• Published 27th May 2019
  • 242 Views, 0 Comments

Through The Grapevine - Unknown Ficwriter

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Author's Note:

Mindset: Luna records a mantra of a personal nature.

In a world of peace and happiness resides a deeper layer where monsters and shades roam freely. Screams of terror and cries of woe ring through the night. Countless pleas clamor for a hero's deliverance from the plentiful visions of horror. One mare rises to answer, born from shadow and just as fleeting.

With her arsenal at the ready, she rallies to their defense. A beacon of hope to the helpless, she vanquishes the disturbed and grotesque. With purity of heart, she serves up swift justice. As blade and shield, readying herself against the hordes that seek to rip their victims in twine. With moonlight as her guide, she patrols the dreamscape.

With Unfurled wings and horn aglow, she springs to action. Seeking neither glory nor gratification, The Guardian of Night vanishes in a poof of smoke. For whenever there's a cry in the night, she'll be there to help.