• Published 6th May 2019
  • 2,405 Views, 217 Comments

Unity: A Tale of Arcadia - Kieva Lynn

Arcadia Oaks has been taken by Singularity. How will this affect humans, ponies, and trolls?

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Book Two: Chapter Three

Book Two: Wizard Quests

Chapter Three

Trixie Lulumoon stretched deeply as she began to wake up later in the morning. That was a mistake, given that her wounds weren't fully healed yet. "Ow ow ow..." She muttered, climbing to her hooves and stretching again far more carefully this time. Trotting out of her bedroom, the mare took care of morning needs and then went into the kitchen, planning to make coffee. (Well, more accurately, the local coffee substitute, but it was close enough.) As she prepped the machine, Trixie looked out her back window. It appeared to be an absolutely beautiful day: The sun was bright and warm, with a handful of large puffy clouds scattered about the brilliant blue sky. Local bird-creatures were flitting about, singing. The rosebush Trixie carefully tended for the past year was growing enormous. There was a Dwarf muscling a new door onto her cart. The sounds of- Trixie's brain crashed for a moment. She blinked once. Twice. Dwarf? Trixie looked again and, yes, that was indeed Durban trying to install a new door on her cart.

"What are you doing?" Trixie asked from the back door.

"You reminded me I owed you a new door." Durban replied. "On account of I knocked the old one off when we met."

"That you did."

"Sorry lass. We tend to be people of action." Durban managed to get the door hinges lined up. "But let it never be said we don't repay our debts."

"Fair enough." Trixie answered. She watched as Durban tried to slip the pins into the hinges, but the door was bulky even for a strong miner of a Dwarf and he kept having to drop the pins to catch the door as it slid free and nearly fell. "Okay, hold on!" Trixie went the rest of the way outside and levitated the pins in her magic. "You just hold it in place, I'll get these."

"Thank ye lass."

Trixie slipped the pins into place, the Durban stepped back as she opened and closed the door several times. "Not bad. If my back heals up fast enough I might be able to make my next show. Thanks."

"Just payin' a debt. But you're welcome." Durban looked around, stretched his arms. "Well lass, I've got to be going. There's a mess of Hobbits waiting for help with digging out their new homes."

"Actual Hobbit holes?" Trixie asked. "This I've got to see. Mind if I tag along?"


"This is it?" Twilight asked. She was standing with Gandalf and Tess, the three having gone to check in with the Doctor. Rather than knocking on the stallion's front door, Gandalf had gone around to the back yard and led them to a large blue box with the word 'police' along the top.

"A Tardis is more than meets the eye my dear Twilight." the wizard replied with a wink, and knocked on the door.

A voice called out from somewhere inside, "It's open Gandalf!"

The wizard opened the door and they stepped inside, Twilight's eyes going wide at the sight which greeted her. "It's-"

"Yes, yes, bigger on the inside. Space folding tesseract." The Doctor was silent for a moment, then said "Twilight, be a dear and don't try to replicate this effect with magic? I'd rather the planet didn't get pulled into a black hole."

"Were you able to find what you needed to effect repairs in Arcadia?" Gandalf asked.

"No... And yes... What I hoped to find wasn't available, but... Prince Krel?"

A flat dolly cart rolled out from under the Tardis' central console. Laying on it was a blue-skinned humanoid with four arms, a tool in each hand. "This is Krel." The Doctor said. "He's helping with repairs."

"It is an honor to meet an actual wizard." Krel said, bowing to Gandalf who took it in stride.

Twilight and Tess were less at ease. "Um... question...?" The Elf asked, raising one hand while pointing to Krel with the other.

"Ahh yes of course. Krel here is the crown prince of a planet called Akiridion Five. He, his sister, and their bodyguard took shelter in Arcadia after a military coup on their homeworld. And a good thing for us. On the one hoof, Akiridion tech is decidedly less advanced than Time Stallion tech, but then so is everything. On the other hoof, at least Krel's knowledge is advanced enough for him to be a significant help to me in getting the old girl up and running." The Doctor smiled up at the boy.

"So, you'll be able to get this thing working?" Twilight asked.

"For a certain value of the term 'working,' yes." Krel answered. "I'm sure I can guarantee you the four transits you will require. And possibly another one or two beyond that. But certainly no more."

"Well, four is all we should need. Though I'll be happy for any buffer we can get." Twilight said. "I've learned that something always goes wrong."

"You can say that again." Krel nodded. He frowned. "Though, I am not certain why you would... Human idioms are strange."

Tess asked "So, how long will these repairs take?"

"No more than four days . A day or two less, if certain components can be repaired instead of needing to be replaced."

"The delay could prove unfortunate." Gandalf said.

"True." Twilight agreed, "But it could also buy us time to be better prepared."

"Yes, there's no point in rushing in unprepared." Tess said.

Gandalf allowed himself a slight smile. "I suppose. And on that note, Doctor, I believe you promised me tea."

"Right indeed. Let's adjourn to the house."


Trixie peered through the rounded door. Given that the excavations had only began the day before, the level of progress was impressive: While the walls, ceiling, and floors were still dirt, with no finished paneling as yet, the new Hobbit hole already had a foyer, a large living room, space that would be a kitchen, and a hallway leading to the future site of other chambers. "How'd you guys do this so fast?" She asked.

"Ha! 'Tis not for gold and silver alone we Dwarves love to dig." Durban said. "We'll have the basic tunneling done on all of these in another two days."

"The actual interior decor and fittings, of course, will take far longer." A Hobbit stepped out from the hole. He had blonde hair, green eyes, and was a bit short even by the standards of his people. "Hilbert's the name, and you must be Trixie."

"How did you know...?"

"Well we didn't meet, but I caught a glimpse of you when our ship first arrived. And I'm hereby extending you an invitation to visit for dinner once the construction is done."

Trixie smiled. "In that case, I suppose I should make sure you're heard your invitation to Pinkie Pie's party tonight. It's a baby shower kind of thing, really, but knowing Pinkie I guarantee you the invitation extends to everyone."

"A party eh?" Hilbert mused. "Will there be... ...libations?"

"As in alcohol? Not officially, baby theme and kids invited and all." Trixie leaned in close and whispered in the Hobbit's ear, "I can almost promise you Rainbow Dash will steal a keg of special cider and stash it somewhere nearby."

"And that's all either of us needs to know." Durban laughed. "We'll be there lass."


The party began at sunset. Bethany and Macintosh found themselves near the head of the large party room, as guests came from all corners of town and beyond. Twilight and her friends were present, the Crusaders, humans and ponies and gryphons and changelings, as well as dwarves, hobbits, and elves. As the sun sank below the horizon, even Blinky showed up along with Jim and his friends, and a bit later the Doctor, Aja and Krel in their human disguises.

An hour after things had started, working on the assumption that attendance was now at it's peak, Pinkie Pie hopped up on top of a table and rang a bell to get everyone's attention. "Hello everypony! And also everyhuman, everygryphon, everychangeling, everyelf, every-"

Applejack shoved a hoof in Pinkie's mouth. "They get it Pinks."

"Oh! Okay! Welcome everyone! As you all know, we're here to celebrate Bethy's new baby! (Under construction, check back in seven months.)" Everyone laughed. "But it's more than just that." Pinkie continued, "This isn't the first baby to be born here in Unity. But it is the first who's going to be a child of two worlds. And that's something special!" Pinkie reached into her mane and produced a microphone, which she passed to Bethany. "Speech!"

"Oh, um... I wasn't really prepared..." Beth said nervously. "Though, I guess I should have been. Pinkie, after all." (Everyone laughed again.) "I think, that all I really need to say is 'thank you.' Thank you to everyone who has been understanding towards Macintosh and me being together. I don't think either of us expected to be here, but here we are. Thank you."

Beth passed the microphone to Macintosh who simply said "Eeyup."

Some one in the crowd shouted "Oh come on Mac! You don't get off that easy!"

"Yeah!" Someone else yelled, "When are you marrying the girl?"

Beth blushed while Mac answered "Well, we both kinda figured we'd give miss Pinkie a little break first." (More laughing.) "Soon enough though. Soon enough."

For another half hour, the party went according to plan. But, as with anything involving Ponies, things were soon to get out of hoof. Two variables were at work: Rainbow Dash's stolen cider in the stomachs of Hobbits and Dwarves, and, well, the Crusaders were present. 'Nuff said.

And so Durban, Hilbert, and three other Hobbits ended up dancing and singing on a table, numerous others (Joined by several Ponies and not a few Humans) clapping along. Mugs went flying from kicks, but it probably would have ended there with no further damage.

Then Scootaloo joined the dancers. "Cool!" Sweetie Belle cheered, and also jumped atop the table along with Apple Bloom, Dinky, and Nyma. The dancing continued, Pinkie also joining in, and giving a good hearty kick to an empty mug left at the end of the table. An empty mug that left out a yelp as it flew and changed back into a Changeling soldier drone.

"Oh there you are Myx!" Nyma laughed. "You're getting better! I didn't know that was you!"

"Seriously!? I was drinking from... that... You!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Nyma this is dangerous!" The older Changeling yelled at her.

"Oh what could happen!?" Scootaloo asked. And then of course the table collapsed.

Dwarves, Hobbits and Ponies were piled together on the ruins of the table, the rest of the crowd staring in shock. Durban was the first to emerge from the pile. "Now that's a party!" He cheered.

Pinkie popped out next. "You said it! In fact-" She fell silent, sniffing the air, then smelled Durban's breath. "Special cider!? Rainbow Dash!!!"

"Gotta go!" Dash fled the party, Pinkie in hot pursuit.


Twilight yawned as she trotted to the door of Golden Oaks Library. The party had ended hours before, and it was past two in the morning when a knock sounded at the door, rousing her from slumber. Blinking the last of the sleep from her eyes, Twilight magically opened the door. Sheriff Tucker was waiting. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"I'm not sure yet." The Sheriff answered. "But I just got word that President Whitmore and Princess Celestia are waiting to speak to the two of us at the secure window."

"Something's wrong then." Twilight concluded. "Let's not keep them waiting."

They crossed the open lawn between the library and town hall together, and went to the secured chamber at the back. As promised, Whitmore and Celestia, each standing in a window on their own worlds, were waiting.

"It's started." Celestia said without preamble.

"Which planet?" Twilight asked.

"Earth." Whitmore answered. "The far north. So far, conventional weapons are having no effect. Shells fired from tanks aren't even harming the ground troops."

"I've dispatched a team from the Royal Guard, to assist, but they've not arrived on site yet. We'll know if magic helps by this time tomorrow." Celestia added. "When will you be able to initiate the wizard's plans?"

"No more than four days."

"Good, good... If the combination of magic and technology works, that may be in time."

Whitmore nodded. "But, we have to assume the first attack on Eqqus won't be long in coming either. That could complicate things."

"We should focus on what's directly in front of us." Tucker suggested. "Loosing focus could be dangerous."

"You're right. We have our job and you have yours." Whitmore said.

"We should keep this secret, shouldn't we?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Though, you do have some others who will need to know." Celestia said.

"Right... I'll inform them in the morning." Twilight said. She sighed. This was looking worse and worse all the time...

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