• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,671 Views, 43 Comments

Backwards: A Not so Element of Kindness - chewyrainbow

short story, Rainbow and Fluttershy, few Bff find something unwanted

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"Hi Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said as Applejack trotted up to her side.

"Oh hey guys!" The pink pony said, standing over some cupcakes.

"What er' ya' doin'?" Applejack tilted her head.

"Oh, just making Fluttershy some cupcakes! I haven't seen her in a while, and, you know, every-pony likes cupcakes! I thought i would bring them over in case she is sick, maybe it will make her feel better, oh what if she was attacked by one of her animals? Or maybe she took a trip, that would be fun, ohhhhh I know! I bet she is having a surprise party!."

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in a few days, from what I've heard, neither have any other pony that I have talked to lately," Rainbow Dash stretched out her wings.

"Oh really? I hope she is okay, when I bring these to her, I'll make sue she isn't having a party without me! Wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure," said both the orange earth pony, and the blue Pegasus.

Soon the three ponies made it to Fluttershy's cottage. Rainbow Dash lifted her hoof to knock on the door, but Pinkie bounced in front of her, and knocked instead, but there was no reply.

"Ew! what in the name of Celestia is that smell!" Rainbow covered her nose with her hoof.

"Probably just one of her animals," Pinkie added.

"Ah've worked with plenty of animals on my farm, and that definitely aint' no animal I recognize, smells worse than pigs!"
Applejack winced in disgust.

Rainbow Dash recognized the smell slightly, but couldn't place it, so she said nothing.Pinkie Pie began banging on the door roughly, but then it hit Rainbow:That's it! that's the smell of blood!

Pinkie gave a nervous glance, The blue pony guess she figured that as well, so Rainbow pushed the party pony aside.

"I will take care of this," Rainbow flew a little ways into the air, and came zooming downwards, she crashed into the door, shattering the wood, she lay there in the remains of the small entrance, but no later got up, wiping the dust off her coat, she noticed that Applejack and Pinkie Pie had entered, and were staring into Fluttershy's living room, not speaking a word, she joined them. Her eyes grew wide as she stopped in her tracks, for in the living room were pools of blood, and droplets of the liquid on the walls, all her animals were laying in the still fresh, and still warm, body fluid found in every living thing, she looked down to see Angel, Fluttershy's pet rabbit, sprawled at her hooves. It was a truly disgusting sight, bloodied, eyes gouged out, it's ears ripped from its small lifeless head. Rainbow Dash knew instantly, something was wrong.

"Wut' in tarnation!" Applejack has a truly disbelieving look on her face.

Pinkie Pie's mouth dropped to the floor.

Rainbow Dash just stared, unable to speak, but Pinkie echoed her thoughts.

"W-where's Fluttershy?"

"I-I..I don't know..." Rainbow Dash answered finally.

"If her animals look like this, then, then, w-what does-"
Applejack cut the pink pony off,"Don't assume the worst, I'm sure she's fine."

Rainbow Dash didn't know what to assume, surely their kind friend couldn't have done this all, and surely no one would murder Fluttershy? She never hurt anypony!

"Well? What are we waiting here for? Shouldn't we go tell some-pony?" Said the blue Pegasus sighed, now hovering above the ground with her wings tense. she turned to look at the broken down door to see dusk had already come. The smell was much stronger now, and it pierced Rainbow's nostrils like a bee sting.

"Yeah, let's go, this place is making me nervous!" the pink pony quivered.

"Don't worry sugarcube, I think it's making us all nervous," Applejack pulled a light smile.

"Well I'm not nervous," Rainbow Dash boasted.

Applejack just shot her an annoyed glance.

"Well, maybe just a little," she scratched the back of her head, not making eye contact so they wouldn't see how nervous she really was.

Then, there was a loud creaking noise

Pinkie immediately jumped up and shouted, "Fluttershy's murderer!" and ran upstairs.

Applejack called up to her as Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Pinkie come back down here, it was just the wind... I think," but Pinkie remained.

The blue pony looked at her, then the staircase, "I suppose we should go see if she is okay..."

"Er, yeah, we should..."

"You go first," Rainbow prompted.

"Why? ya' scared? "Applejack teased.

"Never! I uh, just wanna be in the back in case her murderer comes from behind, so I uh, can protect us. Yeah! that's it! So I can protect us!"

Applejack laughed, "You know Rainbow, your a very bad liar!"

"Oh fine!" The blue Pegasus landed on the first step, and began walking upwards cautiously, Applejack following.

Then there was a scream, and a horrible menacing laugh, unrecognizable from anything they had heard before, Rainbow Dash spread her wings and flew as fast as she could up the stairs, Applejack ran behind her. When they reached the top, and turned the corner to see a yellow figure standing over Pinkie's motionless(for the first time in her life probably) bloodied body, which was forming in a pool of blood, still warm and fresh, filling the air with a tangy scent, just like downstairs.

But the pony over her, with a knife in her mouth, a crazed look in her eyes of which were different sizes, and blood on her hooves, was someone she recognized, it was Fluttershy.