incessantly scanned the mare’s visage for signs of rejection, disgust, even. Clouds of tears began to blur her vision as her declaration was met with continuous silence. A gentle hoof to the side of her face shattered her thoughts as her vision instantly cleared. She felt herself being sharply pulled towards the ground, shutting her eyes instantly. She opened them slowly as a warm field of purple and pink replaced her surroundings.

“Then, I guess we’ll just have to deal with this together, huh?”

Fluttershy drew her breath quickly at the response. Her eyes froze wide open as tears relentlessly poured down her golden cheeks. Her voice began to crack and quiver with intense apprehension.

“W-What are you saying Twilight?”

A smirk blazoned the purple mare’s face as she stole a kiss on Fluttershy’s darkened cheek.

“I love you too.”

Fluttershy lay stunned by Twilight’s statement. The most intelligent and beautiful mare she had ever seen, had just returned her feelings. Fluttershy’s mind echoed the phrase for what felt like an eternity.

“You, do?” Fluttershy ventured. She held even tighter to the unicorn’s hoof as if it would slip away if she said the wrong thing. Twilight inched a bit closer and lowered her tone to Fluttershy’s level.

“I do, completely and honestly. I never really thought about it too much until you took me in for recovery. I always thought it was just me being overly grateful for your kindness. Then, I started feeling…empty, whenever you left,” Twilight felt her own eyes beginning to betray her as her tears began to build. She continued, “Like something inside me was torn through and left nothing but loneness,” her voice began to rise in pitch as water began to flow from her tightly squeezed eyes. She pulled Fluttershy into a constricting embrace and buried her face in the Pegasus’ mane.

“Please, don’t leave me alone again; I don’t think I can handle being separated from you like that. Please. . .please,” Twilight begged and cried to the mare. Her pleas were halted as Fluttershy quickly pulled the unicorn’s head up and pressed her lips firmly against Twilight’s. She rolled the lavender mare on her back and continued her contact. What felt like ages later to Twilight, Fluttershy broke the connection.

“I promise, that will be the last time you ever ask that of me.” Twilight sat in a shocked comfort as she locked her eyes with the confident Pegasus above her. Twilight’s smile remained small, but the expression of her eyes was all Fluttershy needed. Twilight immediately grabbed hold of her Pegasus and resumed their previous encounter. Their lips met with a strong chill running down their spines, soon releasing warmth neither of them had ever felt before. They were frozen in an eternal bond of love and time. Fluttershy let out a passionate sigh, sliding her tongue naturally past Twilight’s mouth. Twilight took this almost as a challenge and wrested back for playful dominance.

Both mares laid for what seemed to be an eternity, until Fluttershy broke the kiss and locked eyes with her mare, “I love you, Twilight Sparkle. I-” Was the only thing Fluttershy managed to say before Twilight stole another kiss on her lips.

“I love you too, my adorable Pegasus,” Twilight teased as she nudged her hoof along Fluttershy’s cheek. The goldenrod mare burst out in a fit of high giggles before settling down on Twilight’s chest, resting her head just about the unicorn’s beating heart. They sat there for the better half of the night. Twilight’s drowsy yawn tore them both from their unspoken connection.

“Fluttershy, what’s say we head back to the cottage; it’s getting a bit late,” Twilight mentioned as she prodded Fluttershy’s flicking ears.

“Of course we can,” Fluttershy began, walking back over to their checkered blanket and bundling their meal supplies within it. “But first, I have to show you something.” Twilight rose to her own hooves and shook herself off, wincing as the pain in her hind legs reminded her of her condition.

“Okay,” Twilight replied in struggle. Fluttershy quickly trotted over to the unicorn, blanket nicely tied around her neck. She lowered herself and stretched her wings out wide, turning her head back to Twilight with pleading eyes.

“Hop on,” she commanded. Twilight’s face lit bright red at Fluttershy’s forwardness.

“Hop – oh…” Twilight shook her head in embarrassment as she caught the actual meaning of it. She painfully reared up and placed her front hooves on Fluttershy’s back, “Isn’t this a bit dangerous though?”

“Trust me,” Fluttershy repeated. Twilight almost spoke against it, but simply smiled and slid herself over Fluttershy’s back. They both simultaneously let out a pleasured sigh at the warm contact. They both noticed the other and giggled at the coincidence.

“Okay, now sit still and don’t be afraid,” Fluttershy replied calmly while she took off and hovered just above the ground. Twilight let out a quick shriek as she gripped Fluttershy harder. She fluttered her eyes back open and looked over to the concerned Pegasus, feeling all her fears and concerns melt away.

“I trust you. Let’s go.”

Fluttershy took off in full flight towards Ponyville. The mares soon found themselves soaring over the town’s desolate streets. Twilight was once again at a loss of words. She had never rode on the back of a Pegasus, let alone any other pony, before. The rush of flying up so high above the ground almost overwhelmed her, but feeling Fluttershy’s heart beating calmly and the scent of the mare’s now flowing mane calmed her down considerably. She truly enjoyed the feeling of flying high above Ponyville. The sights, the smells, the air through her coat and mane were a truly spectacular feeling. Fluttershy then set out for a cloud she had spotted. She dragged Twilight through it slowly, sending the unicorn in a fit of laugher at the tingling sensation of the cloud combing through her body. A mare and her lover, taking on the skies together. What more could a pony ask for?

Fluttershy soon began to feel tired and exhausted after her intense day of planning and organizing. She redirected her flight path towards the cabin. They reached the front door of with ease and Twilight opened it quickly with her magic.

Fluttershy flew inside and motioned for Twilight to close the door again. Twilight did as she was told and gently shut the door with a drawn-out squeak. She untied the blanket around Fluttershy’s neck, letting their dishes and leftovers crash to the floor inharmoniously. Fluttershy simply ignored it; she had a unicorn to put to bed. She flew them both up the staircase towards her bedroom and sat Twilight down carefully in front of the bedroom door. She landed and opened the door carefully, waking through it and motioning for Twilight to follow. Almost immediately at the sound of the door’s click, Twilight ignored the searing pain in her hind legs and pounced on Fluttershy, pinning her to the bed. The giggling mare blushed heavily, but quickly replied with a quick kiss on Twilight’s nose. Twilight countered with another to her lips, locking them both in the embrace. They kissed with the same vigor and passion as their dinner, breaking only to regain their air. They soon broke apart and laid their heads on the pillows, gazing at each other for the last time today. Fluttershy inched closer and snuggled up to Twilight for warmth. Twilight responded all too eagerly with putting her hooves around Fluttershy’s waist and hugging her tightly.

“Goodnight Fluttershy, I love you,” Twilight spoke calmly, running a hoof down the length of Fluttershy’s back. The Pegasus extended a wing over Twilight, wrapping her in a warm, feathery blanket.

“I love you too, my unicorn,” Fluttershy spoke as shivers rolled down her. They both soon slept more peacefully than either of them had since this whole accident occurred. No more sleeping on couches, no more lonely nights in a bed upstairs. Both mares finally felt better than ever; together for eternity.

High above Fluttershy’s cabin on a cloud, a dark and mysterious mare sat dark as the night sky with hair glistering like the starts themselves.

“Goodnight, my little lovebirds. Sweet dreams,” The mysterious mare added before flexing her wings and taking flight towards Canterlot, leaving nothing but a dancing set of black feathers in her wake.

Authors notes:
First of all: This isn't the end of this fic!
I have alot more stuff planned and I'm writing it as ou read this ;)
So remeber; The fic will go on after this.

Thanks where due:
My pre reader Kodiak.
And you my readers for actually reading and liking my fic. my desire to write on this fic gets bigger by each person that reads/ tracks this story.

That is all.