• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,616 Views, 433 Comments

Errant Finale - Doug Graves

Chaos at the Grand Galloping Gala is the least of the Elements of Harmony's worries as they are called to defend Equestria!

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51 Pride Before the Fall

Queen Chrysalis pulls away from her probably-way-too-much-tongue kiss with Shining Armor to the raucous cheers of every single pony in the ballroom. Even Princess Celestia is stomping one hoof at a measured pace, her eyes beaming, her smile wide enough to invade her ears. His love is delicious, if a little guarded, and she was only able to get a small sip. Chrysalis licks her lips, hungrily eyeing Shining Armor and debating if it would be too forward to go for a second taste.

Who is she foaling, she’s Queen Chrysalis and she takes what she wants!

If Shining Armor is surprised by her aggressive second kiss he hides it well, meeting her like an adversary on the field of battle. At first Chrysalis gets the upper hoof, head swimming in the crowd’s adulation. Until Shining Armor sweeps her leg out from under her with a practiced motion. Her eyes go wide as he catches her, twisting her around, lips never leaving hers. She grunts in surprise, only to grit her teeth as she redoubles her efforts to gain the upper hoof in their embrace.

They hold the position for several long seconds until Shining Armor pulls away, grinning feverishly. Hanging upside down, Chrysalis let’s her neck relax to look over the crowd, most notably the four bridesmares standing in a line. Applejack stands stoically, and appears to have procured a hat that was not part of the original dress. Rarity open weeps, Chrysalis able to taste the joy. Rainbow Dash’s whistle pierces through the cheers, competing only with Pinkie Pie’s noisemakers for loudest pony. Twilight Sparkle wipes a tear from her eye, grinning next to her crying parents, Chrysalis momentarily surprised at the alicorn’s acting ability.

Her head comes back up, eyes meeting Shining Armor’s, and she grins. “You’re pretty good at that,” she says lasciviously, winking. She spins from his embrace, landing on her hooves, the weight of the unaccustomed ring heavy on her horn.

“Well,” he replies with a smile, his words deafened by the cheers from everypony else, “when you can’t go all the way you get a lot of time to practice everything else.”

“Oh?” Chrysalis says coyly, surprised. They hadn’t? She knows her form is going through heat, but suppressed whatever influence it might have had on her. She still needs to find some way to get Shining Armor to lower his shield. “Well, it would seem today is your lucky day.”

“Mm,” he says, nuzzling her before they begin to walk down the aisle. They make it to the end of the ballroom before they are each mobbed by scores of wellwishers. Chrysalis finds herself surrounded, separated from her stallion, far too many ponies vigorously shaking her hoof for her liking. She pushes above the crowd, her eyes narrowing as she sees that pink unicorn trade a long kiss with her Shiny, only for a few pegasi to block her view as they fly over and congratulate her.

Chrysalis’ rage nearly boils over as her garland of flowers drops across her eyes. Then, a strong white hoof grabs her own, dragging her through the crowd. She barely resists until they break free, then yanks her hoof away so she can fix her flowery crown. Smiling back at her is her stallion, flipping his blue toned mane back in such a way that a less tenacious mare might swoon at the sight. And, much to her disappointment, his horn is still glowing.

“I hope this doesn’t become a habit of yours, needing to be rescued like that,” Shining Armor says with a grin.

Chrysalis bites back her first cutting remark, and the second, settling on a neutral, “Indeed.” She grimaces internally; witty banter! Have to throw him off his game. “But I’ll take any excuse to get held in those strong hooves of yours.”

That certainly does the trick, Shining Armor standing up straighter, the toned muscles along his legs flexing. His nostrils twitch, and he eagerly follows behind her as she leads the way to her room. Her tail coyly covers his view, swishing it just enough to not let him see anything. She revels in his exasperated groan, swaying her hips back and forth opposite her tail. Stallions. So very easy. She tries to drink in his lust, but frowns. How is he resisting her allure?

She throws open the door to her suite, glancing at the covered window. Barely visible is the pink of his shield, and she can almost hear the questioning buzz of her hive in the back of her head. They didn’t plan for this contingency, because what could they do? Give up? Certainly not! She just needs to find a way inside that thick skull of his!

A gentle nuzzle pushes her towards the bed, and she finds herself complying without question. She rolls onto the silk sheets, not needing to fake her excited moans as his hooves travel over every inch of her barrel. He wasn’t foaling about practicing this part! She easily slips into the part of the besotted mare, grinding her body against the bed, writhing in pleasure. Yet he remains completely in control of himself, her every effort to influence him rebuffed. Her composure nearly drops as she looks past his lips to his still-lit horn. Is he going to keep that up the entire time?!

This isn’t working! Any barrier she puts up might be broken by him, and she would lose the element of surprise. Especially with him continually on guard; he’s one of the best soldiers, likely able to keep his cool and his shield up despite getting knocked around. No, she’ll need to pull out her trump card, and catch him by surprise.

Chrysalis stops her sensuous motions as Shining Armor briefly lets up. She rolls to her hooves, then faces away from him. She hesitantly glances backwards, Shining Armor staring directly at her. She flicks her head forwards, then bends her legs slightly, bouncing up and down as her tail flicks to the side.

Two strong hooves find her back, Chrysalis nearly buckling from his weight, but then he goes no further. Instead, she finds those hooves massaging her withers as best they can from the position, his mouth nuzzling her ear.

“Are you, um,” he starts, the first time she’s heard uncertainty in his voice. “R-ready?”

She stops herself from rolling her eyes; how could he not tell? She tilts her head back, only to see his horn still lit. She wriggles just the slightest amount under him, frustration building, but manages to nod. For all the grace and poise he had earlier, Shining Armor sure fumbles around at this point, and it’s all she can do wait. No, she has a much better plan!

Chrysalis’ horn flashes a bright green, and all of a sudden Shining Armor finds himself resting on top of a gray unicorn mare with a plain purple and white mane.

Chrysalis grins, twisting her head to catch Shining Armor off guard, only to find him chuckling, horn still light. His eyes, full of mirth?, focus on her own. “Okay, I admit, that’s pretty good.”

W-what? Chrysalis morphs again, this time a lavender coated unicorn with a purple mane. When he merely nuzzles her, resuming his sensuous searching for her, she can’t help but ask in a shaking voice, “W-what? I-I thought that-”

“It’s impressive, I’ll admit,” Shining Armor says, that Tartarus forsaken horn still lit. “Taking the form of those I love? I mean, not in this way,” he says as he finally enters her, Chrysalis gasping, “but as far as those I have a deep and personal relationship with? You’re two for two. Plus, I know you’re not them.”

Chrysalis moans as she lays her head against the bed, only for Doug’s words to come back to her. She eyes Shining Armor, his muscular bulk, his facial structure, his mane and every highlight. She isn’t used to doing this, preferring to copy ponies outright, but she’s nothing if not adaptable.

With a final burst of green Chrysalis transforms again.

Shining Armor stops immediately, gaping at her with wide eyes, a hoof coming up to cover his mouth. There, between his hooves, is a powerfully built unicorn mare. White coat, three toned blue mane that waves down her back, cutie mark of a gleaming green shield. Rounded muzzle and feminine features, but otherwise a dead ringer for himself. “What do you call this one?”

“Mmm… I was thinking… Crystalline Shield.” To Chrysalis’ chagrin his horn goes out. She doesn’t even mind as he resumes his thrusts, his horn remaining unlit. She can almost hear her invading army charging into the city, and soon they will be ravaging it as he is ravaging her! And what a glorious victory it will be!

After what she’ll generously call an average time later, Shining Armor flops off of her, their marriage fully consummated. They snuggle together for quite a bit longer than she meant to allow, but no matter! She is immune to the effects of pony cuddles! She finally gets up, leaving him laying on the bed and pining for more, though he still watches her warily, as she walks up to the window. She throws open the shutters, raising her hooves and reveling in the wanton destruction and mayhem outside.

Except, wanton destruction is awfully quieter than she imagined. She opens one eye, then the other, frowning as she looks around the city. Well, there are ponies roaming around, and undisguised changelings, but they aren’t battling it out to capture each other. Well, actually, one group is, but it’s a one on one fight ringed by ponies and changelings cheering them on and… placing bets? Many are wearing party hats, and eating slices of cake! Heresy!

She shudders as she feels Shining Armor’s seed combine with her egg, the new foal traveling towards her womb. She has half a mind to transform now, force it to a changeling, except it would leave her drained. That, and there is a suspiciously timed knock on the door.

Shining Armor’s pink aura opens it, and Chrysalis takes an involuntary step backwards as not only Princess Celestia but Princess Luna, a crowned Princess Twilight and the rest of the necklaced Elements of Harmony, Spike, Doug, and the pink unicorn file inside the room, it becoming very cramped very quickly.

“W-what is the meaning of this?” Chrysalis stammers out, eyes flitting from one pony to another. Each is focused on her, almost daring her to jump out the window or try something. Perhaps she could, with a preemptive strike, slip away in the confusion? Or harness their reluctance to injure each other by weaving among them?

Doug steps forward slightly, indicating himself. “I’m here to deliver the results of your contest with Princess Celestia.” He points to the pink mare, then Shining Armor. “She’s here for him.” He points to Twilight and Celestia, “They’re there to help.” Then at the rest of the Element Bearers. “And they say it’s only fair they get to watch.”

“I’d like to specify that I won’t be watching,” Twilight Sparkle appends.

“I didn’t think I included you in that group,” Doug counters.

“Yes, well,” Twilight huffs, “it’s still gross.”

Chrysalis’ eyes narrow, but the stern shake of Celestia’s head is enough to dissuade her from attempting anything. Yet. “Well?” she demands, stamping a hoof.

Doug sighs, bracing himself. “You lost, on both counts.”

Chrysalis’ eyes nearly bug out. “What?! Impossible!” She glares at Doug, then Celestia and Twilight. “You cheated! Or told, breaking your promises!”

“Wrong on both counts,” Applejack says, shaking her head.

Rainbow Dash points a hoof at Chrysalis as she hovers. “Yeah! I knew it was you ten seconds after you showed up!” At Applejack’s cough she adds, “Okay, I knew something was up right when you first replaced Cadance. And it wasn’t until Twilight shared her suspicions that we knew for sure.”

“You expect me to believe this!?” shouts Chrysalis, pointing a hoof at Shining Armor. “Then why did you allow me to marry him instead of Cadance? I refuse to believe that you would do this to one of your own!”

“Actually,” Shining Armor says, getting off the bed, “Twilight got my permission to go through with this.”

Chrysalis loses a bit of her confidence, though her muscles remain tensed, as if ready to pounce.

Shining Armor continues, “Originally, she was all for casting you out, along with the rest of your hive. But after you helped defend the Crystal Empire, well, she thought you deserved a chance. And now, here we are.”

Chrysalis takes a deep breath, every instinct telling her to blast every one of these nefarious schemers. But the only way she will be able to return for her revenge is to consolidate her forces, build up in another land, and return more powerful than ever before. “Fine. Then, I expect all of my changelings to be released, and we shall be on our way. And I expect no interference, or warning to any others about what was attempted here.”

“Except,” Celestia gently reminds, “that any changeling with foal is to remain in Equestria, until the foal is born.” Her eyes turn a harsh, dark red, her voice promising hellfire and brimstone, “And that means no transformation, or I’m throwing you in Tartarus for first degree infanticide.” Just as quickly as it appears Celestia returns to normal, cheerfully saying, “And any of your hive are welcome to stay, as I’m sure you remember. But we will leave it up to them to make that choice.”

Chrysalis fumes, this close to transforming just to spite the alicorn. “But Cadance is still trapped! And unless you concede to my demands, then-”

“I’m right here, actually,” the pink unicorn says, pulling off her dress to reveal a pair of wings. “Spike sent me a tracked letter that Twilight followed, then teleported both of us out.”

Chrysalis stares at Cadance in disbelief. “But I still married Shining Armor! And as lead mare, I forbid you from joining the herd!”

Actually,” Cadance says with a smile, “I’m lead mare, since I joined first.”

“But…” Chrysalis forces out with a whimper.

“Yeah, I was the one who shouted ‘I do’.” Cadance walks over to Shining Armor, exchanging a kiss. “And, since I’m lead mare, that means that I get to go first.”

Shining Armor pulls back, Cadance frowning at the coldness. “I’m sorry, Cady, but today is Chrysalis’ day. I know it’s not standard, but I wouldn’t want to split myself between you two, not on her day.”

“You…” Chrysalis says through narrowed eyes, confusion showing as Cadance backs up and glares at Shining Armor. “You would stand up for me? Against even your lead?”

“Of course I would,” Shining Armor says with a resolute nod, Cadance angrily snorting. “I would stand up for any of my mares, should they be in the right.”

Chrysalis stares at Shining Armor with naked disbelief.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry,” Twilight says, offering Chrysalis a contrite smile. “I’m sorry that you’re trapped in this form for the next eleven months. I didn’t know if it would work with you in your changeling form, and since you specified ‘foal’ in your agreement with Celestia, I had to go with what I knew worked.”

Chrysalis stares at her white limbs, then hangs her head. With a burst of green magic she transforms, now into her changeling form. “It’s more draining,” she explains, sighing heavily, hating the wasted expenditure, “but she will be born a foal.” Her eyes raise to Celestia, still full of fury. “But in eleven months, I shall have my revenge.”

“I look forward to it,” Celestia returns a pleasant smile. “But until then, perhaps we can share friendship with each other?”

Chrysalis grits her teeth, but nods, only to be bowled over by a pink earth pony gripping her in a death hug.

Princess Luna smiles, spreading her wings and unlocking the window. “Then we shall inform your changelings of the new agreement!” She flies outside, bellowing in the Royal Canterlot, “Attention, Everypony and Everyling! Joyous news!”

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