• Published 27th May 2019
  • 242 Views, 0 Comments

Through The Grapevine - Unknown Ficwriter

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More Than Gems

Author's Note:

More Than Gems: Looking for a different perspective, Twilight asks Discord for his honest opinion about The Elements of Harmony.

Entry for May 2019 "Black and White" Flashfic contest

The Elements of Harmony, most claim they're the purest form of lawful or "good magic." While they are not wrong per se, these dainty gems do more than spew magic. Much like a certain draconequus, they conflict with and perforate the dreary black and white of lawful society.

By captivation and resurrection of wonderment, they stoke the flames of whimsical merriment. Much like the rainboom, they splatter color upon the animatic. Champions of abnormality, they bolster probably with each impossibility achieved.

Inticed, we bloom beyond the obscuring shades of life. Grayscale yields to chroma, mundane to chaos as the world redefines itself. My point is the Elements of Harmony are more chaotic than previously speculated.

Sincerely Discord

Disgruntled at his atrocious accusation Twilight crumbled the letter. While taking aim at the wastebasket, Discord's words sloshed through her mind. As segments gained clarity, she unfurled the letter despite the mental jab.