• Published 29th Mar 2019
  • 5,769 Views, 92 Comments

Temporal Disequilibrium - Wild Wire

What if you had the ability to control time? So much so that you're basically able to do anything? My answer, is make some friends! Now if only everypony wasn't afraid of me.

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Chapter 2: The Ponyville Welcome

After heading out of the forest, surprisingly with no trouble from timberwolves or anything, I march onward towards the not so distant town of Ponyville. Already though, I can predict that something is probably going to go badly. Ever since I started to near the town, I would keep seeing a flash of rainbow in the corner of my peripheral vision. It's obviously Rainbow Dash spying on me because I'm an unknown creature, but I decide to ignore it and continue onward. As long as I'm not attacked, I'll be fine.

It's at this point that I've actually entered the town, and, as expected, it looks empty. Everypony is hiding. Nope, wait, there's Applejack, running towards me with a lasso. I chose to stop and see where this goes.

Applejack throws the lasso, and I think this is the perfect opportunity to test my new abilities. Let's see if I can steal this. Right before the lasso makes contact with me, I try to take the event.

My vision freezes, before quickly jutting forward. It really does look like the world lagged I mentally note. I look down. The lasso is on the ground now, under my feet. I look back forward to see a befuddled Applejack.

Just smile and wave, boys. Just smile and wave. I jokingly think as I do so. It seems to have just make her more confused though. Oh well. My focus it lost as from the distance I hear a strange noise.

What is that? Is that- oh, that's what it is. I think, recognizing the silly descending tone of something falling. I slow time to a quarter of normal speed, just to gather a quick look at who it probably is. The color of the world desaturates, that must be a way of telling if it worked or not. I look back down at myself and see myself still in full color.

I do a quick spin and turn towards the now even slower, deeper noise. To my surprise, it's not Rainbow Dash, but actually Pinkie Pie, with her arms forward, having just shot herself out of her party cannon. She's also a lot closer than I thought she would be. My first instinct is do dodge, but I instead get a better idea.

I open my arms.

You better prepare for the hug of your life, Pinkie. I think as I speed time up back to normal.

I close my arms around her as she slams into my chest, pulling her into the tightest hug I can.

And she bites me.

"GAH!" I cry from the pain. Note to self, don't underestimate Pinkie! Holy shit that hurts! I throw her off of me, and jumping backwards, I accidentally but very luckily dodge a purple magic laser beam from the left. I turn to see Twilight Sparkle glaring at me from quite a distance. No wings yet I quickly note.

I decide to try freezing time, to see if I can find Rarity in this mess. This time, all color fades, leaving the world in black and white. I double check myself. Yep, still full color! I look around for Rarity, and I can't seem to find her anywhere. Not caring to search too long, I move time forward just a little bit, changing time from frozen, to very slow.

Then I run.

Why didn't I just run while time was frozen? It's because I don't want them to think I can basically teleport, that's why! This way, they'll just think I'm really fast.

I decide to run back to the forest, to see if Zecora is more accepting of me. Three of the main six tried to attack me, I'm not taking my chances and having them ALL gang up on me. Since the other ponies are hiding from me as well, I assume that the whole don't judge a book by it's cover lesson hasn't happened yet. Damn, how early am I in the show!? Jeez!

I turn around as I run, and see an incoming Rainbow Dash. I slow time farther to out run her.

Wait a minute, why am I running? I can just slow time even more and walk the rest of the way.

I do that, and it seems to work just fine. From their perspective, I haven't changed speed all that much, but for me it's MUCH easier on my legs. Continuing to out pace Rainbow by taking a light stroll, I begin to near the forest again. Rainbow stops right at the edge of the forest, as I continue to walk through.

Taking the map I was given out of my pocket, I check to see if I can find Zecora's hut. It's marked on the map, but I don't really have much of a frame of reference with a map that has so little detail. I have a rough estimate though, and that's good enough for me. If I get lost, I can always just rewind myself to a point I know where I am.

So going to Ponyville was a bad idea, so let's make a mental list of where else I could go. First, Zecora. Already heading there. Next is... hmm. Maybe the changelings? I know they're kind of evil right now but maybe I could make some sort of alliance with them, at least maybe a visit? I don't know. I could try to go to Canterlot and befriend Celestia. Then she could tell everyone else I'm nice, but how would I go about doing that? I don't want to walk that far! Besides, if Ponyville was quick to judge, who says Celestia wont be? Hell, maybe I could find a way to travel faster and go to Starlight's village. Maybe. I don't know.

Let's just hope Zecora can help me.

And I continued forward on a vague path to find a tree hut in the middle of a deadly forest.

Oh boy. This will definitely take a very long time.