• Published 17th Mar 2019
  • 294 Views, 5 Comments

The Midnight Pony - Ponyess

Midnight Sparks is a pony, who slowly gains her freedom, from the plastic that once made up her original body. As she develops, she reaches out to the girl who liberated her, and thus gave her a life.

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At Midnight's Cottage

I enter the room, she had placed my bed in. The room, Midnight had set up for me. I could not help but notice the bed, the desk and the night stand. I have the same set of dolls on my desk, here, as I have on the desk in my room; only these are Humans, as opposed to the Ponies in my room. Okay, my other room.

“Ooh! How adorable!” I exclaim, as I find the dolls on my desk.

Once I had ogled at the dolls, for a moment, I turn towards the wardrobe. My wardrobe. The rest of the room does not scream for attention. A closed door, require a moment of exploration, I have to open the door so I can see what is inside. I must trust Midnight at least that much. Why else would I enter the room with her. Even if she currently is in the other room.

Shirts, skirts, bodies and bathing suits are all hanging from the top of the wardrobe. Gloves and stockings also hang in the wardrobe.

I have the panties and tops on a shelf in the middle of the wardrobe.

Wait, there are the tights, too!” I ponder.

These are exactly like the stockings she gave me; still remaining in the other wardrobe! Maybe I should try them out, now!” I consider.

I ogle the mainly pinkish, skin-tone rubber garments for a moment, before I am picking them up.

“Yes, I should definitely try these on! Even if I need to pull my socks of before I could slip these on!” I mumble.

Pulling the socks of, is not hard. They do not resist and I can easily slip my fingers in to slide them down. No resistance, none whatsoever.

"That feels a bit strange!” I ponder, as the socks had just slipped of my naked skin.

Had I grown so used to wearing these socks, I need to get used to not wearing them? That is odd, odd indeed.

I had slipped the socks of and taken a moment to explore and contemplate how it feels to be barefoot; after I had been wearing the socks Midnight had given me. Strangely enough, the longer I stay barefoot; the stranger and more uncomfortable it is feeling.

I take the chance, slipping the right stocking on, feeling the smooth and tight stocking on. The tightness is constricting as my foot slips all the way to the very end.

I look at my foot, in the stocking. My leg had not really changed, but I now have a hoof at the end of the leg. I giggle.

Since the tightness makes it feel good, I continue. I slip my left foot into the remaining stocking. I give the stockings a few tentative tugs; making sure they are sitting just right.

"Strange, but this does feel good!" I realize, almost despite myself.

The stockings are a light pinkish, skin-tone hue, while the hooves are the same cerise as the panties I wear.

“Curious!” I mumble.

I am standing up on my own two hooves, but it is almost as if I am standing on the tips of my toes. Yet, this does feel natural to me; almost as if I had been born, like this.

I take a moment to explore the situation, the change the stockings have imparted me with. I feel the smooth and almost slippery rubber, under my bare hands. My skin is still just as warm and sensitive, as it had been before.

Should I be delighted, or frightened?” I ponder, as I consider my situation.

Maybe I should just enjoy myself, for as long as this lasts? Maybe I wake up and everything was just a dream?” I continue.

I take a step back and close the door to the wardrobe behind myself. There is a squeaking noise from my hoof. I will just have to get used to these noises, when I am walking around in the room. Then again, I am sharing the room with Midnight. I am prepared to take a few surprises, for her. I could get used to a few oddities for her, as well.

She is my best friend, almost like a sister I never had.

“Clippety, clop; clippety, clop!” I hear my hooves squeak, as I continue to walk towards the door of my room.

“This bed room, is my inner sanctum; away from anything, and everything!” I ponder.

I giggle.

It is strange, to feel the floor; under what is to pass, for my hooves. Almost, as if I had been walking in someone else’s shoes. Or, some Pony’s? Either way, I don’t mind, it feels good.

However, it is a bit strange, to be several inches over where I am used to be. Even if I bend my knees, I am much taller than I am used to.

Strange ideas are swirling around in my head, notions that could not make sense in the world I had come from. Here, in the home I am sharing with Midnight Sparks; it is still making perfect sense. With her, strange and odd things are not just possible, but perfectly logical and reasonable.

Midnight Sparks is a Pony of Equestria, and this is a taste of what life is like in her world. The world where she came from, where she is born. Magic, and the effects of it is very real to her; in extension, now they are real to me too. I guess I could not complain? I am enjoying it, and having fun.

I walk out of my room, stepping right into the hall. Midnight is still exploring her creation.

Maybe I should see what happens, if I placed one or two of my pony dolls in that doll house?” I ponder.

Of course, the question is which doll, or dolls to pick. Even if I guess I could just take all of them at once. I just do not feel like taking all of them. Not just because it would be obvious and they would be missing on my desk.

Maybe I could ask her, to make another house for them; if they like their new home?” I ponder.

I close the door to my room, as I exit. From there, I continue through the hall and open the door; before I open the apparently now closed too and walk into my own room. With a few steps, I reach the desk, where the figurines are standing in a cozy group of plastic Ponies.

I look at them, considering the choice for a moment.

Who do I take; since I will leave the rest of them, where they are?” I ponder.

I end up, picking Derpy and the Doctor. Carefully scooping them up, before I walk back and close the door behind myself. I carry the two to the doll house and place them together in the kitchen. It just felt more appropriate to place them in this setting.

As I look closer, there is a table and a fridge, aside from all the usual stuff you expect in the kitchen. Actually, the entire house is furnished, if just a bit Spartan.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” I hear the sound of bare hooves of the pony trotting into the room.

“I could not leave the house unfurnished, on the of chance they are actually alive!” she points out.

“That is why I pulled out a pair of them, to let them have the chance! I want to see them enjoy the life they deserve together!” I respond.

“You chose Derpy and the Doctor?” she giggles.

“That’s as good a choice, as any!” I point out.

“Makes sense, and they deserve that life; together, to!” she points out, still grinning.

“In which case, we need a new house for the next selection!” I propose.

“Yes, we do indeed; they deserve a home, each and every one of them!” she agrees.

“Mr. and Mr’s. Whooves seems to happy together, even if Derpy always was the jolly Pony in the village!” I suggest.

“Now they can live, happily together, just like you and I?” she points out.

“Yes, I would very much hope so; only time will tell, if they are indeed alive in the manner to permit this!” I add.

I look up, and my eyes slowly wander over her form, exploring her body as she is standing beside me.

“You changed into something more comfortable?” I inquire.

“Yes, do you approve?” she inquires.

“The skirt and verst does suit you!” I point out; “Yes, I do indeed approve!” I continue.

“I notice, you finally did try out the stockings, I take it you are enjoying it!” she responds.

“It was a bit strange, at first; but now it feels quite comfortable!” I respond; “I guess I will wear these, in here; while I will wear the socks, in the other room where others see me!” I point out.

“Oh, yes; quite prudent, never know how you appear in the eyes of others!” she points out, in response.

“With you, I do not need to worry; how you see me, I can feel you enjoy my company!” I put forth.

“Yes, there is no point in denying that; I do indeed enjoy your company, quite a lot!” she confirms.

“Then I guess the feeling is mutual, I enjoy your company as well!” I point out.

“I know, I know; that is part of why I enjoy to be around you, and quite possibly why I could even do all this for the two of us!” she points out, matter of fact, while still grinning and giggling.

“You are the best friend a girl like me could possibly wish for, even if I had never expected it before!” I respond.

“With you, I am free to be myself; maybe that is why, you feel comfortable in being yourself around me too?” she inquires.

"That, and the way you let me explore things I never knew I could enjoy!” I respond.

“In place of the uptight cotton ensemble, you were wearing?” she inquires.

“I guess you could put it that way! Now I can be the girl I am, wearing these stockings and play around, without the fear of prejudice or expect any malice!” I point out.

“One does not hurt a friend! Simple as that!” she points out.

I giggle.

“Besides, I love preparing these for you, just as I crafted the room for the both of us!” she offers.

I can not change who, or what I am; but, I can improve myself. Exploring myself, with a good friend, by my side; helps me learn more of who I am and what I need and like!” I ponder.

Of course, I learn more about her in the process; just as I learn to listen to others, respecting my friend, as I go along!” I ponder.

My trust ties me to her; she is my friend, deserving of my trust. In the mirror, she learns to listen to me, trusting in me. If the reflection is broken, the friendship may ultimately be shattered. Could it be repaired? I do not wish to find out. I trust her and respect her.

My steps had taken me to the room, with a double bed. I notice her horn aglow, as it lights up. She opens the door and we step right in. The door is closed behind us and we continue up to the bed.

I climb up into the bed from one side, while she is climbing up into the bed from the other. I face her, as she is facing me. I grin at her, while she is grinning back at me. I see my friend.

She may not be a pet, but she is still a Pony. A Pony, is not a Horse. Had she been a Horse, she could never have fit in the room or the bed. She is a Pony, and my Friend.

I enjoy to feel the smoothness of her furry head. I reach out my hand, momentarily scratching her behind her right ear. Absentmindedly enjoying the brief contact.

She does not pull back, or protest. I can feel, how she is enjoying the closeness of the touch. She may not purr like a cat, and she does not say a word. It is, as if she did not feel like breaking the spell or squandering the moment with a word. She just enjoys the moment, mindlessly feeling without a single thought.

I turn over on my back and close my eyes. She is turning towards me. Somehow, I just know, without looking. The feeling one has for a close friend.

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