• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,671 Views, 43 Comments

Backwards: A Not so Element of Kindness - chewyrainbow

short story, Rainbow and Fluttershy, few Bff find something unwanted

  • ...

Try, try again

"Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?" Sweetie belle stepped forward.

"I said get away from me!"

All the cyan blue mare could see were evil grins, blood, and the yellow Pegasus that murdered her friends. Clamping her eyes shut, she stepped back, into the wall.


Twilight pinned her ears back, and began to slowly stalk backwards, with her face twisted in a look of shock and fear.

"You try to kill Fluttershy!" the crazed pony screeched.

"N-no! I was trying to help you!" Twilight stuttered, creeping towards the door, not loosing eye contact with the Pegasus.

"Help? No animal helps Fluttershy!" she charged forward.

Twilight was to panic stricken to think, but in time she had shot a ball of energy at the yellow mare, and turned and began to run.


"It's alright Rainbow, we'll help you, whats' wrong?" Apple Bloom asked anxiously, helping Scootaloo up.

"I said leave me alone!" She ran towards them.

The three fillies screamed, and shot off in different directions. They turned towards where Rainbow Dash ran off to, only to see a rainbow tail lashing in the wind, and a dust trail behind her.


Twilight ran down the stairs, almost tripping and stumbling as her hooves ran frantically in any direction most opposite to Fluttershy.

She could hear her behind her, panting like a mad dog.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she reopened them, to find her self leaping out the window. Stopping, giving her a few seconds of time to focus, her horn began to glow. A bright light engulfed her, and she soon found herself in the library, with a light echoing of the mad screech that the crazed pony had yelled after her.


Dash ran through town in a mad frenzy, screaming as every turn she made, she saw more and more of the yellow Pegasus in a gory state. Her senses were leaving her mind, she felt as if at anytime, she would truly loose it.

Her heart pounding, she saw the library in sight, a slight bit of fear released itself.

But a few moments after feeling calm, something crashed into her, she was sure it was Fluttershy!


Twilight sighed in relief, and slowly made her way to where Rainbow Dash was left sleeping. Entering the room, she let out a soft sentence, intended to keep her calm, hoping not to scare her.

There was no reply.

"R-rainbow Dash?"

Still no reply.
Frantically she swiped her hoof at the light, to find an empty bed.



Twisting her head, with her heart thudding, she saw a yellow Pegasus with a familiar grin, and a red spattered face.

Screaming, she thrashed her hooves around, knocking the pony off her.

"Rainbow Dash! I'm so-" the pony thudded against the ground. It was Derpy Hooves.

"Stay away from m-me!" she stepped backwards.

Derpy stepped towards her, "Are you okay Rainbow Dash?"

"I'm fine, now get away!" she glanced down to see a rock at her hooves, but quickly glanced back at the Pegasus.


Twilight frantically ran down the stairs. Running towards the door, she tripped over a book she had left out, falling in front of the window, she saw the cyan blue mare standing with Derpy Hooves. The grayish mare was confused, and she noticed Rainbow had a rock in her hoof, with her ears backwards.

"Rainbow!" she yelled, and quickly got up, and began to run to the door again. Wrapping her hoof on the handle, she opened the door to see Rainbow Dash, standing back from the mail pony, with a bloodied rock at her hoof, and a pool of crimson forming around the limp mare's head.


Rainbow Dash stared down at the Pegasus, who now looked nothing like Fluttershy, but now was the normal mail pony, Derpy Hooves. She stared in shock, but turned up to look at Twilight. Without knowing it, the words slipped her mouth.

"She wouldn't leave me alone...."

The end of,
Backwards: A Not so Element of Kindness.

Wait for the next book,

Backwards: Insanity is Not Sane
to see if Rainbow Dash will return to a non-traumatized state, and will Fluttershy be turned normal?

Comments ( 11 )

I have completed this fan fiction, but there will be a second one :twilightsmile:

Backwards: Insanity is Not Sane
To see what will happen next!

Will Dashie become un-traumatized? :rainbowderp:
Will Flutershy become normal?:flutterrage:
Will Twilight be able to save them?:twilightoops:
Find out next!
Oh, btw, if you want, do tell your friends who you think may be interested, a book needs readers! though i have greatly appreciated those who have read it, and do hope they wil read my next story. I have appreciated your help guys, in criticism, moral support, and well, just being dam awesome :pinkiehappy:

whoa....just whoa.....


i SAID i never saw that vidoe until after i wrote the first story, i didnt know okay? sorry geeze, i rly didn't mean that, i thought i made the whole thing up til now, so dont bug me about that, rly sorry that was an accident :applecry:

whats next after this?

1218583 how shud i know? i never planned on naming her...but i think fluttersaw sounds better^.^

Backwards: Insanity is not sane, oh, nvm u already found it lol

just realized. what happens when we combine the cratos and fluttershy?

ohh this shit's good.

1243648 ninja fluttershy, lol, well that was kinda the idea, its either a butcher knife, or a samurai blade. good, glad i give enough detail to actually have that effect :rainbowlaugh:
you noticed where i was going witht his? good, thanks for the compliment, sorry i havent worked on it in a while, a tornado ran through outr town, cut off power for a few days, and my comp was dead, so yeah...

i've read this and forgotten most of it except for bits and pieces witch i'm glad i did

This is positively terrifying :twilightoops:

And the answer to all of these questions is NO!

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