• Published 23rd Jul 2019
  • 3,929 Views, 126 Comments

This is Home. - Lucy_Marigold

Twilight is different, that's for sure. Only, she didn't know how different she was until that fateful Wedding.

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Chapter 18 - Books Are A Queen’s Best Friend.

~Chapter 18 - Books Are A Queen’s Best Friend.~

6:15 AM, June 23nd, 2 S.E.

The Enigma Hive.

Twilight Sparkle sat in silence for a moment, the feeling of Death’s wing around her back slowing disappearing. It was quiet.

Stepping into her mother’s old bedchambers, the smell of old blood assaulted her nostrils. She screwed her eyes closed, igniting her horn with magical energy. She shifted rubbled out of the room or back into the ceiling whilst also repairing whatever her magic came into contact with. When she opened her eyes, the room was somewhat restored. The stain on the ground was still there as well as most of the dust and grim yet it reflected what little Twilight had remembered of her mother’s bedchamber.

Her eyes gravitated towards the small notebook resting on an old dresser. Twilight levitated it over, holding it in her hooves. Whatever was inside seemed to be of extreme value as when she moved to open it, she was assaulted by a tidal wave of magical energy.

Warding spells.

Lighting her horn once more, Twilight shifted through the spells, dispelling as many as she could. The book opened with a satisfying click. She opened it to the first pages, reading aloud. “‘December twenty-third, nine-seventy-seven celestial era. Mother gifted me this new book knowing I like to document my thoughts. It’s quite a lovely gift. Today is the Queen’s Summit, an ongoing tradition between the Hives since their inception. But Mother’s quite ill today and I have to take her place. Doctor Tulip said she doesn’t have long to live. Queen Leilani and Queen Kalina-”

3:34 PM, December 23nd, 977 C.E.

The Enigma Hive.

“Princess Odonata, it’s a pleasure to see you.” A striking red changeling said as she entered, followed by a viridescent changeling. They sat down around the circular table, a few lavender drones darting in and out as they served refreshments.

“And you as well, Queen Leilani and Queen Kalina.” Odonata greeted.

“Where is your mother?” The green changeling, Queen Kalina asked, taking a sip from her tea.

“Mother’s quite ill, I’m afraid. I’ll be taking her place today for the summit.”

“Oh, that’s terrible! What have the doctors said?” Alarm appeared on both queen’s faces, shifting to concern.

Odonata shook her head gravely before speaking. “A few months at least.”

“As tragic as it may be, changelings always continue no matter the cost. Now, what other news do you two have?” Leilani muttered.

“Well, recently some of my changelings went missing by the mountains. They were scouting for new territory expansion.” Kalina responded, stirring honey through another cup of tea before passing it over to Leilani.

“I do hope you aren’t planning on invading the dragons. Do you recall what happened last time one of us tried that?” The red and beetle-like changeling scoffed, accepting the cup of tea.

“It’s merely scouting. I do not plan on expanding too much further, I would be invading poor Lantana if I did. How are things in the badlands, Lelilani?”

“Nothing new. Although, the hippogriffs have retreated to their underwater kingdom. Some of my sleeper agents are with them.”

“Sleep agents? Mother said no one’s used sleeper agents since before she was crowned.” Odontata commented. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Ha! Not for Libellua changelings.” The Libellua queen chortled, Kalina joining her. “Anyway, what news do you have for us, Princess?”

“Well, as you know, mother is quite ill but there is some good news!” Odonata chirped, shifting awkwardly. “I’m with child.”

“That’s great for your hive!” Leilani clopped her hooves together, smiling. It had been a long time since any of the hives had news of a new princess. There hadn’t been any since Chrysalis and Odonata herself.

“Oh my! How wonderful for you! I do wish Chrysalis is like you are when it comes to these kinds of things.” The green one sighed, toying with her empty teacup. The other queen laughed, smiling.

“‘Tis a shame that Latanta will miss meeting the little one.”

“Yes, such a shame.”

6:19 AM, June 23nd, 2 S.E.

The Enigma Hive.

Twilight turned the page, fully enraptured by what she was reading. It was a diary, a record of the past. Her mother’s journal. It was extremely detailed in what she wrote, occasional pictures illustrating her scenes. As she went, the writing became sombre, almost desperate. “February twenty, nine-seventy-eight celestial era. By Enid, Mother… she’s-” The sentence was scratched out. “‘I’m not ready for such a thing like this. She’ll never get to know my daughter.-’”

11:58 PM, February 19th, 978 C.E.

The Enigma Hive.

Mother?” A small voice whispered, entering the bedchamber. Princess Odonata stepped towards her mother’s bedside. “I’ve just spoken with Celestia…”

“Ah. Has she come to see me off, has she?” Lantana’s voice was raspy and deep. She coughed, her brittle and aged wings flying up behind her.

“Mother, I’m not ready for this.” Odonata bit her lip, holding back tears.

“Just think of it as me returning to Luna’s moon. We live as we die, under the moonlight.” Another cough, more spluttering. Odonata placed a hoof against her mother’s own, taking a shaky breath.

“But mother-”

“Listen to me, my little dragonfly.” The queen’s hoof rose up to place itself against her daughter’s chin, bringing her closer. “You shall do great things and so will your daughter. The lullaby, it’s a prophecy. It was given to me by a great mare long ago.” Cough. “Pass it on for me, my little dragonfly.”

“I will, Mother.” The princess murmured.

“I love you, dragonfly.” One last smile.

“I love you too, Mother.”

6:20 AM, June 23nd, 2 S.E.

The Enigma Hive.

“‘-Those were the last words Mother ever spoke. I need to contact the other Queens to prepare the funeral. She’s gone. By Enid, I’ll make her proud.’” Twilight paused, wiping away the tears that had formed. She lowered the book slightly, biting her lip. It was a little heartbreaking to read, her mother’s crushing words as she described her loss.

But Twilight continued, turning more pages until she landed on a certain date in particular. This one had a drawing. “‘June twenty-third, nine-seventy-eight celestial era. My daughter, my daughter’s come into the world.’” Twilight halted, staring at the page for a moment before continuing. “‘And now I understand what Mother meant when she said I was a hoof-full. Twilight Moon’-Wait what? Moon? My real name is Twilight Moon?” Twilight almost dropped the old book, frowning. “‘But I refer to her as Twilight. The other Queens are ecstatic about Twilight’s birth. It’s been centuries since a princess has been born, so it’s no surprise that they’re so excited. Chrysalis visited earlier and she brought a small gift for Twilight.-” Twilight was interrupted when a loud clatter echoed outside the chamber. The sound of hooves followed, thumping against the tile.

A figure appeared in the doorway, the light streaming behind them as shadow masked them. Sunlight glinted off of the sword in their mouth, body language indicating agitation.

It wasn’t a changeling.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Twilight panicked, wings fluttering behind her as she dropped the journal to the ground. The figure stepped forward and her panic shifted to confusion. “Shining Armour?!”

Author's Note:

A/N You know what? I'm just gonna upload whenever. I seriously can't wait. :twilightblush: Enjoy. Oh, congrats to xDHannibalxD for guessing the twist long before anyone.