• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 1,425 Views, 9 Comments

Beyblade: Constellation of Friendship - Solar Force

Fluttershy and her friends discover the fun and sometimes dangerous game of Beyblade.

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Chapter 2: Ring Of Fire

Author's Note:

Hi Solar Force here. For those following this story, sorry for the long wait for this new chapter. Me and Mad Page aka Madforceentermainment only do our writing in our free time so it takes us a while to get this stuff written. We'll have more storeys for you to enjoy soon.

It was a sunny afternoon at the Canterlot City Bey Park. A crowd of young Bladers surrounded one of the Dishes. A 3 on 1 Battle was in progress. On one side, stood the three Crusaders. On the other stood Solar Force.

“We got ya now, Solar!” Smirked Scootaloo. “C’mon girls! Let’s give em the Tri-Attack!”

“What?” Said Applebloom. “No Way! We should use the Triangle Trap!”

“Do you two want to lose?” Put in Sweetie Belle. “We should totally use the Triple Charge!”

“Attack!” Shouted Scootaloo.

“Trap!” Applebloom shouted back.

“Charge!” Put in Sweetie Belle.

As the girls descended yet again into another argument, down in the Dish, the girls Beys just spun on the spot, with what looked like little drops of sweat hanging next to each of them.

Solar Force just stood and watched the girls with a deadpan look on his face. “Phoenix. Put us all out of our misery and end this.” He said flatly.

A moment later, all three of the girls Beys flew out of the Dish and landed at their feet, with the girls too busy arguing to notice.

Solar Force then picked up his own Bey, turned and began walking away, which caused Scootaloo to look up from the girls argument. “Hey! Where ya going Solar?” She asked. “Your not just giving up are ya?”

“Sorry, girls.” Said Solar Force without looking at them. “But I’m afraid that your Crusade ends here.”

“What are ya talkin’ about?” Asked Applebloom. “The battle ain’t over yet.”

“Just look at the Dish.” Said Solar Force.

All three girls looked down at the Dish, and all three of their Jaws dropped. “No way!” They shouted in unison.

“How did this happen?!” Shouted Scootaloo.

“That’s an easy one.” Said Applejack as she walked up to them. “It happened because you three spent more time arguing with each other than you did strategizing. So you only have yourselves to blame.”

Scootaloo snorted. “Psh! Don’t blame me! We all know this is Applebloom's fault anyway.

“What!?” Exclaimed Applebloom. “Don’t look at me! I say this is Sweetie Belle’s fault!”

“Hey!” Said Sweetie Belle indignantly. “Don’t be stupid! We all know this is Scootaloo’s fault!”

Before they all knew it, the three Crusaders were arguing yet again.

Applejack slapped her hand to her forehead and groaned. “Ugh! Will these girls ever learn?” She said flatly.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the Park, sat Fluttershy, seemingly oblivious to the all comotion, as she was lost in her own thoughts. She was thinking about Sunset Shimmer, and her recent challenge to Solar Force. She was then broken out of her thoughts by Solar Force, when he walked over to her.

“Penny for your thoughts Fluttershy?” He asked when he saw the thoughtful look on her face.

“Oh!” Said a startled Fluttershy. “Senpai!”

Solar Force sweatdropped. “Your still calling me that?” He asked.

“It’s just that,” Fluttershy continued. “I can’t help feeling worried. You getting challenged by Sunset Shimmer. The leader of the Face Hunters, and the strongest, meanest Blader in the whole city?! Aren’t you the least bit scared?”

“No way. I’m not scared of her.” Said Solar Force calmly. “She can take me on anytime, and any place she wants.”

“Really?” Asked Fluttershy. “But if your not scared of Sunset Shimmer, then is there anyone you are scared of?”

“Trust me Fluttershy.” Said Solar Florce. There are way scarier people out there than Sunset.” His face then took on a very serious look. “And there is one person I can think of who scares me.” In Solar Forces mind, he could suddenly see a dark figure, and could hear a loud, psychotic laugh. He Shuddered slightly at the terrible memory.

He was snapped out of his flashback, when he heard the voices of the three Crusaders in front of him. “Please teach us how to battle Senpai!” They said in unison, all with puppy dog eyes.

Solar Force was stupefied for a moment, but then slapped both hands over his face and groaned loudly. “Oh man, It’s spreading?!” He Shouted.

Fluttershy couldn’t help giggling. “Aw, there, there Senpai. Just think of them as your new fan club.”

Solar Force stood up. “You know what? I’m just gonna go.” He said. “This whole ‘Senpai’ stuff is getting out of hand.”

After Solar Force left the Beypark, he noticed he was being followed by the Crusaders, much to his annoyance. He tried to lose them, but no matter where he went, they always caught up to him, begging for him to teach them. After the girls cornered him for the tenth time, he finally decided to confront them. “Okay, girls, enough is enough already!” He said to them.

“Does this mean you’ll teach us now?” Said Scootaloo excitedly.

“No!” Said Solar Force firmly. “Trust me. You don’t want me as your teacher. I’d be really lousy at it.”

“But you don’t know unless you try.” Said Sweetie Belle sweetly.

Solar Force rolled his eyes. Then he had a smart but slightly mean idea. “Ok, girls.” He said. “I’ll make you a deal. All three of you will take me on in a battle, and if you win, I’ll teach you everything I know about Blading. But if you lose, you have to promise to leave me alone.”

The girls took a moment to think about the offer, but they eventually agreed.

With the deal made, they all raised their launchers. “3, 2, 1! LET IT RIP!” Solar Force wasted no time. All three of the Crusaders Beys were sent flying almost instantly, and they came tumbling down and landed at the girls feet once again. “NO WAY!!” Shouted the shocked girls in unison.

Scootaloo then scowled at Solar Force, and pointed an accusing finger at him. “You only took us on because you knew you’d win, didn’t you?!” She shouted.

“Sure I did.” Said Solar Force. “I only did this because i know that-” As he was talking to the girls, he reached down to pick up his Bey, but before he could grasp it, something purple snatched it up and ran off with it. “Hey!” Shouted Solar Force. He looked up and saw a small dog, with purple fur, green floppy ears, and a little tuft of green fur on its head, holding his Bey in it’s mouth.

“Give me back my Bey, you little mutt!” Shouted Solar Force.

The dog didn’t listen. It just turned and ran off down the street. “Hey, come back here!” Shouted Solar Force as he gave chase. “Wait for us!” shouted the Crusaders as they gave chase as well.

For several long minutes, the four young Bladers chased the little dog this way and that. Down long streets, around corners and across busy roads, the chase seemed to go on and on, and every time they thought they had the dog cornered, he always managed to slip away again. Eventually, the dog ran up to the front door of a small corner shop, and disappeared through a small doggy door built into it. Solar Force and the Crusaders skidded to a halt in front of the shop, trying desperately to get there breaths back. After running so much, they were all exhausted.

“Nowhere... left...to...run...now.” Said Solar Force, panting. “We...got him...cornered.”

“You think...this is...where he...lives?” Asked a panting Sweetie Belle.

“I...hope...so.” Wheezed Scootaloo. “I...can’t...run...anymore.”

“Y’all...said it.” Puffed Applebloom.

Solar Force then took a deep breath through his nose, and then let it out slowly through his mouth. He then got a serious look on his face. “Let’s go get my Bey back.” He said firmly.

With that, the 4 teens marched into the shop. But as they opened the door and stepped inside, they stopped and stared, their jaws dropped. After a moment, the Crusaders eyes went wide with wonder, while Solar Force just raised an eyebrow in confusion. “I-Is this a-” he stuttered.

“A Beyblade Shop!” The Crusaders shouted excitedly. The girls then rushed off to look at everything they could see, leaving Solar Force alone by the door. As they were lost in their own little world, Solar Force wondered up to the counter to the main counter at the back of the shop. He was about to call out to see if the owner of the shop was there, when he heard a voice coming from a door behind the counter. “There you are Spike. Where have been? Do you have something for me boy? Hey, this is a Beyblade. Where did you get this Spike?”

“Excuse me?” Solar Force called out. “Can we get some service here please?”

The door behind the counter opened and a girl with lavender coloured skin, dark purple hair with three pink streaks tied in a ponytail, and dark purple eyes walked out. She had a set of microscopic goggles on her head, and wore a workers apron over her clothes. “Sorry for the wait.” She said with a cheerful smile. “So, how can I help you?” She then placed Solar Forces Bey on the counter in front of her.

“Well for starters,” Said Solar Force. “Maybe you can explain why your dog stole my Beyblade.”

The girl gasped. “Wait, this is your Bey?!” She said in shock.

“Yeah, it is.” Said Solar Force sternly. “Like I said, your dog stole it.”

“Wait a second.” Said the girl. “Spike wouldn’t have taken your Beyblade if he didn’t have good reason to.”

Solar Force was confused. “What do you mean ‘good reason’?”

“Would you mind if i just give your Bey a quick Examination?” The Girl asked.

“Er, I guess so.” Said Solar Force, still confused.

The Girl then picked up Solar Forces Bey and walked over to a small machine at the far end of the counter.

“What’s that?” asked Solar Force.

“It’s a Bey Scanner.” Said the Girl.

She placed the Bey inside a slot on the front of the device, and pressed a button. The result of the scan appeared on the screen of the Laptop next to it. “Alright.” Said the girl. “Lets see what we have here.” After a few clicks of the mouse, the girl examined the results carefully, only for her eyes to go wide, and for her to gasp in shock. “What in the world happened?!” She exclaimed. She then turned and glared at Solar Force. “How could you let this happen?!” She yelled.

Solar Force was stunned. “L-let what happen?” He stuttered.

“Do you have any idea about the condition of your Beyblade?!” The girl continued to yell. “How could you be so irresponsible?! Your lucky your Bey is still in one piece! How many battles have you had without giving your Beyblade any proper maintenance?!”

“Er,” Solar Force seemed to shrink under the girls intimidating glare, “A-a few battles?” He continued to stutter.

“A few Battles?!” The girl carried on ranting. “With this kind of damage, it’s more like a few hundred battles!”

“What damage?” Solar Force asked. “I never noticed anything wrong.”

“That’s because this kind of damage can’t be seen with the naked eye.” Said the exasperated girl. “Let me show you.” She turned her Lap Tops’ screen toward Solar Force. On it, Solar Force could see his Beyblade. “Look carefully when we zoom in.” Said the girl. The image then zoomed in, and sure enough, the top and sides of the Bey were covered in minute scratches, some parts were even chipped.

Solar Force could only stare. “I never noticed any of this.”

“I did say it couldn’t be seen with seen the naked eye.” Said the girl. “And this could only be the beginning. If you don’t do something about this now, I predict your Bey could explode from the pressure of your next battle.”

Solar Force gulped heavily. “W-well, what do I do? I don’t know how to fix a Bey.”

The girl then smiled proudly. “Well, lucky for you, I just so happen to be the best Beyblade mechanic around!” She said proudly. “I could offer to fix it for you.” Her smile then morphed into a smirk. “If you want me to.”

“Really?! You’ll fix it for me?!” Asked a starry eyed Solar Force.

“Sure. No Problem at all.” Said the still smirking girl. “I’ll get started right away.”

She then retrieved the Bey from the scanner, and walked through the door behind the counter. “Follow me please?” she said as she went. Solar Force and the Crusaders walked around the counter and followed the girl through the door. The room beyond was a small workshop, with tables full of equipment, tools, and Bey parts. “This is where I’ll be doing all the repairs.” Said the girl. “With this level of damage, it might take me all night to get this done.”

“In that case…” Said Solar Force, “I’ll just crash here until your done.” And with that, he laid himself down on a coach by the opposite wall.

“Wait a minute!” The girl protested. “You can’t stay there all night!”

“Listen, wherever my Phoenix goes, I go, you got that?” Said Solar Force. “We’re a package deal.”

The girl couldn’t bring herself to argue. “Fine, you can stay. But just for tonight.”

Seeing where things were going, the Crusaders looked at each other with bored looks. “So, what are we gonna do now?” Muttered Scottaloo.

“I don’t know.” Muttered Sweetie Belle.

Applebloom then looked up at a clock on the workshop wall, and saw just how late it was getting. “Hey Girls.” She said, pointing up at the clock. “It’s gettin’ late. We'd better get goin’.”
“Oh, My!” Said Sweetie Belle.

“Whoa, time really does fly.” Said Scootaloo.

“Hey, Twilight.” Said Applebloom. “Were gonna head home now. We don’t want to get in trouble with our big Sisters.”

“Bye Twilight.” The girls said as they left.

“Bye girls.” Said the now named Twilight.

Solar Force sat up and gave Twilight a puzzled look. “Wait? You know those three?” He asked.

“Sure I do. There sisters happen to be my best customers.” Said Twilight with a shrug.

“But that would that mean when we chasing your dog, they knew where he was going the whole time.” Said a slightly annoyed Solar Force. “And that would mean that…” He then groaned. “Agh, forget it, I’m too tired to think about this now.”

Twilight then smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry about them. Those three girls can be quite spontaneous. Oh, by the way, what’s your name?”

“It’s...Solar Force.” Solar Force Yawned.

“Nice to meet you Solar Force, my names Twilight Spar-” She then heard Solar Force snoring softly. “And he’s gone.” She said with a sigh.

Twilight then walked over to a workbench to begin repairs on Solar Force’s Bey. “Alright girl, time to earn your keep.”

It was a bright sunny day. Solar Force was running through what looked like a lush forest. From up ahead, he heard a young male voice. “You can’t catch me, Solar!” The voice said teasingly.

“Oh, yeah!” Smirked Solar Force. “Watch Me!”

The chase continued into a small village near the edge of the forest. The voice continued to tease Solar Force. “Your to slow Solar! Come on, hurry up!”

“Where are you going!?” Solar Force called. The voice lead Solar Force to the Bottom of a high mountain, and under a pair of tall, ancient looking columns, was what looked like a young boy, whose face he couldn’t properly see. “Why have you lead me here?” He asked.

The mysterious Boy suddenly turned away from Solar Force and started to run up the Mountain. “Come on!” He called back. “Your going to miss it!”

“Hey, wait!” Solar Force Shouted. “We’re not allowed to go up there!” He began to run up after the boy, but as he did so, the Sky was suddenly clouded over. But they were not ordinary clouds. They were a dark shade of purple, and looked very ominous. As Solar Force neared the Summit, he found his way into a triangular shaped cave. As he ran through the cave, he looked straight ahead, but there was no end in sight, and all around him, he could hear the boys laughter. The Deeper into the cave he went, the louder the laughter became. It also seemed to become deeper, like that of someone older. He finally reached the exit and stopped. In front of him, he saw a boy roughly his own age, who was chuckling darkly. Lying face down on the ground, was a woman, who looked like she had just been defeated in battle.

Solar Force’s face twisted in fury. “What have you done!?” He yelled.

The other Boy then looked at Solar Force with eyes filled with pure insanity. Then suddenly, in a flash of purple light, he took the form of an enormous purple dragon and lunged at Solar Force. “YOU FAILED!!” Bellowed a demonic voice, as the dragon lunged at him, it’s huge jaws opened wide.

Just as the dragon's jaws were about to snap shut on him, Solar Force woke up. He sat up with a gasp. He looked around him and realised where he was. “Stupid Dream.” He muttered.

Twilight walked in with a bowl of cereal. “Good morning.” She said cheerfully. “Got some breakfast for you. Hope you like cereal.”

“Good morning,” Said Solar Force. “Cereal sounds great.”

Twilight handed Solar Force the bowel and he eagerly started eating. “Listen,” She spoke again. “I have something I really need to ask you. Where did you get that Bey?”

Solar Force paused in his eating. “I got it back in my home village.” He answered. “Why? Is there something wrong?”

“No! No!” Twilight assured. “There's nothing wrong. It’s just that it’s obviously a unique Bey. I’ve never worked on anything like it before. Everything from the design, the metal, even the plastic, It’s just that i’ve never seen this configuration. Was the Phoenix Bey even developed by the BBA?”

Solar Force shook his head. “No, I don’t think so.” He said. “It’s a hand-me-down.”

“Oh. Well, that’s a bit unfortunate.” Twilight said with slight frown. “Well, anyway, I'm almost done with the repairs. Just one adjustment to make and-”


Twilight was abruptly interrupted as the three Crusaders ran into the room, all with tears in their eyes.

“What’s up with you three?” Solar Force.

Apple Bloom stepped forward. “Here,” She said, as she held out a slightly shaking hand, holding a piece of paper. “Read this.”

Solar Force took the paper and unfolded it.

Dear Solar Punk

Sunset wants to battle you at Flints Shrine.

Be there by noon, or the three little brats Beys are going to get it.

Starlight Glimmer

When he was finished reading, Solar Force stood up, and looked straight at Twilight. “Do you know where Flints Shrine is?” He asked.

“Yeah, I Know where that is.” Twilight replied.

“Good.” Said Solar Force. “Can you tell me how to get there? And I’m gonna need Phonix back to.”

“What?!” Said a shocked Twilight. “No! The repairs are not finished yet. If you try using it now, any number of things could happen. It could end up being permanently damaged, or broken or-”

Solar Force raised his hand to cut her off. “I cannot let this go unpunished. Sunset Shimmer targeted these three girls for no reason at all. Also, the message said be there at noon, and it’s almost noon now.” He said seriously. “Twilight, how long do you think it will take to finish the repairs?”

“I’m not sure.” Said Twilight. “An hour maybe?”

“Well then, I’m sorry Twilight.” Said Solar Force. “We don’t have time to wait. I need my Phoenix back now. Whatever happens, happens.”

Twilight hung her head and walked over to her work bench. She picked up Solar Force’s Bey, and walked back to him, holding up the Bey in her hand. “Just so you know, I am completely against this.” She said before reluctantly handing the Bey over.

“I know,” Said Solar Force. “But thank you. I promise to bring it straight back once this is over.”

“I’m coming with you.” Said Twilight. “Your new in town, so you won’t know the way to Flints Shrine.”

“Hmm,” Said Solar Force. “Fair point. Thanks.”

With that, Solar Force turned and dashed out of the Store, Twilight and the three Crusaders right behind him.

Across town, in front of a very old, but well maintained Shrine, Sunset Shimmer sat in front of her entire gang of Face Hunters, her hands joined together in front of her face, her head tilted forward so her eyes could not be seen. One of her thugs approached her from behind. “Hey, Boss?” He asked.

Sunset lifted her head to look back at him, her eyes narrow. “What?” She said irritably.

“You don’t think this guys really gonna show up do ya?” He said. “We said noon, and it’s almost noon now.”

Sunset slowly got to her feet, and turned to face her underling, looking him square in the eye. “Do you really think he’s just going to abandon those three little kids?” She asked, not expecting an answer. “That guy is obviously some wanna be hero. He’ll come. And when he gets here, that’s when I will really turn up the heat.”

Just as the time struck noon, Solar Force appeared at the top of the Shrines steps, along with Twilight Sparkle and the Crusaders.

Sunset looked back her minion. “Told you so.” She said with a satisfied smirk.

“Ok, I’m here Shimmer, just like you wanted!” Solar Force said with a glare. “Hand over those girls Beys right now!”

“Yeaah no.” Said Sunset, rolling her eyes. “That’s not how this works.”

“You got me here! What more do you want?!” Solar Force demanded.

“Simple.” Said Sunset. “I want a battle with you, here and now. If you win, you get those three twerps Beys back. But if you lose, I get to keep them, and do whatever I want with them.”

“And what if I refuse to Battle?” Solar Force asked.

Sunset pointed with her thumb. “If you don’t battle, Starlight will toss those Beys into that Flame pitt over there.” She then gave a cruel smirk. “And trust me, those flames are easily hot enough to melt a Bey.”

“Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.” Solar Force muttered to himself. “Alright Sunset! You want a Battle? You got one!”

Solar Force approached a circular sloped hole in the ground. Sunset stood facing him on the other side. “Before we start, let me tell you a bit about the history of this shrine, and why I wanted to battle you here.” Sunset said.

“Is this a battle or a lecture?” Said an annoyed Solar Force.

“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll get your battle.” Sunset said. “Now listen. This shrine is very important to me. It was built to honor a very powerful Fox Deity. It was known by the name Flint.” She then held up her Bey for Solar Force to see. “I named my Bey after this Deity. Behold, my partner, Flint Kitsune. This is why I wanted to battle you here. You see, I’m going to offer up your precious Phoenix as a sacrifice to the great Fox Deity.”

“And let me guess?” Said Solar Force. “If you lose this battle, you’ll just offer up the girls Beys as the Sacrifice?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Said Sunset casually.

“Alright, Enough talk! Let’s Battle!” Solar Force announced.

“Believe me, the Fox Deity will have a sacrifice.” Said Sunset, as she readied her launcher.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!!!”

The Two combatants launched their Beys at the same moment, and they flew into the stadium, circling each other before clashing several times, sending sparks flying.

Off to the side, Twilight stood with her eyes fixed on the two Beys, biting her nails, and her whole body quaking with nerves. She knew all too well just how big a risk Solar Force was taking. If the battle dragged on too long, Phoenix could become even more damaged than before, or even shatter completely.

As the battle continued, Sunset looked up at Solar Force. “I think i've toyed with you long enough. It’s time for your Phoenix to feel the heat. Special Move! Fox Flame!” She Commanded.

At Sunsets command, Her Beys Performance Tip let off a spark, then the whole Bey burst into flames, and began circling the arena faster and faster.

“Wait a minute.” Said a confused Twilight. “No Bey can ignite like that, that fast.” She then reached for her Laptop, and used it to scan Sunsets Bey. The results of the Scan confused her. “Strange. Nothing out of the ordinary there. The arena maybe?” After a quick scan, Twilight's eyes widened at the results. “No way! This arena is made of Flint Stone!” She then rechecked the results from Sunsets Bey. “And her Bey’s Performance Tip is made of Steel.” She then thought about these details carefully, and found her answer. “That’s It! Repair lube!” She thought. “She must have doused her Bey in repair lube. As soon as she launched her Bey, Sunset must have known the friction from the Steel performance Tip would cause a spark from the Flint, Igniting the lube, and setting her Bey alight. That’s why she wanted to Battle Solar here! She totally has the advantage!” “Hey!” She shouted at Sunset. “I’m onto you Sunset Shimmer! I know your cheating!”

“What?” Said Sunset, feigning ignorance. “You accuse little old me of cheating. I’m insulted.” She then gave a sinister smirk. “Can’t you see the little halo over my head?”

“But this battle can’t-” Twilight tried to proset, but Solar Force raised his hand to silence her. “It’s okay, Twilight.” He said. “Sunset can battle her way.” A determined look crossed his face. “But I will win my way.”

Sunset laughed. “You actually think you have chance of beating me?” She said with mirth.

“Yeah, I do.” Said Solar Force. “But before I do that,” He reached for his headphones, which were hanging around his neck, and placed them over his ears. “I think I’ll listen to some music.”

As the music began to play, Solar Force’s Bey began to move in a strange pattern, swerving and zig zagging as if following the music. Sunset eyed this closely. “Hm, this must be that move that Starlight warned me about. I’m not impressed.” She then smirked. “Time to end this. Destroy him Flint!” She commanded.

Following her masters command, Flint Kitsune began to attack Phoenix relentlessly, but due to it’s unpredictable movements, it missed its mark repeatedly. As her Beys futile assault went on, Sunset began to grind her teeth in frustration. “What are you doing?! Destroy Him?!” She yelled.

“Sorry Sunset.” Said Solar Force. “But it’s time for me to end this. Go Phoenix?!” Phoenix began circling the stadium. As it did so, the flames surrounding Flint seemed to be drawn toward it. Everyone watching was stunned.

Sunset broke the silence. “Chase him Kitsune! Hunt him down!” She shouted angrily.

Twilight could not believe what she was seeing. “What is he doing?!” She said, shocked.

Phoenix was moving so fast, it was almost a blur. And suddenly, it shot up into the air like a rocket. “You won’t get away!” Yelled a Furious Sunset. “Follow him Kitsune!”

Sunset’s Bey picked up speed and shot into the air as well. Both Bey’s climb higher and higher until they disappeared from sight. Twilight stared up at the sky. “W-where are they?” she asked.

Starlight pointed upwards. “Look!” She shouted. “Something's coming down!”

Everyone looked and stared as they saw something shining falling from the sky. It landed in the stadium with a spray of sparks. It was Flint Kitsune, Still spinning. “Wait!” Said Sunset. “What happened to-?”

Before she could finish speaking, something came rushing down at tremendous speed. “NOW, PHOENIX!” Yelled Solar Force. “SOLAR FLARE ATTACK!” Phoenix hit the stadium with explosive force. Everyone covered their heads with their arms from the impact. Something flew past Sunsets shoulder. As the impact died down, everyone lowered their arms. For a moment, there was silence. Sunset turned her head to look behind her in utter disbelief. There on the ground was her Bey, lying on its side. “N-no way.” She Stuttered. “I lost? How could I lose?!”

The Crusaders jumped for joy. “He did it! He Won!” They cheered.

Twilight sighed with relief. “I’m just glad it’s over.” She said.

Starlight and the other goons were shocked. “D-did Sunset just lose?!.” She stuttered, as the Crusaders Beys fell out of her hand.

Solar Force walked over and picked up the three Beys. “I’ll be taking these.” He said.

The thugs were now cowering behind Starlight, none of them wanting to deal with the person who just defeated their boss. Starlight herself was still too stunned to react.

After retrieving the Crusaders Beys, Solar Force walked over to Twilight, and held out Phoenix to her. “There you are Twilight. Still in one piece.” He said, smiling.

Twilight was not smiling. “In one piece?” She said incredulously. “Your lucky Phoenix isn’t in a million pieces after that stunt you pulled! I dread to think what kind of damage you’ve now caused!” Her eyes filled with tears. “All my hard work, wasted!” She wailed.

Their business there concluded, Solar Force, Twilight and the Crusaders left the Temple.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer had fallen to her knees, still trying to process what had happened.

When Solar Force and Twilight returned to the shop, he returned the Beys to the Crusaders.

“Thank you Senpai!” They said happily, much to Solar’s annoyance.

“Not again.” He muttered. “Is that ever going to end?”

Twilight couldn’t help giggling.

At the Face Hunters warehouse, Sunset Shimmer was pacing back and forth, seething with Fury, as Starlight and the other thugs kept their distance. “How?!” She snarled. “How could I lose?! And to some little headphone wearing twerp! How?!”

A Shadow fell across the ground at the entrance to the warehouse.

“Would you prefer the truth?” Said a mysterious female voice. “Or the lie?”

Everyone turned toward the entrance and stared. Standing in the doorway, was a tall woman, In a black business suit, with black skin, dark green hair tied into a bun, sparkling green eyes behind a pair of thin rectangular glasses, and deep green lipstick.

The Woman strode forward, her hips swaying hypnotically as she went. Everyone in the warehouse couldn’t help but stare at the woman, as if mesmerised.

The Woman stopped in front of Sunset, and placed her finger under Sunsets chin, lifting her face so Sunset was looking directly into her eyes.

“So?” She purred. “Which is it?”