• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 902 Views, 18 Comments

Call of the Wild: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

When an ancient, evil artifact makes its way to Equestria, it’s up to the Wild Force Power Rangers to save it

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Return to the island

Ever since Earth got a visitor from Equestria, Princess Shayla has been looking in on them with interest. Despite there not being any humans, she has grown quite fond of the ponies that live there. Interestingly enough though, two other teams of Power Rangers just payed them a visit. She wondered if there were any reason for the Wild Rangers to go there as well.

Princess Shayla heard the deer zord growing restless once again and smiled. She always loved singing for the deer zord. She went out and met Merik, who had his flute ready. “Good morning, princess,” he said to her.

“Good morning to you too, Merik. Are you ready?” Princess Shayla asked.

“As always,” Merik said, pulling out his flute. He began to blow into it, making the beautiful music that the deer zord had always loved. Princess Shayla began to sing her best.

“Each morning the sun rises, I hurry for my sleeve. I can’t wait to greet you with my song~” Princess Shayla sang. Merik couldn’t help but watch. He had always loved her, but he wasn’t sure if she loved him back.

Once they were finished, Merik said his goodbye and descended from the Animarium. Princess Shayla frowned. She saw Merik everyday and had the Wild Zords to help keep her company, but she always felt lonely. She sighed and went to check the pool.

Princess Shayla returned to find the sacred water erupting from the pool. She rushed to see what the trouble was. When she looked in, she was surprised to see Equestria’s reflection. They had monsters aplenty, but the pool only erupted when there was an org. What she next next horrified her. It was the org heart. She thought the rangers destroyed that when they defeated Master Org. She then saw the three org generals: Rendex, Nayzor, and Mandilock planning to obtain it.

Princess Shayla didn’t know what to do. She may not have lived there, but she still loved the land of Equestria. She knew what she had to do. She directed the Animarium to follow Merik.

“Princess? What’s going on?” Merik asked when he was summoned back to the Animarium.

“You need to see this.” Shayla showed Merik what she saw in the pool.

“We need the others,” Merik told Shayla.

“My thoughts exactly. I already know where Taylor is, and I bet she knows where Cole and the others are too. We have to hurry, or Equestria will be destroyed,” Shayla responded.


Taylor was having the time of her life. She always dreamt of being a pilot. She didn’t even care for a minute that Princess Shayla didn’t let her keep her power. If that was the cost for this, it was totally worth it. Even so, she still got together with Cole from time to time. It had been a rough start between those two, but she got over the change in command pretty quickly.

She was currently taking her new engine for a test fly. It had taken her two years to complete, and it was working perfectly. Her jet was doing exactly what it was supposed to do. All the other pilots offered to help her, but they scoffed at her when they saw what she was planning. Taylor was a lady with dreams that no one else understood.

It was now time to pull of the main function of the engine: break 15 g’s. No one had ever done it, and it was gonna hurt. But Taylor was willing to do anything to rub it all of their faces. She set herself in line to fully increase speed, but before she could do it, an old friend showed up. It was none other than her old Eagle Zord.

“Wanna race?” Taylor yelled at the zord, but it shook its head. “What’s wrong?” The Eagle Zord motioned for Taylor to follow her. Taylor looked down at the base, but she knew the Eagle Zord wouldn’t tell her to come with it without a good reason. Taylor turned her jet and followed the Eagle Zord. They landed on the Animarium a few minutes later. Taylor was greeted by Princess Shayla and Merik.

“Taylor, we’re so so sorry to have to pull you away, but this is urgent. Do you know where we can find the other rangers?” Shayla asked.

“Um, yeah, but what’s going in?” Taylor responded.

“We’ll explain everything once the others are here. We promise,” Merik assured her.

“Alright, Cole’s...”


Cole was arriving back in Turtle Cove. He didn’t know why Taylor had called him back there. Their ranger days were over. Maybe she just wanted to reconnect? Yeah, that was it. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Max, Danny, and Alyssa. He smiled and walked up to greet them.

“It’s great to see you all again,” Cole said.

“Yeah, it’s been forever,” Max agreed.

“Does anyone know where Taylor is?” Alyssa asked.

“I haven’t seen her,” said Danny.

Cole was about to say something when they were all surrounded by a bright light. Before they knew what was going on, they were all shot into the air. When the smoke cleared, they found themselves in the middle of the Animarium. Taylor was there, wearing her old eagle jacket. Princess Shayla and Merik were there as well.

“Taylor, what’s going on? Why are we back?” Cole asked.

“Hey guys. Look, I’m sorry, but it’s urgent. Princess Shayla said she’d explain when you arrived,” Taylor replied.

“Indeed I will. Please, rangers, get her around the sacred pool,” Princess Shayla instructed. The rangers did as she said, and the pool lit up. “This is Equestria. It is a world parallel to our own. Instead of humans, ponies and many other creatures inhabit this land. Instead of technology, they use magic for everyday tasks. The land is ruled by a Princess much like myself. Her name is Princess Celestia, and, along with Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight Sparkle, they watch over this land with care. Very recently, Twilight Sparkle visited Earth on a mission to retrieve her stolen crown, and I have been watching them ever since, learning about their land. Very recently, two other teams of Power Rangers, Dino Thunder and Jungle Fury, were sent there to defeat old foes of theirs.”

“I don’t understand. What does this have to do with us?” Max asked.

“You see, not more than a few hours ago, something from our world that doesn’t belong in Equestria has shown up there. The Org Heart. While this may not be a problem, the three org generals, Rendex, Nayzor, and Mandilock have arrived there to retrieve it. If they do, they’ll become invincible. We must go there and warn the ponies of the danger to come as well as try to stop it. That being said, these are now yours once again,” Shayla explained, handing over the rangers’ old jackets and morphers.

“No way! Thanks, Princess Shayla,” said Max.

“Um, how are we gonna get there?” asked Danny.

“Simple. With the combined power of the Wild Zords and Shayla’s necklace, we should have more than enough power to get there without much trouble,” explained Merik.

“Sounds good, but I still have one question: are we gonna have to deal with...Dr. Adler?” Cole asked.

“Do not worry, Cole. I have searched the entire land of Equestria and have found no trace of Dr. Adler,” Shayla answered.

“Good. I don’t want another encounter with him,” Cole said.

“Alright then, let’s get going,” said Merik.

With that, the Wild Zords gathered together and summoned their power. Princess Shayla’s necklace began to glow. The zords roared into the air, creating a hole in the sky. Once it was big enough, the Animarium floated through it, into Equestria.


“You can’t be serious,” Casey laughed.

“It’s not THAT funny,” Starlight rolled her eyes. She had just told Casey about the time she used mind control to try to bond with Twilight’s friends. He got a real kick out of it.

“Oh come on. If you can’t look back on it and laugh, then why’d you even tell me?” Casey countered.

Starlight chuckled at that. “Good point,” she sighed.

“So what’d Twilight say about that?” Casey asked.

“Ugh, she told me magic wasn’t a shortcut to friendship and that I needed to apologize to her friends. They got over it, but I still don’t really like to talk about it,” Starlight replied.

“Well, she isn’t wrong. After all, what good would friendship be if it depended on magic?” Casey asked.

“You’re right. Wow, where were you when I still used magic for stupid things?” Starlight asked sarcastically.

Casey chuckled. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by a large quake. The quake made the tablet fall face first onto the castle floor, and Starlight was quick to pick it up with her magic.

“What was that?” Casey asked.

“Just a little quake. So where were we?” Starlight asked.

“I was fighting monsters while you were making stupid things, to answer your questions,” Casey answered, making Starlight roll her eyes again.

“It’s a good thing you’re so cute,” Starlight said.

“Hey Starlight? Are you busy?” Twilight said from another room.

“Looks like, you gotta go. It was nice talking to you,” Casey said.

“You too,” Starlight replied, shutting off the tablet.

Starlight went out to see what Twilight wanted. “What’s up?” she asked.

“Literally speaking, a giant floating island that slightly resembles the shape of a turtle,” Twilight said, not breaking her gaze through her telescope.

“What!? Let me see,” Starlight said. She looked through and indeed saw a turtle-shaped island in the sky. “What is that?”

“Other than a turtle-shaped island , I have no idea. I already sent letters to the others, and they’ll be here any minute,” Twilight responded.

Sure enough, their friends, Rainbow Dash. Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie got to the castle.

“I didn’t believe what you said in your letter, so I flew up to check it out. You’re right; it’s a giant floating island,” Rainbow said.

“Did you see what was on it?” Twilight asked.

“No. I was gonna check it out, but something about it didn’t feel right. I figured we could all check it out,” said Rainbow.

“I do hope this isn’t another monster from Earth. Not that I don’t enjoy human company, I’m just tired of dealing with monster attacks,” said Rarity.

“Look on the bright side: if there are monsters, there’ll probably be a new team of rangers to stop ‘em,” replied Applejack, who really liked meeting new ranger teams.

“Either way, I’m throwing whoever’s on that thing a ‘Welcome to Equestria’ party,” said Pinkie.

“Let’s get going. I already had Spike ready the balloon,” said Twilight.

“Will that hold all seven of us?” Starlight asked. She had never taken a trip in that thing with them before.

“It should, but I’ll be flying next to it just to be sure,” said Twilight.

“I’ll fly too. No offense, but I just find the balloon really uncomfortable,” said Rainbow.

“Alright then. Let’s go,” said Twilight.

The seven of them ran out see Spike waiting with the balloon. Starlight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie boarded as Twilight and Rainbow began to ascend alongside the balloon.

“Good luck,” yelled Spike from the ground.

“Hey, why isn’t Spike coming?” Starlight asked.

Twilight blushed and flew down to him. She quickly flew back up and responded, “He said he’s fine.”

“Are ya’ sure?” Applejack asked.

Twilight flew down again. “It’s so easy to mess with her,” Applejack told Starlight.

“I was actually serious,” Starlight said.

Twilight quickly rejoined them. “He said he’s sure.”

After a while, they finally saw their destination coming closer. As they continued to approach the island, however, something flew past them. “W-What was that?” Fluttershy stammered.

“It was probably nothing,” Rarity said, not sounding so sure of herself.

Out of the clouds flew a giant, yellow eagle with green glowing eyes and a metallic body. “It’s a zord!” Twilight shouted as the eagle gave a loud screech.

While the ponies were recovering, the eagle scraped open the balloon with its sharp wing. The balloon quickly began to lose air and fall. Twilight and Rainbow raced to save their falling friends. They managed to catch them all and lower them safely onto the ground, but the eagle wasn’t done with them yet. They ran as fast as they could, but wasn’t nearly enough to outrun the eagle. They split up, and the eagle seemed to keep going after Twilight, Starlight, and Rarity. It finally had them cornered against the wall.

Before the eagle could do anything , the three of them heard a female voice. “Bad! Bad Eagle Zord! These are not orgs! They are ponies! Tell them you’re sorry, right now,” the voice yelled. Twilight opened her eyes to see a human female wearing a yellow jacket and a pair of jeans facing the eagle. The eagle gave a frown and a small screech. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You didn’t know. I’m sorry I yelled at you. Let’s get you back to the Animarium,” the girl said. She then turned toward the scared unicorns and alicorn. “Sorry about her. She’s new here and is very protective of the Animarium. I’ll get her back up, and then we can make proper introductions,” the girl said. With that she jumped into the eagle, and it flew off into the air.

Rainbow and the others rejoined them. “Are you three okay?” Rainbow asked, worriedly.

Twilight, stunned by the recent event, blinked her eyes a few times without saying a word. When she finally regained the ability to think, she asked, “Wait, what just happened?”

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
Don’t worry, I won’t go too for with the comedy from here on out. I also won’t ship any of the humans with the ponies, but I do plan on shipping a few of the humans. I also plan on bringing back a few familiar faces in the future. I’m really looking forward to writing this story; Wild Force is extremely underrated in my opinion. I’ll leave another blog, telling the layout of the story later, but until then, the story sits docile.

Yours truly,