• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 23,286 Views, 486 Comments

The Broken Mare - darkangel_31314

Twilight Sparkle wakes up near the Everfree Forest, pregnant, with no idea how she got there.

  • ...

The Escape

Twilight Sparkle paced in her room on the verge of panic.

Need to remain calm. This situation can be saved.

The small voice in the back of her mind urged her to control her breathing, analyze the situation, and consider possible responses. Thus, she did. The small voice hasn't steered her wrong yet.

Think, Twilight. Item One: The Princess Luna was suspicious of me, and rightfully so - I had been imprisoned by the Nightmare for over a year. Item Two: It was apparent that the Princess believes me to be possessed by the Nightmare, who wanted me pregnant for some reason. Item Three: Princess Luna has a very nasty history with the Nightmare... who may try to get revenge.

She paused in mid-pacing. It was clear, now that she thought about it; Twilight needed to escape.

That's right. Need to protect the foal.

Must protect the Foal.

The familiar voice purred in the back of her mind again. It was true. She needed to protect her child from the Nightmare, and possibly the Princesses.

Her eyes were tinged with gold as she reached out to a button beside the bed, pressing it. Within a minute, Fluttershy entered the room.


"Fluttershy..." She licked her lips nervously. "We have a problem. Princess Luna thinks that the Nightmare may have done more to me... I think she might try to harm the foal."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy gasped.

Twilight went on to explain what she overheard, and her fears. The Pegasus doctor listened intently, a worried look slowly forming.

"Are you really sure, Twilight? You did always have a problem with overreacting to things involving the Princess..." She was obviously recalling the incident with Philomena.

"I'm sure, Fluttershy. I need to find out for myself. I need my friends."

She needs convincing. She is my friend. She will help.

Twilight walked forward, putting her hooves on Fluttershy's shoulders. "I need you, Fluttershy. I need your help. I need it to sneak out of here, and to the Library. I think there are some books there I could find some spells in that would help me find out what the Nightmare did to me."

The butter-coated Pegasus frowned. "Dash has this place crawling with guards, even more now that your brother has arrived."

"Shiny's here?"

A nod. "Yes, and they're not going to risk letting you out of their sight again."

"Could Rainbow help?"

"... I dunno... we could try and ask her?"

Twilight considered the risks.

There is no real other choice.

Twilight agreed. "Do it."

The Pegasus nodded and quietly slipped out of the room.

Twilight, meanwhile, needed to prepare. She ripped off the hospital gown and looked out the window. Sure enough there were guards patrolling around the hospital. With so many important ponies in one spot it was only natural, Shiny always did take his job seriously.

He might be a problem.

How so?

He is also very protective of family, and that includes me.


The door opened, and Dash entered, her helmet tucked under a wing.

"'shy says you need to talk to me?"

Twilight turned from the window and frowned. "Rainbow, I need your help. The Princesses are suspicious of me, but the Nightmare is obviously up to something and I need to find out what it is. So I need to slip out of here. To do that, I need your help."

The blue Pegasus frowned. "You want me to help you escape?"

"Yes." She looked her friend in the eye.

"Twilight, you do realize what you're asking me."

"I do. And I wouldn't ask this unless it was very important. You could accompany me, to say that I was under guard the whole time. But I need to do this, I need to find out what was done to me." She stomped the floor with a forehoof. "You heard Princess Celestia... she wants to take me to Canterlot and lock me away in the hopes that the Nightmare will come to me, but Princess Luna thinks otherwise."

Dash closed her eyes. "If it wasn't anypony else... I'd doubt you." She opened them, a smirk on her face. "... but you're the egghead here. I'll do it."


Five minutes later Rainbow Dash emerged from a bottom floor stairwell and glanced around. Just as she'd timed it, the guards had moved on to check other areas. She waved a hoof, and Fluttershy and Twilight - both in doctor's coats - emerged.

They turned toward the back door - and were immediately stopped by a clearing throat.

"Going somewhere, Lieutenant?"

All three mares slowly turned around to regard a Royal Guard officer with a wry smirk on his face.

"Shiny..." Twilight swallowed hard.

"Twilie..." His eyes darted from Fluttershy and her ashamed face, to Rainbow Dash who swallowed and stood at attention.

The purple unicorn cleared her throat. "I know what this looks like... but we're not going to get any answers with me locked up in Canterlot. I'm going to find out. For myself, for my friends, and for your niece or nephew..."

There was silence as Shining Armor glared at his sister for a few moments.

Twilight swallowed hard again.

Flash to blind him, followed by a triple-teleport. Should be a clear area behind the wall five meters to the back-left... The voice began plotting the spells to be used to escape. However, just as she was ready to begin the sequence of spells, her brother spoke.

"Lieutenant, Whitewing is on the back door. Best ask him to check the west side real quick while you 'cover' for him." He grinned. "That should give you time you need."

All three mares released the breaths they had been holding.

Twilight stepped forward and hugged her brother. "Thank you, B.B.B.F.F."

He hugged back. "I know, Sis. Just... take care of yourself, okay? You owe me, Cadence, and our parents a visit after all this is over."

She gave him a nuzzle before following Fluttershy and Rainbow dash toward the back door.