• Published 8th Apr 2019
  • 993 Views, 18 Comments

Welcome to the Jungle: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

One by one, old pai zhua masters start to show up in Equestria

  • ...

Thunderstruck (part 3)

Author's Note:

Hey guys,

A note at the top, interesting. Anyhow, this is where we say hello to the ‘romance’ tag. If you haven’t figured out which two characters I’m shipping, I’m gonna leave you to figure that out on your own. Enjoy reading “Thunderstruck part 3.” Tell me what you thought of the crossover in the comments. I had a lot of fun with this bit.

Yours truly,

Rito Revolto stood, waiting for the rangers to show up. According to Jellica, he was the bait...again. He was starting to get tired of being the bait. Then again, as long as the Overlords kept Tommy Oliver busy, he didn’t care what he was. The rangers had been taking forever. How hard was it to find a skeleton in a land full of ponies. He was just outside the town, in plain sight.

Carnisoar flew up next to him. “You haven't done anything to attract the rangers’ attention.”

“Oh right. I knew I forgot something,” Rito said. He then struck the ground with a lighting bolt from his blade.

Carnisoar facepalmed. “Attack one of them!”

“Okay, okay. You’re worse than Edd. I still can’t believe my sister married that guy.”

Rito walked into town and used his sword to attack and scare the ponies. They all ran in terror of what stood in front of them.

“Now this ought to get the rangers’ attention,” he said.

Carnisoar rolled his eyes and got back into position.

Sure enough, the rangers all came running up to Rito. “Took you guys long enough. I’ve been here for hours,” said Rito.

“if you’ve been here that long and we’ve only been called here now, you must suck at your job,” said Theo.

“Ugh, that’s it. You guys are so going down,” said Rito.

“”Keep an eye out. Carnisoar and Jellica could be anywhere,” said Casey.

“Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!”
“Dino Thunder! Power Up!”

The four rangers all morphed and charged into battle. Rito tried to fight, but he was overwhelmed. Casey used his nunchucks to knock Rito off balance as Theo and Lily sent an electrical charge at Rito. Tommy used his staff to fire lasers at Rito and they hit hard. Rito fired a laser back at Tommy, but it was blocked by Theo an Lily.

“Looks like this is our queue,” said Jellica.

She and Carnisoar jumped into battle. Jellica started by going after Tommy. She used a wave to attack him, but he used his staff to counter with another wave. Casey caught Jellica off guard and struck her with his nunchucks. She tried to turn and attack him, but Tommy attacked her before she could reach Casey. Carnisoar went after Theo and Lily. He tried using wind to get them on the air, but they kept their composure and struck back. They used their weapons to attack him, and Carnisoar dropped his blade.

Rito tried to get back into the fight, but the mane six stood in his way. He fired a thunder bolt at them, but Twilight blocked it with a shield. When she put down the shield, Starlight instantly teleported behind him and blasted him. Rito went flying toward Applejack, who buck him as hard as she could. Rito went flying up into the air. Rainbow used a tornado to cause him to go out of control. Rito tried firing a laser, but he couldn’t get a clear shot. Rainbow began to slow down in hopes Rito would hit the ground, but Rito activated a Jetpack and remained in the air. He fired another laser at Rainbow, and she wasn’t fast enough to dodge.

“One down...a couple more to go,” Rito said to himself.

Rainbow was saved by Twilight’s magic. She lowered Rainbow onto the ground slowly as she readied a spell to attack. Rito tried to get a little closer to hit them. He got too close and was hit by a stray laser from Tommy. This sent his jetpack out of control.

As a result of all the chaos, Rito dropped his blade. It landed on Casey. Casey tried to shake it off, but Jellica wrapped a tentacle around him. Tommy tried to cut him loose, but his staff went right through the tentacle. Jellica took the opportunity to attack Tommy. She struck him hard with her spear. It took all of Tommy’s strength to stay morphed.

Carnisoar threw another gust at the rangers, and they dodged it again. At this point, he was just waiting for them to get close. He moved toward Jellica. Theo and Lily followed. Theo tried attacking Carnisoar with his tonfas, but Carnisoar dodged and grabbed hold of Theo. Lily attached, but Carnisoar held Theo in front of him like a shield.

Rito obtained a flamethrower or his hand. He took aim at the mane six and fired. They all managed to avoid the blast, but a few of the houses caught fire. Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy rushed toward the town to help the locals escape the flames. Twilight tried to blast the flamethrower off of Rito, but he used his other hand to dispatch the spell she used. Starlight tried teleportation again, but Rito saw it coming and blasted her.

“We’ve gotta get that thing away from him,” said Applejack to Rainbow.

“I have an idea,” Rainbow said. She flew in the air, trying to distract Rito. Applejack snuck toward Rito. Rito fired at Rainbow, but she managed to avoid it. Applejack lunged at Rito. The two of them rolled a distance. Applejack eventually got the flamethrower away from Rito.

Tommy was having a hard time. He just couldn’t land a solid shot on Jellica. He tried laser, thunder, fire, water, and even an earthquake. She just took it all. Casey was still in her grip, trying to escape. Tommy saw an opening and ran toward Casey. Jellica fired at Tommy, but he ducked out of the way. Casey took as much cover as he could, and the blast him Jellica’s own tentacle. Casey was now free.

“I’m done playing around,” said Casey. “Jungle Sabers!”

Casey pulled out a pair of swords. He went after Jellica again, and avoided or blocked her attacks. He swiftly, repeatedly struck her. She tried to counter, but he was too fast. Casey then put his swords together and waved it around. He struck Jellica with one tough final attack.

“You got lucky. I’ll be back to finish you off,” she said before leaving.

Theo tried to get out of Carnisoar’s grip, but he was too strong. Lily couldn’t find a way to attack Carnisoar without hitting Theo.

“Just hit him with a charge,” Theo told her.

“No way. I’ll hit you,” she responded.

“I’ll be fine, just trust me,” Theo pleaded.

“Alright, if you say so.”

Lily charged electricity through her staff and fired at Carnisoar and Theo. Theo drew his tonfas and caught the charge. He added a bit to it and redirected it at Carnisoar. Carnisoar let go of Theo. Theo and Lily regrouped.

“Jungle Mace!”

“Jungle Fans!”

They drew their new weapons and went back after Carnisoar. Lily swung her mace around and hit Carnisoar hard. Carnisoar tried to blast the mace, but he couldn’t find anything strong enough to counter. Theo swooped in with his fans and slashed at Carnisoar. Every attack sliced a feather off of Carnisoar until he finally backed off.

“I’m done here. You will regret resisting,” Carnisoar said, flying away.

That just left Rito. He saw he was all alone. He tried to run, but Tommy got in front of him and blocked his path.

“I don’t need them. Let’s see you beat this one,” said Rito. He pulled out a device and activated a switch on it. He then threw it on the ground causing a huge explosion. Out of the smoke, Rito grew huge. “I don’t need fear to grow.”

“This one’s for you,” Tommy told the rangers.

“Jungle zords!”

The tiger zord, jaguar zord, and cheetah zord combined like they did before. Lily summoned the elephant zord, and it combined with the Megazord. Rito attacked the Megazord with his sword, but was hit with the wrecking ball. The rangers swung the wrecking ball around again, and sent Rito’s sword away. Rito activated his jetpack and flew above the rangers. He blasted them from above.

“We’re gonna need a little more help. Bat zord!” Theo said. He then summoned a giant bat. The elephant detached from the Megazord as the bat detached its wings and head. The wings combined with the Megazord. They rangers flew up to meet Rito in the sky. They attained using the bat’s sharp wings. Rito couldn’t do anything to counter, since he didn’t have his sword. Instead, he got out his flamethrower from before and blasted the rangers point blank. The Megazord hit the ground hard.

“Isn’t there anything you can do to help them?” Twilight asked Tommy.

“I think there is, but it doesn’t involve a zord,” he said.

He lifted his staff and started to build energy in it.

“Can you give me a boost?” Tommy asked.

“Sure. Let’s go, Rainbow,” Twilight said.

“Right,” Rainbow replied.

Twilight and Rainbow lifted Tommy into the air. They got higher and higher as the Megazord kept taking hits. Once they got close, Twilight and Rainbow launched Tommy into the air. Tommy prepared to unleash the energy building on his staff.

“Black Power Orb!” he shouted as he unleashed it. The orb flew toward Rito’s flamethrower, and it broke apart.

“Guys, his flamethrower’s down. We can get in close,” Casey said.

The Megazord got back up. The rangers struck again with the wings, and Rito had no way to counter. The Megazord started to spin faster and faster. The wings were getting sharper and sharper. The Megazord flew right threw Rito, severing a bunch of bones.

“You may have won this fight, but my sister’s gonna have at you,” Rito said. With that, he finally fell down and exploded once and for all. The Jungle Rangers got back onto the ground and cheered with the others.


“Are you sure you don’t want to stay? We could really use your help fighting Carnisoar and Jellica,” Lily pleaded.

“Are you kidding? The way you guys fought out there today, you can take them no problem. Besides, I gotta go have a little chat with my former students,” Tommy said.

“Go easy on them,” Twilight said.

“Don’t worry I will. It was really great meeting all of you. I wish you good luck in fighting the Overlords,” Tommy said.

“It was an honor to fight with you,” said Casey.

“Yeah, we’ll never forget it,” said Theo.

“No problem,” said Tommy.

“One more thing. Can you tell Connor that Rainbow Dash said hi?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure,” Tommy said.

With that, Tommy activated his morpher and teleported back to Earth.

Starlight hung her head a little bit and went outside. Casey saw this and followed her. He found her on the balcony and took a seat next to her.

“Hey, what’s going on?” he asked her.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” she responded.

“I remember saying the same exact thing to you before.”

Starlight chuckled a little a that comment. “Yeah, but really I’m okay.”

“If that’s what you say so. By the way, did Twilight talk to you about our little conversation the other night?”

“Yeah. She asked what was wrong, and I told her about the nightmare. I also told her the advice you gave me, and she facehooved hard because she didn’t think of it.”

Casey chuckled a little too. “Yeah, I remember giving the same advice to Jared.”

Starlight took a deep breath. “I lied. There is something wrong.”

“It’s okay, you can tell me.”

“Really? It’s kind of embarrassing.”

“Then it shouldn’t be a huge deal.”

“Alright. It’s just That...Tommy leaving got me thinking. I remember after Connor left, Rainbow was a mess. I started thinking about how close we’ve grown, and then I realized that you’re gonna have to leave too.”

Casey dipped his. He was not prepared for this. Twilight’s words started ringing in his head again:

’kind of like you and Starlight’

‘kind of like you and Starlight’

‘kind of like you and Starlight’

“Starlight, no matter what happens, I will never forget you. I really never thought of leaving either. But remember how I said you shouldn’t let your past bother you? The same applies to the future. Right now, we should just focus on the present. If you ask me, that’s the best way to live.”

“Wow, no wonder you’re a teacher back on Earth,” Starlight said, nudging Casey.

“Yeah. But I’ll tell you, I have been thinking of how close we’ve gotten.”

Starlight blushed and tried to think of something to say. “Yeah, it was the same deal with the Dino Rang-“

Starlight was cut off by Casey. “I was talking about you and me. And I know that’s what you meant before, too.”

Starlight’s face went completely red. She couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“It’s fine. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about it either. I have been thinking about how close I’ve grown with the others though.”

Starlight nearly passed out from how much she exhaled. “Really? And what did you come up with?”

“Well, Twilight’s like a really smart aunt. Rainbow’s like a cool cousin. Fluttershy’s like a little sister. Rarity’s like a fashion-crazed cousin. Pinkie’s like a crazy twin sister. Applejack’s like a caring mother. I guess I haven’t really thought of you as a part of the family...”

Starlight nearly cried at the lat part. Her heart was instantly broken. She closed her eyes and started to get up to leave.

“...because that would make this next part pretty weird.”

Casey turned to face Starlight. He leaned as she turned her head t face him. With that, Casey took Starlight in a deep kiss. Starlight nearly fainted. She could feel her face burning a bright shade of red. Luckily, she saw that despite the show he was putting on, so was Casey. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the passionate kiss.

Casey heard a noise back toward the castle. He opened his eye to see what it was. He saw a lavender blur scurry out of view. He broke the kiss and walked over to the noise. He found a beet red Twilight trying to leave the room.

“Hehe, ta-da,” she said sheepishly.

“Just go,” Casey deadpanned.

“Will do.”