• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 2,616 Views, 433 Comments

Errant Finale - Doug Graves

Chaos at the Grand Galloping Gala is the least of the Elements of Harmony's worries as they are called to defend Equestria!

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48 Birth of the Three

Twilight grins as she sets down her quill on a thick stack of parchment. Spike nods off to sleep next to her, despite evening’s rays streaming through the window. It has been a long day, starting before the sun came up (Spike was not a happy dragon), and for her there is still more to be done. She has to make sure tomorrow’s lists are ready! She can’t believe Chrysalis shares her love for triple checking checklists!

She’ll have to get up before dawn - again, much to Spike’s complaints - and make sure that every preparation is perfect for the wedding on the first of March. Just two days away! And with Chrysalis playing the nervous bride to a ‘T’, constantly changing her mind about every little thing? She doesn’t know how the changeling knows whenever they attempt to slack off, but she does, and makes Twilight not only double check everything but then go over it again at the end of the day. She’s been so busy, keeping up to date with all of Chrysalis’ changes, she’s barely been able to make her own plans to deal with the changeling!

Wait a second.

The hints of tears well in Twilight’s eyes. Chrysalis is using her love of checklists against her! The monster! Oh, and she’s wasting a bunch of their time, too. But at least she isn’t planning anything too nefarious. That Twilight has noted. Hmm.

Twilight gazes back over her lists, and all that she has to do for tomorrow, and her face falls. Ugh, this must be what Celestia feels like, reams of paperwork that multiplies like Sombra’s crystals. Or Doug. Mm, she’d like to do a bit of multiplying with Doug right now. Too bad he’s probably with Luna again, that tramp, getting to know the mare better and helping with some of the tasks she had been assigned.

Twilight moans as that Tartarus forsaken burning deep inside her flares up. Not now, body, there’s work to be done! She grits her teeth as she levitates her quill back up, trying to concentrate. She just wants her heat to go away, so she can-


Her heat.

Twilight hasn’t been this happy to get her heat since before she actually knew what it was like. Back then, it was the thing the ‘cool young mares got’. It wasn’t until after she got it that she, like just about every other mare, dreaded the orneriness and ‘mixed’ feelings.

But tonight? Twilight barely has the presence of mind to unlatch the window, not bothering to shut it behind her as she blasts into the cool evening air. One powerful thrust after another, propelling her higher and higher! Oh, and her wings are beating, too; she should probably stop with the daydreams and focus on not flying into a wall. Good thing Luna’s tower isn’t that far a flight, and she makes short work of the distance.

The prospect of not only quenching her heat and fulfilling that desire nearly every mare shared, but of paving the way for Celestia and Luna to do the same? It’s overwhelming, especially at the thought of the two alicorns sharing her stallion.


Celestia would be there watching her mate!

The thought seizes Twilight’s mind, sending her reeling. Rather than a graceful, silent landing she tumbles against the ground, rolling across the balcony and smashing through the window like Rainbow Dash after a long day of cloud pushing.

Well, she would have, except the tower is enchanted to be sturdier than the flimsy boards she’s taken to replacing the library windows with, and she bounces off with a loud thump. Twilight rubs her flank, moaning and wishing it was Doug who spanked her that hard. It really wouldn't be that bad, right? Just like when the other members of the herd are there.

A cobalt aura opens the door. “Hey,” comes Doug’s voice from inside. “What did I say about no magic?”

Twilight walks in the doorway, and immediately freezes. Her eyes grow wide at seeing her stallion laying on the bed, Luna’s horn sticking up from between his thighs, the front half of her shapely body on the bed and the other half sticking off. She barely registers the door shutting behind her, too busy fuming.

Emotions course through her, roiling together like the components of a hurricane. Lust for her stallion, anticipation of the coming release, and envy at the mare who stole it from her. Anger and rage threaten to boil over, the stamp of her hoof and snort of her nostrils barely enough to delay an outburst.

Luna pulls her head back, swallowing once, and then again, licking her lips with a sly grin. “Thou said we couldn’t use our magic during, and thou was finished. Regardless, Magic needed to enter, and we wouldn’t keep her waiting.” She turns, barely registering Twilight’s furious expression as she greets her with a pleasant, “Evening.”

“Step away from the stallion!” Twilight shouts in the Royal Canterlot, her horn flaring. A raspberry aura surrounds Doug and Luna, attempting to yank them apart, only to be swiftly met by a cobalt glow.

“What is the meaning of this?!” bellows Luna, slowly pushing Twilight’s aura back. “A changeling ploy?”

“What? No!” Twilight pants as she concentrates, her horn sending showers of sparks. “You whorse! How dare you try to steal Doug away from me!”

“Thou dare use that word to describe us, when we are pledging ourselves to him!?” Luna’s eyes glint teal, purple tidbits mixing with her cobalt aura. “We ought to rend thee limb from limb!”

“Bring it, you-” Twilight stops as Doug intervenes between herself and Luna, arms outstretched to each of them. His mouth is moving like he is shouting, and as her and Luna’s echoes die down she can finally make out what he is saying.

“-ough, both of you! Stop!” Doug fearfully glances between Twilight and Luna, his body hunching and almost ready to recoil. She would too, she thinks as she slowly calms down, if she were placing herself between the second and third most powerful mares in Equestria.

Doug raises a hand at Twilight, motioning with one finger to a spot next to the bed. His authoritative voice rings out, standing a little taller now that he has her attention. “Twilight, I don’t know what is going on, but that display was completely uncalled for. Now get over here, and sit down.”

Twilight’s eyes narrow, but she complies, her ears still on end. To her chagrin, Luna also backs away from Doug, but just a step, now completely off the bed.

Doug turns to Luna. “Now, what do you have to say?”

It’s Luna’s turn to appear put out. “We are not a foal, to require such instruction.”

Doug merely folds his arms against his chest, letting out a long breath as he stares down Luna.

She huffs before turning her gaze to Twilight. “We art sorry for usurping thy position tonight. We merely wished to, hmm, help speed along your stallion’s performance with you tonight. We confess to taking it too far, in order to get a hoof forward with our own circumstance.”

“Wait, you knew I was coming?” Twilight raises an eyebrow as a knock comes from the balcony. A cobalt aura opens the door, Celestia walking through. Much like Luna, she is wearing none of her finery, mane and tail tied back in a ponytail that only waves back and forth a little bit.

“Evening Sister, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia greets pleasantly, taking a sniff of the air. She frowns slightly, glancing to Twilight’s flanks, then Luna’s. “Did I miss something?”

Luna rolls her eyes. “Thy student is apparently unaware she was exhibiting the classic signs of estrus all day.”

“Hey!” Twilight says, nearly scrambling to her hooves, though she stops at Doug’s glare. “No I wasn’t!”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Really? Then how do you explain the outburst at breakfast?”

“They ran out of apples!”

Luna adds, “The yelling at the guard?”

“He was deliberately standing two inches farther forward than he should, and I kept bumping into him!”

“Nearly yelling at Fluttershy?”

“Chrysalis wasn’t wrong, the bird really was singing off key!” Twilight huffs, then gives a sheepish smile. “Okay, maybe in hindsight, it was a little obvious.”

Celestia offers a soft smile. “Perhaps it is not so easy to see these things for ourselves, and we must listen to those around us.” She turns to Luna, walking up and nuzzling her Sister. “You are ready?”

Luna licks her lips and swallows. “We art a step ahead of thou, Sister.”

Celestia smirks, turning back to Doug. She licks her own lips, crouching down as if to pounce. She practically purrs out, “Easily rectifiable.”

“Hey,” Doug says as Twilight’s temper flares again. A hand comes over to scratch her head as he sits down on the bed. “First off, I’m not going five times, even in as many hours. You get two, and Luna’s already taken one.”

“Besides,” Twilight says, “I wanted my time to be, well, timed perfectly.” She smiles broadly, glancing between Celestia and Luna. “You know, at twilight?”

Doug groans as he lays down; Luna laughs exactly once; Celestia smiles fondly. “Then you will have to hurry,” the Princess of the Sun says, glancing outside.

“I’m on it,” Twilight says with a grin, proceeding to do exactly that to Doug’s supine form.

“Can you believe it, Sister?” Celestia says as four eyes shine white. “After all these years, it may finally happen.”

“If it is, truly, something never before seen in Equestria.” Luna says, nuzzling her Sister in return. The two watch, the moans of a mare being bred the only sounds in the room.

After a time, Luna ventures, “We know we have not observed this as frequently as thou, but dost something seem off?”

“Hmm?” Celestia replies, though her gaze almost jerks to the ceiling. “It is time.” Simultaneously, gold and cobalt flares brighten the entire room, then fade almost as quickly. The sun and moon speed their journeys, the dull haze of twilight filling the room.

Their focus returns to Twilight’s belly, the mare having rolled over to observe herself. Celestia frowns, her eyes narrowing, as she scans, a single word leaving her mouth.


“Twins?” Twilight echoes, puzzled. “But, that’s…”

“Did thou try some ill-conceived magics?” Luna states, something between a sigh and a wish that she had done the same coming out.

“No, I just had-” Twilight grits her teeth. “Starlight Glimmer.”

“What?” Doug says, eyebrow raising. “But that was days ago, and you scanned yourself to see what had happened, and it didn’t affect you.”

“Well, obviously it did, just… on a longer time scale than it should. Maybe because of her weaker magic.” Twilight grits her teeth, fuming. “Oh, she’ll pay for this. Mark my words, Starlight Glimmer, you will rue the day you ever met Twilight Sparkle!”

“Well, I’m going to be happy no matter how many there are,” Doug says, stroking Twilight’s back and ending with a pad on her barrel. “You thought of a name yet?”

“Well,” Twilight says with a half grin, “I was having a lot of trouble deciding.” She looks up at Celestia, “All my life, I thought that when I had a foal, I really wanted to name her after you.” She turns to Luna. “But then, when you came back, even though I didn’t know you would be such a big influence in my life, you were. Without you, I wouldn’t have met my Friends, my stallion, anything.”

Twilight nuzzles each of them as they smile, her gaze turning back to her belly. “So, I thought I would name them after each of you. In a way.”

Celestia holds a hoof up, tears streaming down her eyes. “Shh,” she says, planting a kiss on Twilight’s belly. “She survived. They both did.”

“Alicorns?” Doug asks, hands rubbing into Twilight’s shoulders harder than ever.

Luna nods, sticking her head between Twilight’s legs to nuzzle her belly next to her Sister. “Yes. Fraternal sisters.” She stretches, kissing Twilight’s belly on the other side.

“Wow,” Doug says, planting a kiss on the top of Twilight’s head as she leans back.

Twilight grins, her hoof stroking next to the wet spots on her tummy. “My little Dawn, and my little Dusk.”

Luna grins. “Then I will need to name mine Midnight.” She licks her lips, eyeing Doug hungrily.

Celestia backs away just enough for Luna to carefully step around Twilight. “I always liked Noon; how appropriate.” She grins, settling down, content to watch Doug resist her Sister’s efforts. She’ll get her chance in the morning.

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