• Published 29th Mar 2019
  • 5,769 Views, 92 Comments

Temporal Disequilibrium - Wild Wire

What if you had the ability to control time? So much so that you're basically able to do anything? My answer, is make some friends! Now if only everypony wasn't afraid of me.

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Chapter 1: The Start (Refreshed)

What if you had the ability to control time? So much so that you're basically able to do anything?

I ponder questions like these all the time, especially when I'm supposed to be asleep. I just ask myself hey, what if I could do this or that? That'd be neat! And with how much time I have to think, I just explore the possibilities. Most of the time I just fantasize about messing with people, or saving the day, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. I just think for fun, to see what I can come up with.

I thought about what if I could teleport, or if I had super speed, or if I could fly, or if I had super intelligence, or if I was actually great in any capacity. Well, I'm kind of smart I guess, but just thinking that makes me feel like I'm being narcissistic. I'm not strong, I'm not very attractive, and I'm not the nicest person. I'm not mean, just not very nice either.

I was so lost in thought, I almost didn't even notice I was suddenly sitting with my legs crossed in the middle of a forest.


"The f- heck?" I don't like swearing aloud, but in my head.

The fuck just happened?


"Ow! fucking shit!" Well, getting hit in the head will also do it. I grumble and turn towards the object that hit me. It was a simple cardboard box, about the size of a brick, with a folded piece of lined paper taped to the side. I look around to see who threw it, and see nothing but forest. Shrugging once, I take the paper off the box and unfold it.

"Hello Turner Youth! I'm your future self! Or present, depending on how you look at it. Long story short, you have time powers, POWERFUL time powers, like, some overpowered bullshit time powers.-" I raise an eyebrow. "-HEY! put that eyebrow down! I'm not done yet!-" My other eyebrow raises "-So now that I have your attention, I can give you some information. Inside this box is a list of a few different things you can do with your time powers, including some limits to it, a map of your surroundings, and the closest thing to a Snickers bar I could find. Sorry this is so abrupt, but it's kind of not my fault. Be ya soon!"

Well, if this is a prank, whoever's behind it definitely knows me well, and also had a pun!

I set down the note, open the box and unfold the map. Another note is blocking it. I read that as well.

"P.S. You're in Equestria, so try to make some friends, like I know you will."


A pause.

"Oh, shit."

I sat there for a moment, before mindlessly reaching for the Snickers bar.

"Well, you're not you when you're hungry!" I laugh. After eating the bar, I look at the map, and sure enough, a little drawing of me, in my art style, is standing near the edge of the Everfree forest, with a small sentence saying that Ponyville is in the direction my legs are facing, making me realize I'm still sitting cross legged.

I go back to the box, and pick up the list of abilities.

"1. You can rewind time back and can travel back in time as well, the difference being one rewinds like a VHS tape, and even rewinds you, but the other sends you back immediately and you can interact with your past self. It's much easier to send small items through time."

"2. You can freeze time completely, and while in this frozen state everything but you will be weightless. Fatty. You can move objects while time is frozen but they freeze as soon as you let go. No, objects don't gain hyper speed momentum if you throw it in frozen time and unfreeze it, unless you only SLOWED time, in which case, yeah that works."

"3. You can slow down time or fast forward time. This is much more obvious so I wont be explaining it."

"4. You can steal events. That doesn't make much sense does it? Let me describe it this way, imagine a bullet is shot at your friend. Oh no! Just activate the ability before your friend is hit, and deactivate it once the bullet has passed. Congrats! You stole the event of them being hit by the bullet. Now they wont be hit, and you grow in power by stealing the event. You can also steal previous events that just recently happened, just in case you missed your chance, but that takes a little more energy."

"5. You can reuse events you stole. Let's say your friend suddenly turned evil! You can simply place the event back in current time, and BAM, it'll be like they were just shot by a bullet, because they WERE! This makes you lose a bit of your power again. No, you can't just hit yourself and erase it to gain infinite power... well, you CAN, but that would take forever."

"6. You don't age anymore. You can still die, probably, but you won't age. Ever. Have fun! Also, stealing events makes the world look like it froze for a moment, and no one remembers what you stole. Stealing a bullet's event DOESN'T make the bullet move differently, it makes it pass through still, just without the whole hitting it's target part. Like it phased through. If you jump at a wall, and steal the part where you hit it, you can actually lag your way through the wall if it's thin enough. If its not, you'll just end up next to the wall on the same side you were on."

I read the whole thing. This really IS some overpowered bullshit time powers! This entire thing is just one giant mess! At least I understand this though. About time to head to Ponyville I suppose!