• Published 8th Apr 2019
  • 996 Views, 18 Comments

Welcome to the Jungle: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

One by one, old pai zhua masters start to show up in Equestria

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Into a new world

Casey wans’t sure what to. In just under an hour, he found Rinshi by the Pai Zhuhai Academy, he defeated those Rinshi, he was sucked into some strange tablet, he was now face to face with talking, magical ponies, and one of them had just asked him if he was a Power Ranger. He had no idea how to respond. His instincts told him that honesty would be the best option here.

Casey took a deep breath and said, “Yes, I am a Power Ranger? May I ask you how you knew that?”

The one that had called herself Twilight Sparkle answered, “We don’t get a lot of humans in Equestria. In fact, the only other humans that entered this place other than yourself were also Power Rangers.”

This made Casey ease up a little bit. “If you mind my asking, which team were they?”

“They were the Power Rangers Dino Thunder,” answered Starlight Glimmer.

The one that Twilight earlier referred as Rainbow Dash was looking rather sad, which Casey couldn’t help but notice. Before he could ask why, he remembered what Starlight had said earlier. “Starlight, earlier you asked you said you might know why I was here, depending on whether or not I was a ranger. Why?”

“Oh, right,” she answered, “we were just attacked by a villiain we believe came from Earth. The Dino Rangers came here to stop another villain that also came from Earth,” she explained.

“By the way, what color are you?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I’m a red ranger,” Casey responded.

“What was your team called?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We called ourselves ‘Power Rangers Jungle Fury’,” Casey answered. At this, Rainbow Dash drooped her head again and looked away from Casey. Casey couldn’t stop himself from asking, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, really,” she answered before flying away. Casey looked at the others with a confused look.

“It’s a long story,” Twilight answered. “Anyhow, why don’t you come get something to eat?” Casey obliged.

“So, where exactly are we going?” Casey asked.

“To Ponyville. That’s where we all live,” Twilight said with a smile. Suddenly, Casey’s instincts told him to be on the look out. He looked around and saw nothing.

Once they arrived, the ponies took him to what looked like a bakery. “This place is called Sugarcube Corner. It’s the best place to eat here in Ponyville,” said Starlight.

When they walked inside, Casey was greeted by a pink pony with a huge smile. “Ohmygoshareyouapowerrangeritssonicetomeetyouimpinkiepieareyougonnasaceusfromthatbigbadeaglethatattackeddashie?” said the pink pony.

“Umm...what?” Casey asked.

“It’s really no use tryin’ ta understand ‘er. That’s Pinkie Pie, she’s like that a lot,” Applejack told Casey.

“Oh, okay. Wait a second, what do you mean ‘big bad eagle’?” Casey asked.

“Oh yeah. Right before you were transported here, we were attacked by a monster that looked like an eagle. It called itself ‘Carnisoar’. Do you know who that is?” Twilight asked.

“I do. I’ve fought him before. I thought he was destroyed,” Casey responded.

“That’s what the Dino Rangers thought about their enemy,” Starlight said.

“Hold on, did he say if the other Overlords were here?” Casey asked, urgently.

“I don’t know. He went after Rainbow Dash more than anything,” Twilight said. “I’ll have to talk to her about it,” Casey said, “enough talk though. I’m starving.”

With that, they all sat down to eat. Casey didn’t see anything that really interested him, just a ‘bunch of pastries. He prided himself on eating well. He settled on a slice of carrot. When he went to take a bite, he went wide-eyed. This was the best cake he’d eaten in his life. He let out an audible main of enjoyment. This earned him embarrassing looks from the ponies. He rolled his eyes and finished his cake.

After they all finished eating, they all stayed and talked about the situation. “So, how many more Overlords are there, other than Carnisoar?” Twilight asked.

“There are two others: Jellica the Overlord of the sea, and Grizzaka the Overlord of land. They’re all really powerful. Last time, we barely beat those guys,” Casey explained.

“How many other Jungle Rangers are there?” asked Starlight.

“There are four others: Theo the blue ranger, Lily the yellow ranger, RJ the wolf ranger, and Dominic the rhino ranger.”

“Why do you call them that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like wolf ranger or rhino ranger?”

“Well, our power comes from within ourselves in the form of animal spirit. Like for instance, my animal spirit is the tiger. I can use this animal spirit for battle, instincts, reasoning, you name it. RJ’s animal spirit was the wolf, so he was called the wolf ranger. Dominic’s animal spirit was the rhino, so he was the rhino ranger,” Casey explained.

Twilight was astounded. The Dino Rangers’ powers were already amazing to witness and research, but this new ‘animal spirit’ could be even better. “Just out of curiosity, what’s that tattoo on your arm?” she asked.

“This isn’t a tattoo. They’re Pai Zhua Master stripes. You earn them when your animal spirit reaches a certain point in strength,” Casey responded. Now Twilight was even more excited. She had so many more questions to ask Casey. She probably would have too, if it weren’t for a couple of screams that could be heard outside. She and the others ran outside to see an enemy similar to the ones they had fought before, but this one had a red suit instead of brown. “What is that thing?” Starlight asked, mostly to herself.

Casey heard her and answered, “They’re called Rinshi. It feeds on fear.”

With that, Casey charged into battle with the Rinshi. They seemed to be equally matched, one not gaining an advantage on the other. It was a flurry of attacks. They broke struck as fast as they could. During the fight, a few more of the brown-suited Rinshi showed up and started attacking. Twilight and the others started to fight back, but without their magic they couldn’t do much. Applejack’s strength was enough for her to hold her own. These Rinshi had pretty high centers of gravity, so she had no trouble taking them down. Starlight and Twilight had a bit more trouble, on the other hand. Just as before, their magic had no effect on the Rinshi. It didn’t matter which spells they used, it was hopeless.

“It seems no one here is afraid of you,” Casey taunted the leading Rinshi.

We’ll see about that,” it responded. With that, it drew a few daggers and threw them at the citizens. Luckily, nopony got hit, but they were still running in terror. Casey saw as the leading Rinshi took a deep breath and sucked in the fear. The leader molted it’s read suit and out the back came a monster that slightly resembled a mantis. “Now, you see my true form. I am Vampris, the spirit of the praying mantis,” it said.

“I guess I do need these,” said Casey, pulling out a pair of red sunglasses.

Starlight saw Casey put them on. “What does he thinking he’s doing. Those aren’t exactly weapons,” she said to herself.

Casey pressed a button on the side of them and shouted, “Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!” A few flash of lights and loud roars later, Starlight saw a red ranger with red and black stripe patterns, as opposed to the white triangle patterns on the Dino Rangers’ suits. Casey was now morphed and ready to fight.

“Let’s see if you’re really as strong as you were before,” Vampris taunted as it charged toward Casey. Casey met it in the middle. The two threw a flurry of attacks at each other. A few seconds later, Casey threw a hard drive at the monster and gained the advantage from their. Vampris tried to fight back, but it couldn’t regain its ground long enough to attack. It only got worse for Vampris when Casey pulled out a pair of nunchucks. He swung around and at the monster. Vampires had enough. Casey charged his power and unleashed a barrage of slashes from his nunchucks, causing the monster to fall and explode.

After the action was over, Casey pressed the button on his visor and powered down. Twilight and the others ran up to him. “That was amazing. It was a completely different fighting style from the Dino Rangers,” she said to Casey.

“Thanks, Twilight. I don’t think he absorbed enough fear to grow, so I think I’m done for now,” Casey responded.

“Let’s go introduce him to the others,” Starlight said.

This caught Casey’s attention. “Others? How many ‘others’ are there?” he asked.

“You’ll see. Don’t worry, they’re all really nice,” Twilight responded with a chuckle.

Twilight gathered all of her friends at the castle, even Rainbow Dash, who showed up reluctantly. She was still missing Connor too much to really feel like getting to know Casey. “Girls, this is Casey. And yes, he’s a Power Ranger,” Twilight said, “Casey, this is Fluttershy, Rarity, and you already know Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.”

“It’s nice to meet all of you,” Casey said with a smile. That was al it took for Rarity and Fluttershy to forget about personal space. They crowded him asking him all sorts of questions. Casey looked at Twilight with a confused smile. She couldn’t hold in a chuckle.

“So, I take it you’re going to deal with that eagle-thing, darling,” Rarity said.

“Along with any other monster that shows up here in...sorry I forgot the name of this place,” Casey confessed.

“It’s fine. You’re in Equestria,” Twilight responded. As weird as this place was, Casey thought he could get used to it.


Carnisoar backed away from his telescope, disappointed. There simply was not enough fear in this place to bring down the red ranger. Jellica walked into the room Carnisoar was in. “If you’re worried about fear, I believe I have a solution,” she told him.

“What do you propose?” Carnisoar asked.

“We go straight to the top.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
I’m not gonna lie, I’m really looking forward to writing this story. Although, I’m finding it a lot harder to write than Prehistoric Thunder. Autocorrect hates these names. Anyhow, tomorrow’s my birthday. If you want to give me a present, leave a comment telling me what you thought. But don't ask when the other Jungle Rangers are coming they’ll be here soon. And I’m even planning to give you guys an extra special treat in a future chapter.
