• Published 6th May 2019
  • 2,405 Views, 217 Comments

Unity: A Tale of Arcadia - Kieva Lynn

Arcadia Oaks has been taken by Singularity. How will this affect humans, ponies, and trolls?

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Book Four: Chapter Ten

Book Four: Our Worlds at War

Chapter Ten


Five weeks passed in calm. On both Earth and Eqqus the enemy armies held their ground, and save for a few minor skirmishes there was no real fighting. Everyone knew that this was the calm before the storm, and preparations for the inevitable assault continued apace everywhere.

Canterlot Castle. Celestia stood on a high balcony that faced north towards where the enemy was ensconced. The brief foray to the communications room to alert the Bearers to Morgana's attack aside, they had only just returned to the city today, and even though she really knew better the princess had hoped to get a look at the armies from here. Manehattan was beyond the mountains, though, and there was little to see. A faint knock sounded. "Yes?"

"General Morton is here to see you Princess." An aide said from the door.

"Show him here."

The General arrived a few minutes later. They exchanged pleasantries, and quickly got down to business. "The latest word from Earth is very similar to what's happening here Princess." Morton explained, "The orcs and changelings are being reinforced by other beings. We're seeing troll soldiers at night, some kind of twelve foot tall giants, and even things that would give Lovecraft a run for his money. But they still haven't started advancing again yet."

Celestia nodded. She had become concerned since the troop on the line west of Manehattan had also started reporting new kinds of enemy soldiers two days before. " I just heard from the front. Mobile artillery is now showing up as well. It's coming. Soon."

"Have you considered sheltering elsewhere?"

"For a moment. But no" Celestia replied. "Evacuating Canterlot before was the right choice, and I'm glad the city itself is still empty of civilians. But I will not yield our center of power in the long term, and I'm certain my sister feels the same way. Too many rulers see themselves as above, detached from, more important than, their subjects. But rulers are meant to be servants. As even your own people know; twas not long ago a human king who wasn't on the battle front with his men would soon lose his throne. There may be little chance of that here, but I would still stand to lose my self respect. No, when the final battle comes, I will be here in the midst of it."

"I may not like that, but I do understand and respect it." Morton was about to say more, when there was a rumble of thunder in the distance.

"Odd. No storms are scheduled." Celestia mused.

"There Princess!" Morton pointed to a distant dark speck in the sky, black clouds rapidly growing bigger and bigger as they danced with lightning. "Is that normal for your world?"

"it is not. And your question tells me the same is true of Earth."

The ominous clouds continued to grow bigger and bigger, blotting out the clear sunny skies above. In mere minutes, shadow fell over Canterlot. Then a Royal Guard Pegasus arrived, flying in from the north, with more bad news. He bowed to Celestia, and reported "Your Majesty, the enemy army is on the move, advancing both west towards Manehattan and south towards Canterlot. Our forces are resisting, but with the new arrivals they're being pushed back."

"Of course." Morton said, looking up to the clouds. "No direct sunlight. The trolls are free to join in the assault."

"And maybe other things as well." Celestia agreed. "It begins... Endgame..."


Earth. Shining Armor and Agent Marsh had just arrived back at the front lines, northeast of Detroit, when the dark clouds began to spread. They found a bedlam of fleeing civilians and overmatched troops fighting back against enemy forces. Trolls, heavily armored and strong enough to throw even large vehicles were everywhere.

"I think this is the big push!" Marsh exclaimed.

"Right! Let's find our troops and figure how to stop this mess!"

Even with communications and G.P.S. tracking, that was easier said than done. And when they did finally connect with those under their commands, hours later, they were to get another surprise... "So, there's no sign of the third General on either Earth or Eqqus?" Marsh asked.

"That's correct sir." A corporal informed him. "I suppose they could be holding back. But if the information from Captain Armor's sister was accurate..."

Shining nodded. "It's Twilight. I'd stake my life on accuracy. But you're right... If they want the generals beaten, for whatever reason, then he, she, or it should be in one world or the other. Unless..."

"Unity." Marsh realized. So what do we do?"

Shining Armor pulled an enchanted spear from it's harness over his back. "We do the only thing we can do. We hold the line..."


In Unity, the wedding day had at last arrived. Humans and Ponies ran to and fro in a flurry of last minute activity all over town. Sheriff Tucker, of course, had suggested postponing until after the fighting was over, but both bride and groom had dug in their heels or hooves and refused to wait. For his part, Macintosh simply couldn't abide the nerves of a delay. And Bethany had said simply "In spite of everything else, I'm still just traditional enough to not like the idea of being an unwed mother even with the father right here by my side. And the longer we wait, the further along I am, and the harder this will be."

So we find the bride to be in her home, surrounded by friends of several different species, not the least of which being her maids of honor, two friends she had gone to school with and Tessindra, and her mares of honor, Applejack, Twilight, and Trixie. Apple Bloom and the other female Crusaders had been tapped as well, as flower girls, but they were prepping back at Sweet Apple Acres since no one was letting any of them within a hundred feet of the wedding dress until they absolutely had to.

"You look good Beth." Twilight said as the girl adjusted the fit of her dress for the twentieth time in less than as many minutes.

"I'm just nervous."

"Perfectly normal!" Pinkie said as she popped her head through the door. "Refreshments for the reception are all finished and in place!"

"That's great!" Twilight replied, putting a check on her list. "Everything is in place now Beth! We're ready to go!"

"That's good... Are you sure we're not forgetting anything!?"

Trixie put a hoof on Bethany's arm. "Breath. We're good."

"Eeyup. Besides, we've got Twi. Y'know that thing about Santa checking his list twice? That's Twilight's starting point." Applejack chuckled. This got a laugh out of Beth, Pinkie, and Trixie and a glare out of Twilight.

"Okay... Okay... I'm trying to chill... You guys think Mac's freaking out half this bad?"

"Oh worse."


"Definitely worse."

"Way worse..."


Sweet Apple Acres. The Crusaders, already dressed and ready, were waiting in the back yard when the door suddenly banged open. Big Mac was there, half dressed in his tuxedo, trying to scramble out the door. "Eenope! Can't do it! Can't! Eenope!"

"Oh get back in here Macintosh!" The Doctor's head appeared in the doorframe next to Mac, and it was clear that there were several pairs of hands and hooves pulling the stallion back into the house.

"Dagnabit ya big oaf!" Granny Smith's voice was heard.

The struggle continued for another full minute before Macintosh relented, and everyone disappeared back into the farmhouse, the door closing behind them. Nyma looked at Apple Bloom. "Is your brother okay?"

"Oh he's fine. Just pre weddin' jitters... They say everypony gets 'em."

"They've made entire movies about it." Sweetie Belle added.

Nyma nodded. "That makes sense. So, what did you guys think about Varvatos' lesson the other day?"

"Seems pretty straight forward." Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom agreed. "Eeyup. Seems like it's all about when t' take risks, when 't play it safe, when 't make sacrifices for the greater good, all that kinda stuff."

"That kinda bothers me." Nyma said. "The sacrifices part I mean."

"Too much like Chrysalis?" Sweetie Belle asked. Nyma nodded.

Apple Bloom said "Ah guess I can see that. Varvatos has got a point too though... I kinda expect the guard thinks along those lines too."


The door opened again, the fillies snickering at another round of Macintosh being pulled back in.

"This is gonna be interestin.'" Apple Bloom said, and nopony disagreed...


The wedding was held just past noon. Between the size of the guest list, and the need to hold the ceremony in the part of town the visitor's window covered (For Bethany's parents) they had settled on an outdoor wedding in the park which lay before town hall. By the time the guests had all arrived, Macintosh was calmed enough to stand in his place at the front. The Doctor stood by his side, ready with the rings, and the maids/mares of honor were in position as well.

It had been agreed that Mayor Mare would perform the ceremony, with Sheriff Tucker standing by her side as the human representative. At the appointed time, the music began and Beth came down the center aisle, preceded by the flower girls who, miraculously, pulled off their part without a hitch. When everyone else was in place, the Mayor stepped forward and began:

"Well hello everyone! We've come together for the joyous occasion of Macintosh and Bethany's union, keeping in mind also the significance of the first marriage of a pony and a human. In truth, I had prepared a rather long speech for this, but looking at dear Mac I rather suspect he'll bolt if I drag this on too terribly long!" Everyone laughed. "So let me just say this: In the nearly two years since it's founding, Unity has become a place for peoples of all species to gather in peace, and to work and play together. This marriage is a symbol of that union..."

"So... Macintosh Apple. Do you take Bethany to be your wedded wife, through ups and downs, good and bad, health and sickness, until death do you part?"

"Eeeee....Eeeyu... Eeeeyuuu..." The Doctor kicked Mac in the rear. "EEYUP!!"

As everyone chuckled, the Mayor continued "Bethany Stanz. Do you take Macintosh to be your wedded husband, through ups and downs, good and bad, health and sickness, until death do you part?"

"Eeyup." Bethany grinned.

"The rings, please?"

The Doctor stepped forward. Macintosh slipped a ring on Bethany's finger, while for him she had a larger ring, more like an armband in human terms, that fit over his right foreleg. "And with the exchange of rings," the mayor said, "I pronounce you husband and wife." She winked at Mac. "You can kiss her now."

As the couple shared their first kiss as husband and wife a cheer went up from the crowds. But before any real celebrations could begin, a rumble of thunder echoed through the air. "Oh no!" Rarity exclaimed, "Rain will ruin the outdoor reception!" She fainted backwards onto a couch.

"Actually I think we have bigger problems than rain!" Rainbow Dash called out. "Look!!" She pointed a hoof to where black clouds were rapidly filling the sky, growing so quickly it looked like a film on fast forward. Then, atop the town hall, a portal opened, admitting Orcs, Gumm-Gumm Trolls, and Changelings.

"Oh god, during the wedding, could this be any more cliched!?" Bethany grumbled.

Pinkie Pie popped up by her side. "Actually cliched would be them showing up right before you could say 'I do.' Or showing up when you're in labor. Or when the girls and me were gone to Eqqus or Earth. Or-"

"We get it Pinkie." Applejack said. "Now let's find the others and get ready 't fight these party crashers off."

"Fight them off!?" A loud voice reverberated through the town. "I think you'd better worry more about me!"

The voice had come from the opposite direction to the enemy soldiers, and everyone turned to see another open portal. And standing before that portal...

"Queen Chrysalis!" Nyma whimpered, and hid behind her friends.

Chrysalis was hovering, staring down at the crowd. "At last! At long last my time has come! Armies of the Quiet Darkness! Attack the town! But leave the Element Bearers to me!!" To the queen's great surprise, there wasn't panic. The town was prepared for an attack by this point, and even as she was speaking they broke, Trollhunters and Bearers standing firm, staring her down, while everyone else made for either the shelters or the armories.

"Chrysalis!" Twilight shouted. "You're the third keystone I presume."

"Oh dear Twilight I'm far more than that! As is my army! Now!" And at Chrysalis' word the Orcs, Trolls, and Changelings already present were joined by windigos, gremlins, shadow creatures, and even worse horrors. The sounds of gunfire and explosions began to ring out. "Still think you can stop me without truly defeating me? The darkness will rise!"

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that. And if not, well, have it your way then... Jim? Now please..."

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