• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 23,278 Views, 486 Comments

The Broken Mare - darkangel_31314

Twilight Sparkle wakes up near the Everfree Forest, pregnant, with no idea how she got there.

  • ...

The Interlude

The lights were out, and Twilight curled up under the blanket. The day had been long, and hard, with shocking revelations and surprise stacked atop surprise.

What was one supposed to do when everything you know has changed?

As she examined the events of the day she realized that she had been acting quite out of character. By now she should be locked up with Pinkie, but here she was, silent, curled up in a hospital bed. And her attitude toward Rainbow... that monologue was definitely not her...

What in Tartarus was going on?

She buried her face in her pillow, forehooves wrapped around her bulging midriff. The Nightmare ghost-spirit-thing-whatever had taken her away from her friends, got her impregnated, and then released her. Why? A plan, no doubt.

Looking toward the door, she decided right then that she had to figure out what it was, and then prevent it. To save her friends, to save her child.

She snuggled under the blankets, closing her eyes to sleep...

... unaware of the faint golden glow to them in the darkness...


The next morning the Princesses had arrived.

Very quickly, the waiting room on the second floor of Ponyville General Hospital was crowded. Royal Guards stood at all the entrances led by Captain Shining Armor and Lieutenant Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy spoke with Nurses, Applejack spoke with Princess Celestia, and in a corner, Rarity spoke with Spike. It was controlled chaos.

"Ahem." Fluttershy stepped away from the Nurses' Station to address everyone. "If I could have your attention... please..."

Everyone looked up at her expectantly.

"As per my initial assessment, Twilight in near perfect health. Stress is her current problem, but that is to be expected after all she has been through. Her foal is also quite healthy... and we are trying to determine breeding - Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth Pony."

One could hear a pin drop.

"So... it is her?" Spike asked, hope in his voice.

"Yes. It is, Spike." Fluttershy smiled.

"Why now? Why let her go?" Luna asked what was on everypony's mind.

"We don't know. And neither did she." Applejack explained. "She didn't even know a year had passed until I told her."

"Amnesia may be a side-effect of whatever traumatic experience she had." Fluttershy sat before them. "Or it could be the effects of a spell wiping her memory. We're still assessing that." She looked up at Princess Celestia. "With you here, that may be easier."

"To find out what happened to my faithful student, I would be glad to assist in determining what exactly was done to her."

"Thank you, Princess." She glanced at a clock over the Nurses' Station. "She's awake now, but I want her to get something to eat before letting someone see her. She needs to regain her strength, especially for the foal."

"How far along is she?" Rarity asked timidly.

"... near full-term. Ten months."

"Oh dear... " Rarity swallowed.

"An exam was conducted earlier this morning. We've been able to tell that is is quite healthy and there are no complications with the foal so far."

"Captain Armor." Princess Luna addressed Twilight's brother. "Please send a patrol to the edge of the Everfree. See if they could find where she came out of the woods and track back to where she appeared. I want to know as much as possible about what happened."

"... as do I..." He grumbled and turned to relay the orders to a nearby Pegasus guard.

"You are unsure, Sister?" Celestia raised an eyebrow at the frown on her little sister's face.

"Too many coincidences. Too many unanswered questions. It appears too convenient to me that Twilight vanishes for over a year, and just as she is nearing her time to give birth, she is dropped back practically right into our hooves."

"I agree that this is either a plot, or a miracle. However, if possible, I don't want to risk losing her again."

Her gathered friends all voiced their agreement.

In one corner of the room, Rainbow Dash stood. The neutral scowl on her face hid her innermost thoughts, including the memory of what happened over a year ago...


Thirteen Months Ago...

Rainbow Dash, the Weather Pony, stood before the path leading into the Everfree Forest; one that she trod on almost two years ago with a new friend. Standing at her side were Applejack and Twilight Sparkle, wearing saddlebags, all three staring into the dark and creepy forest.

It was only a few moments before Applejack finally spoke up. "Are ya sure about this Twi? I mean, isn't there any other books you can find?"

Twilight sighed and nodded. Ever since her brother's nearly-ruined wedding several days ago, she had been trying to find more information about the Changelings. Who are they? Where did they come from? Were they always like that? These were the questions in her mind, begging to be answered. "I'm sure Applejack. I've looked through 'Magika's Manual of Monsters,' 'Cardignia's Collection of Creatures,' 'Star-swirl the Bearded's Supreme Secrets,' and even 'Dementia's Dictionary of Demons'... remind me to take that last one and get rid of it... no pony should ever read it... I mean... Colthulhu? Gimme a break, but still something about it gave me a nightmare." Twilight shuddered at the last book, it's contents detailing odd and ancient creatures that couldn't possibly still be around, even if they did exist.

Rainbow Dash hovered above the two. "Well, we're wasting daylight the longer we talk here. The sooner we get what you need from the castle ruins, the sooner we can get back. Preferably before dark."

Twilight and Applejack nodded as they stepped off, headed off into the forest. As the sun peeked through the tops of the trees, they soon making it to an all-too familiar cliff. At the top they paused to look around and Twilight swallowed at the close-call she had there. She closed her eyes as her horn glowed, teleporting both her and Applejack to the bottom. Rainbow Dash quickly flew down to rejoin them before once again walking deeper into the forest.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Ahem... thank you again for saving me our first time here. I really appreciate it."

Applejack smiled. "Why it weren't nothin' Twilight."

Another hour passed while traveling through the darkest part of the forest. They soon came across a familiar river. The water was still before an even more familiar purple sea serpent rose out, looking over the ponies with a smile.

"Oh my stars! Why hello there?! If it isn't the friends of the one that helped with my problem all that time ago! Had I known you were coming, I would've made some tea!"

Twilight smiled up at their acquaintance. "It's nice to see you too. You're looking as fabulous as ever, and I see your normal mustache grew back."

The sea serpent nodded. "Oh but of course. I do have the temporary one your friend gave me still in case of an emergency. I do hope she'll come and visit sometime. It's so rare to get visitors this deep into the forest. What brings you all the way out here?"

Twilight smiled. "Well you see, I was hoping that there might still be some books I need at the ancient castle ruins in the forest."

"The ruins of the castle? Oh my, I do hope you don't plan on going there!"

Rainbow Dash flew up before him. "And why not?"

"Well.... for a while now, I've been hearing strange noises coming from it's direction. And some strange lights too. I'm not sure what's going on, but I don't think it's any good. But I suppose you have to go there anyways. Just be sure to be safe and give that white pony friend of yours my regards. Oh! Where are my manners! Please allow me to help you ladies across."

Twilight and Applejack crossed along the serpent's back before giving him a small bow.

"Why thank you very much. And we'll be sure to tell Rarity to come visit you with with some of her latest designs. I'm sure you'll love them.

"You three be safe and visit again soon! Farewell!"

The three exchanged nervous looks. The warning was quite clear. Still, Twilight led the way towards the old castle, soon seeing it in the distance. As they very carefully made their way across the rope bridge, Rainbow Dash swallowed hard at sight of dark clouds surrounding the castle.

Applejack felt uneasy as well. "Twilight? Are ya sure about this? Maybe there's another way?"

Twilight gulped before looking towards her friends. "I'm ... I'm sure. We came all this way, we can't turn back now."

Dash and Applejack nodded, slowly walking into the castle with Twilight, unaware that they were being watched.

Slowly, silently, they made their way to the pedestal where they discovered the Elements of Harmony. Twilight smiled a bit. "This place brings back memories." She shook her head at the uneasy feeling. "Okay, We'll start in the Throne Room."

They quickly climbed to the tower, soon standing before the altar where they defeated Nightmare Moon. "This is as likely a place to start as any. I'll look over here, you girls check the side rooms.



They split up, Twilight walking around the altar to pause, staring at several shell fragments the same color as Princess Luna's coat: The remains of Nightmare Moon.

"... this certainly brings back memories..."

A frightening voice filled Twilight's mind; "It certainly does.... doesn't it Twilight Sparkle?"

Her eyes widened. Twilight thought the voice sounded familiar as she stepped backwards, her horn glowing.

"Who's there? Show yourself?"

"Why Twilight Sparkle. Don't tell me that you do not recognize us? It hasn't been that long since my defeat!"

The shadows and dark fog in the room gathered upon the altar, swirling quickly and taking upon a transparent shape of a dark armored mare, the most distinguishing thing about it were her glowing, almond shaped eyes. The phantom laughed darkly as Twilight took another fear-filled step back.

"Nightmare Moon? But we defeated you!"

"Defeated? Perhaps, but not destroyed, You merely purged me from that pompous princess." It smiled. "And YOU, Twilight Sparkle, I ask to come with me."

"Me? Why would you want me, and why would I ever agree?"

"Because, Twilight Sparkle, your ability with magic is still growing. But even so, you are nearly as powerful as an Alicorn Princess. You could even be as powerful as Starswirl the Bearded was, though it is of no surprise. You are the Element of Magic after all."

"I still don't understand, why me?"

"Why not you? Just think of all the power I could give you! I could show you magic beyond your wildest dreams, knowledge no other pony has considered in over a thousand years!"

"And why offer me this?" The purple mare asked skeptically.

"Because you deserve it! You defeated me! Only one of such as you is worthy of my power!" The shadow creature leaned forward, purring with a strange look. "... my dear... my.... mrrrr Love... Think of all the things I could show you!"

Twilight lowered her horn as it glowed brightly. "... get back! I'm warning you!"

"Do not resist me, my lovely. You have such potential being wasted. I am doing this for you own good!" She took a menacing step forward.

... but she stopped as running hoof steps announced the arrival of Twilight's friends.

"Twilight!" Applejack slid to a halt beside her, dragging her hoof against the ground while Rainbow Dash hovered above the two. Both glared at the specter as the Earth Pony announced; "Ya won't be takin' her without going through us first!"

Rainbow grinned. "And we won't make it easy on you!'

The Nightmare grinned and laughed loudly, her voice booming as it shook the entire castle, sending small stones falling around them. "If that is your wish, but you have no idea what your up against!" She announced in the booming Royal Canterlot Voice.

The phantom charged towards the trio, and they did the same. Twilight's horn sending bolt after bolt of lightning magic towards the cloudy apparition. A tentacle made of cloud swatted the Earth Pony and Pegasus aside before wrapping around Twilight, pulling her up onto the alter where she collapsed, drained of her magic.

"Wha-?" She tried to stand up.

"Hush, my love. You belong to me now, and I will take good care of you!" The phantom hissed in her mind, placing a barrier dome over her, before turning its attention to her friends.

Rainbow Dash zoomed in and started flying quickly around the cloud, starting to form a small rainbow-colored tornado. "How do ya like that?"

"Impressive, but no match for me!" Nightmare spun around in the opposite direction, creating a tornado herself that quickly overtook Dash's, sending her flying backwards against a column. Dash groaned and slid to the floor, her wings twitching and dazed slightly.

At the same time Applejack charged full force as the tornado moved to the side before stopping, grinning at the earth pony.

"You're strong, but your strength won't help you this time!"

"Ah still be able to put a hurtin' on ya!"

Applejack turned to buck a pillar, knocking it down atop of the phantom. The cloudy creature dispersed, letting the stone fall through her before reforming her image. It quickly reached over with shadowy tendrils that wrapped around Applejack's neck, squeezing and lifting the pony eye-level. "My turn..." She gave an angry hiss. The apparition then flung her, sending her skidding along the floor.

Rainbow Dash was back up, zipping back and forth around the creature before skidding in mid-air to deliver a buck right to the chin - it passed straight through. "Wha?!"

"Silly Pegasus." With a flick of mild annoyance, Rainbow was sent right back into the pillar she had been flung against. "To think you could challenge a God?"

Almost immediately, Applejack was right back, taking a shot at the shield, calling out to Twilight, who could only lay there, whimpering in discomfort and possibly a bit of pain.

"Stay away from her! She is MINE!" A flick of her ghostly tail sent Applejack flying towards and through a wall. With a loud crash she was plunged into an adjacent room.

Dash had opened her eyes just in time to see Applejack fly past her. She tried to get up, flying after Applejack, but to her, everything was slowed down.

Another rumble was heard, signalling some more falling stone within. Rainbow Dash managed to stand and looked through the hole. She trembled upon seeing the state of her friend.

Twilight saw all this, and tried to form a spell in her horn, tried to stand up, but whatever spell the Nightmare was using was making her weak, keeping her from thinking clearly. She wanted to get up, wanted to help her friends, but couldn't.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Oh, little Pegasus want more? Upset I hurt her mare-friend? You'll be joining her soon enough."

Dash zipped out one window before she crashed through a stained glass window, and out the opposite window, creating a Sonic Rainboom as she passed through the creature. The creature seemed to disperse but quickly reformed before it grabbed Dash by the tail and held her.

"You truly are the fastest pony in Equestria, but apparently not fast enough to save your friend!"

With a loud yell she threw Dash, spinning her head over tail before she impacted the back wall near the hole Applejack's passage had created. Rainbow yelled out at the impact before sliding to the floor, groaning, trying to stand with one of her wings partially extended and unable to fold correctly.

The Nightmare grinned, glaring at Twilight and stepping closer, a shadowy tendril reaching through the bubble and sliding against the pony's cheek.

"Now, Twilight Sparkle..." Her voice returned to the soft coo of a lover. "I do apologize, but your friends present me little choice. I must ask you to come willingly... or I will have to choose one of your friends. I don't want to hurt them, I just want you, my love. But they are unlike you, weaker, less worthy of the gifts I offer. And with those injuries... I am afraid that they would not survive."

Twilight gasped weakly, her eyes opening wide at the threat. She looked towards Rainbow Dash, who slowly, shakily got up onto her hooves.

"Don't do it Twilight! Don't listen to her! It's gotta be a trick!"

Twilight bit her bottom lip as her ears folded back before lowering her head. There was nothing she could do, the bubble sapping her magic, Rainbow and Applejack were badly hurt. There was little choice in the matter. She sighed softly. "I.... I'll go... if it means saving my friends... I'll go with you..."

Dash looked on in shock, tears beginning to well in her eyes. She limped faster toward the bubble as she saw the shadows and mist start to envelop the phantom and Twilight.

Twilight looked back, wiping tears from her own eyes. "I'll find a way home Dash. Take care of our friends for me..."

"No Twilight! We'll find you and bring you back! I promise!"

Rainbow Dash ran forward, trying to fly, trying to close the distance. When her wing moved, she jerked, yelling out at the pain, before running faster. She ran and jumped, but the dome collapsed, and Twilight was whisked away in smoke the color of the midnight sky. There was nothing solid for her to grab onto, and she fell to the ground as the mist dissipated, yelling out curses. She lay there on the floor, crying.

It was several minutes before she shakily rose and made her way into the next room. There she found Applejack, the Earth Pony covered in cuts and bruises, bleeding from the head, a foreleg twisted in an unnatural angle. She winced at this sight as she nuzzled under her friend, slowly lifting the other mare onto her back, carrying her and limping out of the castle slowly.

"Don't worry A.J.... I'll get you some help... and then I'll find Twilight.

She glanced over her shoulder at the castle. "... whatever it takes... I'll find her."



Rainbow Dash came back to the present, feeling a hoof on her shoulder. She turned to see Applejack, no longer beaten bloody, looking at her with a sad expression on her face.

"Ah know that look.... you're rememberin' what happened, aren't ya?"

Rainbow Dash could only nod with a heavy sigh. "A.J..... I'm... I'm sorry... I've been... I've acted like such a..."

Applejack just smiled. "A jerk? Like Gilda?"

Dash could only nod. "Yea... like her... I'm sorry for acting that way..."

Applejack smiled at her friend. "Don't worry about it Dash. We all been through a lot this past year. What matters now is we've got Twilight back, and we're all together again."

Rainbow Dash smiled in return, hearing a quiet voice nearby.


Both looked down the nearby hallway where Fluttershy had emerged from a door, a tray that once held Twilight's breakfast held between her wings.

"She will see you and Spike now."

Dash licked her dry lips. Twilight was found... and she'd be damned if she let her go again.