• Published 17th Mar 2019
  • 294 Views, 5 Comments

The Midnight Pony - Ponyess

Midnight Sparks is a pony, who slowly gains her freedom, from the plastic that once made up her original body. As she develops, she reaches out to the girl who liberated her, and thus gave her a life.

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Good Morning

Light from outside is slowly seeping into the room, as the sun is raising on the sky. I feel light. There is as clear indention of something resting at the foot end of my bed.

Wait, I don’t have a dog!” I ponder.

I open my eyes, blink; once, twice, thrice. I did indeed have no dog. Thought something, or someone is still resting at the foot end of my bed. As a matter of fact, she is still there.

It’s not just anything, or anyone; this is Midnight Sparks. Just that she is looking so much more animated, than I had been used to see her. I still do recall, when I first opened the package within she had been kept; she had a rather bland expression on her face, back then. Now she is smiling, happily.

“Good morning!” she exclaims, looking intently at me, with obvious joy on her face.

“Good morning!” I respond.

I am dreaming!” I ponder; “But, I can’t be rude!” I continue.

Nonetheless, I grin happily. If she had jumped up into the bed; she would warm my heart, just as she is warming my bed.

Wait, she could lie down in my bed all along!” I ponder; “I must still be dreaming!” I continue.

Then I just continue to grin, enjoying the moment for all it is worth. I could as well enjoy myself, as long as the dream persists. If it proves to be true, and I am awake; I have lost nothing, by enjoying it.

I certainly can’t command her to jump down from my bed! I have not told her she can’t sleep in my bed, and I do enjoy the company!” I ponder.

Maybe I should explore this dream, and see where it takes me!” I ponder; “Though I will have to slip out of bed, first!” I continue.

With that, I fold the quilt up towards the bed, slip my feet out and sit up in my bed. From there, I push myself over the edge, slip down onto the floor and stand up.

“Ooh!” I exclaim, as I feel the smooth stone floor under my feet.

Yes, this is definitely a dream!” I ponder; “But, I think I do like where this is going!” I point out.

“Thank you!” she responds.

While the black stone tiles are smooth and a bit slippery at first; I think they are warm and comforting.

“You are quite welcome!” I mumble, giggling.

“I like being welcome!” she points out, giggling; “This just may be why I can still move, this late in the day?” she ponders.

Daylight has always been my bane and curse!” she ponders, remembering a glimpse of who she had been in her former existence.

She had been a mere doll; no friends and none to care for or about her. A doll can not move, in daylight; when someone or some pony can see her. A doll is still, motionless, with no memory and no personality. This is the order of things, how it has been from the beginning of time and will be to the very end. It can be no other way.

A companion, and compassion had loosened the bonds and shackles holding Midnight Sparks. That is the love freeing her from what she had been, and can never become again.

I turn around, looking at her, squinting in the light of day.

“Is that really you?” I inquire, challenging my situation and perception.

“Yes, this is me; Midnight Sparks!” she responds.

I watch her taking a step towards me. She is taking another step, and another. I find her standing before me, on my bed.

There is a large indent, where her body had been resting during the night; and a small one where her hoof had just left the quilt, as she moves towards me. I find it fascinating, to see her move towards me. She is my friend and companion. Why do I bother with silly little details, like the fact that she is a pony and was a doll when I got her?

In the end, she stops at the edge of the bed; looking at me, smiling warmly.

She just stands there, looking at me; then she looks up and meet my gaze and smiles.

I reach out my right hand, absentmindedly reaching for her and pat her on the head; before I scratch her behind the ear. She does not seem to mind, for all I can see. She does not say anything.

I withdraw my hand and take a step to the right. She shifts her gaze and appraise the distance, before she jumps down from the bed. I hear a distinct, jolly squeak from her hooves, as she hits the stone floor.

She looks down at her hooves, curious; then grins widely and once more looks up at me.

“You like how the floor feels, under your hooves?” I inquire.

She nods, smiling up at me; “Yes!” she then exclaims.

“That is good, me too!” I respond with a silly grin over my face as I giggle at the situation.

Of course, this is supported by the sense of being in a dream. Just the fact that my toy Pony moves and talks to me. Add the change in the room, and it is very exciting. At least, to me it is.

Maybe I don’t even want to wake up, from this dream!” I ponder.

Now, had it truly been the dream, I thought it was; Midnight Sparks would have explained, how it is no dream. She did not. In fact, she is not reacting on my thoughts at all.

When I touched her head; it did not exactly feel like either plastic of fabric, but rather a strange sense of a fur with strangely rubbery smooth qualities. I can’t quite put a finger to how it feels, while I can touch her body as easily as I could touch my own. I still feel that light pinkish skin, when I do.

Then again, I am naked; wearing nothing, but a pair of panties and a top. Just that clean, bright white cotton. The clothes are no longer as fresh, as they had been as I slipped into them the other night. I always wear these white panties and tops in bed, though.

Now I need to slip into fresh clothes, before I leave my room. Since she is a Pony, and nude; I don’t need to worry, or be shy around her. She does not care about the item of nudity, in the first place.

“I am hungry, I think I will need to put something fresh on and go out to have breakfast!” I mumble.

“While I don’t need to wear anything, even if I had clothes to wear; but, I am starting to feel a bit hungry!” she responds.

She clearly heard what I had just said, making the point out of understanding it in her response.

“This almost feels like having a sister!” I ponder, upon hearing her speak.

At least, I do not feel like having my own room, separate from hers. I guess that is convenient.

I open the door to the wardrobe, before I slip my panties down, pick them up and leave then in the wash bi. Once the panties are off, I pull the top up over my head, and throw it into the wash bin right over my panties.

Securely nude, I look at the clothes I have at my disposal. I pick up a pair of brightly cerise panties, stepping right into them. I only give them a few tentative tugs, making sure they are on just right.

Once the panties sit on comfortably; I pick up the matching top, slipping it down over my head. I afford the time to give it a few tentative tugs, in order to make it sit just right.

“There, that wasn’t so hard?” she teases me, giggling at me from behind.

“No!” I respond; “I guess it wasn’t!” I continue.

Now I pick up a skirt, stepping into it. With a few more tentative tugs, the skirt fits me. I pick up a shirt, slipping it down over my head; feeling the soft cotton fabric against my skin. Not too tight and revealing; that would be inappropriate, for a girl my age.

“Maybe a pair of socks, too?” I mumble.

At least, I do not need to wear shoes, indoors!” I ponder.

Just as I reach for a pair of matching ankle socks, I see a flash of light from Midnight’s position. The next instant, a pair of toe socks appear beside the once I had set my eyes on.

“Toe socks are just right for you!” she points out, and I nod.

As I pick up the socks, I notice the mate black rubber under the sole of the foot; aiding in my footing, as I am wearing these socks.

I pick up the socks, left and right; slipping my feet in, as I picked it up. Once more, I afford the socks a few tentative tugs, in order, for the socks to sit just right.

“Comfortable, quite comfortable!” I purr, as I am about to close the door to the wardrobe.

“These look interesting, but I will pass that up for now. I could try them out, later!” I mumble, indicating the thigh-high hoof stockings she had produced for me, as an alternative.

“These look interesting, but I will pass that up for now. I could try them out, later!” I mumble, indicating the thigh-high hoof stockings she had produced for me, as an alternative.

“These regular looking socks will do just fine, for indoors use!” I point out.

“Yes, of course; but, I could as well make something fun to show you have much I appreciate you and your company!” she merely responds.

“Thanks!” I respond; “I’m looking forwards to see more of that!” I continue.

She smiles at me, and I close the wardrobe.

“I’m starving, maybe you would follow me out; I need something to eat!” I point out.

“Thank you, that would be most appropriate!” she responds.

“By the way, if you can conjure up a pair of socks for me; could you conjure up a set of shoes for yourself, too?” I inquire.

“That could be fun! Thank you, for asking!” she responds.

I see her horn flare up, and a set of golden rubber shoes appear on her hooves.

“Let’s go, I need my breakfast, and so do you!” I point out.

I walk over to the door and open it. She follows me out and push the door shut with her left hind hoof.

I could get used to these socks, remind me to thank her for them again!” I ponder, as I continue to walk.

There is a slight hint of a squeak with each step I take, that only punctuate my comfort.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” her hooves squeak, with each step she takes, as she is following me towards the kitchen, where the promise of breakfast looms.

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