• Published 11th Dec 2011
  • 9,250 Views, 149 Comments

Eternal Bonds - Slictz

Twilight goes down with Hornflu a week before Winter wrap up, and is left in the care of Fluttershy.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Fluttershy abruptly woke at the nudge of a small creature against her underside. She looked around the dimly lit bedroom, but all she could gather was Twilight and a resting foal lying opposite to her. Fluttershy’s mind froze; all of this felt vaguely familiar. She remembered seeing two foals in her last encounter. Where was the other one? Fluttershy quickly snapped her head in all direction in a fearful search for the second filly. Her thoughts and head stopped dead in their tracks when she felt a slight pinch along her underbelly. Fluttershy let out a gasp of shock as she froze in position. Looking down, she found the second foal hungrily nursing itself.

The foal rolled off and let out a loud yawn, which woke Twilight from her peaceful slumber. Her eyes instantly narrowed as she protectively scanned the room for danger. Her nerves calmed and visage lightened when she locked eyes with Fluttershy. Both mares laid there in silence. Twilight ran a hoof over the short mane of the foal huddled against her.

“Aren’t they adorable Fluttershy,” Twilight stated rather than asked with a warm motherly tone that graced her voice.

“Y-Yes that they are.” Fluttershy skeptically replied. She had no idea who these foals were, or if any of them belonged to her. But, seeing how Twilight reacted to being around them, she deduced that she had some apparent connection with them. Her thoughts left her with two conclusions: either both foals were Twilight’s, or one of them...belonged to her. The chilling thought echoed in her head,

“My own foal…”

The sun pierced through the thin curtains surrounding the window into Fluttershy’s bedroom, illuminating the interior with a warm cozy glow. The room was silent and calm. The only sound that rose against the silence was that of two mares lying in bed and breathing slowly in unison, completing each other to the fullest. The newfound light in the room bounced off a nearby picture frame and landed on the face of the sleeping mares, stirring them awake from their slumber. As the Pegasus opened her soft cyan eyes to the world, she flinched at the light shining upon them. Her eyes soon adjusted and she relaxed in the ambience of the room. A soft breathing broke her trance. She quickly turned to her side and smiled brightly at the sight of her sleeping mare, Twilight. The Pegasus giggled softly at the varying directions of hair that made up the unicorn’s unruly mane.

Fluttershy wished she could stay there in bed, staying with Twilight all day. Alas, things had to be done today. She motioned as gently as possible not to wake Twilight from her slumber, taking the bed sheets off her and setting a hoof down on the cold floor. As she made contact, a sudden pain gripped her heart. She turned back to the sleeping unicorn before her at a loss for words. She leaned closer and gently nuzzled Twilight’s neck and mane. Fluttershy sighed with warmth at the faint scent of apples from their night before. A meep escaped her mouth as Twilight quickly drew Fluttershy’s head into her chest.

“Oh Smarty Pants…at least you understand me,” the unicorn grogged with a bubbly giggle. Fluttershy rolled her eyes with a smile and drew back for a second attempt at leaving. As her hooves made it to the floor, she looked down towards her chest; she felt no pain this time. With a smile warmer than the sun in the room, she set out for the door.

She opened the old wooden door slowly and snuck through it like a cat at dawn. She flexed her tender wings out wide as an eagle and took off down the staircase towards the living room. Landing at the base of the staircase with a low thump, she proceeded to look around the living room, and it was empty. Not even her pet rabbit, Angel, was anywhere to be seen. However, she did notice a large pile of used plates and baskets towards the door.

Oh. . .right, that. Fluttershy sighed.

The silence of the room was immense, not even the pips and squeaks of mice could be heard. Worried for their well-being, Fluttershy quickly searched around the room and found most of them to be asleep. With a relieving exhale, she decided to get on with breakfast preparations and trotted through the kitchen’s archway.

Preparations went by in a flash. Fluttershy kept herself busy as a bee preparing the food for her and Twilight. “Twilight,” the name rolled so smoothly off her tongue. It felt amazing being able to talk about her in that manner, like her mare friend. It felt strange, but so natural.

The smell of roses and daffodils quickly brought Fluttershy’s mind into the real world. The porridge she was making neared completion, and required a light seasoning for the perfect taste. Fluttershy scanned the shelf above the cast iron stove and her eyes fell upon a small glass bottle of lily extract. The scent was divine and Fluttershy could not resist adding it to the porridge.

Once their lovely meal was complete, the canary mare grasped the pot by the handle between her teeth and poured the porridge into two bowls on the kitchen table. Decorating the steaming meal with cinnamon for flavor and appearance, topping it with a small parsley leaf, and continuing the decorations across the tray and drinks with the food. Satisfied with her work of perfection, Fluttershy picked the tray up and trotted cheerily out the kitchen. She once again found herself in the small, but comfortable living room and just as before, none of her animal friends could be seen anywhere. Smiling at the thought of their “alone time,” Fluttershy set her gaze at the staircase. She slowly walked towards it and soon found herself before it. Deciding against taking flight, she opted for walking up the staircase instead. Fluttershy gently put her right front hoof on the first step and applied pressure gently. The staircase reprimanded the notion by creaking slowly as the mare began the journey up.

She arrived at their bedroom door, turning to the side and bumping her flank against it to open it. Twilight was still lying in bed sleeping, breathing in a slow rhythm and oblivious to the world around her. Fluttershy walked inside the bedroom and repeated the motion to close the door again. Fluttershy crept towards Twilight sleeping in bed and placed the tray on the nightstand to the left of the bed. She covered the resting mare with her gaze. With a sly smile, Fluttershy slid under the cotton covers once more and snuggled up to her mare.

“Twiiiilight, it’s time to get up now,” Fluttershy cooed into Twilight ear ever so gently. She was met with silence; Twilight didn’t budge from her position one bit.

“Twilight, wakey wakey,” Fluttershy cooed once more into her lover’s ear. Once again, she was met with silence.

Twilight, you sleepyhead, Fluttershy thought to herself bluntly with a deadpan visage.

Fluttershy lifted her head and moved it over to Twilight’s purple mane, nuzzling her neck with a quiet hum. She felt the unicorn shiver lightly, but didn’t wake from her slumber. Taking drastic measures, Fluttershy continued her nuzzling, upwards towards Twilight’s ear and gently started nibbling on the tip of it. Twilight responded by flicking her ear to try to escape Fluttershy’s nibbling. However, Fluttershy had her mind set: Twilight was to wake up and eat her breakfast, no matter what. Fluttershy moved again and started nuzzling Twilights mane again, going from the shoulder up to the ears each go. Then Fluttershy heard it, a faint giggle coming from Twilight. She had her now.

Fluttershy continued the nuzzling to no avail; her mare just would not wake up. Fluttershy decided to try another approach. She lifted her head just above Twilight’s and gently licked the tip of the unicorn’s ear. Twilight jolted awake, shifting her hooves as she tried getting her bearings straight. Her eyes soon lowered slightly as the electrifying feel of Fluttershy’s tongue made her let out a staggered sigh of content. Fluttershy giggled lightly.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Fluttershy whispered into Twilight’s ear. Twilight smirked and quickly turned over on the bed, pecking Fluttershy on the lips.

“Good morning, you sneaky Pegasus,” Twilight replied in playful annoyance. She rested her head back against the pillow and looked towards her left, “What’s that smell? It’s lovely!”

“It’s our breakfast,” Fluttershy rolled off Twilight and sat upright against the bedpost. “Move over here and I’ll give it to you.” Twilight quickly snuggled up in between Fluttershy’s hooves, laying her head on Fluttershy’s chest. Fluttershy then wrapped her wings around her mare to keep her warm while they savored the moment. She reached over towards the tray, but drew back as the tray levitated with a purple aura.

“Allow me,” Twilight winked as she brought their bowls over, horn aglow with the same aura. Fluttershy beamed at the gesture.

She’s finally has her control back. . .Fluttershy thought as she lowered her head to the bowl before her.

No words were spoken during their second meal together, but there felt to be a secret conversation between their bodies. Fluttershy held Twilight tighter and Twilight responded with a deeper snuggle in their embrace. As they finished, Twilight placed their dishes back on the tray as Fluttershy rolled them both on their side.

“Twilight, I was thinking, maybe we could do something today… A walk, maybe?” Fluttershy spoke up while she gently stroked Twilight’s mane with the tip of her hoof, soothing the lavender mare.

“Sure. I have to open the library back up anyway, so it’d be a nice way to take my mind of everything and relax with you,” the unicorn responded. Fluttershy kissed the top on her head.

“That’s wonderful. But, we still need to clean up the stuff from yesterday. We kinda left a mess last night,” Fluttershy spoke while she unwrapped Twilight from her wings and started off the bed. Twilight drew her hooves close at the sudden chill and turned over to Fluttershy. “Are you coming? I could use some help.” Fluttershy shook her wings and quickly preened them. Twilight moved herself out of bed and put her hooves down on the floor, but something was different. Her damaged leg didn’t hurt any longer; the pain was gone altogether. Twilight gave a quick buck at the air, nothing. The feeling was odd, but she didn’t care; she was with the mare of her dreams and everything was perfect. Nothing in the world could change that.

Twilight trotted past Fluttershy and began her decent down the creaky staircase. Both mares soon found themselves at the bottom looking at the cloth containing all their utensils from the night before. Twilight bounded the items up in the blanket using her magic and levitated it in front of her as she walked towards the kitchen to begin washing it all up. Fluttershy followed in close pursuit.

Both mares soon came to the arch into the kitchen and walked inside, appointing different roles to each other to make the work go faster. Twilight was to empty the cloth and levitate the dirty dishes over to Fluttershy, where Fluttershy would wash them and put them on the rack to dry off. Confident in their plan, they both got to their stations and started working.

After some playful competition, the dishes were clean. Content with their hard labor, Twilight and Fluttershy opted to leave the kitchen and prepare for their walk later that day. Things needed done before it could start; Twilight wanted to shower, and Fluttershy had her normal routine with feeding the animals. Even though they were still resting, Fluttershy was determined to feed them all before they started their walk.

Twilight went into the bathroom, closed the door slowly and slipped into the warm embrace of the shower. The warmth calmed her down further as she cleaned herself up. Fluttershy started her work in the kitchen, sorting out the different food for all her forest critters and animals. Each animal required a special blend of seeds, fruit and other small plants. She finished mixing the blends in and walked out of the kitchen to start putting the by the homes of her friends. Each animal had its own little den or house, so the work was finished quickly, leaving Fluttershy some time to freshen herself up for their walk.

Twilight finished her shower, walked out and dried her wet coat and mane with a towel. Once dry, she made her way over to the bathroom mirror to brush her mane into shape; it was a fuzzy mess of violet purple and pink that made Twilight giggle merely at the sight. Once her mane was fixed, making sure it was perfect for Fluttershy, Twilight opened the bathroom door and went into the living room.

There, Fluttershy was sitting on the couch humming a lullaby while she waited for Twilight. As Twilight came in to her view, Fluttershy stood up from the couch and walked over to the unicorn, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. Twilight blushed at the affection. It was still a bit unusual for her to be kissed so freely, but she was enjoying every moment of it.

“Shall we?” Twilight asked when her blush faded, tilting her head towards the door.

“Oh, of course Twilight,” Fluttershy answered as she trotted over to the door and held it open for Twilight. Twilight obliged and stepped outside where she waited for Fluttershy to close and lock the door before they left. Looking at each other with a quick smile and nuzzle, the pair journeyed down the winding path to Ponyville.


The weather this morning was perfect; no clouds to be seen for miles and a clear blue sky graced the couple’s eyes. Every worry and pain seemed to melt away.

Twilight and Fluttershy continued their walk down the trail. Fluttershy’s left wing draped over Twilight back, bringing them closer as they walked tightly together. Twilight retaliated by rested her head on Fluttershy’s with a giddy smile.

“Twilight why don’t rest for a bit over there?” Fluttershy spoke while pointing towards a bench perked on the riverbank. The spot was perfect; the water flowed like a liquid mirror, perfectly reflecting the skies making the world seem endless. They walked over to the bench and sat down, Fluttershy first and Twilight second. Twilight leaned on Fluttershy and put her head on the canary mare’s shoulder, Fluttershy responded with draping her wings around herself and her Twilight.

They just sat there, listening to each other’s heartbeats, their slow breathing, all the while enjoying the sunshine and time spent together. Twilight lifted her head off Fluttershy’s shoulder and locked eyes with the mare. They both looked into each other’s eyes, loosing themselves in the moment before Twilight locked lips with Fluttershy in a passionate kiss. It sent shivers down Fluttershy’s spine, clouding her mind in bliss of hormones.

Twilight broke the tender kiss and locked eyes with her lover. Fluttershy couldn’t help but blush hotly at the sudden intimacy. Her body tingled all over; the feeling was indescribable. All she knew was that she wanted more. Fluttershy leaned over to Twilight and kissed her again, this time she brushed her tongue past the unsuspecting lavender mare’s lips.

Twilight soon found their tongues in an intricate dance for domination that continued until they ran short for breath. Both mares found themselves panting; they were warm, fuzzy and blushing heavily. Twilight just hugged Fluttershy tightly, not wanting to let the moment slip. She nuzzled Fluttershy’s pink mane.

“Fluttershy, I think it’s about time to head on” Twilight spoke in a very calm domineer.

“Oh, right. . .I had completely forgotten. Of course, Twilight,” Fluttershy answered shyly, slightly embarrassed for letting herself get sidetracked like that.

Fluttershy released her grip around the unicorn and allowed her to stand first. Fluttershy quickly followed suit and resumed their earlier embrace before their break. They slowly continued onwards towards the town.


They found themselves at the edge of Ponyville, walking towards the town square with their tails intertwined. The walk over to the town square was short, but the whole way over, Twilight and Fluttershy felt like someone, hiding in the shadows, was silently judging them. Both of them did a short scan of their surroundings as they walked. Most of the ponies in town seemed to be ignoring them, going about with their normal day to day routines.

Feeling a bit safer, and slightly playful under their lack of supervision, Fluttershy tickled Twilight gently with the feathers on her wing with an innocent smile. Twilight tried to contain her laughter as she responded with tickling the feathers on Fluttershy’s other wing with her magic. Fluttershy was soon pushed into the same situation as her victim. They kept up the teasing and playing their whole walk through town, ending it when they arrived at the library’s front door.

The old library hadn’t changed a bit since Twilight left it all those weeks ago. Twilight nudged the door open and stepped inside, followed by Fluttershy. The first floor was covered in a thin, yet noticeable, blanket of dust. It would take some cleaning to get it back into order.

Looks like Spike’s been enjoying his little vacation in Canterlot. . .Twilight thought flatly in annoyance.

As she continued on the dust-covered floor, Twilight’s eyes locked on to something that made her freeze in place: the dried bloodstain from her tumble down the stairs. Much as she wanted to, she couldn’t take her eyes off it. Fluttershy quickly stepped in and rested the top of her head against Twilight’s side, pushing her into the kitchen before flying back out to clean it.

Fluttershy soon came back and held Twilight close, “It’s ok, it’s gone now. It’s safe to enter the room,” Fluttershy cooed as she hugged Twilight closely. Twilight nodded with an uneasy smile as Fluttershy lead them back to the lobby. Fluttershy released her hold and hovered in the air.

“Now, how about you start cleaning the library while I go and get us some food for tonight,” Fluttershy stated rather than asked. As she departed, Twilight’s eyes flew open as she snapped back to reality. She quickly galloped over to Fluttershy and pounced her out the air.

“No! Please don’t go; you can’t go!” Twilight begged. “You…promised me.” Fluttershy rolled over on her back to face the unicorn above her. She felt a tear streaming down her cheek at the memory of their previous night.

“I know Twilight, I know. But I’ll only be gone for a short while; don’t you worry about me now,” Fluttershy assured as she ran a hoof along Twilight back. Twilight shut her watery eyes as she turned her head to the side.

“Twilight, what about I go buy some food and cook us a nice dinner for tonight while you clean the library?” Fluttershy asked in slightly different wording. Twilight flicked her tail and stomped a hoof against the floor.

“It’s just, I’ve never had somepony to love before. You’re the only one I’ve felt this way towards,” she leaned down and hugged Fluttershy tightly as she buried her face in the Pegasus’ mane. “I… I just don’t like the idea of being alone, especially now that I have you.” Fluttershy felt her heart begin to ache from her lover’s pain. She licked a tear from Twilight’s cheek and the unicorn’s eyes instantly lit back up.

“Twilight… I won’t be gone for that long. You trust me, don’t you?” Fluttershy forced a smile despite her watery eyes. Twilight’s head rose as she returned the expression and smiled warmly.

“Of course I do,” Twilight’s voice cracked as she gave Fluttershy a quick peck on the forehead before freeing her. “I always will.”

Fluttershy slowly rose to her hooves and shook the dust from her golden coat. She leaned over and rubbed her head against the now spirited unicorn’s neck.

“I’ll be right back,” Fluttershy whispered as she trotted out the door. Twilight winced as the door closed behind the Pegasus.

“Yeah, see you in a bit,” Twilight spoke aloud, almost to convince herself she was still talking to her. She turned around, looking at the long rows of books that once were all she wanted in life. She walked along the rows, idly looking over the various titles. Her hoofsteps echoed through the empty building. Their thudding sounds quickly halted as Twilight came to a stop.

What’s this? She levitated a thick, aged tome from the lower sections of the bookshelf. She held it in place before her.

Equestrian Breeding Vol. VI: Magically Induced Pregnancies, she mentally read. She rolled her eyes and prepared to return the book to its place. However, something in her mind stopped her; it warned her against it. She pulled the book back and glanced once again over its cover.

Well, I’ve never read it before. I’ll just give it a quick glance when I’m finished here. She placed the tome on the table centered in the room as she looked around.

Silence. Being alone in the library was something she had grown accustomed to since her arrival to the town. Now, it just reminded her of the past she left behind; the old ways that were now replaced by the happiness of having someone to love. Sadness started to sneak its way into her mind, but she pushed it aside.

“Let’s not go there; I have work to do.”