• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,616 Views, 433 Comments

Errant Finale - Doug Graves

Chaos at the Grand Galloping Gala is the least of the Elements of Harmony's worries as they are called to defend Equestria!

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28 The Deceiver

In front of Canterlot Castle gathers hundreds, if not thousands, of ponies. Drawn from every city and town in half a night’s distance, and several others from further away who had the bits to spare on a relay of pegasi chariots, the motley crowd eagerly anticipates the dawn. Ponyvillians are especially prevalent, as well as Manehattenites and Baltimares. Newscolts hawk their papers - some still dripping they are so hot off the presses - telling of the surprise announcement of the coronation of a new Princess of Equestria: The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle.

The excited chatter grows, soon becoming a dull roar as more and more arrivals fill the square, spilling out into the adjoining streets. A dull pink mare leads a pack of seven fillies and one colt, the foals of Herd Apple winding through the packed ponies to a marked off spot up front. The closest ponies press them for information; the tale of how Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn soon spreads like wildfire.

Through the crowd of ponies strides a pale white unicorn, jostling and bumping her way to the front. Her just-off white color coat isn’t stark enough to make one instantly connect the pony with Princess Celestia - or anypony at all, really - and the ponies who find themselves pushed out of her way barely even spare her a second glance. Even if they did, the pony, with a cutie mark of a butterfly cautiously emerging from a cocoon, looks just like every other wellwisher and tourist come to witness the very first reveal of the supposed Princess of Friendship.

She pauses for a few long seconds at the edge of the crowd, basking in the love radiating from each and every pony. Juicy, and the delectable taste sends tingles down her flanks. It would be even better if she was the object of their foalish infatuations and aspirations, but all good things come to those who plan for the opportune moment.

Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, has waited many years for just such an occasion. Her network of infiltrators and integrators has steadily expanded as more and more of her brood whittle their claws inside the great doddering beast that is Equestria. Soon, very soon, her plans will come to fruition, and split open the carcass so that her brood may feast!

She had a hard time believing, at first, that a pony had ascended. It seemed like a trick, or an infiltrator who mistakenly identified a hat as a horn. But when emergency reports began coming in from every major city in Equestria, she had to see for herself. And now, with the celebration going on around her and filling her with more power than she ever dared absorb at once, she knows the time is right.

That it is one close to the Princess of the Sun comes as no surprise. In fact, she is worried that the magical prodigy will serve as part of Equestria’s rapid response team when the threat is levied against Canterlot. But other reports - granted, without a lot of evidence - suggest that the newly minted alicorn has trouble controlling her power. Perhaps not the wisest to go up against in a head-to-head match, but if all she has to worry about is poorly managed brute force? Well, she is prepared to match up against Luna, should the need arise. What’s another?

The murmurs from the crowd cease as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stand radiant at their customary spots. Gold and cobalt mix as the ponies reverently bow their heads, witnessing yet another lowering of the moon and raising of the sun. Colors shift in the cloudless sky, heralding yet beautiful, perfect day.

Queen Chrysalis isn’t the only pony who continues to stare at the two Princesses, though she is the only one not in awe. Impersonating the newly returned Luna would place her in the perfect position to strike, even as Celestia plays along for the sake of her precious little ponies. But it would be an arduous position to fill; she perhaps could drain enough power to raise the moon, or lower the sun. But the Sun Tyrant only agreed to not impede her. She suspects the Dawn Blazer would not lift a hoof to help her raise the moon, should she struggle. Her disguise would be outed before the ‘night’ is out.

Plus, why expend the effort when a patsy is already in place? Her eyes shift to Solaris Invictus herself. An even more daunting pony to capture and contain, but the idea of wiping that smug smirk off the tyrant’s face, the supposed invincible one unable to lift a hoof to save her ponies? It brings a tear to Chrysalis’ eye, no pony the wiser that it is not Celestia’s raising of the sun that is evoking such a strong reaction.

And it will happen, but not by impersonating her. Not worth the effort when the great foal is all too willing to play along with Chrysalis’ contest, so long as none of her precious ponies are injured too grievously. Not that she wants to injure such an appetizing source, but if examples must be made, then she will show no mercy. The power she could gain from usurping Celestia - even for a single day - would feed her hive for weeks, if not months. Even in spite of their steadily increasing numbers.

With the two heaviest contenders out of contention, Chrysalis’ mind wanders among the other ponies she could impersonate, rehashing the arguments she already made before her hive. It would need to be somepony in the public eye, in order for her to get enough of a power boost for the coming invasion to deal with the various eventualities and contingencies. She spots Prince Lunaris Blueblood, standing high from his perch on his namesake airship. Okay, somepony loved, though she might have to settle for liked should her initial plan not work out.

Twilight Sparkle would be tantalizing, to say the least. But even with her meteoric rise to fame, she doubts she can pull a full about face from the alicorn’s natural reclusiveness. Her herd might immediately suspect, and her knowledge of the internal dynamics of the Apple herd is frustratingly thin. The rest of the Element Bearers are out for the same reason, as is their stallion. He’s sworn neutral in this game of hers, and the chosen arbiter should a dispute come between her and Celestia. She steals a glance at the eight foals of their herd, mouth curling to a wicked smirk. So many contingencies, in case he doesn’t… cooperate.

With all the talk of love in the air, though? The other reason the timing for Twilight’s ascension is so fortuitous. Rumor even has it that both Diarchs are considering joining Doug’s herd, though the ‘Ravens’ have gathered an uncharacteristically low amount of intel in that area. The pony Princesses keeping their desires this close to their chest merely highlights how afraid they are of her taking advantage of their distraction. Well, it’ll merely be their untimely demise. Though, if it works, then there will be even more of the beings for her to subjugate and slake her lust for power.

Speaking of Love in the air… Chrysalis’ mind turns to the Princess of Love, Mi Amore Cadenza, and her supposed Consort-to-be, Shining Armor. She nods to herself, soaking up more and more of the love directed at the two alicorns above. She has only gotten a single hint of the dark experiment the alicorns are planning, but it fit perfectly into their sudden and brash change of stance. After all, even she thought Celestia celibate, having abandoned her attempts many years ago, given the time since her last consort.

The pink alicorn is practically perfect as a choice. While she interacts and is acquainted with almost all of the royalty and even commoners of Canterlot, there are few that would qualify as ‘close’ friends. The other Princesses, of course, and Shining Armor. But outside of his immediate family, both of whom are busy with their own jobs? She’d be able to skate by, only going to a few functions to be showered with love, while working on Shining Armor by night. Bending him to her will.

The hive had agreed, as they always did with her plans, back when she was discussing this with them. Having run through her options again, and seeing no reason to deviate? Chrysalis smiles, readying herself.

Then, with a simple smile and wave of a hoof, the two Princesses high above disappear yet again.

With a shake of her bluegreen tail she breaks away from the crowd, walking purposefully towards a concealed entrance. Nopony challenges her, as all eyes are on the balcony and waiting for the coming reveal.

She shuts the door behind her with a harsh green glow, then looks around. Two pegasus guards are apprehensively staring at her and watching the proceedings through the one-way transparent door. The unicorn twists her hoof as it raises to her chin, pausing as if in thought.

“Charily!” one of the guards quietly says, hesitantly stepping forward. “You’re here!”

The other guard briefly twists her head, a sideways glance at her partner. Sensing nothing amiss, she turns back to watching the crowd. Whatever reason one of the civilian consultants is needed, she only hopes it doesn’t come back to her.

“Simple Eye,” ‘Charily’ returns, smiling. “Watch duty again?” She glances upstairs. “I thought you’d be… higher.”

“Captain Armor, um, rearranged the shifts. Do you need to meet him?” Simple Eye limply motions forward, her eyes flicking to the other guard.

“I think that would be best,” ‘Charily’ says as she accepts the escort, the two walking towards one of the many staircases.

From outside comes thunderous applause. Chrysalis morphs as she enters the staircase, now two nearly identical guardsmares patrolling the corridor. The cheering and hoof stomps quiet down as the high, loud voice of an alicorn booms out. Not Celestia or Luna’s Royal Canterlot, so it must be the new Princess of Friendship.

“Wow,” Simple Eye breathes out, poking her armored head out the window and staring, transfixed, at the Princess of Friendship. “That’s incredible, don’t you think?”

“What?” snaps Chrysalis, annoyed at her changeling’s delay.

“That somepony, just a common unicorn, could ascend and become a Princess.” Simple Eye shyly shakes her head, returning to the long route to take them to the top of the castle. “I don’t know if I could perform like that.”

“We all do as we are called.” Chrysalis states it like an axiom. “And, my little Eye, I hope you have made good use of yours.”

“Of course, your ma-”

Simple Eye chokes herself off as Chrysalis whirls, the glare silencing her.

“Sorry, um…” she fishes around, pulling out a few long lists. “I made as many notes as I could. Sorry there aren’t more.”

Chrysalis holds the papers with a wing, skimming through the habits and phrases Queen Cadance used. No, Princess Cadance. She’ll need to get used to being called that. Should insist on everypony calling her that, just to be sure she doesn’t slip up. Not that many ponies know of Queen Chrysalis, or her failed invasion of the pony lands to the south. But the less chances they have of messing up, the better. The papers get eaten as soon as she finishes, one less piece of evidence to leave around.

They come to the cantina, the closest room that the Princesses generally dine in. The two guards outside, tired from the long night, salute before making their way out, glad to get their relief a few minutes early. Queen Chrysalis steels herself, forcing herself to stand upright and not glare too harshly.

She doesn’t have to wait long. The six mares of the herd and Doug boisterously make their way inside. Then comes Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and two others she places as Night Light and Twilight Velvet. None of whom she would want to slip up around, and they would easily overpower her if they noticed. Not that she couldn’t escape in time, but she would have a harder time infiltrating later.

Two guards follow behind at a respectful distance; when they get close, they look Chrysalis and Simple Eye in the eyes. The two changelings salute, though only Simple Eye returns the way she came. Chrysalis instead heads to the kitchen, and as soon as she is out of sight she morphs back into her unicorn form, now clad in the formal garb of a server. She grabs the plates upon plates of pancakes in her green aura, the overworked chefs barely noticing except to give her an appreciative nod.

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