• Published 27th May 2019
  • 242 Views, 0 Comments

Through The Grapevine - Unknown Ficwriter

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Never To Late

Author's Note:

Never Too Late: Making her way home, Moondancer prepares to greet an old friend.

Strolling down the streets of Canterlot, several books in tow. I spied our old university, Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, from the corner of my eye. In previous days, I'd feel a harsh sense of betrayal and unease when passing by. I looked up to you like an elder sister.

You were my friend, the epitome of studious determination. Even after "that day" I followed your example but remained jilted from then on. For five years, I avoided socializing with only the memories of the past for comfort. Although that blotch will never fade, it doesn't define me.

Diverting a portion of her magic, Moondancer, opened the door to a familiar tower. Making her way up the spiral staircase, books in tow, she opened the balcony doors. Spotting Twilight in the distance, she placed them on to the table. Unfolding two chairs, Moondancer sat and waited for her friend's arrival.