• Published 6th May 2019
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Unity: A Tale of Arcadia - Kieva Lynn

Arcadia Oaks has been taken by Singularity. How will this affect humans, ponies, and trolls?

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Book Four: Chapter Five

Book Four: Our Worlds At War

Chapter Five

Three weeks passed. On Earth and Eqqus, the enemy forces had stopped advancing. But reinforcements continued to pour in behind their lines and they were putting up a stiff fight to hold the territory they had gained. Satellite imagery on Earth, and high-altitude pegasus recon flights on Eqqus both confirmed that, behind the front lines, any Orcs and Changelings not fighting were busy building. Building walls, barracks, traps, and what looked like foundations for heavy weapon emplacements. Clearly something big was coming sooner or later.

In Unity, the Bearers and Trollhunters continued practicing with their new armor and weapons, knowing they needed to be ready to move at a moment's notice when the next of the three generals attacked. While they were busy doing that, often in the the Trollhunter's Trollmarket training grounds called the Hero's Forge, Sheriff Tucker, Midnight Steel, and Bert Gumbal readied for a battle on their own turf. In addition to the force comprised of Fallow Meadow's former police department and Ponyville's former royal guard contingent, they were recruiting and training anyone who was capable of fighting. Weapons were already stored in secure caches all over town, a legacy of the wild predator attack mere days after the town's had been taken. The existing caches were expanded upon, and several new stores were added as well.

Much the same was happening in Arcadia. Under the watchful eye of the Doctor, who had gone there to assist after deciding Unity was well in hoof, the townsfolk were inventorying their own weapons, and learning about what Stuart had tucked away in his shop. Aja and Krel, though staying in human form in public, were helping where they could in spite of Varvatos' annoyed insistence that it was too dangerous. They were also coordinating with the Trolls, where possible. Trolls would only be able to help fight in a night time attack, of course, but the extensive forges and foundries in the deeper levels of the market would be a godsend in crafting new arms and armor.

Rarity finished the frustrating work of replacing the materials she had lost in the Gremlin attack, and worked hard to rebuild her summer stock of completed outfits. Macintosh and Beth made wedding plans and the girl's pregnancy began, just barely, to show. Twilight stayed in contact with her brother through the comm windows, and also with the Princesses once they felt safe allowing Canterlot to be reinhabited two weeks along. Gandalf, Starswirl, and Merlin continued their research into the mysterious magical current in certain ancient writings with connections to wizards. The Crusaders learned chess from Varvatos, Apple Bloom and Nyma in particular picking things up very quickly.

And then one day...


It was around ten in the morning when Twilight left Sugarcube Corner after morning coffee and a long discussion with the Sheriff and Bert about ways to further bolster the town's defenses. As she trotted down Main Street towards the library Twilight was joined by Trixie. "Do you have a moment Twilight?" The other mare asked.

"Sure. How's your back doing?" Twilight asked.

"Much better thanks. Most of the cuts are totally healed. My coat's even mostly grown back in. Stupid gremlins. I'll have a couple of scars, but you won't be able to tell under the coat." Trixie replied.

"That's good. So what did you need?"

Trixie answered "Well I was thinking... And I'm wondering if my illusion magic might be useful to the defense plans. I mean, I know illusions can't actually do anything to an enemy, but they could maybe provide a distraction at least."

Twilight nodded. "That's good thinking. Though, for maximum effect you would probably want to wait until a crucial moment. After all, it won't take long for our enemies to figure out what's happening."

"Reducing the effectiveness." Trixie agreed. "It would still be useful after that, since they couldn't afford to just ignore things that might be real, but once they knew..."

"Exactly. Why don't I invite you to our next planning meeting? We'll see what we can work out there."

"That sounds good. Thank you." Trixie smiled.

Before Trixie could excuse herself, the mares were joined by Durban the Dwarf. "I've been thinking... What this town needs and doesn't have is a shelter for the civilians. If you'd like, I'll speak with my brethren about digging out some deep tunnels."

"That would be wonderful!" Twilight agreed, "But how long would it take?"

"Trust me Twilight, you should see the new Hobbit holes. These guys can dig like crazy." Trixie chuckled.


"Aye lass. We could have something ready inside of a week." Durban said. "I'll go and have that talk right now."

As Durban left, Twilight said "This is incredible. I love how everyone is pulling together, offering up whatever they have to help."

"I just hope it's enough." Trixie said.

"Now now, none of that. We have to stay positive!"

"I understand." Trixie said, brushing off Twilight's attempt to give her a consoling hug. "But I think you've got something up maybe..." She pointed to where a deputy was running towards them out of breath.

"Miss Sparkle... they need you... at the comm window..." The man said panting for breath, "Something's up in Equestria. Something bad."

"Thank you deputy." Twilight said, and teleported away the next moment.


After a brief detour of teleporting to and fro to gather everyone, Twilight arrived at town hall and made her way to the comm room. The others were right behind her. Celestia, Luna, and the human General helping in Equestria, Morton she thought his name was, were waiting. "What's wrong?" She asked without preamble.

"The attacks have begun again." Celestia said. "Armies of Orcs, Changelings, and... other things... are advancing on both worlds. And here... here we have a bigger problem. General?"

General Morton stepped forward, a tablet in his hands. "We have video of what I suspect is the second of these enemy generals we were warned about. She's currently attacking Cloudsdale. Take a look." He held the tablet where they could see the screen and pushed play.

Everyone gasped at the carnage, but it was Claire who had the strongest reaction when the enemy came into view. A physically slight human woman in head to toe golden armor, one hand a prosthesis made of some green stone, the other wielding a magical staff. "Morgana." She hissed, eyes narrowed.

"You know this being?" Luna asked.

"Morgana. Morgan La Fey. Merlin's apprentice, before she turned against him." Claire said.

"She's major." Jim added. "As in, 'It took every bit of power Merlin had just to contain her' major."

"How are we supposed to fight something like that!?" Rarity asked.

"Remember, we have powers from three wizards now, not just one." Twilight said, "And also the Elements."

"Why are we standing here talking about it!? We have to go! Now!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "That's Cloudsdale she's destroying!"

"We'll go Dash, But we need a way for everyone to walk on clouds." Twilight said.

Fluttershy asked "Um, what about the cloudwalking spell?"

"That's too risky. If this Morgana is as powerful as it seems she'd just dispel it. We need something more permanent." Twilight answered.

Toby said "Let's go talk to Vendel. Maybe there are some gems for that." At everyone's look he added "Okay, okay, it's a long shot. You guys got anything better?" No one did, in fact, so they headed quickly for Trollmarket to seek the elder's aid...


"Two blocks north and one to the right, you can't miss it." Lyra Heartstrings pointed with a hoof and was thanked by the human couple who had gotten hopelessly lost while exploring Unity's downtown area. It was the fifth time today she'd had to give directions, and the mare had lost count over the past three weeks. When the public windows were first opened the number of human visitors had been large but manageable: Mostly Fallow Meadows citizens who had been out of town when the storms came, those with immediate family in the town, reporters, and a small smattering of others. But since Twilight and the others had had saved New York from the blob-thing the floodgates had opened wide with hero worshipers seeking to catch even a glimpse of their idols.

"Another busy day." A voice spoke behind her.

Lyra looked over her shoulder to see the speaker was Florence. "Oh hey, yeah. I've heard that they had to establish a waiting list just to keep things from getting too crowded here."

"I can't imagine that went over well back home." Florence sighed. "I'm just glad they can't actually eat or drink here. I'd be run ragged by now."

"Yeah but imagine the tips." Lyra joked.

"Yeah there is that... So, I'm guessing they were looking for Sugarcube Corner?"

"Yep. At first the bulk of them wanted a first hoof look at Twilight. Probably because she did the initial interviews. So I was giving directions to Golden Oaks. But ever since that video of Pinkie messing with the blob's mind was released they're all wanting to meet her." Lyra chuckled. "If they only knew the full extent of what Pinkieness actually means..."

Florence could only nod in agreement. "No kidding. So it's all people wanting meet Pinkie now?"

Lyra shook her head. "Oh no, not entirely. There are still people looking for the other Bearers. Or the Trollhunters. Or elves, or dwarves, or hobbits. Or Gandalf. It's probably a good thing he's hidden away at the library doing his research with the other wizards, I can't imagine he'd take well to hundreds of people wanting selfies with him. The elves are already fed up with that."

"Okay now that I already knew. Poor Tess living up above the diner, every time she came in for a meal she got bothered constantly. It got to the point that Herbert put up a sign warning people to leave her be." Florence said.

Lyra raised one eyebrow. "And the sign works?"

Florence explained "Well it helps that he also left his rifle out on the back counter directly underneath it."

"Ahhh... Because if the sign had done the job by itself I would've hung one around my neck: 'Not a map...' Maybe I should just start pointing them the wrong way."

"Or directly towards the wizards?"

"Now that's an idea..." Lyra laughed. "No, too mean even for me. Wrong way though, word's bound to get out sooner or later that I'm unreliable right?"

Florence quipped "'Dear Trip Advisor: Never found what I was looking for. Unicorns singularly unhelpful. Lowest possible rating.'"

"I have no idea what that means." Lyra chuckled. "But it sounds promising."

"I don't know... Maybe with all the visitors these days it's time for the town to put up some of those arrow signs." Florence said. "I mean, we didn't bother before since everyone here knows their way around, but..."

"That's a good idea. Though, let's be honest: You know me. I'll keep helping no matter-"

"Excuse me miss?"

"Two blocks north and one to the right. You can't miss it."

"Thank you."

"So... What was that about arrow signs?" Lyra and Florence both laughed out loud.


"Walking on clouds!?" Vendel asked, incredulous. "Why ever would there be a gem for that?"

Toby shrugged. "I dunno... Fighting Stalklings maybe?"

Vedel blinked. He hadn't expected Toby to actually have a reasonable answer. Before he could say anything though, Twilight said "I have a cloudwalking spell. But we need something to make it more more permanent. Trying to engage Morgana in Clousdale will be far too dangerous otherwise."

"Morgana!? That's who is attacking now!? Why didn't you say so? Blinkous, fetch the chest will you?" Blinky crossed the room and returned with the chest, which Vendel opened. "No, there is no gem for 'cloudwalking.' But I'm sure there must be something here that will aid you..." He examined a green gem. "Hmmm.... No, that would never work." Vendel replaced the green gem and picked out a yellow one. "I wonder... No, too risky." He next looked at another green gem. "Intriguing... But no, too easy for her to counter... Ahhhh!" Vendel held out a gem glowing a bright violet. "This should do nicely."

Accepting the stone, Jim asked "What does it do?"

"Sometimes the simplest options really are the best." Vendel said. "All this gem will do is prevent dispels. Load it in an amulet and the Unicorn can cast her cloudwalking spell as normal with no risk of Morgana simply wiping it away."

"That's perfect!" Twilight cheered.

"Whose amulet are we putting it in?" Pinkie asked.

Jim started to suggest Claire, but Claire beat him to the punch. "Jim's." She said. "Toby and I both have a pony partner that can fly."

"That's smart. And right appreciated." Applejack smiled.

Jim inserted the gem into his amulet and Twilight used the Cloudwalking spell on everyone. "Now let's go! That's my hometown the witch is attacking!" Rainbow Dash urged.

"Right. Focus on arriving at the front gates of the weather factory." Twilight said, "And remember to do everything you can to stay within five hundred feet of Jim so the spell can't be dispelled."

The three teens held their amulets up and focused, all nine vanishing seconds later.

"Deya guide them." Blinky whispered, and Vendel could only nod.

Author's Note:

For those unfamiliar with Trollhunters, 'Deya guide them' is a common benediction among Trolls, referring not to a deity but rather Deya the Deliverer, the very first bearer of the amulet and the one who trapped Gunmar and most of his army in the Darklands to begin with.

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