• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 23,286 Views, 486 Comments

The Broken Mare - darkangel_31314

Twilight Sparkle wakes up near the Everfree Forest, pregnant, with no idea how she got there.

  • ...

The Princesses

It would be great to curl up right here in bed, fall asleep, and wake up with everything normal. Back in the library, where she would have to wake up Spike, organize her office, organize her lists, check her list of lists, and worry about Rainbow Dash crashing into the library while trying a new aerial stunt.

But that wouldn't happen. It didn't happen last night, and now the Princesses were on their way.

Twilight heard them before they appeared...

Going to have to be careful with them.

That was a no-brainer.

While it would be great to see them again, they might be suspicious of what happened.


Especially Princess Luna...

"It's good to see you again, my faithful student." The soft, motherly voice flowed through the room as Twilight sat up eagerly, a smile on her face.


The large, perfect Alicorn slipped into the room, her fur a soft, pink-tinged white, with a rainbow mane flowing naturally behind her. She was followed by her slightly smaller, and much darker, sister. Rainbow Dash and another Pegasus guard stepped in after them, standing at attention on either side of the door.

But it was the ruler of Equestria that drew all of Twilight's attention. Just looking upon her made many a problem drain away, her entire form emitted calm reassurance. Looking up at those wonderful soft magenta eyes made her want to forget the last 48 hours of this nightmare. That was... until she noticed a sadness to them.


"It's okay, Twilight. I'm just... so glad to see you well."

Twilight slipped from the bed and pressed herself against one of the Alicorn's forelegs, giving a tender nuzzle, receiving a tender nuzzle in turn. "I know, Princess. This last day has just been... Ugh!" She sat and frowned. "One minute I'm home after my brother's wedding, the next... a year has passed and I've been declared dead?" She looked up, from one Princess to the other.

"Applejack told us everything that you told her, Twilight." Celestia replied.

"We searched for months, Twilight, but could find no sign of you." Luna explained softly. "My sister and I tried to trace the spells the entity used, but could not locate them, or you. You had simply... ceased to be."

"How is that possible? I'm here, now, and I can feel this life growing with me."

"That is the mystery." Luna said, unsure.

Twilight nodded. "Another mystery; what was that thing?"

"The Nightmare." Luna said immediately. Quite sure of herself.

Both Twilight and the white Alicorn looked to her in surprise. Even the two guards blinked.

I knew it...

"Sister, are you quite sure?"

"Positive." Luna sat, eying Twilight suspiciously.

Something is wrong...

Twilight stared. Something in Luna's eyes the unicorn didn't like. Something tickled the back of her mind. The confidant feelings keeping her from going into all-out panic since she woke up began to waiver, as they warned her to keep quiet.

"I would be more assured if you could explain you thoughts on this, Sister." Celestia sat as well, watching her sister carefully.

"We were sharing the same body for well over a thousand years." The response came, matter-of-factually. "I know her... I am more than familiar with her thoughts, her presence. I can feel her touch on you, my friend." She eyed Twilight with concern.

Twilight paled.

Just as I thought. She is suspicious of me...

Twilight slowly nodded in the silence. She finally spoke; "... that would explain why I can't remember... she took my memories of what she did to me."

Celestia nodded slowly. "She obviously knew she would release you back to us. Why, I do not yet know. She didn't want us tracking her to where she hid you."

"What now?"

"... now, I think we should take you and your friends to Canterlot." The Princess glanced at Luna who frowned. "It is most secure there, and the Elements are still stored there. If the Nightmare does reappear, to complete whatever plan she has, it is best to fight on terms of our choosing. Wouldn't you agree, Sister?"

Luna nodded thoughtfully. "... that may be best..." She muttered, almost to herself thoughtfully, as if she didn't completely believe it herself.

"Lieutenant, prepare our carriage to take Twilight back to the castle."

Rainbow Dash saluted smartly before ducking out the door.

"Sister, I must discuss our plans with you." Luna looked up with steeled eyes.

Celestia nodded and excused herself, slipping out the door and dismissing the other guard before following the smaller Alicorn to a vacant part of the hallway.

Something is definitely off... The voice warned.

The back of Twilight's mind had noted each instance that Princess Luna was studying her. While the Night Goddess was always aloof and careful, she was the more analytical of the two Royal Pony Sisters. They had become friends the Nightmare Night before Twilight had been abducted, but this was way off. She was near borderline hostile and untrusting this time.

Must find out more.

Twilight quickly selected a spell and her horn glowed softly. Her hooves made not a sound with the noise-cancelling spell placed on them, allowing her to move silently up to the door and cracked it, peering toward the two. An ear flick, and another spell, and she was able to eavesdrop on them effortlessly.

Celestia was speaking with the stern voice she used on Twilight when teaching her all those years ago. "... I do not understand your concern." She was frowning at her little sister.

"I am aware, but I had the sense of her passing while searching the castle a year ago. It was definitely faded, but there."

"Dark magic of that kind would not have gone unnoticed, Sister, even to me."

"I still don't want to take the risk of bringing Twilight within our defenses."

"Why? That is what I want to know."

"Because I know perhaps the best what Nightmare Moon was capable of. She is a planner, a strategist, thinking many moves ahead. Only your unexpected ploy of using your Student allowed her downfall. But I know her, Sister..." Luna scowled dangerously. "... and I can tell you that she is up to something. She released Twilight, fully knowing that we would snatch her up to protect her."

"That sounds like paranoia to me."

"You said you'd pay closer attention, especially after what Queen Chrysalis pulled."

The white Alicorn glared. "I thought we agreed not to bring that up..."

Luna placed an apologetic hoof on her older sister's shoulder. "Sister... Let me be blunt. I can sense, right now, not only her touch, but her presence, in that room." Luna stared her sister in the eye, inclining her horn toward Twilight's door - the eavesdropping unicorn flinched in reflex.

Celestia's eyes, contrary to the narrow, accusing eyes of the Night Goddess, went wide.

At the same time, a lump quickly formed in Twilight's throat, and a sickness in her womb.

"... you can...?"

"Yes, dear sister... I can sense Nightmare Moon within Twilight Sparkle..."

Twilight swallowed hard.

The voice in the back of her mind cursed.