• Published 12th Dec 2011
  • 1,052 Views, 46 Comments

The Aura Of Music - Kumare Tanamaru

Octavia is a quite pony, and has a passion for music, but her sister is even quiter and passionate.

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Reunion Poneys Nouvelles

Aurora filled her glass with punch and sighed.

What am I doing here? I have to stay because my sister wants to make some new friends, and hit on new colts.

She tilted her glass towards her and stared into her reflection.

Nothing, She thought.

Nothing at all.

She sighed again and thought about her mother, and what she would have told her at this point in time.

Keep your head up, never let your heart kill itself.

"Hi there!" said a purple unicorn. "Are you enjoying yourself? I'm sorry about earlier.." She said as her expression changed from welcoming to apologetic.

The pony scanned Aurora quickly and focused her eyes on Aurora's bow tie.

"Oh?" she said surprised. "You're in the orchestra! That's really nice! You must play very well in order to make it into that ensemble. I'm Twilight Sparkle by the way, and I really am sorry for getting our parties mixed together. My friend Rarity couldn't keep herself away from business!" she said snickering a bit.

Aurora stared at her with a small smile.

She's... actually talking to me. I can't believe it!

"Anyways, what did you say your name was again?"

Aurora's face suddenly turned to surprise.

Oh my gosh, what do I do?

She sat there staring at her for a couple of seconds, boiling in her own sweat from embarrassment. She searched the garden for her sister, but she was no where to be found.

"Twilight! Hey there birthday gurl! ah've been lookin fer ya! We're about to leave. Pack yer things now, we don't want tuh git back too late."

"Alright Applejack." said Twilight.

The purple pony turned to Aurora and smiled.

"It was nice meeting you... Uh..."

Aurora thought hard, raised a hoof, and then ran away. Twilight sat there for a second, feeling utterly confused. When the yellow filly came back, she laid out a piece of paper on the table and started writing on it. She took her time in writing the extensive letter and looked up every so often, as if to check if Twilight was still there. She finished and handed it to the purple pony.

"I'm very sorry Twilight, please forgive my silence. My name is Aurora, it was splendid meeting you, and I hope that we can be good friends in the future! Would you mind telling me where you live, so that my sister and I may visit? I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little trip! She's been dying to get out of this place for a very long time, and I think that the fresh air, sunshine, and chatting of friends that you can depend on will be very good for her indeed. I don't mind that you stormed the party. In fact, thank you! If you didn't come along, I would have had to play my solo on the violin (That I don't have memorized yet). To answer your statement from earlier it wasn't very hard to get into the orchestra, I am the sister of Octavia, the cello player. I'm not very good and I could be much better, but I don't have the time to sit down and practice much because Octavia has to write music all the time which leaves all the house chores to me."

Twilight looked up at Aurora and smiled.

"I don't really understand why you couldn't have just said that, but who am I to question my friend's methods?" she said smiling.


"I live in Ponyville by the way, and I would love to have you over as a guest any time! You and your sister! Well, Aurora was it? I have to go, but please come visit me in the library anytime you feel like. I'll see you later!"

Aurora nodded her head and was smiling with a furiously pounding heart. Twilight turned and trotted off to meet the rest of her friends in the main building, and that was that. Aurora jumped up and down in an overjoyed fashion and then stopped upon realizing she was making a scene.

I've got to tell Octavia!

Aurora reared on her hind legs and slammed them into the ground in a rhythmic fashion as quickly as she could.


"What is it? Is something wrong? What happened??" Octavia said panting and wheezing.

Aurora handed the letter that she had wrote to her new friend Twilight with a huge smile on her face.

Can we go?? Please please please?? she thought

Octavia directed her attention and read for about a minute or so.

"Looks like you've made a new friend sis! I'm so proud of you, but you know I have to write another ensemble to sell to the Canterlot High School."

The excitement was wiped clean off of Aurora's face, and she looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry sis, but right now isn't a good time. I'll have to finish the music first."

Aurora's face lit up and she stared at her sister in excitement.

How about if I help you??

"Hm... now there's a thought... What did you have in mind?"

What's the theme of the music?

"The theme is 'Nature.' I still need a portion for spring and autumn, and I'm fresh out of ideas."

If we go there, you can spend your time writing outside in order to come up with a good feel for nature!

"I dunno sis. It's kind of risky..."

Aurora batted her eyelashes to her sister and begged with her glossy eyes.

"I'll tell you what, if you can get packed in the morning, we'll leave in two days. I have to personally give one of my pieces to the princess. She promised a load of bits, and I don't want to be tardy. Deal?"

Aurora nodded her head and jumped in excitement.

I finally get to start my life away from music! Mother? Are you watching? If you are, thank you so much. Tell father I said hello, and that I love him. I've got to pack, so don't wait up!

Aurora darted off into the direction of her house with her violin as her sister walked slowly behind her, with her cello in a cart behind her.