• Published 17th Mar 2019
  • 294 Views, 5 Comments

The Midnight Pony - Ponyess

Midnight Sparks is a pony, who slowly gains her freedom, from the plastic that once made up her original body. As she develops, she reaches out to the girl who liberated her, and thus gave her a life.

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One Night, just the One Night on the Loose

I feel alive, indeed I feel alive.

I have been stiff, for as long as I can remember; knowing that is how I have been, from the very first day.

While I would have loved, for this to be relaxing, but this is not the origin to what I am feeling.

Is this how Love feels or tastes?” I ponder.

Had I been a true Changeling, I would have known. Had I been this would have been the natural reaction to the exposure to that love.

To me, it is different; very different, indeed.

If love has anything to do with it, but it is traced back to the changes in my surroundings. The girl is indeed a part of this. If only I could put a hoof to exactly how she is affecting me.

I may have been able to move around in the room, at night; now I could step forwards, to the point I could muzzle her good night. It is not even Mid-Night yet.

While I know she had seen me move, and even heard me speaking; but there is no way around it, I had to step up and address her. It is in my nature. She is after all the girl, who liberated me

I guess I should be thankful, which I am; even if I would never have known, or even realize what a bad place I had been in. That situation had been a mixed blessing, or curse.

First now, I am truly seeing the room in which I had found myself. The room is small, even for me. There is room for her bed and a bed stand of course. This is after all her bed room.

The floor had been laid with a fairly silly and pointless plastic carpet; this just would not make due. Could I change it? Wood, or stone would have been a decided improvement. It is a room, indoors.

“I could fix the floor, for her!” I tell myself”; “But, if anything went wrong; she may never forgive me, ever again. After everything she has done for me, I could not take that!” I ponder.

Of course, what had she done for me?

Do I dare, entering her bed; resting by her feet, while I wait?” I ponder.

The bed does indeed look very comfortable; not just going by how she sleeps. While I do enjoy my current level of flexibility and freedom, I still do wait for the hour of mid-night. Maybe I can draw upon the comfort of the closeness to her, while I wait for the opportunity?

For a moment, I hesitate while I am watching he; as she is slowly slipping into sleep, before my very eyes. Just watching her, where she lies in her bed.

Just as she is falling asleep; I make up my mind, lifting my hoof up and feeling the soft quilt.

After a few minutes, I climb up onto the bed, laying down by her feet.

While I wait; I draw in the scent of her, with each breath I take. I close my eyes, reaching out to feel the moment and to detect when it is right to move.

Tick, tock; tick, tock. Time slips by, second by second; while I rest and enjoy the moment for as long as it may last.

Just as midnight hits home, I feel how all my current bonds evaporates like mist under the scorching sun in the middle of the day. For just a moment, I relish in the liberating sensation. I raise to my hooves and jump down onto the floor beside her bed; casting a glance, appreciating the love I feel emanating from her. Is this how I am even free to move?

As I touch down onto the floor, I turn around and plant a kiss on her forehead, leaving a warm, wet and glistering mark. I see the mark, feeling her even deeper for a short moment, knowing the sign for what it is. While she may be asleep, she still shows all the signs of her affection for me. She warms my heart and strengthen me with her compassion.

I step out onto the middle of the floor, turning away from her. Now I light my horn; feeling the small orb of magical light at the tip of my horn. I feel the orb grow in size and intensity as the orb slowly grows in size.

At the given point, the light starts flowing down the entire length of my horn, like an avalanche. I feel the light flowing down along the spirals of my horn, all the way down to my forehead. As the light hits my forehead, it spreads outwards.

I focus, levitating myself from the floor. Once I am an inch above the floor, I continue to lift her bed, the nightstand and the desk up. From there, I lift up an object at the time until nothing is touching the floor. There is a flash, as the floor is changing. Once the floor turns from plastic into stone as I desire; I let each object down once more. The spell is complete and I can sigh in relief from my accomplishment.

There is a clopping sound, as my hooves hit the smooth and glossy surface of the floor in her room.

Clip, clop!” I ponder.

I look around the room, for a moment; enjoying and praising the effect of my accomplishment.

“Much better!” I point out, quietly.

“No, I did not wake her up. Thank Celestia!” I mumble.

I take a step, then another and another. The smooth stone feels nice under my hooves as I slowly trot around the room.

This does feel just great!” I ponder, just as I stop beside her bed.

After a moment of consideration, I end up climbing up onto her bed. I move to the same place where I had been resting, lying down as if I was trying to rest. I close my eyes.

Maybe I could sleep?” I ponder.

Though, I could give her a small gift, before I get ahead of myself!” I ponder.

I light up my horn and conjure up the gift in the form of a lip-gloss, hoping she will like the gift. Nothing fancy, just a clear lip-gloss. No colour and no flavour or scent. I had the idea that it is better to go with something simple to start out with.

I morn grows dark and I relax. I draw in a breath, hold it and release it after a moment. I feel very relaxed. Maybe I could indeed sleep.

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Author's Note:

Midnight Sparks' POV