• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 1,425 Views, 9 Comments

Beyblade: Constellation of Friendship - Solar Force

Fluttershy and her friends discover the fun and sometimes dangerous game of Beyblade.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The New Dark Bey

Author's Note:

Hi Solar Force here

Well, this took a while. At this point, I wonder if there's anyone still interested in this story. I hope there is, since this was the first story I published on this site. Also, the next story I'm going to work on is going to be Infinity Train: Crossover Nexus, which I also hope there are still readers of that story too.

To anyone who does reads this, I hope you enjoy it.

Bye for now.

At the Canterlot City Bey Park, Solar Force and his friends were gathered once again, with Solar already engaged in a heated battle. His opponent for this match was the young fashionista, Rarity, who gazed at him with an air of confidence and grace.

“Ah ha!” She said, holding up a fan in front of her face. “I’ve got you now, you young rapscallion! Close in, Diamond Eagle!” Her Bey closed in Solar’s Phoenix, ready to strike.

“That’s what you think,” Said Solar with a confident smirk. “Sorry to disappoint you, Rarity, but it’s me who’s got you.”

“What?” Rarity asked, her smile dropping, “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see in sec,” Solar said confidently. “Go, Phoenix!” He commanded, and his Bey zig zagged away at a blistering pace, circling back around the rim of the dish, and before Rarity could do anything to stop it, slammed hard into her Bey, sending it flying up and over the edge of the stadium, and clattering to the ground, where it came to a juddering halt. “Alright!” Solar cheered. “Sorry, Rarity, looks like I won again!”

“Ohhh, whoa is me!” Rarity cried melodramatically, before raising her hand to her forehead, and giving an exaggerated gasp as she let herself fall backwards in a “faint”... only to sit up a moment later, rubbing the back of her head. “Ouch!” She cried in pain, before looking around in confusion. “Wait a minute. Where is Sweetie Belle with my fainting couch?”

“Uhh, what?” Solar said, looking down at her strangely, before looking off to the side at Applejack, who just rolled her eyes at Rarity’s antics. “Uhh, did she just say…?”

“Yup,” Applejack said bluntly.

“So her sister just…?” Solar asked.

“Yup,” Applejack said again.

“How does Sweetie Belle carry that around with her?” Solar said with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s one of life’s great unsolvable mysteries,” Applejack replied in a deadpan tone.

It was at that moment that the CMCs walked into the park, chatting excitedly to each other.

“These medallions are so cool!” Scootaloo said, holding up what looked like a small rock on a string, which was covered in a badly drawn star pattern.

“I know,” agreed Apple Bloom, holding up a trinket just like Scootaloo’s.

“Not only that,” Sweetie Belle said, holding up her own ‘medallion’. “Now that we have them, we’ll be the greatest Bladers in the world, because we will never lose a battle ever again!”

“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity said as she got back to her feet, and looked at her sister sternly. “Just where do you think you have been? You missed your cue with my fainting couch.”

Sweetie Belle sighed wearily, and rolled her eyes. “Rarity,” she whined, “I’ve got more important things to do with my time than just be your pack mule for your stupid couch.”

Rarity gasped. “Don’t you use that tone with me young lady,” she said in a reprimanding tone, marching over to her sister, and they quickly started arguing with each other.

Solar, meanwhile, walked over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “Hey, what’s that you girls were saying about never losing a battle ever again?” He asked curiously.

“That’s right,” Scootaloo said with a smirk. “We won’t lose to you anymore.”

“Not now that we’ve got these,” Apple Bloom said smugly, as she and Scootaloo held up their ‘medallions’.

Applejack walked up beside Solar, and they both looked at the rocks sceptically. “They just look like rocks with a bit of paint on them,” Solar observed.

“You got that right,” Applejack agreed, before frowning at her sister. “You sure you ain’t bin duped, Sugarcube?”

“What?” Apple Bloom said, looking at her sister disbelievingly. “No way.” She then smirked as she said, “Why, with this medallion, I’ll be the greatest Blader in the world, because I won’t ever lose a battle again!”

“Never lose a battle again, huh?” Solar said with interest and a smirk of his own. “I’ll take that challenge.”

“You shouldn’t have said that,” Apple Bloom said in a sing-song voice. “I ain’t gonna lose to you this time.”

“OK,” Solar smirked back at her, “Only one way to find out.” He then turned and headed toward the Bey dish, taking his position and preparing his Bey. “Bring it on, oh so unbeatable one.”

“You got it,” Apple Bloom said confidently, taking her place opposite Solar, and preparing her own Bey. “I’m gonna make you regret ever challenging me.”

“We’ll see about that,” Solar said back with a playful smirk.

“Yeah, you got this, Apple Bloom!” Cheered Sweetie Belle.

“Kick his butt, AB!” Smirked Scootaloo confidently.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

Apple Bloom and Solar launched their Beys with a flourish, and they sped toward each other at great speed. “Alright, Solar,” Apple Bloom said with confidence and pride. “You're about to get a taste of my Apple...” She stopped abruptly, as, with just one hit, her Bey went flying out of the arena, and landed with a clatter at her feet. “W-what?!” She cried in shock. “What happened?!”

“What’s that you were saying about never losing again?” Solar asked with a teasingly smug tone, as his Bey jumped back into his hand.

“What the heck was that?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, just as shocked as Apple Bloom.

“That wasn’t even 5 seconds!” Added Scootaloo.

“B-but...but how?!” Apple Bloom protested.

“I tried to warn ya, Sugarcube,” Applejack said with a shrug. “I knew that you’d been duped.”

“Alright, stand aside!” Scootaloo said with determination, pushing Apple Bloom aside and readying her own Bey. “That one time was a fluke! Now, try your luck against me and my medallion, hotshot!”

“Hey!” Apple Bloom whined at her friend.

“Alright,” Solar said with a shrug. “If that’s what you want.” He raised his own Bey once more. “Anything to clear up this mess.”

“Bring it!” Scootaloo shouted defiantly.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

The combatants launched their Beys… and a moment later, Scootaloo’s Bey went flying over her shoulder, and came to rest on the ground behind her. She remained still for a moment, before turning stiffly to see the evidence of what had just happened. “N-no...no way!” She stuttered in disbelief.

“Convinced those things are bogus, now?” Solar asked with a big smirk.

“No way!” Scootaloo shouted at him in frustration, before looking over at Sweetie Belle. “OK, it’s your turn, now! Get in there!”

“OK!” Sweetie Belle said with a look of defiance, as she readied her own Bey and took Scootaloo’s place. “Time to put you in your place, Mr Lucky!”

“Bring it!” Solar announced, readying his Bey one more time.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

The two combatants launched their Bey’s… and almost instantly, one went flying out of the arena, straight up into the air, and came hurtling down toward Sweetie Belle’s feet, where it hit the ground with a clatter, and juddered to a halt. It happened so fast, that Sweetie Belle hadn’t even registered that she had already lost. She slowly looked down toward her feet, where her Bey lay, and then looked back up at Solar, her right eye twitching as the cold hard fact sunk in. “I-It c-can’t be,” she said slowly and unsteadily.

“No way!” Apple Bloom cried.

“That didn’t just happen!” Shouted Scootaloo in frustration.

“OK, surely you girls have had enough by now,” Solar said with a smirk.

“No way!” They shouted in unison as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stepped up beside Sweetie Belle as they all glared at him with indignant anger, their eyes filled with hunger for revenge.

“This isn’t over yet!” Snapped Apple Bloom.

“Those wins were all flukes!” Scootaloo said in defiance.

“Yeah! We only just got those medallions, so their effect must not have kicked in yet!” Sweetie Belle finished. “Battle us again! You’ll see!”

“Really?” Solar said in a deadpan tone. “You know what? I’m getting tired of this. How about we save time and have all three of you take me on at once? I won’t even bother launching this time.” He said, gesturing to the stadium, where his Phoenix Bey was still spinning. “So, come on, girls. I’m giving myself a handicap here. Bring it on!”

“Yeah!” The CMCs yelled, readying their Bey’s once more.

“This won’t end well,” Applejack said with a frown.

“Agreed, darling,” Rarity said with her own frown.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

Three Beys were sent rocketing toward the one lone Bey in the centre of the arena. They struck it all at once...and merely bounced off like they had done no damage at all. The three girls tried desperately to knock Solar’s Phoenix off balance or slow it down, to seemingly no effect at all.

“Sorry girls,” Solar said with another smirk, “but it’s time to end this farce. Go, Phoenix!” At his command, Phoenix finally moved from it’s spot, and with blazing speed, lapped the arena, and with a crash, sent all three of the girls Bey’s flying out of the arena, before they each came crashing down at the girls feet. The looks of utter shock and disbelief and their faces made Solar smirk. “OK, surely now you girls are convinced those cheap trinkets are nothing but junk,” he said in a cocky tone.

The three girls all just stared across at him, before slowly looking at each other, and then they scowled furiously. “We’ve been duped!” Apple Bloom shouted, throwing her medallion onto the ground.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo snapped, also throwing her painted rock on the ground. “These things are just pieces of junk!”

“Wait till I get my hands on that girl who sold these to us!” Shouted Sweetie Belle indignantly, also throwing her medallion down to the ground as well.

“Well, now that you girls have finally come back to your senses,” Applejack said seriously with crossed arms. “How’s about telling us where exactly you got those worthless rocks?”

“We can do better than that,” Apple Bloom replied.

“We can show her to you,” Added Sweetie Belle.

“Follow us,” finished Scootaloo.

The CMCs led Solar Force, Applejack and Rarity out of the Bey park and through the streets, until they stopped as they heard a loud, obnoxious voice.

“That’s right, ladies and gentlemen! Come one, come all, and be amazed at this stupendous new product!” Following this loud proclamation, a series of flashes and loud explosions filled the air like a fireworks display. They made their way through a small crowd, until they saw a teenage girl with light blue skin, white hair with blue streaks, and dark maroon eyes. She was dressed in a blue hoodie, a purple skirt with blue lining and a magician's wand printed on the side. She also wore a stage magician's outfit, consisting of a pointed purple hat imprinted with moons and stars, and a long cape of similar colour and design to the hat. She stood in front of a table with a white cloth on it, and a Bey arena on the top. She then raised her arms with a flourish as she then proclaimed loudly, “a miraculous product produced by the Great, Powerful, and Amazing Trixie!” With those words, more flashes and bangs filled the air, which it turned out were indeed fireworks, and multi coloured sparklers. Solar and the girls just stared at this display with deadpan stares.

“This...is who sold you those rocks?” Solar asked slowly.

“Yep, that’s her,” Apple Bloom said with a slow nod.

“What a show off,” muttered Applejack.

“Indeed,” agreed Rarity with a distasteful grimace. “Just looking at that tacky outfit alone is making my eyes hurt.”

“And what might that amazing product be you may ask,” Trixie went on, “why, it’s none other than this!” She then held up a rock which had been painted with the same star pattern as the ones the CMCs had been given. “That’s right, ladies and gentlemen! With this miraculous medallion, you will never lose a Bey Battle ever again! If you don’t believe the words of The Great and Powerful Trixie, then perhaps a demonstration is in order. Who will face me in a battle?”

“I will!” shouted a young, cocky voice from the crowd. A young boy ran forwards, his Bey loaded into his launcher and already out stretched. “No way I’m gonna lose to you and some rock!”

“Oh really,” Trixie smirked, holding up her own Bey. “You will soon learn your lesson, little boy.”

“Bring it on!” The boy challenged.

“This oughta be interesting,” Solar said with intrigue.

“Eeyep,” Agreed Applejack. “Interesting how she pulls off this little scam of hers.”

“Indeed,” Rarity nodded.

“Kick that faker’s butt!” called Scootaloo.

“Yeah, teach that loud mouth a lesson!” added Sweetie Belle.

“Make her pay for selling us a bunch of rocks!” Finished Apple Bloom.

The young boy glared at Trixie, while she merely looked back at with absolute smugness, as they held up their Beys.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

The boy and Trixie launched their Beys, with the Boy’s Bey closing on Trixie’s fast, while Trixie’s Bey merely sat in the middle of the arena. It closed in until...it hit her Bey...and merely bounced off, seemingly not causing any damage. The boy stared in disbelief, as Trixie's smug expression grew. “I told you, my young friend. With this medallion, no one can defeat The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The boy glared at her even harder, before sending his Bey in to attack again...and again...and again...but no matter how hard he tried, Trixie’s Bey would not budge an inch. Finally, the boy’s Bey spun slower and slower, until it came to a halt. Trixie simply looked across at her defeated opponent with a smug, condescending smile. “So, are you now convinced that Trixie is unbeatable?” She asked. The boy, stunned, simply nodded. “Would you like to be as unbeatable as Trixie?” The boy nodded again. “Well, don’t worry, because now you can,” Said Trixie before turning to the crowd with a flourish. “And so can all of you lucky people! All you need to do is buy one of these!” She held the stone up for them all to see. “The Great and Powerful Trixie’s Guaranteed Victory Stones! Only 10$ each!”

“What?!” Applejack exclaimed. “10$?!” She then turned to look at her now sheepish looking sister. “Apple Bloom?” she asked sternly.

“What, Applejack?” Apple Bloom said nervously.

“Don’t tell me you spent your whole allowance on this garbage?” Applejack asked warningly.

“I didn’t!” Apple Bloom objected, before saying sheepishly, “Well, not quite all of it.”

“How much is not quite?” Applejack asked.

“9.99,” Apple Bloom muttered sheepishly.

Applejack frowned deeply at her sister before letting out a huff. “We’re gonna discuss how to be more responsible with money when we get home,” she said in a voice that gave no room for augment.

“Ohh, man,” Apple Bloom groaned.

“OK, this is getting ridiculous,” Solar said, and was about to step forward to confront the boastful girl himself, when he jumped in surprise as another voice from someone beside suddenly spoke.

“Not so fast, Solar,'' said Twilight Sparkle, as she peered at the screen of her laptop. “Something’s not right about this.”

“Twilight!” Solar exclaimed in surprise. “When did you get here?! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

Twilight looked up from her screen, giving Solar an odd look. “Solar, I’ve been here the whole time. You seriously didn’t notice me?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“The whole time?!” Solar exclaimed again. He then gave Twilight a thoughtful expression. “You know, we really should put a bell on you or something.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Thank you for the suggestion, Solar,” she said sarcastically. “I’ll take that under advisement.” She then continued in a more business-like tone. “Anyway, I would advise not to battle this Trixie person just yet.”

“Huh?” Solar asked in confusion. “Why not?”

“Because if you battle her as you are right now, you’ll lose for sure,” Twilight went on matter of factually.

“What?!” Solar said indignantly, his eye twitching. “Me, lose to her?! Impossible!”

“Oh, it’s very possible,” Twilight said as she turned back to her computer and began tapping away on the keyboard. “Especially if your opponent happens to be cheating.”

“Cheating?!” Shouted Solar, along with Applejack, Rarity, and the CMCs in unison.

“Mm hmm,” Twilight said with a nod, and began explaining. “You see, during Trixie’s last battle, I scanned her Bey, and the results were alarming. Turns out, every time her opponent’s Bey closed in for an attack, it never even actually hit it before it got bounced back, therefore it never did any damage.”

“It never even landed a hit?” Solar asked, “How could it do that?”

“Simple,” Twilight said, “It all comes down to science. Or more precisely, it comes down to magnetism. According to my analysis, a negatively charged magnetic field was being produced from underneath the stadium. The negative magnetic field was redirecting the boy’s Bey before it could even land an effective strike.”

“So, basically, his Bey never even touched hers,” Rarity stated.

“Precisely,” Twilight confirmed.

“Why, of all the dirty, underhanded tricks!” Applejack scowled, balling her fists.

“So, you see why you can’t battle her, Solar?” Twilight asked.

“Why, that dirty cheat!” Solar said with a glare. “She’s gotta be taught a lesson!”

“Not yet, Solar,” Twilight insisted.

“But what am I supposed to do if I can’t battle her?” Solar asked, “Just let her carry on cheating people out of their money?”

“Like I said, you can’t battle her as you are right now,” Twilight said, before holding out her hand. “Give me your Bey, quick.”

“Uh, OK,” Solar said, handing his Phoenix Bey over to her. “What for?”

“Just need to make a few little Tweaks,” Twilight said, before setting to work.

Meanwhile, Trixie walked over to her defeated opponent. “So, what do you say, kid,” She asked with her usual swagger. “Wanna be as unbeatable as the Great And Powerful Trixie?” She then held one of the stones. “If you do, here’s your ticket to Blading glory right here.” The boy then reached for the stone, before she pulled it back with a shake of her head. “Uh uh,” she said in a sing song tone. “I’m not just giving these away for free.” She then held out her other hand expectantly. “Pay up, kid.”

“Can you believe this?” Asked Apple Bloom with a grimace.

“Yeah, she’s basically intimidating him into paying for that piece of junk,” agreed Sweetie Belle. “It’s disgusting.”

“Who would actually fall for this garbage, anyway?” asked Scootaloo rhetorically.

“Cool!” Shouted an enthusiastic voice. “I’ll take 20!”

“Sold!” Trixie called, turning to face…

“Rainbow Dash?!” Applejack, Rarity, the CMCs, and Solar shouted together in disbelief, as they watched wide eyed as said rainbow haired girl handed a wad of cash over to Trixie.

“Oh hey girls,” Rainbow said as she took her new ‘medallions.’ “Aren’t these awesome?”

“Rainbow Dash, what do you think you're doing?” Applejack said with a frown. “You realise that you just been scammed out of all your money on a bunch of rocks?”

“Rocks?” Rainbow said, looking down holding up one of the ‘Medallions’ and examining it closely. “Oh,” she said sheepishly. “Heh, heh, I guess you're right.” She then scowled and turned to face Trixie. “Hey! I want my money back!” she demanded.

“Sorry,” Trixie said dismissively. “No returns and no refunds.”

“What?!” Rainbow snapped. “You can’t do that?! That’s not fair!”

“Sorry, but that’s business,” Trixie said condescendingly, before turning back to the crowd. “Now, who will be the next to test their worth against The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“I will!” Solar shouted, about to step forward, when he was jolted back as Twilight grabbed his arm. “Hey! What’s the idea?”

“You can’t face her,” Twilight said. “At least not yet. Your Bey isn’t ready. Like I already told you, if you face her now, you’ll lose for sure.”

“Aww, come on,” Solar groaned. “We can’t let her get away with this.”

“What’s that? A challenge?” Trixie said, turning to look at Solar and the girls.

“That’s right!” Solar shouted back at her.

“Solar, don’t do anything foolish,” Twilight warned him.

“Aww, what’s this, now?” Trixie teased, “You need your girlfriend's permission before you can face Trixie?”

“W-what?!” Solar and Twilight stuttered in unison. “She’s/he’s not my girlfriend/boyfriend!” The other girls could not help sniggering behind their hands. “Shut up!” The embarrassed pair shouted at them.

“Well, anyway,” Twilight said, clearing her throat. “I’ve got work to do.” She opened her laptop and set to work on Solar’s Bey. All Solar could do was wait, much to his annoyance.

“Could you hurry it up, please?” He asked her impatiently.

“Just a minute,” Twilight said. “OK…tweak here...slight adjustment there...and...done!” She then proudly handed his Bey back to him. “Here you go.”

“About time,” Solar said, taking his Bey back from her, and marching toward Trixie. “OK, it’s time to make you pay all of these people’s money back.”

“About time,” Trixie said impatiently. “Trixie was getting bored.” She and Solar faced each other, and raised their Bey’s, ready for the battle to begin.

“Hey, Twilight?” Asked Apple Bloom with a bit of concern in her voice. “Solar can beat her, right?”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Twilight said with a reassuring smile, which then became a smug grin. “With the modifications I made to Solar’s Bey, there’s no way he can lose.”

“What did you do to his Bey, exactly?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“Is it something super cool?” Scootaloo asked with intrigue and a hint of excitement.

“You’ll see, girls,” Twilight replied with a cheeky wink. “Just watch.”

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

Solar and Trixie launched their Bey’s, and they landed in the arena, with Trixie’s Bey heading straight to the middle, while Solar’s circled it at high speed. “Alight, go get it, Phoenix!” Solar commanded, and his Bey closed in for a strike.

Trixie was not worried at all. “You will soon taste defeat at the hands of the Great And Powerful Trixie!” She shouted condescendingly, “stand strong, Virgo!” Her smirk only grew as Solar Phoenix drew ever closer. She fully expected a repeat of what happened in her last battle...but her face turned from smugness to utter shock as the attack from Solar’s Bey struck home, sending her own Bey spiralling and swerving up the side of the arena before skidding back down toward the centre again. “W...w-what?!” she stuttered in disbelief. “How is that possible?!”

“Whoa!” Exclaimed Scootaloo with wide eyes. “He actually hit it!”

“He broke through her unbreakable defence!” Put in Sweetie Belle.

“He may have a chance of beating her after all!” Finished Apple Bloom.

“I told you so,” Twilight said proudly.

“Lame sakes,” Applejack said. “What exactly did you do to his Bey, anyway?”

“Let's just say I evened the playing field, metaphorically speaking,” Twilight said with a smile. “I’ll explain later.

“Alright,” Solar said to his opponent with a wide grin. “Now that you can’t cheat anymore, let’s have a real battle and see how great and powerful you really are.”

Trixie was now livid with fury. “I’ll make you pay for this!” she screamed in rage. “You and your little helper over there!” She pointed accusingly at Twilight, before continuing the battle. “Counter attack, Virgo!” Her Bey then finally moved from its position in the centre of the stadium and began giving chase to Solar’s Bey. “Ha! Now you will see the true wrath of The Great and Powerful Trixie!” She boasted.

“Oh yeah?” Solar said with a confident smile. “We’ll see about that. Go Phoenix!” At his command, Phoenix increased speed, zooming ahead of Virgo, as it raced around the edge of the stadium. With each rotation of the stadium, Phoenix edged further and further ahead of Virgo, until it was closing in on Virgo from the opposite direction.

As it closed in on it’s target, Trixie didn’t seem worried. “You fool,” she said. “You think you can sneak up on Trixie? Guess again! Get him Virgo!” Her Bey suddenly zipped off to the side, before turning back toward Phoenix, and was now closing in fast. “I have you now!”

“Bring it!” Solar said in a challenging tone, as the two Bey’s raced toward each other. They finally collided with a clash and a spray of sparks, both Bey’s trying to overpower the other. They pushed away from each other and clashed again, and again, neither one seeming to gain any ground. The other girls were on edge as they watched, especially the CMCs.

“Ha ha!” Trixie laughed mockingly. “Is that the best you’ve got? Pathetic! You're not even worth Trixie’s time! Finish him off, Virgo!”

“Oh, this isn’t my best,” Solar said back. “This isn’t even a warm up for me.” He then gave a big grin as he said, “you want my best? Well, here it is.” He then put on his headphones, and his music began blasting away in his ears. Trixie looked at him strangely, but the other girls smiled excitedly at what they knew was about to happen. Looking back down at the battle, Trixie’s eyes widened in shock as Phoenix began accelerating to an incredible speed, as it darted and zig zagged across the stadium, leaving a trail of flames in its wake. It was like Phoenix had Virgo trapped in a web of flames. With one final change of direction, Phoenix charged in, and with one huge strike, sent Virgo up and flying out of the stadium, before it came crashing down at a horrified Trixie’s feet.

“HE WON!!” The CMCs cheered.

“See,” Twilight said with a large smile. “What did I tell you?”

“Superb performance, Solar,” Rarity said with a pleased smile of her own.

“You really got her good there, partner,” Applejack said, smiling as well.

“Eh, I could have taken him,” Rainbow said smugly, but then said with a grateful smile, “but, nice job kid.”

“Thanks a lot, everybody,” Solar said with a smile and a thumbs up. “Especially you, Twilight. Whatever you did to my Bey, it really did the trick.”

“Did to your Bey?” Trixie said, before pointing an accusing finger at both Solar and Twilight. “I knew it! There’s no way you could have beaten The Great and Powerful Trixie! You must have cheated, and you just admitted it!”

“Actually, he wasn’t cheating,” Twilight said with a smug smile as she stepped forward toward Trixie. “I just evened the playing field by swapping out the materials his Bey was made from. To be precise, non-magnetic materials,” her smile became more smug, “just like what your Bey is made from.” Trixie suddenly looked nervous as Twilight went on. “That’s right. I figured out your little secrets. Both the material your Bey’s components are made from, and…” she suddenly took everyone by surprise as she flipped the Bey stadium off the table, before she kicked the table over to one side. “This!” Everyone gasped at what they saw. Sitting on the ground, in a crouching position, was one of Trixie's lackeys, Lavender Lace, and in her hand was a red horseshoe shaped magnet. “Like I said,” Twilight went on, ”non magnetic materials, so you couldn’t cheat by diverting Solar’s Bey away from yours by using that magnet, just like you did with the other Bladers you cheated out of their money with.”

Upon hearing this, the crowd started to boo and jeer at Trixie, demanding that they give them their money back, before trying to pelt her with the painted stones she had conned them into paying for. Now that she was exposed, Fuchsia quickly got back to her and cowered behind Trixie. “Get away from me you idiot!” She screamed at her in anger. “This is all your fault!” She then glared furiously at the crowd. “Like I said before, no refunds!” She yelled, before turning to face Solar and Twilight. “I swear, The Great And Powerful Trixie will have her revenge on both of you! You just wait!” She then held up her hand, before tossing it down, and with a flash, she and her assistants disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“She’s gone!” Solar gasped.

“No, there she is, running into that alley,” said Pinkie Pie suddenly from beside him, making him jump, as she pointed to the retreating forms of Trixie and her lackeys, who froze in their tracks, as they angry crowd turned to glare at them, before turning and running as the crowd turned angry mob gave chase, yelling out demands to give them back their money.

“Pinkie, where did you come from?” Solar asked in confusion. “What are you even doing here?”

“Eh,” Pinkie shrugged, “Just here for the gag.”

“Uhh, gag?” Solar said in utter confusion.

“Yeah, just a little gag that was put in by the authors,” Pinkie replied with a smile and a knowing wink. “Any who, gotta go now. Bye.” With that, she turned and walked away.

“First Twilight, now Pinkie appearing out of nowhere? What is going on with everybody today?” Solar muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, within the large, very dark laboratory, Jack was hunched over a huge keyboard, which sat in front of a vast array of many huge monitors, which displayed graphs, statistics, and diagrams of a new Beyblade.

“Alright, that should do it,” He said to himself with a satisfied smirk. “Now the process can begin.” He then pressed the enter key on the keyboard.

In the room next to the lab, was a large machine, which held a long glass chamber, big enough for a human to lie inside. Inside the chamber, lay the unconscious form of a teenage boy. His whole body suddenly lit up with a sinister dark glow, before some of said aura was siphoned off, disappearing up a tube at the top of the chamber. The dark aura flowed along the tube until it came out into a glass container on top of a plinth. Once this was done, the glass container lit up with lights and lasers, which crossed and zig zagged in a fast, organised pattern, and the distinctive shape of a Beyblade began to take form. As this was happening, the dark energy flowed from one container to the other, imbuing the new Bey with the dark power as it was formed.

Jack monitored the birth of his latest creation with laser sharp focus. This had to work perfectly. Nothing must go wrong. He had suffered too many failures already.

However, as the new Bey neared completion, his attention was drawn when an odd smell reached his nose. He sniffed, and then frowned.

“Is..is that smoke?” he said, before raising his head from the screens to look around, sniffing again. “Yes, that is smoke.” A look of panic then crossed his face. “ON NO!! THAT’S SMOKE!!” He was then bombarded with an array of alarms, and the monitors showed the machine creating the Bey begin to spark and smoke. “NO! NO! NO! NO! NOT AGAIN! I JUST BUILT THIS THING!” He slammed his hand down on an emergency button, causing a set of valves in the ceiling to release a spray of C02 to quickly suppress and put out the flames. Once the fire was out, and the gas and smoke had been vented, Jack pawed at his face with his hands, shaking with frustration and rage. “ANOTHER 5.5 MILLION DOWN THE DROWN! THE FOURTH TIME THIS WEEK!” He slammed his fist down on the desk. “HOW MUCH MORE PERFECTLY GOOD MONEY IS SHE GONNA MAKE ME THROW AWAY ON THIS FANTASY PROJECT OF HERS?!”

“Are you quite finished, Jack?” Said Chrysalis in a cold, unamused voice, as she came strutting into the lab, her high heeled shoes clacking on the metallic floor with every step. “Have you completed your current task yet?” she asked in a stern, cold tone.

“As a matter of fact, yes, I have,” Jack said, rolling his eyes. “Give me just a moment.” He then headed into the room where the machines were, and retrieved the newly created Bey, which had, despite the setbacks, been fully completed. He walked back over to Chrysalis, and unenthusiastically presented it to her. “Here’s your precious new Dark Bey that you wanted that cost me so much trouble and MONEY to create for you.”

“Ah, it’s ready,” Said Chrysalis with a smirk. “Let me examine it for myself.” Still grumbling, Jack handed the new Bey over to her. She held it up before her eyes, turning it in hand to see it from all angles. “Magnificent,” she said with pride. “You have done an outstanding job, Jack.” She then handed the Bey back to him. “Now, go and find someone to give this to.”

“What?!” Jack shouted indignantly. “Have you looked around this place?! I can’t just up and leave this mess!”

“You will do as you are ordered, Jack,” Chrysalis warned, “or you will suffer the consequences of disobedience.”

“Look, Chrysalis,” Jack said with narrowed eyes, “let’s be real here. You see that machine in there?” He pointed to the machine in the opposite room. “Do you know how much that machine cost? Well, I’ll tell you. 5.5 million. Just for that one. And that’s the fifth one I’ve built. And out of those five machines, I’ve only managed to make 2 Dark Beys for you. Just 2!”

“And your point is?” Chrysalis said with a flat tone, already bored of Jack’s rambling.

“My point is, Chrysalis,” Jack went on, “we are spending too much effort, too many resources, and too much money on this deadbeat project of yours. We’re getting close to the billion mark here. Billions! Obtaining the right parts, transportation costs, not to mention all the hush money! And not to mention all the costs to build and maintain that little chamber for that sleeping pet of yours!”

At this, Chrysalis slammed her clenched fist down on the desk so hard, she actually left a small dent, before giving Jack a cold, furious glare. “DON’T YOU DARE CALL HIM A PET!” She screamed in rage. “AND NEED I REMIND YOU THAT FOR THIS ORGANIZATION, MONEY IS NO OBJECT!” She then took a deep breath, before continuing in a more level, but icy voice, “so is there a point to all of your whining, Jack?”

“My point is,” Jack said, seemingly unfazed by Chrysalis's fury, “that if you want this project to succeed, then I’m going to have to build a machine that actually creates Dark Bey’s for you, without catching fire, or blowing up, and for that to happen, I’m going to have to work on it non stop to get it right, which means I can’t leave the lab for anything, since this project needs 100% of my attention, which also means I can’t go and distribute these Bey’s whenever you ask me to. I need someone else to hand them out for me.”

“And what do you expect me to do?” Chrysalis asked. “Get another one of my employees to distribute the Bey’s for you?”

“Well, of course…” Jack began, before he paused, pondering for a moment. “You know, on second thought, I have a better idea.” He then turned his head to the far side of the lab. “NEO?!” He yelled. “GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT HERE!”

Another door, in the far wall, slid open, revealing a small, cosy, but quite messy looking room. On one side was a large screen TV, and in the middle of the floor was a Japanese style Kotatsu. Poking out from underneath the Kotatsu was the head of a teenage girl, with long, mostly pink, and part brown hair, lazily scooping spoonful's of ice cream into her mouth from a small tub beside her as she watched the TV listlessly.

“Hey! Neo!” Jack shouted down at her as he stepped into the room. “Get out here right now you worthless little parasite!” He walked right up to her, and reached to grab one of her hands...only for the girl to stab him in the back of the hand with what seemed to be her spoon. He pulled his hand back and howled with pain. “YEEEOOOWWW!” He rubbed his hand vigorously as he glared down at the girl, who’s spoon turned out to have three small prongs, like a fork. “Is...is that a spork?!” He shouted incredulously. “Who eats ice cream with a spork?!”

The girl just stared blankly up at him, before reaching under the Kotatsu, and pulling out a sketchbook and a pen. She quickly scribbled something on it, and then turned the pad to show it to jack. It read, “How am I supposed to defend my ice cream from greedy hands with just a spoon?”

“You defend your ice cream with a spork?!” Spluttered Jack. “What kind of person does that?!”

The girl known as Neo scribbled in her sketchbook again, and showed Jack what she had written. “Duh. I do.”

“Jack,” Chrysalis spoke up as she walked into the tiny room. “Why are you pestering that girl under that Kotatsu? Or, better question, who is that girl under the Kotatsu?”

Jack grunted grouchily. “This,” he said with a heavy sigh, “is Neopolitan, Neo for short. She’s...ugh...my niece,” He finished with an eye roll.

“And why, pray tell, are we even bothering with this child?” Chrysalis asked with a raised eyebrow.

Neo then scribbled yet again in her sketch book, before showing them what she had written. It now read, “Yeah, why are you bothering me?”

“Or better question, why is this child even here?” Chrysalis continued, not even acknowledging Neo with a second glance.

“Because she was dumped on me,” Jack said with gritted teeth, “and now I’m stuck with her. Luckily, she stays here in her little hidey hole and doesn't get in the way of my work. However, now that I’ve hit this little speed bump in this project of yours, I'll need her to deliver this,” he held up the newly created Dark Bey to show to Chrysalis once more, “and I’ll also need her to collect data, and bring it back to me.”

Neo, once again, scribbled in her sketchbook, and held it up. It now read, “And why would I do that?”

“Because, Neo,” Jack said with a forced smile, “You are my niece, which makes me your uncle,” he paused, before his face twisted into a scowl, and he yelled angrily, “WHICH MEANS I’M IN CHARGE OF YOU!” Neo’s only response was to pull her head completely under the Kotatsu and out of sight.

Chrysalis just rolled her eyes at the whole thing. “Tsk, tsk, really Jack,” she said in a disappointed voice. “You really don’t know how to talk to young people, do you?” She then knelt down on the floor beside the Kotatsu, and spoke in a sweet voice. “Hey, sweetie. If you do this one little job for us, you can buy more ice cream. I’ll even pay for it.” She then held up her purse and shook it enticingly.

Neo quickly poked her head out again and scribbled yet another note into her sketch pad, before turning it toward Chrysalis, as well as giving her a deadpan look. The note read, “Drop the sugary sweet act and hand over your purse.”

“Hmm,” Said Chrysalis with a small smile, “straight to business. Very good. I think I'm going to like this one.” She then opened her purse, pulled out some money, and held it out for Neo to take, which she did, before the chocolate and pink haired girl gestured with her hand to give her more. “Hmm, you drove a hard bargain, young one,” Chrysalis said, handing over more money, only for Neo to gesture for more again, and again. On the fourth time, Chrysalis snapped her purse shut. “That’s all you are getting out of me, kid,” she said, before standing up straight again. “Alright, Neo. All we need you to do is one very simple job for us. We want you to deliver this Bey,” she held it out for Neo to see, “to any Blader you find. Also, we need you to observe this Blader, and collect all the data you can while the Bey is in use.” She then put on an overly sweet smile, as she said in the sweetest voice you can imagine, “if you do this, and do a good job, I’ll give you more money.”

Neo quickly scribbled in her book, and held it up. “Ugh! Fine!” The message said.

“Splendid,” Chrysalis said, still in the sweet voice. “On your way now, young lady.” Rolling her eyes at her, Neo slowly and reluctantly pulled herself from under the kotatsu and stood up. She was wearing light pink pyjamas and pink slippers. She walked slowly past the two adults, and left the room, with Jack following her with narrowed eyes as she went.

“Unbelievable,” he muttered sourly under his breath. “Still in her pyjamas at this time of the day. How lazy can you get?”

“Remember, she is still a child, Jack,” Chrysalis said with a slightly reprimanding tone, before narrowing her eyes at him. “Now, get to work on assembling a new Fabricator! Immediately!” With his orders received, Jack simply nodded before leaving the small living space, heading back to his lab, while Chrysalis headed back to her office to do her own work.

A few hours later, mid afternoon, a battered, bruised, and very angry and frustrated Trixie slumped down against a wall under a bridge which crossed over a river. She hissed through gritted teeth, and even had tears at the corners of her eyes.

“Curse those two for ruining everything!” She ranted to herself. “I swear, they will rue the day they ever decided to cross The Great And Powerful Trixie!” As the distraught and frustrated girl continued to rant and rave, little did she know that she was being watched.

Neo watched her chosen target with narrowed eyes, as she gave her ice cream a slow, maniacal lick.

As Trixie pulled herself to her feet, and was about to leave, she looked up, and saw Neo standing on the bridge above her, as she held a pink parasol over her shoulder, and licked an ice cream. She scowled up at her and yelled, “What do you want?!” Neo didn’t answer. She just smirked down at her, and started to walk off the bridge. Trixie growled. “Hey! I was talking to you! You're being rude!” Neo simply kept walking, as she left the bridge, walked along the sidewalk, descended down to the river bank, and approached Trixie, still with the same smirk on her face. “Didn’t you hear what I said?!” Trixie demanded. “The Great And Powerful Trixie was talking to you!” Neo just gave a smile, before holding out her parasol, and gesturing for Trixie to take hold of it. “Uhhh…” Trixie said slowly with a confused look. “You...want me to take your umbrella?” Neo simply nodded. “Uhh, why?” Neo just continued to hold out the parasol, giving her a sudden evil glare, while holding up her ice cream to her lips. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is very...confused right now.” Trixie uttered. “But...I may as well indulge in your little game, just to humour you.” So she grabbed hold of the parasol and took it out of Neo’s hand. Neo then took out her phone and began tapping away on it. Trixie rolled her eyes in annoyance. “You gave me your umbrella, which I don’t even see why you have it in the first place since it’s not raining, just so you could use your phone? Unbelievable.”

Neo just kept typing, before holding out her phone to show her the message she had typed. It read, “Hello, My name is Neo. I overheard your grief over those who mistreated you so harshly. I have something that may interest you. Hold on a moment.” She then put away the phone, and reached into her pocket, pulling out a Bey, holding it out for Trixie to take.

Trixie stared at it. “A..Bey?” She said slowly. “You're just giving Trixie a Bey?” Neo nodded, and gestured for her to take it. “Uhh...sure, OK,” Trixie said, reaching out and taking the Bey.

Once her hand was free again, Neo pulled out her phone again, and typed up another message before showing it to the now intrigued girl. The message read, “This Bey is called Dark Virgo. It’s for you to keep, and to use in order to take your revenge on those who wronged you. Make sure you use it well. And one more thing. Give me my parasol back.” She then looked at Trixie with an angry pout, who quickly handed back the parasol, before giving her an adorably happy smile. And then she turned and quickly slipped away.

Trixie just stood and stared and blankly at the spot where Neo had just stood. “That girl...is such a weirdo,” She muttered under her breath. She then looked down at the Bey in her hand, and as she looked at the face bolt in the centre, it seemed to give off a dark aura, and a strong urge came over her. An urge to utterly destroy the ones who had wronged and humiliated her, by using the power of this new Bey, as a malicious smile grew on her face. “Prepare yourselves, because The New and Improved Trixie is coming for you!” She said with a wicked giggle.

It was at that moment, three young boys were walking across the bridge. One of them looked over the edge and spotted Trixie. “Hey, guys, look,” he said to his friends, causing them to stop and look as well. “Isn’t that the girl from before?”

“Yeah, that’s her, alright,” the boy on his left said with an angry scowl.

“You think she’s learned her lesson by now?” The boy on his right asked with a raised eyebrow.

All three boys looked at each other, before looking down at Trixie together, and then back at each other with matching scowls. “Nah!” They all said in unison.

“Hey,” The lead boy says with a nasty smirk, “How about we teach her that lesson?”

“Yeah,” The other two boys said with matching smirks, before they ran off the bridge, down to the river bank, and toward Trixie.

“Hey you!” Called the lead boy. “We want a word with you!” Trixie didn’t answer, making the boy angrier. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” When Trixie still didn’t respond, the boy pulled out his Bey. “OK, if my words won’t work, maybe my Bey will. Right boys?” The other boy’s nodded, raising their own Beys. “We challenge you to a battle! You still owe us for what you did!”

Trixie slowly turned to face them, as she looked at them with the sadistic smile of a mad woman. “Oh, so you want a piece of Trixie?” She said in a cruel, manic tone, as she slowly licked her teeth, creeping the boys out.

Despite this, the boys would not be put off. “Y-yeah, we want a piece of you!” Shouted the lead boy with a slight quiver in his voice. “Don’t we boys?”

“Yeah!” The other boys shouted, trying to sound braver than they were.

“Well, then,” Trixie said, her grin only growing wider, making her look even more sinister. “Come and get a piece of Trixie.” She raised her new Bey towards them, while the boys raised their own Beys. They quickly readied their launchers, and held them out to begin the battle.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

The four combatants launched their Beys...only for the boys to be nearly blown off their feet.

A short distance away, and out of sight, Neo was observing and recording the battle as she had been ordered. She smirked as she saw the influx of data on her phone, as it was all too clear who the victor of the battle would be.

And moments later, she was proven right, as the three boys now lay battered and bruised on the ground, their Beys now lying next to them, and shattered to pieces. The ground around them wasn't any better, as it was now covered with loads of deep cracks.

And standing above them all was Trixie, as she gazed down at them with malicious glee, as her new Bey continued to spin by her feet, as she let out a cold, merciless laugh.

Meanwhile, at Twilight’s shop, Solar Force and the girls were currently talking amongst each other about the situation with Trixie.

“Look, Twilight, I get what you’re saying, but if you ask me, she got what she deserved,” Solar said to her, as she looked back at him with a slightly guilty look.

“I agree,” Rainbow Dash put in, “you had every right to expose her as what she really was, and she paid the price for it. What are you getting so worked up about?”

“Well, it’s just that,” Twilight replied quietly, “part of me can’t help but wonder that maybe she was doing those bad things because she didn’t know any other way. What if instead of just shunning her, we’d actually tried to help her?”

“Help that good for nothin’ varmint?” Applejack then spoke up. “And if we did, what’s to say she won’t just go ahead and pull some other kind of scheme where she hoodwinks folks out of their money all over again?”

“Well, maybe if we had just reached out to her, she might actually accept our help and become a better person because of it,” Twilight tried to argue.

“And what if she doesn't?” asked Rainbow again.

Before the conversation could continue, the shop door suddenly burst open, and who else should come running in than Trixie’s two lackeys. They dashed frantically toward the counter where the group stood, and leaned on it for a moment to catch their breaths. Solar and the girls were apprehensive at first, but upon seeing the freaked out looks on their faces, they became bewildered. “Please?!” cried Fuchsia. “You gotta help us!”

“What?!” Rainbow replied incredulously. “Why should we even think of helping you two after what you and Trixie did?!”

“And what, pray tell, could you two need our help with?” Rarity asked them with suspicion.

“It’s Trixie!” Lavender shouted desperately. “She’s gone completely psycho on us!”

“Yeah right,” Applejack said, shaking her head in disbelief. “More like she finally decided to ditch you two after you weren't useful to her anymore.”

“Please, you have to listen to us!” begged Fuchsia.

“Trixie got her hands on a new Bey!” Lavender added, “And after that, she went completely insane! She called it, uh, what was it called again?”

“Dark Virgo!” Finished Fuchsia.

At this, Solar and Twilight looked up at the two distraught girls in shock. “What did you say?!” They shouted in unison.

“Whoa, what’s up with you two?” asked Rainbow in surprise.

“If what these two are saying is true,” Twilight began.

“Then Trixie has gotten her hands on a Dark Bey.” Added Solar. At everyone’s confused looks, Solar began to explain. “What these girls are describing is the exact same thing that happened with Starlight Glimmer. She got her hands on a Dark Bey, and it drove her insane until I defeated her.”

“T-that sounds...kinda scary,” Fluttershy whispered, pulling her long hair in front of her face.

“Tell us,” Solar asked seriously, “where’s Trixie now?”

Lavender and Fuchsia quickly led Solar and the girls to another of the city's outdoor Bey parks.

When they got there, they all stared in shock at what they saw. On the ground, at least a dozen young Bladers lay either unconscious, or curled up into a ball, shaking with terror.

Amidst all this, sitting on the ground with her knees up to her chin, and resting her head on them, was Trixie, with a large, deranged smile on her face. Her two lackeys quivered with fright at the sight of her, as they huddled together, trying and failing to comfort each other. Upon seeing the newcomers, Trixie’s smile somehow grew even wider, before she rolled backwards, and then see-sawed forwards, using her momentum to push herself to her feet. The other girls glared at her as she approached them, but Solar just stared in recognition, as the way she had stood up was eerily familiar to him. She reminded him of…

Before his thought could go any further, Trixie then spoke. “Well, well,” she said in an uncharacteristically dark tone, “if it isn't just the people I was waiting for.”

“I’m in no mood for games, Trixie,” Solar said as he stepped forward to confront her. “Tell me. Is it true that you got your hands on a Dark Bey?”

“That’s correct,” Trixie said darkly, “meet my new partner.” She held the Bey for them all to see. “Meet Dark Virgo.”

“So she does have one,” Said Twilight with worry and intrigue. “Just like with Starlight.”

“You girls know what they’re talking about?” Asked Rainbow. “I’m lost.”

“Beats me,” Shrugged Applejack.

“Where’d you get that Bey?” Solar demanded.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Trixie said mockingly.

“This is serious, Trixie!” Solar shot back warningly, “you gotta get rid of that thing right now! It’s too dangerous!”

Trixie giggled coldly. “You want me to get rid of it?” She said in the same cold tone. “Then why don’t you make me, little boy?” With those words, she headed over to one of the stadiums, reached her Launcher, and readied the destructive Bey for battle.

“Alright, looks I have no choice,” Solar said as he took his own place opposite Trixie, prepared his own Launcher and loaded in his own Bey. “Looks like I'm gonna have to take you down for good this time!”

“Bring it on!” Trixie challenged.

“3! 2! 1! LET IT RIP!”

With an extra hard pull on their rip cords, the two opponents' Beys went soaring toward each other, before colliding with a huge clash, and a spray of sparks, letting off a shockwave that almost pushed everyone back slightly. They clashed with each other again and again, each time making the air ripple with more shockwaves and sparks.

Twilight quickly pulled out her laptop and began analysing Dark Virgo, her eyes widening at the results. “Whoa! Trixie’s Bey has a lot of power! And I mean a lot!” She exclaimed in shock.

“No duh!” Rainbow called. “We can all feel that!”

“You...you think Phoenix can stand up to that much punishment?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“I hope so,” Twilight replied nervously. “Because if it can’t…” she trailed off, unable to voice the dreadful thought. The other girls all looked at each apprehensively, before turning back to the battle.

“Come on, Phoenix!” Solar shouted. “You’ve had tougher battles than this! Stay strong!” At his words, his Bey zigged and zagged this way and that as it weaved and dodge around Dark Virgo as it charged it from one direction, then another, before moving in for a strike of its own. However, as hard as he fought, he didn’t seem to be gaining any ground.

“Is that the best you can do!” Trixie mocked. “Pathetic!”

“Don’t count me and Phoenix out yet!” Solar shot back. “We’re just getting warmed up!”

“Oh, really,” Trixie said, her smirk growing even more. “Well, Trixie isn’t even breaking a sweat. Maybe it’s time Trixie stopped holding back! Dark Virgo, time to show your true power!” At her command, her Bey began letting off an ominous aura, which sent a shiver up Solar and the other girl's spines. At the same time, as they all watched, a just as ominous black mist began seeping out of Trixie’s mouth like smoke. They all stared in astonishment at this.

“Is...is she smoking?” Rainbow asked slowly.

“How can she?” Applejack replied. “I don’t see no cigarette.”

“Um, girls,” Said Fluttershy worriedly, “look at Solar.” They all looked at him, and what they saw confused and slightly shocked them.

“Does...Solar look…scared to you?” Twilight asked slowly. Indeed, the look on his face was one of shock and genuine fear. They’d never seen him look like this before.

As Solar stared across at Trixie, who almost looked like she was now possessed, an old, terrible memory played out in his mind. He was watching a Bey battle play out before him, as on one side, a tall woman with brightly coloured hair battled hard against her opponent, as he laughed maniacally, with the same black smoke pouring from his mouth, before his shadowy face was slowly replaced with Trixie’s. Then the memory faded, bringing him back to the present. “N-no way,” he stuttered under his breath. “How? How can she have his power?”

“Aww, what’s the matter?” Trixie gloated, “you scared now of the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“No way!” Solar snapped back forcefully. “There’s no way I’d ever be scared of you!”

“Oh! You will be!” Trixie said, before letting out a strange, but still mad laugh. “Ze ha ha ha ha ha!” This freaked out Solar even more, as another long buried memory began to resurface, before, concentrating hard, he forced it back down again. Trixie then announced, “Dark move! Dark Star!” The aura around the Bey formed into a woman dressed in ancient ninja garb, and wielding a shuriken. She flung back her arm, before throwing the shuriken, sending it flying as it spun at high speed. At the same time, her Bey suddenly streaked forward like a bullet toward Solar’s, hitting it with an almighty crash, sending it flying to the other side of the stadium, and almost flinging it over the edge.

“Whoa!” Solar exclaimed. “That Bey has so much power!”

“No kidding!” Twilight said as she pored over the results of her analysis. “But apart from that I’m not getting any data on this Bey. All of its parts are non listed! It’s like it doesn’t even exist!”

“Non listed?” Rainbow asked. “How can that be? Are you saying that Bey is fake or something?”

“I don’t see how that’s possible,” Twilight said in confusion. “But all of this Bey’s parts are all of unknown design.”

“Does that mean that Solar can’t beat her?” Asked Fluttershy apprehensively.

“I don’t know,” Twilight said helplessly. “I can only hope he can find a way to beat her.”

Back at the battle, Solar glared at Trixie with utmost determination. “Alright, enough is enough!” He declared forcefully. “If you’re pulling out all the stops, then so am I!” He slipped his headphones over his ears, and began playing his special music at high volume. “Phoenix, ignite!” At his command, his Bey was suddenly engulfed in flames, as it charged across the arena like a meteor. “Solar Flare Attack!”

“Dark Virgo!” Trixie yelled, “Finish this worthless fool off with another Dark Bullet!” At her command, her Bey flared with it’s Dark Aura again, and zipped toward the incoming Phoenix once more.

With a great crash, and a spray of sparks and flames, the two Bey’s clashed with each other, with neither one giving an inch. The question was which one would overpower the other. After a few moments, they both moved away from each other, before clashing again, and it was at that moment, Solar noticed something. The dark smoke pouring out of Trixie's mouth was being drawn down into the arena and toward her Bey, like it was siphoning it off from her. Could it be that it was drawing power from her? It was then that he got an outlandish idea. It was risky, but if it worked, it could win him the battle. “OK,” He said with a determined scowl, “It’s time to end this! Soar, Phoenix!” His Bey moved away from Trixie’s, moving up to the edge of the arena, beginning to circle it at high speed, going faster and faster, leaving a blaze of fire in its wake.

“What do you think you're doing?!”Trixie demanded angrily, “This is supposed to be a battle, not a fireworks show!” Solar didn’t answer, he just kept his eyes on the arena and his Bey kept increasing speed until it was a blur. Trixie gritted her teeth furiously at being ignored. “Whatever you’re up to, I won’t let it happen, and I will not be ignored! Dark Virgo, destroy him now!” At her command, Dark Virgo moved to intercept Phoenix, but at the last moment…”

“Now! Fly, Phoenix!” Solar yelled, and his Bey went flying up and out of the arena and up to the sky like a rocket. Everyone held their breath, before, with a whoosh, Phoenix came rushing down like a missile. It came down at just the right angle to strike Dark Virgo on it’s top, it’s fiery aura blowing away the dark smoke. As it dissipated, the stream of smoke from Trixie’s mouth became smaller and smaller, until it vanished altogether.

After this, Trixie grabbed her head with a groan, before looking up, and blinking in confusion. “Uh, what...what happened?” She asked in a confused tone. “What is Trixie doing here? And why am I in a Bey Battle?”

“Whoa, no way,” Solar said with a big grin. “I can’t believe that worked.” He looked down at the stadium again. Phoenix had moved away from Dark Virgo, both their auras having now vanished, and Virgo was beginning to wobble as it lost speed. “OK, there will be no more trouble from you ever again.” He declared. “Get in there and finish it, Phoenix!” With one last rotation around the arena to gain more speed, Phoenix moved for one final attack on the now defenceless Dark Virgo. With an ear splitting crash, Phoenix struck it at full force, and a moment later, the Dark Bey slowed down to stop, now covered in cracks, before it shattered to pieces. Phoenix zipped around the arena before jumping back into Solar’s hand, as he smiled in triumph.

Now that the battle was over, everyone watching breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phewee,” Applejack said, “sure glad that’s over.”

“You're telling me,” Twilight said with exhaustion.

“I can’t even bring myself to feel stoked that Solar won,” Rainbow muttered.

“I’m just glad it’s over,” said Fuchsia quietly, as she continued to hug Lavender.

“I’m just glad that Trixie’s no longer a raving nutcase,” agreed Lavender just as quietly.

“I’m just glad that Solar’s alright,” Fluttershy whispered from behind her hair.

At the arena, Trixie, still confused, looked down, seeing the shattered remains of her Dark Bey. “What the...what happened to my new Bey?” She was just reaching down to pick up the pieces, when she was stopped as a hand grabbed her wrist.

“I’ll take those if you don’t mind,” Twilight said, before reaching down, and scoping the pieces into a plastic bag, and sealing it. “I’ll need these to do my research on these Dark Beys.”

“W-what?!” Stuttered Trixie. “You can’t do that! That’s my Bey!”

“Not anymore, it’s not,” Twilight replied nonchalantly.

Trixie was about to retort, when Solar approached her and asked in a non-nonsense tone, “OK, Trixie, this is very important, so please listen? Where did you get that Bey?”

“What?!” Trixie exclaimed. “Why should I tell you anything after you trashed it?!”

“I’m serious, Trixie, I need to know, where did you get it?” Solar insisted.

“Alright fine,” Trixie grumbled bitterly, “if you must know, it was given to me by some girl with an umbrella.”

“A girl with an umbrella?” Solar asked in confusion.

“Yeah, and she was a real weirdo, to,” Trixie replied with an eyeroll. “She never said a single word, and she only ‘talked’,” she said with air quotes, “by typing messages on her fancy phone. She then gave me the Bey, and then…” She paused, thinking hard for a moment. “Actually, I...don’t remember anything else until just now. Why is that?”

“It’s probably for the best that you just forget,” Solar said simply.

“Well,” Applejack said with a stretch, “I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I feel like it’s time to hit the hay after all this.”

“I quite agree, darling,” Rarity said, rubbing her eyes, “after such a stressful time, a girl does need her beauty sleep.”

“Um hmm,” Rainbow nodded, “let’s say we head on home now.”

“Agreed,” Twilight said before letting out a yawn, and turning to Solar. “Come on, Solar, let’s go.”

“Sure,” Solar said, before turning to look at Fuchsia and Lavender as they headed over to Trixie. “Hey, you girls take care of her, she’s been through a lot,” he advised.

“Sure,” They both nodded, before taking Trixie by the arms and guiding her away.

“Uh, girls, what exactly happened?” Asked Trixie as they left the park.

“It’s a long story,” Both girls sighed, before they turned the corner out of the park and were gone.

With that, Solar joined the other girls as they left the park too, all looking forward to a good night's rest.

Up on a nearby roof, a bored looking Neo watched everyone leave the park, as she recorded the last of the needed data from the battle. Her task completed, she stood up, letting out a silent sigh, and a cute little pout of disappointment and boredom. She then turned and made her way down from the roof to return to Chrysalis and Jack.

Back at the lab, Chrysalis stood before the large container which held the unconscious form of the boy. She placed her hand on the glass as she gazed in at him. “Soon, my boy,” she said in an almost motherly tone, “soon your time will come.” She then looked up as she saw wisps of black smoke floating above her, before it was drawn inside the machine, and more importantly, seemed to enter the comatose boy’s body, making him glow with a dark aura for a brief moment, before dissipating completely. “Hmm,” Chrysalis said with intrigued eyes, “Very interesting, and at the same time, unexpected. Most perplexing. I should inform Jack of this.” She then turned and left the lab to find her subordinate.

To Be Continued...

Comments ( 1 )

References from RWBY and One Piece. I caught them.

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