• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 903 Views, 18 Comments

Call of the Wild: A Power Rangers Story - TheHardie-Boy

When an ancient, evil artifact makes its way to Equestria, it’s up to the Wild Force Power Rangers to save it

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Thunderous Spirits of the past (part two)

Cole, Taylor, and Merik fought with Casey, while Max, Danny, and Alyssa went after Connor.

Twilight, Starlight, and Applejack were still trying to wrap their heads around what was happening. Why were Connor and Casey acting like this? Didn’t they become friends during their visits?

Rainbow Dash, however, was fuming. She had guessed that her dream was a warning for this.

Casey used his Jungle Sabers to block the oncoming attacks from Cole and Taylor as Merik snuck around him. Merik tried to attack, but Casey ducked, so Merik ended up hitting Taylor. Cole went in for another punch, but Casey dodged it and grabbed hold of Cole’s arm. Casey then landed a few kicks on Cole’s gut before letting go and kicking him down. Merik tried blasting Casey, but Casey blocked them with his sabers. Taylor drew her own Crystal Saber and went at it with Casey. They were equally matched for a moment as Merik tried to capitalize. He drew his sword and swung at Casey. Somehow, Casey saw it coming and countered with a kick. He then ducked under Taylor’s attack and slashed her from behind. Merik tried to attack again, but Casey managed to kick Merik’s Weapon out of his hand, leaving him open for attack. Luckily, Cole managed to knock Casey off balance as Merik regained his weapon. Casey put his sabers together and slashed all three of them, one by one.

Connor used his staff to block Danny’s axe attack. He then ducked and let Danny trip over him. Max attacked with his fins, but Connor used his staff to confuse Max long enough for Connor to land a solid shot on him. Alyssa went in for an attack with her baton, but Connor blocked it. He then tilted his staff, causing Alyssa to lose her balance and become vulnerable as Connor attacked again. Danny got back up and tried to attack with his axe, but Connor did a spin, causing Danny to trip past him and allowing Connor to strike again. Max attacked with his fins, but Connor blocked again and swept upwards with his staff and slashed Max twice with it.

“That’s it. I’m getting in there to help,” said Rainbow, starting to bolt at Connor.

Starlight quickly caught Rainbow’s tail in her magic, keeping her from going anywhere. “What are you thinking? You can’t fight Connor.”

“Oh yeah? Watch me!” Rainbow said through gritted teeth. She tried again to fly at Connor, but Starlight’s magical grip wouldn’t budge.

“You don’t actually think that Connor would really do this do you?” questioned Starlight, struggling to hold onto Rainbow.

“She’s right. Connor’s our friend. He would never do anything to hurt us,” said Twilight, joining Starlight.

“Look at what he’s doing now! Stop trying to hold me back!” Rainbow yelled.

“He doesn’t even have his powers remember? That can’t possibly be him,” Starlight said, hoping that would calm Rainbow down.

Connor turned his attention towards the three of them and pulled out his blaster. He took aim at Twilight and fired. Starlight saw this and raised a shield to block the attack, letting Rainbow go in the process. Rainbow flew as fast as she could at Connor. He grabbed hold of her with the T-Rex head in his staff and threw her onto the ground. He went for another attack, but luckily, Danny got back up and attacked Connor, distracting him.

Starlight ran up to Rainbow. “Come on. You’re gonna get seriously hurt if you try to fight him,” Starlight tried to convince Rainbow.

Rainbow took no mind of Starlight’s words as she flew into the air and above her. Starlight tried to grab her again with her magic, but she felt Connor kick her onto her stomach. She tried to get away, but Connor stuck the T-Rex head on her horn and held her down with his foot on the back of her head. Connor then began to yank the staff back, causing Starlight to scream in pain. She felt her horn’s magic being blocked by the staff, and Connor was too strong to try and fight, so she was helpless. She felt the pain in her horn begin to increase as Connor pulled harder on his staff. She knew it was only a matter of time before her horn would crack and break off. Rainbow tried to fly in and knock Connor off Starlight, but Connor drew his blaster and fired at Rainbow. She managed to dodge it, but the blast still clipped her wing. She hit the ground next to them with tears in her eyes and a singed feather on her left wing.

Cole went at it again with Casey, giving him absolutely no openings to attack. He threw punch after punch with his Lion Fist. He was determined to get Casey to the ground and find a way to demorph him, but Casey kept moving out of the way. Eventually, Casey grabbed hold of Cole’s arm. The two struggled for power for a bit until Starlight screamed in agony again. Casey turned his head to see what was happening. “Starlight?” Cole heard Casey say. Cole broke free of Casey’s grip and went for another punch, but Casey disappeared in a red glow right before Cole made contact.

Starlight clenched her eyes shut as hard as she could in anticipation of what was about to happen. She felt the weight of Connor’s foot come off her back. Her horn still stung hard from Connor’s staff. She slowly looked up and saw Connor and Casey were both gone. She also saw Rainbow in the ground next to her, crying and holding her wing.

“Starlight?! Are you okay?” Alyssa asked, running up to her.

“My horn kind of stings, but I’ll be fine. Besides, I doubt it compares to what Rainbow’s feeling,” Starlight said, motioning to Rainbow.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, joining them.

“Can I explain at the castle? I really want to get some ice on my horn,” Starlight replied.

“Sure,” said Twilight. She lifted Rainbow onto her back using her magic, and they all made their way to the castle.


Casey took a quick breath before he was punched against the wall.

“You’re lucky I don’t destroy you right now, Red Jungle Ranger. Fortunately for you, your use to us has not yet run out,” said Scorch. He held Casey up against the wall as Snapper put the chains back on his hands and legs.

“It seems making Spirit Rangers works with any kind of Power Ranger,” said Snapper to Scorch.

“Yes. And even better, those Wild Rangers have no idea what to do,” Scorch replied.

“All we need to do now is wait for their power to recharge,” said Snapper. After that, he and Scorch left Casey and Connor, who were both still chained to the wall.

Casey looked over at Connor. “I’m so sorry, Connor. I shouldn’t have dragged you back into this. This is all my fault,” Casey said.

“Don’t sweat it, man. Are you alright?” Connor asked.

“Dude, look at us,” Casey said, looking toward the ground. “We’re chained to a wall, being forced to attack our friends. Specifically, our marefriends.”

“Our ‘marefriends? What are you talking about?” Connor asked, sounding confused.

Casey took a deep breath before responding. “I know about you and Rainbow Dash. I was brought here, and I know you were brought here too. I also know what happened between the two of you. I had a similar fling with Starlight, but I still had a way to contact her after. I felt bad for Rainbow, so I thought I could get you so you two could see each other again,” he explained.

Connor looked down at himself. He had no idea anyone other than his own team knew about him and Rainbow. He looked back at Casey and realized he was just trying to do him a favor.

“Thanks. And look at it this way,” Connor said, getting Casey’s attention. “When we get out of this, which we will, we’ll both get to see them again.”

Casey smiled. “That just leaves the question: how are we gonna get out of here?”

Connor sighed. “Not a clue,” he confessed.


“Wow. Rainbow really thought we would make fun of her for having a crush on Connor?” Rarity asked.

“As far as I could tell,” Starlight replied.

“She knows we would never really do that. Although, I can’t even begin to imagine what she’s going through now,” said Applejack.

“Yeah. I mean, she had a crush on a human who turned out to attack her and almost ripped Starlight’s horn off with a staff,” Pinkie said nonchalantly, earning glares from the other ponies in the room.

“I just wish we knew what was wrong with Casey and Connor,” Fluttershy said.

“I ran every magical analysis I could think of,” said Twilight.

“And? What’d you come up with?” asked Starlight.

“Nothing. Whatever’s happening to them isn’t magic,” replied Twilight.

“Makes sense. Isn’t Casey immune to magic since he’s a Pai Zhua Master an’ all?” Applejack asked.

“I forgot about that. That being said, magic isn’t gonna help us this time,” Twilight responded.

“If only there was a way to contact the other Jungle Rangers or Dino Rangers,” said Fluttershy.

Starlight’s eyes went wide. She didn’t even think of using the tablet to call for help. Rainbow looked over from the corner she was sitting in and saw her face. “Is everything alright, Starlight?” Rainbow asked curiously.

Starlight blushed and tried to put on a convincing smile. “Yeah, just fine. I, uh, I gotta go do something,” she said as she started to leave the room.

Before she got out the door, a large, bright portal opened up in front of her. A figure stepped out of it, and they all immediately recognized the man.

“Hey girls; I’m back,” said Trent.

“Trent!” the seven of them said. Pinkie lunged at Trent, causing him to stumble back and fall.

“Okay, Pinkie, I missed you too,” Trent said, laughing.

Pinkie got off Trent as he got up. He was quickly crowded by the seven ponies. “It’s great to see you again! What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I had a vision of what was going on here. I told my dad, and we got to work building a device to help me get back here. He also made me this.” Trent displayed his wrist to the girls, and there was a device similar to his White Dino Morpher. “It’s not the exact same as my old morpher and Dino Gem, but it’s enough to replicate my old powers,” Trent explained.

“That’s great, but what about Casey?” Rainbow asked.

“Who’s Casey?” Trent asked.

“About a week after you guys left, another team of rangers came to Equestria. It was the Power Rangers Jungle Fury. Casey was their Red Ranger. He’s here too, and whatever’s going on with Connor is happening to him too,” Twilight explained.

Trent pulled out a large device in response. “Well, my dad did make this to try and save Connor, so maybe it will work for ‘Casey’ too,” Trent offered.

“It’s not magical, is it?” Starlight asked.

“Nope. It’s pure technology. Why do you ask?” Trent inquired in response.

“Casey’s completely immune to magic,” Twilight explained.

“That’s alright. I shouldn’t have too many problems. As long as I can get a clear shot, I’ll be fine. That being said, is there another team of rangers here right now?”

“As a matter of fact, there is. The Wild Force Rangers,” Rarity answered.

“Alright then. I’ll have a quick chat with them, and we should be good to go,” Trent said, putting the device in his pack.

“I’ll get up to the Animarium and tell the Wild Rangers what’s going on,” said Twilight. Before she could leave the room, however, another portal opened up. Another human stepped through, but it wasn’t one anypony had ever seen before.

“So,” the man said to himself, “this is Equestria. Casey was right, it does feel a lot different than Earth.”

“Um, who are ya’? And how do ya’ know who Casey is?” Applejack asked, suspicious of the new human.

Before he could answer, Starlight spoke up. “Wait a second. Are you Jared?”

“That’s me. Casey’s told me a lot about this place,” the human responded. He looked around the room and saw the seven ponies, along with Trent.

“It’s an honor to meet you. I’m Trent, the White Dino Ranger,” Trent said, extending his hand.

Jared shook it and responded. “Nice to meet you too.” Jared turned to the other ponies in the room. “Don’t tell me, let me guess.” He walked up to Fluttershy. “Butterfly tattoos, yellow fur, and a pink mane. You must be Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy giggled in response. “That’s me. It’s nice to meet you,” she said in her trademark soft voice.

Jared moved on to Applejack. “Let’s see. A cowgirl hat, a blonde mane, and a southern accent. You’re Applejack aren’t ya’?”

Applejack nodded her head. “That’d be me. It’s nice to make your acquaintance, Jared.”

Jared went up to Rarity. “White fur, gorgeous mane. You must be Rarity.”

Rarity blushed in response. “That’s correct, Jared. It’s nice to meet you.”

Jared moved up to Pinkie, who was bouncing up and down in excitement. “All pink, and to quote Casey ‘the definition of excitement’. You’re Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie shook Jared’s hand rapidly, making him laugh. “That’s me. I can’t wait to get Casey and Connor back so I can throw you all a party after all throwing parties is-“ Pinkie was cut off by Jared.

Jared walked up to Rainbow Dash, who was sitting on her throne and not really listening to what was going on. “And you must be Rainbow Dash,” said Jared.

Rainbow looked at him. “Huh? Oh yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you,” she said half-heartedly.

Trent bent down to meet Twilight at ear level. “What’s with Rainbow?” he whispered.

“She’s upset about whole ‘Connor’s evil’ thing,” Twilight responded.

“I get it. Connor and the others treated me the exact same way when I was evil,” Trent said.

Jared was moving over to them next. “And let me guess: you’re Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled. “That’s right. It’s nice to meet you. Casey told us a lot about you,” she responded.

“Yeah, well I can answer your questions later,” Jared joked, making Twilight roll her eyes.

“That just leaves one,” said Jared, moving on to Starlight. “You must be Starlight Glimmer. Casey’s told me a whole lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

Starlight blushed at the mention of Casey. “Yeah, you too.”

“Alright, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk business,” said Jared, standing up.

“Well, Trent here’ll fill you in on the details. I gotta go tell the Wild Rangers what’s going on, so I’ll be right back,” said Twilight. With that, she took her leave out the window.

Trent pulled up the device from earlier. “This is set to the same frequency that decorrupted my Dino Gem when I was evil. The plan is to wait for a clear shot and hit them with this. Since you know Casey, you can probably be the one to subdue him long enough to cure him.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jared said in response.

Just then, there was a familiar lightning blast outside the castle. Everyone looked out the window to see Connor and Casey were back and looking to fight.

“Let’s do it,” Trent said. Jared nodded in response.

They all rushed outside and stood in front of the two Red Rangers. “Remember, I’ll hit Connor first, while you keep Casey busy,” Trent told Jared.

“Alright good luck,” Jared responded.

With that, Trent activated his morpher, and Jared summoned his spirit.

“White Ranger! Dino Power!”
“Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!”

The two rangers morphed as Casey and Connor charged. Jared met Casey with a swift sweep of the leg. Casey jumped over Jared and went for a kick. Jared grabbed onto Casey’s foot and threw him into the air. Casey quickly recovered and hit Jared with his palm. Casey then went in for another kick, putting Jared on his back.

Trent took aim with the device, but Connor drew his blaster and fired at it. Trent turned to block the attacks and was hit in the process, causing him to drop the device. Connor went to blast it again, but Trent kicked it away, causing Connor to attack him instead. Connor pulled his staff and jabbed at Trent with the T-Rex head. Trent recovered and drew his Drago-saber, slashing at Connor as quick as he could. Connor stayed low in an attempt to avoid Trent’s attacks, and he got the upper hand. Connor threw an uppercut as he jumped, sending Trent flying.

Starlight picked up the device with her magic and levitated it away from the action. “How do I use this thing?” she asked.

“Look for some kinda trigger, ah’d guess,” Applejack responded.

Starlight tilted the device with her magic and looked for the trigger. She quickly found it and took aim at Connor. “I can’t keep it aimed straight while firing it. One of you are gonna have to do it,” she said.

“Ah’ll do it. Plant it on the ground,” Applejack said in response.

Starlight planted the device on the ground as steadily as she could, and Applejack prepared to fire. Trent saw what they were doing and forced Connor into the aim of the device. He then punched Connor as hard as he could, sending a bit closer.

“Fire!” Starlight shouted. Applejack pulled the trigger, and a large surge fired out the front of the device. Unfortunately, it went right through Connor and hit Trent instead. Luckily, Trent was unaffected.

“What? I was sure I programmed that thing right,” said Trent as Conor went after him again.

Jared saw what happened as he continued to fight Casey. He ducked under a punch Casey threw at him and tackled him to the ground. Casey quickly threw Jared off him and pulled out his swords. Jared, not having a weapon, took serious damage from the swords.

“Looks like I’m gonna have to do this the old fashioned way,” Jared said as a gold aura began to surround him. “Call to the beast inside! Free the lion!” Jared unleashed his animal spirit, which turned out to be a lion, and hit Casey, sending him onto the ground.

Casey got back up, and Connor joined him. Trent joined Jared as well. “Nothing’s working. There has to be something else going on here,” Jared said.

Just then, six more humans ran up to them. “I assume you’re the Wild Rangers?” Trent guessed.

Cole nodded. “Twilight told us what’s going on. We’re gonna have to make introductions later. Did the device work?”

“Not a bit,” Jared responded.

Before anything else could be said, Casey and Connor disappeared similarly to how they did before.

“No way. I think I know why it didn’t work,” Jared said.

“Why?” Taylor asked.

Before Jared could answer, two monsters with gold armor walked up to the scene. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t our ex-king! You’re gonna come to regret getting involved. You too, White Dino Ranger!” the one with the red face said.

“Snapper and Scorch! I should’ve guessed you two were behind this. Let them go, now!” Jared yelled.

“Or what? You can’t defeat us,” the other monster said.

“Who are they?” asked Merik.

“They’re definitely not orgs; I can tell you that,” said Max.

“They’re Phantom Beast Generals. Some of the strongest warriors in existence,” Jared explained.

“Enough talk. Time for us to destroy you for your interference,” said Scorch.

The eight rangers charged Snapper and Scorch, but the two of them unleashed their full Rinsin Power upon them. The eight rangers all went flying back and demorphed.

Snapper and Scorch charged for another attack to destroy the rangers, but Scorch stopped. “We must go. They’re beginning to escape.” With that, the two of them teleported away.

Twilight and the others ran up to the eight of them. “Who was that?” she asked.

“I think I know what’s going on here,” Jared responded.

Author's Note:

Hey guys,
If you haven’t guessed what’s going on with Connor and Casey, all will be revealed in the next chapter. Speaking of which, I’m not gonna work on that quite yet because I want to work on the next chapter of Legends. So, I’ll see you guys there when I finish that. I’ll get to part three afterward. And yes, I’m gonna be further developing the relationship between Connor and Rainbow Dash after Connor’s set free (spoiler alert!). Don’t worry though, I won’t be doing too much dealing with Casey and Starlight (I will a little though).

Another big shoutout to ThePinkedWonder for once again proofreading this chapter. Seriously, man, thanks.
