• Published 8th Apr 2019
  • 992 Views, 18 Comments

Welcome to the Jungle: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

One by one, old pai zhua masters start to show up in Equestria

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Out of the woods

Casey’s life was very strange. He had first attended this Pai Zhua Academy less than two years ago. He was always the underdog. Everyone picked on him, knowing he wouldn’t fight back. No one wanted to hang out with him. But that all changed the day of the tournament finals. The champion was bossing around another student because he thought he earned that authority. By then, Casey had enough bullying. Casey stood up for the student, and his life had been changing ever since.

Since that moment, Casey became a Power Ranger. Originally, only the tournament winners were supposed to be the rangers. But Master Mao thought that Jared, the bully, didn’t deserve to be a ranger. Instead, he chose Casey because of his bravery in standing up to Jared. Casey became not only a living, breathing Power Ranger, but he was chosen to be the red ranger, the leader. Of course Jared wasn’t happy about this, so in his outfit of rage, he accidentally unleashed an evil spirit named Dai Shi, who possessed Jared and used him to attack the innocent. And sure, there were a few bumps on the way, but Casey and his friends still managed to destroy Dai Shi.

Now, Casey taught at the very Pai Zhua Academy. He was a Pai Zhua master. Jared was now one of his best friends. Even with all of that, he still missed the action of being a Power Ranger.

At the moment, Casey was on his way back from lunch with the others. He had a class to teach. He still didn’t understand why Theo and Lily were still working at the old pizza parlor. He decided he wouldn’t dwell. Once he arrived at the academy, he gathered his students. Jared told him that he and Camille were taking today off, so they weren’t present today. “Okay, everyone. Today we’re gonna learn the art of humility. Now, it’s important to have self-confidence, but too much of it can be dangerous. You must balance your self-confidence with humility. Now, humility is knowing your limits. This doesn’t mean not to try, but to know when you’ve tried enough,” Casey told his class.

“Now, for today’s exercise, you’re all gonna be paired up with a fighter bot. Each bot is currently set to its lowest skill level. As you continue, the skill level will increase. You’re gonna fight your robot until you feel that you cannot take anymore. Each robot is set so that of you quit at a certain point, it will give either a thumbs up or a thumbs down. If you get a thumbs up, you can stop. If you get a thumbs down, keep going until you get a thumbs up,” Casey instructed as he brought out the fighter bots.

The students began to fight their bot when Master Mao called him out of the class. “Hey, what’s going on?” Casey asked him.

“I have been sensing something strange around the school. I’ve never felt this until a few days ago. I want you to go check it out,” Master Mao instructed.

“Yes, Master,” Casey bowed and went outside.

Casey walked around the school for a moment, his eyes peeled for anything suspicious. After a few minutes, he heard the faintest of growls. He tapped into his instincts to see what he should do, and his instincts told him to go check out. He did, and he found a few Rinshi carrying a tablet of some sort. They were being instructed by a Rinshi wearing a red suit to signify that he we leader. Casey wasn’t sure what to think of the situation. He thought all of the Rinshi were destroyed. His instincts told him to take action. He jumped into the middle of the Rinshi and started to attack them. The Rinshi were all too surprised to fight back. Casey didn’t even need to use his morpher.

Once all of the Rinshi were taken down, Casey stood to face the leader. “I see you’ve finally fought wind of our presence,” it said. “It doesn’t matter. You’re too late.”

“We’ll see about that,” Casey said as he charged the Rinshi leader. Before he could make contact, however, it held up the tablet as it showed Casey’s reflection. It then showed the reflection of an entire other place. Casey tried to stop, but he was sucked into the tablet.

Meanwhile in Equestria

It had been a little over a week since the Dino Thunder Power Rangers had gone back to Earth. Rainbow Dash was still getting over Connor’s absence. She was embarrassed to admit it, but she really did love him. Part of her wanted to pass through Twilight’s portal just to go see him. She had even brought the idea up with the others.

“That’s not really a good idea,” Twilight protested, “the portal opens up at Canterlot High School. People will be creeped out at there being two of you. Besides, you wouldn’t even know where to look for Connor.”

“Didn’t Ethan say they were in a place called Reefside?” Rainbow pleaded.

“He said they went to school in Reefside. He didn’t say where they lived now. Look, I know you miss Connor, we all do, but if you crossed over every time you wanted to see him, you’d rarely ever stay in Equestria,” Twilight concluded.

The most Rainbow could do was think about the time they shared: being chained together, playing soccer, him saving her from the rock monster, and him kissing her before he left. She decided to go for a flight to clear her head. She took off and began to really enjoy herself. It had been a while since she had done this.

When she tried to pull off one of her stunts, a sudden, fierce gust of wind took complete control of her movement. She was eventually forced down to the ground. She looked up to see some sort of two-legged eagle descending in front of her. “So, you’re supposed to be the best flyer in Equestria? Pathetic,” it said to her.

“I’m not afraid of you!” she shouted back.

“You should be. Do you know who I am? I am Carnisoar, the Overlord of the sky. Soon all of Equestria will bow to me and the other Overlords,” he replied.

“You’ll have to get through me first!” Rainbow said as she charged Carnisoar. Carnisoar simply responded by using another gust of wind to send her flying.

Back in town, Twilight saw what was going on and went to help her friend. When she saw what Rainbow was up against, she fired one of her most powerful spells at it. It did absolutely nothing. She tried again and got the same result.

“I don’t get it, why isn’t this working?” she asked herself. This got the beast’s attention.

“Your magic is no match for my power,” it said throwing a gust at her. “What’s that? He’s here!?” the monster said to itself. “You got lucky, next i me I’ll finish you,” the monster said as it flew away.

“What was that thing” Twlight said, tending to Rainbow.

“It called itself Carnisoar. He said he was the ‘Overlord of the sky’. I have a funny feeling I know where he came from though,” Rainbow replied.

The two of them gathered their friends at told them what happened.

“I’m pretty sure that thing came from Earth,” Rainbow said.

“What’s yer point there?” Applejack asked.

“I think I know,” said Starlight “Don’t you girls remember what happened last time a villain from Earth threatened Equestria?”

“You don’t think that Connor and the others are going to come back, do you?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Starlight replied.

“Well, how about they threw their Dino Gems into the black hole to defeat Zeltrax?” Fluttershy said.

“Oh right. I forgot about that,” Starlight said.

Outside, a few screams could be heard. The seven of them ran to the window to see that Ponyville was under attack by brown suited beasts, with white, creepy faces. They ran outside to face them. “Not Tyrannadrones, but not exactly friendly,” Starlight said. She, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash charged into battle while Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie got the locals to safety.

Starlight tried to blast the enemy, but her magic did no good. “I tried it earlier. It won’t work,” Twilight told her.

“Looks like we’re gonna have to fight these guys the old fashioned way,” Rainbow said. She flew into battle and knocked one enemy down. She flew a bit higher, but the enemy could jump pretty high, and it managed to grab hold of her. Applejack bucked it with her hooves and took out another one while was at it.

Starlight teleported directly to another one and sent it flying way back. “Magic works, you just have to use it right,” she said with a slight smirk. Twilight tried the same thing and it worked. They continued the fight until all of the monster were down.

“I bet I can guess who sent those things,” Rainbow said. Not more than two seconds later, there was a blinding flash. When it receded, there was a human in its place. Rainbow got excited and flew toward the human. But the when she got a little closer, she saw that the human wasn’t anyone she’d ever seen before. He had moderately short hair and light skin. He was wearing a red jacket and he had a tattoo of some kind of scratch marks on his wrists.

Rainbow let out a sad sigh. This got the human’s attention. He turned to see Rainbow and he jumped back a bit.

“Woah, calm down there. It’s okay, you’re just in another dimension called Equestria,” Twilight said.

“Um, okay. But what exactly are you?” he said in response.

“Oh right. I’m Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn. This is Rainbow Dash, a pegasus. This is Applejack, an Earth pony. And this is Starlight Glimmer, a unicorn,” Twilight told him.

“Okay. Now you don’t happen to know why I’m here do you?” he asked.

“Well, that depends,” Starlight replied.

“On what, exactly?”

“Are you a Power Ranger?”

Author's Note:

Okay guys, here’s the start of my next story. If you can’t already tell, this takes place in the same universe as “Prehistoric Thunder,” so if you haveread that, I suggest you do so. I’m gonna take a slightly different approach than that story, so this will move a bit slower.

Yours truly,