• Published 17th Feb 2019
  • 399 Views, 3 Comments

Gem of Imagination: Universal Forces - SuperDescendant101

I was transported to the world of pure imagination and now trying to save many worlds from total destruction

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Meeting Royalty: Chapter 1

No one expects anything in the supernatural, nor does anyone think that anything supernatural exist, but for me, my life is about to change with the chance to meet the supernatural. Hi, my name is Brian Oliver, I'm 23 years old, and just about finished with school. I hear the ringing of the school bell as everyone gets up from their seats with backpacks in tow to head outside.

The doors are opened as the kids happily run outside to their buses, but for me, my dad is picking me up from school.

“Hey kiddo, you got any homework to do over summer vacation?” My dad asked from inside the car. It’s true, it’s now the end of the school year and it’s now summer vacation.

“Not today dad, no homework for me.” I answered him. I was wearing my favorite blue t-shirt with a rainbow gem in the middle, along with tan khaki shorts and my blue and orange shoes.

“Get in bud.” He said.

I walked over towards the passenger side and got into the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt and we drove off towards my house. After 30 minutes of driving, we roll up to my house, I live in a two story building that is blue and orange in a swirling pattern on the front and back of the house and a striped pattern of black and white for the roof. We rolled into the driveway and I got out of the car and waved goodbye to my dad. He gave the return wave and drove off into the distance.

As I unlocked the door to my house, something caught my eye in my peripheral vision, it was shiny to put it bluntly, but when I went towards it and picked it up to examine it up close, it was hexagonal shaped, but stretched out and 3D looking. I realized that this gem is something I made up back when I was 16 years old, the Gem of Imagination.

How is this here? I thought it didn't exist. I thought to myself.

I didn’t notice it shining more brightly before I needed to close my eyes to not get blind.

“What the?! What is it….doing...” My speech slowed down and I started feeling woozy and I fell over onto my stomach and lost consciousness.

I woke up with a groan and stood up nice and easy to avoid falling over again. I managed to stand up and opened up my eyes and looked around...and my god, was it beautiful. This void was a sight to a behold, tiny stars littered the dark sky, bright blue mist surrounded me, and many different planets placed in the night sky.

“Where am I? Is this like an another plane of existing?” I asked to no one particular.

“You’re mostly correct about that assumption, human.” An mysterious elegant voice spoke out of nowhere.

I jumped up in surprise, but reacted quickly and put my hands up in an defensive stance. “Who’s there?! I know how to fight, so don’t try any funny business!” I exclaimed to ward off the enemy.

“Oh, pardon me, I wouldn’t dream of it, I just came in to talk with you.”

The voice came to my right, it sounded female, I looked towards my right and a figure stepped into full view. It was a dark-blue tall alicorn, with her hair being mostly transparent, faded coloration of blues and composed of stars waving in the wind, she also had a tattoo of a eclipse on her flank. She had blue eyes and looked to be about 6 ft tall, not counting the horn. I was not expecting to meet this familiar alicorn, because I instantly recognized her.

“P-Princess Luna!! I-Its a pleasure to meet you, your majesty.” I bowed in respect as done in my training in Taekwondo martial arts, I clasped my hands together flat, one hand on top of the other and placing them in front of my waist and slowly lowering my upper body.

“You don’t need to be so formal, I came here to seek your help.” This...was also unexpected, although she has been in trouble before, but to call me instead of her own kind, this must be very serious.

“But why seek me out, Princess? I’m just a normal human, if I knew what to do, I would help, but I don’t know how to deal with the situation your in.” I said. Yes, I was worried, but I don’t know what their situation is, nor do I know how to combat magical beings.

“Please do this for my subjects, my friends, my Sister. There is something you could do, it’s your imagination.” She was about to cry, but I kneeled down to her level and put my right hand on her neck to calm her down.

“My imagination is something that I cherish for many years, if you say that my imagination is needed for this task. I will do anything to help out.” I said confidently.

“Thank you. What’s your name, human?” She asked while wiping a tear off her face.

“My name is Brian Oliver, Princess Luna.” I answered.

She smiled. “Please come with me, I have to show you something.”

I nodded and stood up and followed her through the misty black fog. I waved around to blow away the mist as I finally saw where we were, white stairs came into view and I saw a very tall mountain, with what looked like a shrine built below the massive rock formation. A pedestal stood in the middle of the shrine and something was placed on the pedestal.

“What is…that?” I asked Luna as she trotted in front of me and gestured towards the item on the pedestal.

“That my friend is the item you’ll need for this quest. Please take it; it is now yours to command.” She happily said.

I couldn’t turn down a gift from a princess, so I walked up to the pedestal and the light was no longer there and it showed the same gem that was outside of my house. I was shocked to see it was here.

“This is same gem that brought me here." I narrowed my eyes, "I now know what to do.” I breathed in and out to calm myself and willingly took the gem off the pedestal. I mentally commanded Necklace and the Gem of Imagination was hanging around my neck. Then the whole place shook like if a earthquake happened, and the pedestal was slowly sinking into the earth. The G.O.I was shining even brighter than before and I covered my eyes and feeling woozy once more and falling unconscious.

Before I blacked out, I could hear Princess Luna saying in pain and fear with scratchiness in her voice, “Please...Help....us” Then I heard a loud crash and I couldn’t hear her anymore.

I mentally shouted, PRINCESS LUNA!!! Then all went black.

I woke up with a massive headache and I tried opening eyes, but the sun in the sky blinded me and I needed to block my eyes again.

How many times am I going to get blinded today? I mentally asked myself.

I finally opened my eyes to see a vast forest in front of me, beautiful yellow flowers, soft green grass, and humongous trees. I turned to my right to see a ocean blue lake with loads of animals, like a brown bear, bunnies, lizards, etc. drinking or finding food from the bushes. I got up to my feet and walked towards the lake and looked at my reflection. I was still human, with my clothes still on.

If Princess Luna sent me here, that must mean I’m in Equestria, and this is the Everfree Forest. However, what could possibly be the problem here? I asked myself.

The animals looked at me and by strange reasons, they didn’t seem to affected by my appearance. The brown bear, who was named Harry from the show, walked on all fours and came up to me and it spoke to me in perfect English.

Who are you? Harry asked.

"My name is Brian Oliver, I was sent here on a mission by Princess Luna herself. I want to know what is going on, has anything strange been happening recently?” I asked the bear.

The bear growled while also frowning, There were these hairless apes who claim to be poachers and have captured many ponies, including Fluttershy and her friends.

My eyes widened, this is what ticked me the most about bad guys, poachers are people who will do anything to capture and torture animals and sell them on the market for huge prices. I was angry, I scowled, “Where are they?”

The bear was frightened, but this animal probably trusts me and feels the same way. He said, They are in Ponyville, go that way to get out of the forest and meet with Zecora. She knows this better than anypony else. He pointed with his right front paw to his right. I nodded my head and started running towards that direction to get to Zecora's hut.

Hopefully I’m not too late. I said to myself.

After a few hours of running, I managed to find the little hut in the middle of the forest and stopped running to see if Zecora has heard me or seen me. I made sure to check my surroundings just in case.

A strange voice came from the hut, "Human, in here." I followed the voice and cautiously moved into the small hut and to not hit my head. I found Zecora making some type of soup or potion. Zecora is a master in making potions and brewing when it comes plants or other materials, but what you don't know is that she is actually a zebra, like from my world.

"Hello Zecora, It's nice to meet you." I happily said, trying to stay to positive in this little predicament she's in.

"It's nice meet you too, but what is your name?" She asked.

"My name is Brian Oliver. I'm here to help with dealing with these poachers, and I for one hate poachers doing this to you. It's bad enough they're here, but capturing innocent ponies is way too far." I scowled.

"Yes, I can see that, but they have captured the Princesses, Twilight and her friends with little to no effort, they had these spell binding rings for unicorns and rope for pegasi so they cannot fly." I was shocked, these poachers must have gotten some information from someone to be able to capture the Mane 6 and the Princesses. I told her about the confrontation that I had with Princess Luna.

She continued, "I see, please go save them, oh and please use this to get rid of the spell binding rings." She gave me a key that had blue neon lines running across diagonally and horizontally around it. I gave her the salute to show her I will do my best to save her friends. I ran out of the hut and into the direction of Ponyville, and from what I could tell from watching the show it was not far from here. I picked up the pace by parkouring onto trees or logs to get more momentum and after a few solid minutes, I finally reached outskirts of the forest with Ponyville in my sights.

Here we go. I mentally said and started running towards Ponyville.

Meanwhile, we see Ponyville, a little town in Equestria, filled with happiness and friendship with the Friendship Castle in view, but it was not a happy day, these so called poachers came into Ponyville and started capturing ponies from all around. To make it even worse, they had special equipment that could contain the magical abilities of Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and believe it or not, Alicorns as well.

Twilight was one of those Alicorn princesses with a certain spell binding ring on her horn, rope tied around her wings to prohibit her flying capabilities as she was carried by two of the poachers, she mumbled, "This can't be happening. How could they have known how to deal with us?" She was forcefully pushed into a cell with another pony with cyan blue fur, rainbow hair and tail with her wings just like Twilights, tied down so she couldn't fly, her name was Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier of all of Equestria.

"Twilight?!" She ran up to Twilight and hold out her hoof, "Are you okay?" She asked worried about her friend.

Twilight took Rainbow's hoof and lifted herself up, "I'm fine Rainbow. What do we do? The Princesses are captured just like us, the only way to get out of here is for somepony to save us."

"Hopefully is somepony who could kick their butts!" She scowled at the poachers who were standing guard at each cell, Celestia with Luna, Cadence with Shining, Fluttershy with Applejack, and Pinkie Pie with Rarity. Spike was still in the castle before they were captured and hid inside the Cutie Map room.

"Please Spike, come save us." She whimpered while in tears.

As I was running towards Ponyville, I conducted a plan inside my head to save the ponies. Spike was probably hiding in the Castle of Friendship, maybe in the Cutie Map room. I noticed the poachers were patrolling the area, so I used the houses as my cover to sneak from behind. I saw the doorway that leads to the inside of the castle. I could get to the entrance, but it was guarded by poachers. Thankfully I saw a window that was open near the Cutie Map room. One of the hallway windows probably, I activated the gems powers and gained stealth mode and increased jump.

I jumped up into the open window and landed quietly and started sneaking around looking for that cutie map room. Where are you Spike? I asked myself.

I finally found the room and opened up the door slightly and found Spike on the table cowering in fear. I opened up the door quietly and slowly approached Spike and tapped him on the back.

He screamed, "AAHHH-!" He couldn't get it out as I put my hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming any longer.

I looked back at the door and saw no movement for a couple of seconds, I sighed in relief and uncloaked myself and looked back at Spike and said, "I need you to calm down Spike, I'm going to take my hand away, you promise not to scream."

He nodded his head and I took my hand off of his mouth, he breathed in and out and stuttered, "W-Who are y-you?"

"Hello Spike, I'm Brian Oliver, I'm here to help with your 'poacher' problem." I said.

He smiled, "Thank you, but how do you know my name, and how do you know what’s going on?"

"Your first question, I will tell another time, your second is that I was given this mission by Princess Luna and with a little help from Zecora, as she figured how to get rid of the spell binding rings." I showed him the key that Zecora gave me and he gasped in happiness, "I will need your help with this Spike." I continued.

He frowned, "How can I help? I'm just an assistant and a baby dragon. I don't know how to fight."

I chuckled, "Come on Spike, what would you do if Twilight and her friends were in danger, would you run away or save them, and fight like a man?"

He puffed up his chest, "I'll save them, even if I can't fight, I'll do my best to help."

I smiled, "That's the Spike I know, now come on we got a town to save." I picked him up and put him on my shoulder and he was ready to fight and so was I.

We got past the guards that were stationed inside the castle and knocked out the poachers guarding the entrance, we hid behind a house and looked at the cells that the rest of the poachers were currently guarding in the middle of Ponyville.

I whispered to Spike, "Spike, I need you to get those cages open, use those claws of yours to pick the locks, I'm going to distract them as long as I can, you got that." He nodded his head and sneakily ran to the cages, and I use my recently acquired superpowers and jumped into a corkscrew frontflip to get over the cages and landed right in the middle of the poachers in a awesome pose. The poachers surrounded me, lifting up their guns and pointing them at me, I'm just smiling with confidence.

"Who are you!? Tell us!" One of them yelled, keeping his gun ready to fire.

I stood up and said, "Oh me, I'm just a bystander passing through the town.” I looked all around to see so many ponies in cages, “It seems you did a number on those ponies and this village.” I grinned and looked past them to see Spike using his claws to pick at the lock that both Twilight and Rainbow were sitting in, staying quiet, knowing what would happen if they find him. They both looked at me, waiting for the signal to jump in.

"Oh yeah, but then why are you a here human, just like us?" The leader I suppose scowled at me.

"Well lets just say we all are not from around here, especially poachers, who I can't stand doing this to innocent ponies." My eyes were intimidating them, it showed that I had no fear. A tiny bright flash of rainbow shined through my eyes.

The leader gained the courage to step up, "If you can't stand us, then why are you here?"

"A special pony told me of this problem and asked me to help. I wasn't going to stand quiet while you just torture this ponies, you have any idea who you are messing with!" I walked menacingly towards the leader while he just stood there with a smile on his face. I looked past them again to see Spike had finally opened the cage and hid under it, while Rainbow looked at me and gave a nod to attack from behind.

"You're just a human, what chance do you have against us all?" He pointed the gun at my face, while the ponies were in shock to see me not being scared by this threat.

With a gust of wind rushing past the leaders face, I instantly grabbed the rifle from his hand, pushed him so hard he stumbled, and like breaking a tree in half, I snapped the rifle in two pieces with my knee and threw it behind me. The leader was speechless, he couldn't believe this human was that strong to break a rifle strong enough to withstand the magical powers of an Alicorn in half.

I lifted my right hand up in the air counted down from 3...2...1, the leader was confused, until my last finger hit my palm and Rainbow Dash jumped up and kicked the leader in the back of his head.

Rainbow Dash was smiling, the leader shouted, "How did you-?!" He stopped his sentence and saw that Twilight was untied and ready to fight along with Spike, who is the one who untied her. The leader was furious and looked at me, "You sneaky little vermin!" He yelled.

"Oh I'm the sneaky one, what about you? You came in here and decided to ruin these ponies fun, so it's only fair that I ruin yours. In fact, here's a little present from me to you!" I rushed him with such speed, he never had a chance to react and was given a thrust kick to his stomach. He doubled over the pain and I surrounded my right arm with flames and gave him a flaming powered uppercut as I shouted, "Sky Uppercut!" That sent him flying over 50 feet in the air.

I grinned and walked towards Twilight and pulled the key out that Zecora gave me, "Here you go Princess." I inserted it into the ring and the ring glowed white and it magically disappeared.

Feeling her magic coming back, her horn sparked to life in a transparent purple waving aura and she used her magic to open up all the cages with no effort, except the cages that held her brother and the other Princesses, she couldn't seem to open the lock. She said, "I can't open those cages, the only way to open them is with another type of magic that I don't possess." The other poachers all pointed their at rifles and were ready to end their lives.

"How about we show these wannabes what for, eh?" I smiled, dropping into an Canadian accent. Twilight smiled as well, with Rarity sparking her horn, Pinkie readying her party cannon by pulling out of her mane, Applejack kicking her legs, Rainbow flying in style, and Fluttershy staring at her enemies.

"Poachers, get them!" One of them shouted and all of them started shooting their rifles, while Twilight conjured up a magic shield to protect us.

"Whoever you are, if you have magic to release them, do it now!" Twilight shouted at me, I nodded my head and ran towards the cells holding Shining and the other Princesses. I kneeled in front of the lock and put my hand over it and closed my eyes and concentrated.

Twilight looked at me seeing my posture and yelled, "Girls, we need to buy him some time, are you ready!?"

"YEAH!!!" They all shouted.

Twilight yelled, "CHARGE!!!" All of them charged at the poachers and the poachers charged at them for this epic battle.

Applejack and Rainbow were punching and kicking poachers left and right, Applejack bucking a poacher in the gut while saying, “These poachers are really gettin’ on my nerves, rainbow can you set some of them into a line so I can ‘bowl’ them over yonder?”

She smiled, knowing her idea, “You got it AJ!” She grabbed about 5-6 poachers and put them into a line and gave Applejack a barrel. Appejack turned around and bucked the barrel right into the poachers, knocking them over.

“YEE-HAW!! Now that’s more like it, what’s next?” She eagerly smile while running towards my position with Rainbow Dash.

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Pinkie was firing batter at poachers to blind them, while Rarity was firing off bolts of magic at them to show she means business.

“So Rarity, what do you think about their choice of clothes and weaponry?” Pinkie asked while shooting another batch of batter.

“Hmph. They’re most certainly disgusting and not well made, and their weaponry is so tachy, even I wouldn’t make them, even they are pretty good looking, but it’s not very fun to have them” She was absolutely disgusted.

“Rarity, they’re firearms, of course their going to look pretty, but no1 as pretty as my party cannon, oh did I tell you the time where I painted my-” She couldn’t finish her story because Rarity put her hoof in her mouth to quiet her.

“Pinkie, I think were done here.” Pinkie looked back at the battle and saw that the poachers were covered in batter and unconscious.

“Oh, alright!” Pinkie bounced away from the carnage while Rarity just smiled at a job well done and headed back to the cages.

Twilight and Fluttershy were trying to fend off the poachers as best as they could while protecting me as I was still concentrating on the lock.

“Come on Fluttershy, we can do this!” She encouraged Fluttershy while she was throwing barrels and food at the poachers, and with the words of Twilight, she was doing it faster than ever.

The other girls came up beside them and stood ready for more. Applejack comes up to Twilight and asks, “How’s he doin’ with the lock, he’s been doin’ it for a coon’s age.” She looked at me and saw that the lock was open, but needed to be unlocked from the outside, but I can’t do it, someone else has to unlock it.

“I think it’s unlocked, but I’m willing to bet it needs to be unlocked from the outside” She assumed. Applejack nodded and ran over to me and kicked the lock off the cage itself, while I opened up my eyes and smiled at her, and she smiled back. We both opened the cage and I pulled the key and stick into all the rings in the Princesses horns and Shining's horn, while AJ bit at the ropes to untie the Princesses.

Celestia stood up to her full height at 6’1 and smiled, “Thank you for saving us, human.”

Luna chuckled, “Sister, this human’s name is Brian Oliver.” I smiled, she remembered the talk we had, while Celestia looked confused at her sister.

“Luna, you know this human?” She asked, Luna nodding her head.

“I met her while I was still my world and found this gem and she came to me for help.” I showed Celestia the G.O.I I got from Luna.

She eyed it and smiled at her sister, “Thank you Luna for seeking help.” She hugged her sister, tears flowing down her face.

“Not to sound rude, but your name is Brian, right?” Shining asked. I nodded my head confirming it. “Are you even properly trained as a fighter, I mean you don’t like your-” he was cut off by his wife Cadence when she put her hoof in front of his mouth.

“Sorry about my husband’s reaction, Brian.” She smiled sheepishly.

I chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ve been in the army for about 3 years, a black belt in Taekwondo, Karate, and a master at wrestling.” Shining Armor was shocked to hear I was in the army for that long.

“I guess I misjudged you, Brian, thank you for your service. What do you specialize in?” He asked.

“I specialize in explosives and demolition, and thank you for trusting me Shining.” We both gave the salute to show respect for each other.

“I hate to ruin the moment, but we need to get rid of these varmins once and for all, any ideas Brian.”

I was thinking, but then Celestia said, “I handle it Applejack.” She walked towards Twilight and the others with a stern face and uses her magic to seize the rifles of the poachers and destroys them. She then grabs the poachers leader and looks at me and with the look saying ‘would you care to do the honors,’ and throws the leader into my direction.

"You should have left when you had the chance," I growled. I then started to pummel the leader with elemental attacks, dubbed, "Thunder Punch!" As I slugged him in the stomach with a electric charged left hook, shifting to my right hand, encasing it in a cold icy aura, I jabbed the leader in the face while shouting, "Ice Punch!" He stumbled back a few steps as I wound up my right hand again, but instead thrust it into the ground while yelling, "Stone Edge!" Large jagged stones erupted from the earth heading towards the leader, and then smashed into him causing him to be thrown into the air. I rushed towards him and caught him in a suplex position, forcing him to be upside down, then twisting him so that is back was facing away from me, and with force, drove him downwards head first into the earth in a piledriving move, I dubbed, the Starlight Driver.

A crater formed as we landed, I stood up and narrowed my eyes at the poachers, they were shaking in fear, my face contorted in anger and confidence, I picked up the leader by the scruff of his uniform and growled, “Get out.” I threw him into the other poachers and they caught him and they all scurried off into the distance. I breathed heavily for few seconds before Celestia came over and uses her magic to make me fall asleep. I knew this was a decision she wanted to make because it seems like she knew I was exhausted and I smiled for her action.

“Sweet dreams, our savior, bring him to the castle. We have a little explaining to do when he wakes up.” She said to everypony. Everypony nods their head and with Celestia using her magic teleport us to Canterlot, all was silent.

Author's Note:

Note: I'm not going to be able to write about how Luna or Zecora talks in this story, so please excuse my writing. Overall, I hope you enjoyed this little bit of my imporved story, but feel free to see my old one if need be.