• Published 29th Mar 2019
  • 5,758 Views, 91 Comments

Temporal Disequilibrium - Wild Wire

What if you had the ability to control time? So much so that you're basically able to do anything? My answer, is make some friends! Now if only everypony wasn't afraid of me.

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Other Princess Gets Pranked (No Not That One)

Realizing that I still had a full day before I had to come back, I warped back out of the hive and took some time to think of what to do next. I could just fast forward time and wait for something to happen, but that would be boring. Trust me, you don't know boredom until you don't sleep for a week. I know I don't have a need for sleep, but I think I can still sleep if I wanted to. I kept myself from doing that though because of a certain dream princess. Not that I have anything against Luna! I'm just worried I would be vulnerable in my sleep. And what if I dream of future events? Luna could find out what's going to happen! I cant exactly have that happening, now can I? Unless I get lucid dreams, I don't want Luna in my head.

After all this thought, I decide to prank Luna... later. She's probably asleep or something right now. But who else could I prank?



I warp to her, and see her walking up a spiral staircase. I have no idea where we are, but the set up is too perfect.

Cadence was just on her way to visit Celestia after receiving a pretty vague letter from her. Usually, Celestia is more specific when she sends letters to her, but all it said was that she was requested to be at the castle, and preferably sooner than later. That was the short of it at least, the letter was actually longer than that. Speaking of longer, this staircase just seemed to keep going! She was already annoyed walking up it.

She leaned inward to the staircase railing, and saw the top was pretty far up, far enough that she couldn't tell how close she was. She looked back, and-

Wait, I'm at the bottom? She asked herself in her mind, completely befuddled. Maybe I zoned out?

She started walking again, looking up the staircase, deciding to put what just happened under mystery in her mind. She walked, and walked, and walked, and looked back down.

She hasn't progressed at all.

What is going on here? She thought, more annoyed than before. She began to walk faster. Once again, once she thought she made decent distance, she looked back down and again, no distance was made. She felt like she was going mad already.

That creepy looping song in the distance definitely wasn't helping.

She started to walk up faster, and faster, until she was almost running. She counted her steps carefully as she did so. She turned around.

"That's it! No more games!" She lit her horn, preparing to teleport. She wasn't the most experienced at it, but she decided she needed the practice. In a flash, she was at the top, looking near the edge to the bottom.

"Yes!" She said, victorious. She turned around and started walking up the other staircase-Wait a minute.

This was a singular tower, it didn't have two staircases. She forced herself to turn around.

She was at the bottom.

"Why!?" She cried in annoyance. Her mane was frazzled, and she was nearly out of breath from running.

"Because it's funny, now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be now." An unfamiliar voice said, just outside of her vision.

She turned around, but she was at the top of the stairs.

That was hilarious, I had to stop myself from laughing the whole time! Well, the whole time time was moving anyways. I also got a little bit curious and found a letter in her bags. Celestia wanted Cadence to visit her for a vague reason. Now I was definitely intrigued. It might even be about me! I decided to stealthily follow Cadence, see what this was about.

Cadence walked through the door at the top of the staircase, and closed it behind her. I walked up to the door and kept walking, using the same trick I've used before to basically phase through, before I froze time again and made sure she wasn't looking at the door when I did that. She wasn't. It seemed like I was in a sort of meeting room, at the top of the tower we were in. Celestia and a very tired Luna were sitting side by side at a small-ish table, waiting for Cadence to sit down opposite of them. Luckily, the didn't seem to see me enter either, my body was obscured by Cadence's body, and I had already frozen time before I moved.

Hiding behind a nearby plant, behind Celestia and Luna, I unfroze time and waited.

"Did you have any trouble getting here? I was so sure you were going to be here a minute earlier." Celestia asked, sliding Luna two bits with this sort of look on her face that looked like a disguised I'll be getting those back real soon.

"I would have been, if somepony didn't prank me with the staircase." She stated, almost making me reveal myself with a laugh. Good thing I can freeze time, huh?

"Oh? What did they do?" Celestia asked with a new look in her eye.

"Somehow, they kept putting me at the bottom of the stairs. I even teleported to the top, turned around, and I was back at the bottom again. There wasn't any teleportation flash from the staircase, so I have no idea how they did it."

"Did you catch who it was?" Luna asked in interest, before yawning.

"Nope, just their voice. When I tried to turn around, I was at the top of the stairs."

"Well, I do believe I might know who it is." Celestia commented. Oh please don't do the thing where you go in fact, he's right here. I'm begging you!

"Earlier today, I was pranked as well." Celestia continued. "He fooled me by pretending he was Discord in a new body, and even had a few tricks to pull off the strangeness. Putting all my guards in the throne room into the hedge maze, having his voice come from different places when he spoke, and even eating a spear!"

"Why were we not told of this, sister?" Luna asked. "If the guards were really misplaced, then why are we just hearing this now?"

"Because he put everything back."

"That doesn't mean he's out of the clear, the guards must have been so confused, going to the hedge maze and back."

"I said he put everything back." Celestia added, confusing both Luna and Cadence. "I didn't catch his name, but he is not a pony. He's something I've never even seen before. His face is very flat, he's bipedal and he was wearing clothes. I just called this meeting to let you know to keep and eye out for him."

"Yeah, keep an eye out for the one that's not naked all the time." I said with a grin, casually walking out of my hiding spot and startling everyone. "You all have fur, which must be very hot all the time." I added.

"Oh, you're here!" Celestia said after quickly composing herself.

"Yep, and also, speaking of hot, you look nice Luna." I say, adding a little wink at the end towards her.

"We do not understand what temperature has do with appearance, but thank you for the compliment?" Luna said, electing a chuckle from both me and Celestia. Cadence just looked at me like I was an alien though.

Oh, wait.

"I happened to overhear, or read actually, that this meeting was happening and I got curious, thinking it was about me. I know that sounds narcissistic, but I was actually narcissistic and right! So it all worked out." I say, trying to get another laugh. Luna actually chuckled this time, but the Cadence was still staring and Celestia just went ahem.

"So, since you're here, we have some questions." Celestia says.

"Sure, I'm up for a Q&A, nothing too personal though please." I was amazed that they weren't all overreacting at my appearance.

"Alright, so what's your first question?" I asked.

Author's Note:

I'm gonna do a Q&A chapter, so be prepared for that, unless you want to skip it, It MIGHT not have anything actually important and just be a bonus chapter or something, I don't know. I'll try to give Turner lot's of ego. Not the douche kind, but the fun and confident kind.

Thanks for reading, and make sure to leave some comments. Those are like food to me. (I would say energy drinks instead of food, but I don't drink energy drinks.)