• Published 23rd Jul 2019
  • 3,929 Views, 126 Comments

This is Home. - Lucy_Marigold

Twilight is different, that's for sure. Only, she didn't know how different she was until that fateful Wedding.

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Chapter 26 - We Mourn The Fallen.

Author's Note:

A/N I planned for this! Enjoy! :heart: :twilightsheepish:

~Chapter 26 - We Morn The Fallen.~

02:13 PM, June 30th, 2 S.E.

The Canterlot Castle.

The air became heated as Princess Celestia, regent and the embodiment of the sun itself, unwrapped herself from the sobbing Twilight Sparkle. She slowly trotted towards the injured Queen Rhene, each step carefully calculated. “Queen Rhene was it?” Her voice was eerily calm. “We’ve met before, haven’t we?” Chrysalis took a step back, watching with caution.

“Hehe… you never responded.” Rhene spat out, laughing. “You left me to die!”

“You and I both know why I didn’t come that morning.” Celestia narrowed her eyes, her scowl deepening. “You’ve committed both treason against the crown and murder. Why shouldn’t I kill you, Rhene?

“You can’t kill me! Hehe.” She laughed. “That traitor nor her dead ally deserve my sympathy. Nor does that pathetic excuse for an Enigma queen.” Rhene bristled, more blood gushing from her lips as they curled into a smile.

“She is not pathetic,” Chrysalis muttered as she watched Luna sit down beside Twilight, tears falling from the ebony mare. “She’ll be a better ruler than you ever will, Rhene. Celestia-” The green changeling turned to Celestia, placing a hoof on the other mare’s side. “-I do believe you should let me and Twilight Sparkle handle this one. She did after all break our rules. You may punish her however you see fit but I do believe we should consult Twilight first.”

“Yes, that would be a suitable cause of action. I’ll have guards take her to the infirmary.”

“I think Skitter and Crystal here can do that.” Chrysalis motioned to two changeling drones standing in the doorway, one lavender, the other green. Skitter was hesitant, eyes glancing over to Applejack’s still form before finally walking forward. They nodded, picking up the battered Rhene in their magic.

“You haven’t heard the last of me, Celly! You’ll regret this, Chrissy!” She laughed once more, hacking and coughing as she was dragged out of the room.

Finally, there was quiet.

Twilight glanced up at the two sombre rulers, her cheeks stained with tears as they rolled down her cheeks. “What will the girls say?” Her voice was hoarse, a painful tone echoing forward. “They-” She sobbed again. “They didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.”

Rainbow Dash was uncharacteristically quiet, eyes glued to the floor as her wings grazed the ground beside her. Streaks of tears stained her chitin, red eyes portraying little emotion.

“Twilight…” Celestia bowed her head, sitting down beside her former student. “It’ll be alright. That I can assure you.”

6:54 AM, July 3rd, 2 S.E.


The sun just peaked over the horizon, morning light bathing the ponies and changelings gathered. Twilight Sparkle sat with Chrysalis as she watched the grieving Apple family give Applejack a final goodbye.

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity sat by the family, crying. Pinkie’s usually poofy pink mane had lost its colour, limping falling in front of her face. Fluttershy had her face buried in her hooves as Rarity rubbed a comforting hoof along her back. Rarity was fairing no better, her mascara was running down her cheeks, staining her white fur.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t here.

Applejack’s tombstone sat at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, near the Everfree. Her broodmates sat quietly, some in mourning, others simply being there for support. The air tasted sweet, like apples and cider. Summer was gone, replaced with the time of harvest.

It would be apple-bucking season soon.

Chrysalis draped a hoof around Twilight, letting the other queen silently sob. There was a heartbreaking cry as Applebloom cried, clinging to her older brother. Celestia and Luna stood nearby, without their regalia and heads bowed. Celestia seemed equally as sad as Applejack’s family, a regretful frown on her muzzle.

Flowers and other precious objects were placed over the loose dirt, Granny Smith shaking her head in disbelief. Her aged eyes turned towards the lavender queen at the edge. She shakily trotted over. “Miss Twilight Sparkle. I must thank ya.” She croaked in greeting.

“Why? I-” Twilight’s gaze jerked upwards, staring at the older mare. “Why are you thanking me?”

“If it ain’t fer yer mother, ah wouldn’t have had Applejack in mah life. The day she came ta us telling us of what happened and seekin’ refuge, ah can’t say ah’ve been happier since Buttercup and Bright Mac passed. Time passes us all, we all hav’ a time ta die.” Granny Smith smiled curtly, patting an ancient hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “She’d be proud of ya.”

With that, the elder waddled back to her family, taking Applebloom into a tight hug.

But it’s my fault she’s dead.” Twilight found herself whispering.

“It isn’t your fault, Twilight. We all die eventually, even us. We may have centuries of life but we all die in the end. Be it illness or some other means.” Chrysalis bluntly muttered, holding the younger one tighter.

The lavender changeling queen glanced up at Chrysalis. “I’ve… neglected to ask this but… how did you know I was a changeling, or at least there being changelings that weren’t yours in Ponyville?”

Chrysalis hesitated, opening her mouth before closing it. “I always sort of knew that you lived. I… I’m sorry about sending one of my brood that night, Sparkle.”

“It’s okay.” Her voice was quiet, sorrow radiating off of her. “‘When all is said and done, your Hive will thrive but at an unspeakable cost. A cost so great it could unbalance all of harmony.’ Death told me that. I know what she means now.”

“Rhene will have her judgement in the end, you know that right?” The other queen scowled.

“I know.” She whispered. “Queens carry on, right?”

“Queens carry on.”