• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 1,420 Views, 9 Comments

Beyblade: Constellation of Friendship - Solar Force

Fluttershy and her friends discover the fun and sometimes dangerous game of Beyblade.

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Chapter 1: Enter Solar Force

Planet Earth. From the beginning, the Earth has continued its Rotation throughout all of Mankind's History. And in time a game was created that was inspired by that Rotation. The game which came to be know as Beyblade. Throughout history, champions have risen and fallen, and the noble Bey has changed its shape and form, becoming faster and stronger. Now a bold new chapter of Beyblade history is about to be written.

In Canterlot City, there is a small Beyblade tournament taking place at the local Bey Stadium.
Cutting into the battle, the MC is giving the play by play. “If you are just joining us we have reached the final showdown between Canterlot City’s own Fluttershy, against the unstoppable Sledgehammer.”

“I'm gonna crush you, little girl!” Sledgehammer shouted.

“Not today you won’t!” Fluttershy shouted back.

In the centre of the stadium, the two opposing Beys crashed into each other, then ricocheted around the stadium. Sledgehammers Bey moved in for another attack. “I got you now, girly!” Sledgehammer shouted

Then Fluttershy shouted back, “That’s what you think!”

Fluttershy’s Bey stopped in the very centre of the stadium, as Sledgehammers Bey moved in for the attack. The enemy Bey struck hard, But Fluttershy’ Bey stood its ground.

At this point of the battle, Sledgehammer’s Bey began to wobble, then fall onto its side, grinding to a stop, indicating that Fluttershy had won the match.

The MC then made the announcement. “It’s all over, and the winner is Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy then took her winning’s, her total point count was now 1267 points. Fluttershy then cheered with glee and waved to the crowd, giggling the whole time. After the tournament, Fluttershy was walking out of the stadium with the three crusaders.

“That was so awesome, the way you controlled that battle!” Scootaloo said with excitement.

“Yeah, you were on fire out there.”Applebloom chimed in.

“Why don’t you try other types of Beys, my defence type might be more your style considering the way you have been battling lately?”Sweetie belle then asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy replied, “Well Sweetie Belle, the thing is…” Then she was interrupted by Scootaloo.

“No way my attack type is better than…”
Apple Bloom then jumped in. “No my stamina type is the best there is!”

Then the trio glared at each other as they pulled out their launchers, pointed them at each other and before they knew it, they were in the middle of a full on battle.

Fluttershy sighed. “Honestly, they are fighting over something like this?” Then she pulled out her own launcher and launched her Bey at the girls and with one hit she ended the battle. The girls then looked at Fluttershy and she spoke in a gentle but stern voice. “Listen girls, I use a Balance Type Bey, it takes the best of all three types.”

Then Fluttershy looked at the time on her phone. “It's getting late, you three better start making your way home now.” The crusaders then started to make there way home, saying goodbye to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then made her way own way home, thinking about today’s victory and daydreaming about her next big win. She became so lost in thought, she wasn’t looking where she was going. It was then that she bumped into someone. She finally looked up and noticed she had wandered into a narrow alleyway with high walls and a railroad bridge on one side. And then she noticed who she had bumped into, it was Starlight Glimmer. “Oh no.” She said as she shook in fear.

Starlight looked down at her with an angry glare. “Your not going to say sorry for crashing into me?” “Think your better then me?” “After winning one tournament, you think your hot stuff don't you?”

“Oh, no, I don’t think I’m better than you.” Fluttershy pleaded.

“So your calling me stupid is that it!?” Starlight yelled and then some boys appeared out of the shadows.

“You got some guts to stand up to Starlight like that.” Said one of the thugs.

“Oh, look,” said another thug, “This girl scratched up one of your shoes, Starlight.”

“Oh yes, your right, and these were my favorite pair too.” Said Starlet with a devious grin. “Maybe if you give me all your Bey points, I might forgive you for your ignorance.”

Fluttershy turned and attempted to run, but she was cornered by two more thugs, who forced her to back up towards Starlight. Fluttershy knew she had no choice, she would have to battle Starlight. The two readied their Beys, but Fluttershy’s nerves were getting the better of her, her hands were shaking, and she couldn't grip her Launcher properly.

The thugs began to count down. “3..2..1..Let It Rip!!

Fluttershy and Starlight launched their Beys, but for Fluttershy, It was the weakest and clumsiest launch she had ever done. Starlight gave Fluttershy a cruel smirk. “Is that really all you’ve got?” She said mockingly. “Could you possibly be anymore perfectic, all your points are as good as mine!” “And while I’m at it, I think i’ll go ahead and scrap that worthless Bey of yours!”

Starlight’s Bey closed in on Fluttershy’s helpless Sagittario.

Just as it seemed all hope was lost for Fluttershy, a mysterious Bey came out of nowhere, and struck Starlights Bey, stopping it in its tracks. Everyone’s eyes were instantly fixed on the mysterious Bey. The Bey then sped away, back down the path, returning to its Blader.

At the entrance to the alley, stood a teenage boy. His hood was up so no one could see his face. Needless to say, Starlight was not at all pleased to have her hunt be interrupted.

“Well, this is certainly an unpleasant surprise.” She sneered. “I don’t know how things work back in your town, but in my town you play by my rules.” She said, pointing her finger at the boy. “You got that punk?”

The boy didn’t reply.

Starlight scowled angrily at being ignored. “Hey, I’m talking to you punk!” She Yelled.

Still no reply.

“Are you death, or are you just plain stupid?” Starlight shouted.

“If your trying to help me please don’t!” Shouted Fluttershy. “You don’t want to antagonise her!”

Then Starlight snapped her fingers, and all the thugs pulled out their launchers and pointed them at the boy. “Last chance, punk!” She said.

Then the boy reached up, and pulled down his hood.

Everyone looked at the boy in shock. “He’s listening to music?!” They all shouted in unison.

Over the boys ears, was a thick set of green headphones, with what looked like a large orange bird on the side of each speaker.

Starlight had not expected this, “So this whole time you had your headphones on, listening to your music and you didn’t hear a word i said did you?” She said accusingly.

The boy then reached into the pocket of his jacket, and pulled out what looked like a small notebook and a pen. He opened the notebook and started writing in it.

“Now what’s he doing?” asked one of the thugs.

The boy then stopped writing, ripped the page from the book, folded it into a paper airplane and threw it toward Starlight.

Starlight grab the page out of the air and unfolded it. The page read, ‘I know everything you said, and I’m not a punk, punk!’

Starlight growled with fury, and tore the note to pieces. “You can lipread!?” She yelled.

The boy gave Starlight a thumbs up, indicating ‘Yes.’

By now, Starlight’s temper had reached boiling point. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. “I’m calm, I’m calm.” She kept repeating to herself.

“Alright tough guy,” Starlight said to the boy once she had cool downed a little, “How about we have a battle?”

The boy gave another thumbs up.

One of the thug’s then said, “Just to let you know this is a handicap battle, five on one.”

And the thugs all drew there launcher’s, ready to battle.

Starlight chuckled, “your not scared are you?” She said.

The boy smiled and pulled out his launcher.

Starlight and her thugs began to count down, “3..2..1!” “Let It Rip!!”

6 Beys shot toward each other.

“All right boys, form the Circle of Doom!” Commanded Starlight.

Oh, yeah, I love that one! Said one of the thugs.

“This is gonna be too sweet.” said another thug.

The five enemy Beys surrounded the orange Bey in a perfect circle and began to close in.

Just as Starlight and her minions were about to close in for the finishing blow, the orange bey suddenly disappeared.

“Huh!?” said the thugs.

“Where did it go!?” Shouted Starlight.

“How could it just disappear like that?” asked Fluttershy.

In an instant, the orange Bey reappeared, colliding with with one of the enemy Bey’s and sending it flying back towards it’s launcher, who was unable to react fast enough to catch it, sending it flying over his shoulder and onto the ground behind him.

“N-no way!” He Stuttered.

But the assault didn’t end there. The orange Bey started to zig zag, moving so fast it was almost a blur. In no time at all, three more Bey’s went flying. Now the only Bey left spinning was Starlight’s.

Starlight was now seething with rage. “YOU THINK YOU'RE REALLY A MATCH FOR ME!?” She screamed.

The orange Bey then started attacking Starlight’s Bey, but what caught both Starlight and Fluttershy’s attention was the way the Boy’s Bey was now moving, and how fast it was moving.
As it moved, it seemed to be engraving something into the ground. After several intense blows, the boys Bey returned to him, and halted, still spinning, at his side.

A moment later, Starlight’s Bey came to halt and toppled over.

“No way!” said an utterly shocked Starlight.

“Starlight lost?!” Shouted the Thugs.

“What kind of attack was that?!” Whispered Starlight. “He made a five pointed star, around my Bey!”

The Boy then showed them his Point Metre, and it read 30,157 points.

This terrified both Starlight and the thugs. “OVER THIRTY THOUSAND POINTS?!” They screamed.

“Let’s get out of here!” Shouted Starlight, “This guy’s a beast!”

They all turned and ran, leaving Fluttershy and the Boy alone in the alley.

The Boy picked up his Bey and was about to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve. Turning back, he saw Fluttershy looking at him with a timid but grateful smile. “Thank you so much for saving me.” She said.

The Boy still didn’t speak, but he gave her a smile and then turned leave again. But as soon as he started to walk away, Fluttershy leapt in front of him. “Wait!” She cried.

The Boy stared at her, confused. He reached for the pen and notebook in his pocket, but once he took them out, he suddenly dropped them on to the ground, and a strange look crossed over his face. He quickly pulled off his headphones, just in time to see a small light on the Right-Side speaker fade and die. “NOOO!” He suddenly screamed as he collapsed to his knees and started to bawl.

Fluttershy was shocked. She quickly knelt down next to him and started to pat him gently on the back as he continued to wail. “Oh, no, what’s the matter?” She asked.

“My last Battery just died!” The boy shouted as he carried on whimpering.

Fluttershy was now confused and a little weirded out. “He’s this upset because the battery in his headphones died?” She thought. “Doesn’t really seem like something to get so worked up about.”

“Um, there’s an electronics store near here where we can get some batteries.” Fluttershy said a bit awkwardly.

Her only response was some depressed mumbling as the boy kept his face planted on the ground.

“Ok, I’ll take that as a yes, let’s go.” She said

With great struggle, Fluttershy managed to drag the whimpering boy to the electronics store. Once they got there, she leaned against the wall, huffing and puffing as she tried to regain breath. “Finally… here.” She said between breaths.

She turned her head to look at the boy, only to realise he was already gone. She looked around to see where he’d gone, only to see him already inside the store. She quickly made her way inside and up to the boy who was standing at the counter talking to the Cashier.

“Do you have any V9 Batteries?” He asked politely. He seemed to already be over his depression.

Fluttershy stared at him. “Was that just a phase he was going through?” She thought, confused.

The boy walked out of the store with a bag of V9 Batteries, Fluttershy tailing behind him, still looking confused.

The boy then removed the old battery from his headphones, and put in a brand new one. Once that was done, the power light came back to life, and the boy grinned happily.

He was about to place the headphones back on his head, when he was once again interrupted by Fluttershy.

“N-n-no, wait, wait!” She exclaimed, jumping in front of him once more.

“Look,” said the boy, “Thanks for showing me this place, your welcome for me saving you, but it’s time I got going, goodbye.”

He was about to place his headphones back on his head and walk away again, but froze when he heard what Fluttershy said next.

“Wait, Senpai!”

“Huh?!,” “Wh-what did you call me?!,” “Senpai?!” The boy exclaimed in shock. “Look, I’m really not into that sort of thing!”

In a panic, the boy tried to get away, only to be halted when Fluttershy lunged at him and wrapped both her arms around his waist. “Please teach me to strong Blader like you, Senpai!” She said in a desperate voice.

“Are you crazy?!” The boy yelled, trying to shake her off, “Let me go?!”

“I just want to be a strong Blader like you, Senpai!” Fluttershy cried.

“I can’t be your teacher!” The boy yelled at her. Then he remember something from earlier “Wait a second.” He thought. “Hey, can you take arms off me please, I want ask you something?” He said out loud.

Fluttershy looked up at him, then released him from her hold and took a step back. “Yes, Senpai?” She asked, giving him the most innocent look you could imagine.

The Boy grimaced slightly. “Ok, first of all, no more ‘Senpai’, please, and second, what was that business in the alley all about anyway?” He asked her.

“Oh, well, I was being attacked by the Face Hunters.” Replied Fluttershy.

“Face Hunters?” Asked the Boy. “Never heard of them.” “Who are they?”

“Well, to put it simply, the Face Hunters go after Bladers with high amounts points so they can steal them.” Fluttershy explained.

“I see,” said the boy. “So they use their Beyblades to bully other Bladers.”

“Um, yeah, you could say that.” Said Fluttershy.

By this time, it was getting late, and the Sun had already set. Fluttershy then followed the Boy as he made his way along the streets and into a nearby park. As they strolled along the quiet path, the Boy was in deep thought, after what Fluttershy had told him about the Face Hunters. “Maybe these Face Hunters have something to do with-” The silence and his thoughts were then interrupted by Fluttershy.

“Um, Senpai?” She said.

“I thought I asked you not to call me that?” The Boy said, looking back at her.

“So, anyways,” Fluttershy continued as if he’d not spoken, “About that favor I asked of you?”

The Boy then sighed heavily and sat down on a Bench at the side of the path. “Look, I can’t teach you to be a strong Blader, that’s something you're going to have to learn on your own.” He said seriously. “For example, a great Rock Climber doesn't get taught to be a great Rock Climber, he becomes a great Rock Climber, and the same law applies to Blading.” “It’s just the law of the universe.”

Fluttershy sat down on the bench next to him. “So, there’s really nothing you can teach me?” She asked, a bit disappointed.

“Well, whenever you battle, every hit your Bey takes, also hits you here.” The Boy said, placing his hand on his chest.

“In your chest?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, in your Heart.” Said the Boy

“Oh.” Fluttershy said, feeling a little confused. Then she remembered something. “Oh, right, I forget, we never introduced ourselves.” “My names Fluttershy, what’s your name?”

But when she looked over at him, She saw that his head had slumped back, and he’d already fallen asleep. She couldn’t help but giggle softly at the sight. “It has been a long day.” She thought with a smile.

She then decided it was time to make her way home. “I’m sure he’ll be fine own his own, he’s probably slept outside like this a thousand times.” So she got up and walked away from the park, leaving the Boy to his slumber beneath the stars.

In a Warehouse by the Docks, loud voices could be heard.

The loudest voice belonged to a very angry girl with flaming red and yellow hair.

“I can’t believe it!” She fumed. “I just can’t believe what I’m hearing!”

She started to advance on a trembling Starlight Glimmer.

“Your actually telling me that you had that little wimp cornered, and you were you sent packing by some headphone wearing twerp, who was listening to music the entire time?!”

“B-but Sunset,” whimpered Starlight, “You don’t understand, this guy was really strong!”

“SHUT UP!” The girl known as Sunset roared. “I don’t want your pathetic excuses, I want you to find this headphone wearing twerp and bring him to the construction site.” She ordered. “We are going to give him a proper welcome, Face Hunter style!”

The next day, back at the park, the Boy was still sleeping on the bench, when shadows loomed over him. He suddenly woke up, seeing the same group of Face Hunters that he had faced the previous day. Only this time they were grinning with sinister glee.

Starlight stepped forward. “Had a nice nap?” She asked. “I hope so, because we are having a little get together today, and your invited.”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was making her way back to the park, to see if the Boy was still there. “Even if he won’t teach me, I can still ask him his name, and if we can be friends.” She said to herself.

As she entered the park and walked up to the same bench, she saw that the Boy was already gone. Fluttershy frowned. “Don’t tell me he already left town.” She said disappointedly.

Fluttershy then went to look for the Boy around the town. “He can’t have gone far.” she said. She searched at all the places a young Blader might go, the local Bey Park, the Stadium, even some of the local cafes, but no luck. She was walking past a construction site, on the verge of giving up. “Where are you?” She thought to herself.

It was then she saw some boys going into a construction site, she recognized them from them the Face Hunters. She could just about hear what they were saying.

“Aw man, it’s gonna be a massacre, let’s see if that Headphone wearing freak has a tune loud enough to block out what we’re gonna do to him.”

“Come on guys, It’s about to get started.”

After hearing this, Fluttershy swallowed her fear, and followed them into the construction site, not daring to make a sound. Amidst all the building materials and girders, stood a large group of Face Hunters. Fluttershy had never seen so many of them in one place. “The whole gang must be hear.” She thought, trying to not let her fear get the better of her.

But what really got her attention was who was standing in the middle of some kind of pit. “It’s Him!” She thought with wide eyes.

Standing on one of the girders above the boy was Starlight Glimmer. “Okay punk, you got two options, you can either surrender all your Bey points and we might let you go, or you can join us, we could always use a bit of extra muscle for footstooling.” She, along with the rest of the Face Hunters, then laughed mockingly.

However, the boy didn’t seem phased. “There’s always a third option.” He said back.

Starlight glared down at him. “What do you mean third option, there’s only two available to you.”

The boy stared back at her. “You can all just walk away right now, with your prides still intact, or did you forget how badly i beat you last time?” He asked confidently.

Starlight ground her teeth in anger. “That’s it!” She screamed. “No more Miss nice girl!” She pulled out her Bey and Launcher, and the other Face Hunters all did the same. “No more Messing around, Let’s just get him!” “All out attack!”

As one, the Face Hunters launched their Bey’s straight at the boy. The next instant, Beys were flying everywhere. Fluttershy was beside herself with worry. “With all those Beys flying around, how’s he going to get out of this.” Suddenly a Bey flew over her, inches form the top of her head. “Eek!” Fluttershy shrieked and ducked for cover.

As the Beys continued to fly and crash in all directions, Starlight smirked. “What’s wrong punk, too much for you?” She said mockingly. “Where’s that overconfidence of yours now?”

As the assault went on, Fluttershy stared at the Boy as he stood there, not moving a muscle. “Ohno, he must to scared to move.” She said. “Maybe If i launch my Bey, I can try and help him.”

With shaking hands, she reached for her own launcher and Bey, but could not keep her hands steady enough to launch properly. “Come on Fluttershy, be brave, he needs help, you can do this!She tried telling herself.

“Put down your launcher Fluttershy”, Said the boy suddenly, “I got this.”

Fluttershy stared at him. “He knows my name?” She said “I thought he never heard it.”

The boy then readied his own Bey, and launched it with a bright orange flash. The Bey then shot up into the air, leaving a trail of fire behind it. “Fly, Phoenix!,” The Boy yelled. “Solar Flare attack!”

In a flash, the flaming Bey shot downwards, colliding with every Bey in its path before hitting the ground, the impact releasing a shockwave which sent all the other Beys flying high into the air. Then they started falling from the sky like rain.

The Boy had won.

Starlight and the other Face Hunters were completely stunned, so was Fluttershy. She then ran up to him. “So, um, you sure won’t reconsider teaching me?”

Then, from above, they heard someone slowly clapping. On the girder above Starlight, a girl with fiery red and yellow hair stepped out of the shadows. “I have to say kid, i’m impressed.” She said with a smirk.

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked, trying hide behind the boy. “Sunset Shimmer!”

“You heard the wimp, the names Sunset Shimmer, leader of the Face Hunters.” She said arrogantly. “Now isn’t it about time you told us your name?”

The Boy stared up at her. “It’s Solar Force.” He said in a serious voice.

“Solar Force huh?” Sunset said. “Well now that we have exchanged names, we need to have a battle.”

The now named Solar Force readied his launcher, but Sunset just chuckled. “Not today, hot shot.”

“When then?” Asked Solar Force.

“I’ll let you know when i’ve decided.” Sunset said. “Bye for now.”

With that, she waved her hand and walked away.