• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 902 Views, 18 Comments

Call of the Wild: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

When an ancient, evil artifact makes its way to Equestria, it’s up to the Wild Force Power Rangers to save it

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But you can teach him to improve the old ones

“I can’t believe Nayzor beat me so easily,” said Merik.

“Don’t get down on yourself. You didn’t know he would have that kind of power,” replied Cole.

The rangers were discussing the issue of the orgs’ new power. “Maybe we can severe their horns?” suggested Danny.

“We’d never get close enough,” said Taylor.

“Hold on. Nayzor was able to use magic, but the org from before wasn’t,” said Max.

“You’re right. So maybe only the generals can use magic,” added Alyssa.

“How can we use that to our advantage?” asked Taylor.

“I don’t know, but it’s a start. Something tells me we’re gonna be getting a little help from the locals here,” said Cole.

Meanwhile, in another room, Twilight was relaying the events of what happened at the Crystal Empire to her friends.

“Did he seem good at using magic, or just mediocre?” asked Starlight.

“He seemed to know what he was doing. Either way, I’m surprised I was able to fight him off so easily,” said Twilight.

“We’ve fought evil before. It’s definitely not invincible,” said Applejack.

“Yeah. We can kick its butt any day.all they have to do is show their ugly face and BAM!” Rainbow yelled.

“The problem is, even if we can out magic them, we’ll have no chance in hand to hoof combat. I know a little, but not as much as the rangers,” said Starlight.

“Maybe we can get the Jungle Rangers’ help. They’re immune to magic,” suggested Fluttershy.

“They wouldn’t be able to get here. Even if they could, it would be for naught of the generals got the Org Heart,” said Twilight.

“I don’t see why we’re holding on to that thing rather than trying to destroy it,” said Rarity.

“I already tried. Nothing has been working,” responded Twilight.

Rarity was about to speak up when Cole came into the room. “Rendex knows the Org Hear is here. Hide it; we’ll keep him busy,” he said.

“Don’t worry, Cole. You can count on us,” said Rainbow.

Cole went back out. He and his friends ran outside to face Rendex. “Well well well, look who decided to show their faces. You don’t stand a chance against me,” said Rendex.

“That’s what you said last time we fought. And don’t you remember: we defeated you then too,” replied Taylor.

“I didn’t Have this power that I have now. And I know about your last encounter with magic,” Rendex taunted.

“Wild Access!” The Wild Rangers morphed and jumped into battle with Rendex, who drew his daggers. Cole and Danny tried to use their combined weapon strength to attack, but Rendex blocked them both slashed them with his daggers. Max used his fins to engage in battle for a moment until Rendex blasted him at point blank. Taylor and Allyssa used their own weapons to slash at Rendex, but he avoided them. He then used his daggers to disarm them and blasted them as well. Merik tried to blast Rendex from a distance, but Rendex countered.

“I don’t even need magic to defeat you,” Rendex said as Merik switched to blade mode and attacked with that. Render caught the attack with his daggers, and the two went at it. Cole got back into the fight, catching Rendex off guard long enough for Merik to hit him with the blade. Cole then used his own weapon to hit Rendex square in the eye. It was at this point that Rendex’s horn began to glow. Cole and Merik were enveloped in a red aura and lifted off the ground. They went flying back into a house and hit the ground. “Nayzor was right. Magic does make defeating you easier.”

“It doesn’t matter whether or not you have magic. We’ll defeat you either way,” said Cole. He charged back at Rendex, who looked as if he was preparing to hit Cole at close range. His horn glowed once again, and he teleported directly in front of Cole to unleash his attack, sending Cole back over Merik.

“They need our help,” said Rainbow.

“I don’t know. He seems a bit stronger than Nayzor did,” said Twilight.

“How? From what you told us, Nayzor did all of the same things,” said Starlight.

“But he didn’t have any actual weapon like Rendex does. How are we supposed to get in close without being hit?” asked Twilight.

“We’ll never know if we don’t try,” said Applejack.

“You’re right,” twilight said before Turing to Rarity, “Can you look after the Org Heart?”

“It’ll be no problem, darling. Now you get out there and help them,” replied Rarity.

With that, Twilight, Starlight, Applejack, and Rainbow ran out to help the Wild Rangers. “We’ll draw his attention. You two sneak attack him with yer magic,” said Applejack as Starlight and Twilight teleported to another location.

Rainbow and Applejack ran out to face Rendex, who was making mincemeat out of the rangers. “How adorable. Two ponies without any magic two their names think they can stand up to me,” Rendex taunted.

“We don’t need magic to kick you ugly butt,” said Rainbow.

“Hm, I seem to recall six multi-colored warriors claiming the same thing before I defeated them,” Rendex replied.

Seemingly in response, Merik and the other rangers got up to join Applejack and Rainbow. “You haven’t defeated us and you never will, Rendex. It doesn’t matter how strong you think you are; good will always triumph,” said Merik.

“Sounds like someone’s just trying to shake off his humiliating defeat from yesterday, aren’t you, ‘Zen-Aku’,” said Rendex.

“I am not Zen-Aku!” Merik yelled.

“Oh please, you’ll never be anything more than that wolf who was sealed away all those years ago,” said Rendex.

“What’s he talkin’ about, Merik? Who’s Zen-Aku?” Applejack asked.

“Merik, don’t listen to him,” said Cole.

“What’s wrong? The wolf hasn’t become a scaredy-cat has he?” Rendex taunted.

Before Merik could respond, Twilight and Starlight appeared on top of Rendex, catching him off guard once again. He tried to blast them, but they teleported away and attacked him. He tried to use his magic, but Starlight used a spell to make Rendex’s horn go limp. Rendex drew his daggers and charged as Twilight raised a shield, which Rendex slashed right through. Twilight was hit hard by Rendex’s daggers, and Starlight was in no position to defend herself. Rendex was about to attack her when Merik jumped in and attacked.

“You and me. We finish thesis right here, right now,” said Merik.

“Sounds good to me,” replied Rendex.

Merik and Rendex charged at each other, meeting in the middle. Starlight’s spell was still holding up, so Rendex was left to using his daggers. He tried to use them to disarm Merik, but Merik stood his ground. He used his sword to jab at Rendex and keep his distance. He switched back to blaster mode and shot him with that.

“I’ve had enough. What do you say we finish this with one last shot?” Rendex challenged.

“Fine by me,” said Merik.

With that, Rendex’s daggers began to glow and grow. He threw them at Merik, and Merik caught them. He held them a small distance away from his chest as he heard Rendex’s voice through them.

“You’re nothing but that wolf who nearly destroyed the rangers. You’ll never be anything but Zen-Aku. Why don’t you just accept defeat? After all, you can’t teach an old wolf new tricks.”

Merik could feel himself being pushed back. He didn’t know how long he could keep this up.

“Merik, you can do this. You are not Zen-Aku. You are Merik, the Lunar Wolf Ranger,” Merik could hear his friends telling him.

“You’re right. Zen-Aku is a being of the past. I’m not gonna let that get to me now,” said Merik as he began to push back against the dagger.

“What?! Impossible!” Rendex shouted as Merik gained control of the dagger. Merik threw the dagger on the ground and prepared his own attack.

“You were right, Rendex. You can’t teach an old wolf new tricks, but you can teach him to improve the old ones,” Merik said. With that, Merik summoned a green platform that cut through Rendex’s torso, keeping him in place. Merik set three orbs, similar to the ones the other rangers had, on the platform. He pulled back his sword and took aim at Rendex. Merik pushed his sword forward, sending the orbs rolling quickly at Rendex. With one final cry of desperation, the orbs hit Rendex, causing him to explode.

Merik demoprhed and faced his friends. “Are you guys alright?”

“We’re fine, but that was awesome,” said Max.

“Yeah. You sure showed him who’s boss,” Taylor agreed.

Starlight let go of her spell as Twilight got back up. “Are you okay, Twilight?” Merik asked.

“I’m fine. Rendex didn’t hit anything important,” Twilight responded.

“Merik, what was Rendex talking about? Who’s Zen-Aku?” Rainbow asked.

Merik hung his head in embarrassment. Before he could answer, Rendex reappeared and began to grow.

“I assume you want to take this one?” offered Cole.

“Yeah, man. Thanks,” Merik said in response.

With that, Merik morphed again and pulled out the three orbs from before. He put them in his blaster and fired them into the air. They glowed, and three new Wild Zords took their places. There was a free crocodile zord, and purple hammerhead zord, and a silver wolf zord. The crocodile folded up its tail and reached its legs out. The wolf and the hammerhead folded in their limbs and attached to the crocodile. A head grew out the top of the combination. The Predazord was now ready to fight.

“Woah, Merik has his own Megazord?” Twilight said.

“Technically, we call it the Predazord,” Cole clarified.

Rendex drew his daggers and attacked while Merik got his own weapon: a staff. The fin on the end of it fired at Rendex and hit him repeatedly. Then Merik turned the staff to attack with the crocodile tale. It hit Rendex hard, causing him to drop his daggers. Rendex tried to use magic, but Merik swung the staff again at his horn. It broke off, leaving Rendex defenseless. Merik raised the crocodile head in fron of the Predazord and it fired a predator wave at Rendex, finally defeating him.

Merik jumped down to the ground and powered down. “I guess you guys were right. I shouldn’t let one fight get me down.”

“You’re right. And you know what? Nayzor and Mandilock are next,” agreed Cole.


“I can’t believe Rendex was defeated so easily. I thought you said this world gave us new powers,” accused Mandilock.

“It does. Don’t worry, we’ll get the heart one way or another. We just have to be patient,” said Nayzor.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
Sorry about the late chapter. I just never got a chance to work on it last week. I can’t tell for sure when the next one will be out, but I can guarantee it will be good. I’ll work on Legend when I get the chance. Leave a comment telling me what you thought about the chapter. One more thing, this story’s Gonna be way shorter than originally intended

Until then,